Non-Human Seeking Re-employment

Chapter 1: Mr. A's funeral


The torrential rain poured down, rustling in the night.

This is a self-built house in the countryside. It is a long time ago. The walls are stained with all kinds of dirt, and a pile of rusted farm implements is thrown in the corner. It exudes an inexplicable smell.

The chandeliers on the ceiling flickered and dimmed. A circle of people sat on the shabby sofa below, facing an old-fashioned TV.

Presumably because there was no signal, black and white particles flickered on the TV screen and made a harsh sizzling sound.

Sitting on the sofa was a sturdy man with a gold chain, a high school girl in a JK uniform, a polite office worker... They were apparently unrelated people, but they sat together.

No one speaks.

There was lightning and thunder outside the window, and the TV screen went black for a moment and then turned on again, but it was still black and white, but there was a high and hysterical female voice:

[Welcome to Infinite Nightmare Game]

[You have entered the novice level]

[Please attend Mr. A's funeral and find the murderer]

After the voice fell, there was only nervous laughter left, which made people chill.

Finally someone couldn't bear it anymore and stood up: "What the hell is going on? Can someone tell me?"

The person talking was an office worker in a suit and leather shoes. From time to time, he looked down at the watch on his wrist, worried that he would be deducted from his attendance award for being late. However, his watch seems to be broken. So far, the time has been fixed at seven in the morning and has not moved further.

His questioning was like a switch, triggering emotions in the rest of the hall.

The female high school student bowed her head and sobbed: "I want to go home..."

The office worker stepped forward and walked to the gate, trying to open it, but the gate was closed tightly and motionless.

The golden chain also stood up and looked around.

The windows were also shut tightly, with strips of wood nailed to them. Gold Chain picked up an axe from a pile of farm implements and chopped it down hard, trying to break open the window to get out.


An axe fell, the wood broke, and cobweb-like cracks appeared on the glass windows.

Jin Lianzi was overjoyed: "There is a play."

Saying that, he raised the axe again, trying to smash the glass window directly. It's just that before the axe fell, he heard a "pop", and a bloody handprint was slapped on the window.

The golden chain was startled, and the axe in his hand fell to the ground with a dull sound.

clap clap —

Countless bloody handprints were slapped on the window, as if trying to break through a thin layer of glass and enter inside. And the windows trembled, as if they were about to crack.

Jin Lianzi took a step back and swallowed: "What's going on? Is there really a ghost?"

"What the hell? These are all lies!" The office worker was more irritable and picked up the axe on the ground, "Get out of the way."

As soon as he pushed the gold chain away, he raised his axe and was about to slash through it.

Just before it fell, the glass cracked with a "click".

The office worker's movements stagnated, and he watched helplessly as a pale hand stretched out from the darkness behind the window and grabbed his arm.

"What is this!" The office worker panicked and tried to break free.

But this weird hand was as thin as a stick, but with great strength, it grabbed the office worker abruptly and pulled it outside.

The office worker finally knew that all this was not something that people could do. Seeing that he was about to be pulled out of the room, he screamed: "Help—"

The golden chain has long been frightened.

The female high school students shrank into a ball, not daring to move.

Others have no intention of giving up their lives to save others.

The office worker was just pulled out of the narrow window, his body bent into a twisted posture, and disappeared into the darkness.

The hall fell into a dead silence again.

Only the sound of eating food came from outside the window.

"You should be thankful that there is one less idiot." The person sitting in the middle of the sofa crossed his legs, "I will teach you the first point, that is, don't act casually, a grass or a flower here may want you all. life."

After going through the scene just now, everyone was honest. Hearing what the man said, he seemed to have found the backbone and looked at them one after another.

The man was very satisfied with the reactions of the others: "My surname is Chen, just call me Lao Chen."

The golden chain is very good, so he walked over immediately and handed a cigarette: "Brother Chen, have you ever played?"

Old Chen glanced at him appreciatively and took the cigarette: "I've played twice. The task for a novice is relatively simple, as long as you follow me obediently, there will be no problem."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of others looking at him became hot.

"But..." Old Chen Qu flicked the ashtray with his fingers and changed the subject, "There is no such thing as a pie from the sky."

A thin and non-mainstream yellow hair asked: "How much do you want?"

Old Chen tickled the corner of his lips sarcastically: "Here, money equals waste paper. I want your points after you pass the customs."

The high school girl said weakly: "What's the use of points?"

"Good question." Old Chen said, "Points can be exchanged for some life-saving things, but the mall can only be opened after passing the novice mission, so if you can't survive the novice mission, the points are useless."

Huang Mao, who has read many online novels, thought: "It's the same as the horror game written in the novel."

"Well..." Lao Chen exhaled a breath of smoke, "It's almost the same, but don't think that you are the protagonist. Everyone here is a hapless person who is lingering in the game. Only after ten games can they leave completely. This unlucky game."

The golden chain thought more and asked, "Can you guarantee our safety?"

Lao Chen didn't answer directly, but said, "As long as you don't die."

Huang Mao and the female high school students are both young and simple, and immediately agreed to Lao Chen's request, just wanting to save his life. Seeing that they all agreed, Jin Chain could only follow the flow.

Lao Chen calculated how many points would be credited, and smiled a little more on his face: "Do you have any questions? I will tell you what I know."

"Excuse me… "

Just then, a hand was raised in the corner of the sofa.

Everyone looked over.

There was a young man sitting in the corner, probably because he didn't say a word, he didn't seem to exist. He has a pair of almond eyes, and his black and white eyes exude a light of knowledge. He looks very good and cute, and when he smiles, he even shows pointed little tiger teeth.

Lao Chen said indifferently, "You can ask."

The young man raised his mobile phone and asked in great distress, "Why can't we play Landlord Fighting here?"

other people:…

The high school girl whispered, "There is no signal here."

She just tried to call the police, but it seems that all electronic facilities have failed, and there is no way to contact the outside world.


The young man took back his mobile phone in disappointment.

Lao Chen: This is not a fool, is it? Thinking of fighting the landlord in such a dangerous place

But even if Old Chen suspected that the young man was a little abnormal, it didn't prevent him from earning points, so he pretended to be kind: "What's your name?"

The young man was unprepared: "Shen Dongqing."

Lao Chen smiled and said, "As long as you promise to give me the points, I will take you through the border."

Shen Dongqing raised his eyelids and glanced at him: "No need."

Lao Chen's smile froze and became cold, and he said meaningfully: "This world is very dangerous, didn't you see that office worker just now? You can't even save your life if you're not careful. Say, what's the point of points?"

The words were mingled with subtle threats.

Shen Dongqing: "Oh."

Old Chen's smile disappeared completely, and he said with a gloomy face: "Young people always like to be brave, but they don't know that sometimes being brave will pay some tragic prices."

Lao Chen wanted to scare this man.

The people here are all newbies, and the novice tasks are not difficult but the points obtained are very high. For Lao Chen, every wool must be smashed.

Unexpectedly, after speaking, the boy was still unmoved.

Shen Dongqing was fiddling with his cell phone, and when he raised his head, he met Old Chen's staring gaze, and then he reacted with hindsight: "Are you talking to me?"

He thought about it and said politely, "Thank you for reminding me, but I'm not a young man anymore."

Shen Dongqing is actually a thousand-year-old ghost who has never been able to be reincarnated.

It's just that he was pulled into this world before he had time to enjoy high technology such as mobile phones and computers. He could feel that there were several ghosts in this house, but what he cared about most was that he couldn't play any of the games on his mobile phone.

Old Chen almost crushed the cigarette in his hand: Who the hell wants to remind you? I am threatening you!

He was about to teach the boy a lesson when there was a sudden sound of footsteps at the door.

Everyone present looked over nervously, only Shen Dongqing lowered his head and looked at the phone intently, trying to find a game that could be played without a signal.

creak —

The door opened to a gap, and a woman in a black long-sleeved dress with a black cloth hanging on her arm stood in the gap. She was bloodless, with a sad look on her face.

She stood at the door and said softly, "It's really hard for you to come here from thousands of miles away. I would like to ask you to stay here first. According to our custom, the funeral can only be carried out after three days of rest, and only then can I see my husband at the end. one side."

No one dared to take her word.

Or Old Chen said: "It's not hard."

Mr. A's widow glanced at Lao Chen and said in a soft voice, "The room is on the second floor. Let's rest for a night, and you can stroll around until tomorrow, but don't go to the last room on the third floor. Yes, the people in our village are older and don't like to be noisy at night."

After speaking, the widow left and closed the door.

At this moment, people in the hall saw two rows of wreaths and various paper figurines placed outside, looking chilly.

Huang Mao was a little excited: "Is this an NPC?"

Lao Chen glanced at it and retracted his gaze: "It may also be the ghost who will kill you. Listen to her, it's best to listen to the NPC in the game."

Huang Mao is very curious: "What will happen if you don't listen?"

Old Chen said gloomily, "Those who don't listen will die."

The self-built houses in the countryside are very spacious. There is a long corridor on the second floor. The corridor is dark and dull, and it seems that there is no end in sight. After turning on the lights, you can see closed doors on both sides.

The high school girl thought of a very important question: "What if we are separated and an accident happens at night?"

She is the only girl here.

Old Chen said: "It's only three days anyway. The four of us are squeezed into one room. We just live in this room, and it's easy to escape if anything happens."

He pointed to a room closest to the corridor.

The female high school student was relieved, and when she walked in, she suddenly thought of a question: "Four people?"

She, Lao Chen, Huang Mao and Jin Lianzi are four people, isn't there one more person

When Lao Chen heard her question, he sneered: "Someone wants to kill, can we blame us? He can attract the attention of ghosts by himself, isn't that bad?"

The golden chain is an adult, so naturally he has no opinion. After all, if they want to come, it is not the young man who died, maybe it is them who died.

Only the high school girl was a little nervous, but she had no choice but to say nothing.

Shen Dongqing didn't mind that he was pushed out and fell behind the large army. He walked up the stairs slowly, with a trace of sadness on his delicate brows.

Lao Chen hugged his shoulders and looked at him: "You know you're afraid? It's too late to regret it now."

Shen Dongqing didn't know why this person always cared about him. When he was a ghost, he was quite indifferent. He didn't expect that when he became a human, he could still feel the warmth between people.

It's just that Shen Dongqing is used to being indifferent and doesn't know how to answer, so she can only say firmly, "I'm not afraid."

Old Chen sneered: "Dead duck is tough, I advise you not to take your face so seriously, just admit your mistake and give me the points, and I will save your life."

Shen Dongqing said seriously: "Thank you for your concern, I'm really not afraid. I'm just wondering why I can't play any of the games on my phone."

Old Chen: ? I care about your points, but you care about your mobile games

After Shen Dongqing finished speaking, for fear that Lao Chen would talk to him again, he pushed open the door beside him and walked in without waiting for Lao Chen to speak.


The door was closed.

Lao Chen looked at the door, only to feel that he was despised by a daring novice, and sneered: "There are times when you regret it."

Shen Dongqing walked into the room.

There is a bed and a cabinet in the room, and there is a separate bathroom, which looks very simple. But not simply, there is a black and white portrait on the wall facing the door.

In the portrait is a man in his thirties, with a gentle appearance, staring at the person who walked in with a pair of eyes, not like a photo, but a living thing.

Shen Dongqing stood there, as if she was frightened.

The black-and-white portrait was very satisfied with his response, his eyes rolled, two lines of blood and tears shed, his arms raised, as if trying to break free from the frame and grab the person in front of him.

cry, scream in fear...

As long as you break the rules, you can kill you righteously...

The person in the black-and-white portrait clasped the frame with one hand, stretched the other hand like a noodle, and stretched out to the person in the room, almost touching Shen Dongqing.

Shen Dongqing pondered the interpersonal communication between human beings, raised his hand and held the cold hand.

"Hello." He also shook his heart sincerely, "I'm going to stay here for three days, so I'm bothering you."

The author has something to say: The sand sculpture is infinitely terrifying.

Not scary, maybe not even decrypted.

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"Villain Laid-off Reemployment"

Jiang Xiao became the mortal villain in the book. After changing the plot to no avail, he simply let himself go and did his best, harming countless characters in the book, even the protagonist did not escape.

In the end, he conformed to the plot and died, but he didn't expect to die, and when he opened his eyes, 20 years later, he became a pretty idiot.

At that time, the plot in the book ended, the world was peaceful, the protagonist ascended to the throne, and Jiang Xiao became... a legend.

Jiang Xiao: "It is said that I am the protagonist's Bai Yueguang?!"

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