Non-Human Seeking Re-employment

Chapter 109: maze


The three sat in the dark room, surrounded by the lame man.

The lame man shrank his neck desperately, reducing his presence.

But this was of no use. Shen Dongqing slapped the armrest of the chair with a "bang", the armrest that was not very strong cracked, and he was so caught off guard that he almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, Zhou Wenyan took a handful and grabbed the person.

Shen Dongqing touched his nose: "The quality is too bad..." He turned his head and said to the lame man, "Where is the token for entering the city?"

The lame man finds himself a little difficult.

Originally, he just wanted to deceive two free laborers to work, but he did not succeed in cheating, and even put himself in.

Obviously, the guests who came before were not like this.

The lame man secretly glanced at the three players, each taller and stronger than him.

... it's really hard.

Generally speaking, players will unconditionally follow what the NPC says, and they will not question at all. Why do they all play cards unreasonably when they come to him

"I-I don't know..." the lame man said with his head lowered.

Shen Dongqing looked at Zhou Wenyan.

Zhou Wenyan smiled and put his legs together: "Give you another chance."

There was no threat, but the lame man felt a chill inexplicably. He hesitated for a moment and said tremblingly: "I don't have a token, but I know where there is..."

Shen Dongqing: "Where?"

Lame man: "The one who made our bodies."


The pitch-black crow fluttered its wings, wandered in mid-air, and finally landed on a branch. It tilted its head and looked at this group of strange combinations.

The lame man walked in the front with difficulty, probably because he hadn't seen the sun for too long, his body twitched nervously.

But the three who followed behind had no sympathy at all, and no one even went to help him.

Shen Dongqing's eyes were fixed on the crow.

The crow looked at him.

One bird and one bird stared straight for a while, and the crow suddenly flapped its wings and screamed "quack" at Shen Dongqing, very provocative, with a look like you couldn't hit me.

Shen Dongqing picked up a stone and threw it at it.

The crow screamed and fell directly from the tree.

Shen Dongqing: "I want to bake it."

Crow: "Quack!"

Hearing this, it thumped up and struggled to fly into the distance, seeing that the direction it was flying was in the center of the ghost town.

The ingredients that he got ran away, and Shen Dongqing let out a "tsk" unhappy.

The lame man didn't notice the episode behind him, and still limped forward. He raised his head and looked at a lonely log cabin with difficulty.

The shape of the wooden house is a bit strange, straight and slender, and the roof is pulled high and crooked, making people worry that it will break from it.

The lame man withdrew his gaze, his cheeks twitched, and when he lowered his head, there was a hint of sinisterness in his eyes.

"Here it is." He stopped. "That lord has a weird temper and cruel methods, you..."

Before the words were finished, the three stood directly at the door.

Shen Dongqing was in charge of knocking on the door.

After three beeps, there was no movement in the wooden house.

Shen Dongqing knocked again politely, and then violently opened the locked door for the second time.

"The quality is not good." Shen Dongqing withdrew his hand while sighing, stepping on the door panel that fell to the ground and walked in.

Lame Man: …

He looked at the backs of the three people and thought viciously, if you enter this door, don't even think about getting out.

The moment he entered the dark environment, Shen Dongqing couldn't see anything clearly. After getting used to the dim light, he turned his head and saw a pitch-black figure in front of him.

The figure was only half a person tall. He was sitting in a wheelchair with his upper body hunched over and a hood on his head, so he couldn't see what it looked like.

"You guys..." The hut owner's voice was hoarse and had a gloomy smell. He looked at Shen Dongqing and Zhou Wenyan sullenly, "Ahem... two strangers got in."


A candle suddenly lit up, and the eyes were a strange blue, reflecting the shrunken eyes and dry profile of the owner of the log house.

Even the well-informed Wu Jia couldn't help being taken aback.

Shen Dongqing: "Well... we didn't know each other well."

The owner of the cabin: "… "

Shen Dongqing didn't quite understand his silence: "Did I say something wrong?"

The owner of the log house changed his rhetoric: "... Two living people actually got in."

But being interrupted like this, the terrifying atmosphere created was gone. The owner of the log house discovered this and immediately began to find a way to remedy it.

He stared at Shen Dongqing with shriveled eyes: "Cough cough... No one has ever walked into a ghost town, you..."

Shen Dongqing picked up the words of the owner of the wooden house, "Then we will be the first."

The owner of the cabin froze again.

"Cough cough cough—" He looked a little pissed off, his chest heaving constantly, as if he was going to die in the next second.

After coughing, the owner of the log house directly skipped unnecessary links and raised his voice and said, "You are all going to die!"

Then the cabin owner's wheelchair was overturned.

Shen Dongqing muttered as he started, "I didn't want to bully the disabled."

The owner of the log house gave a hurried cry and fell to the ground. He struggled to get up, but just as he straightened up, he was pushed back again, like a fish landing on the shore.

"You, you—" The owner of the log house had never been so embarrassed before, his hands rubbed on the ground constantly, and finally found a button.


There was a sound of gears rolling in the wooden house, and one figure after another hung down from the roof and hung in the air.

A thin silk thread was attached to the limbs of those figures, which controlled their movements. With the fingers of the owner of the log house, they all raised their heads and stared at the three guests with empty eyes.

Wu Jia said in surprise: "So many!"

There are too many people being manipulated, and they are densely stacked together with almost no gaps.

Shen Dongqing also felt that the space was too small to perform well, so he instructed Wu Jia: "Take the people, let's go out!"

Wu Jia: "Wait..."

Before he could react, he saw the hanging people move. Before he could think, he grabbed the owner of the wooden house who was lying on the ground and rushed outside.

The lame man wandered around for a while, and suddenly heard a scream from inside the wooden house, and suddenly laughed complacently.

This is what happens when you are not obedient.

The place where the owner of the log house lives is full of bureaucracy, and there are countless puppets, which are not much different from the fortress.

No matter how talented the person who goes in, they can't get out. In the end, there is only one outcome, and that is to become the next puppet.

The lame man turned around and walked back slowly, but within two steps of walking out, someone caught up behind him. Those people ran much faster than him, and passed him at once.

He turned his head and almost fell to the ground in shock.

Shen Dongqing also greeted him: "Hi—"

The lame man raised his hand and wiped his eyes. How could this, this person being carried like a sack on his hand look so familiar? ?

Wu Jia left the owner of the log house alone and twisted his wrist: "It's really heavy."

The lame man was so frightened that his legs stopped shaking: "This, this..." This is a famous little boss in this circle!

The owner of the log house lay on the ground reluctantly.

His wooden house is indeed indestructible, and the puppets inside are also very annoying. They can attack and retreat and defend, but they never thought that this group of people ran out with him directly!

Shen Dongqing said that it is necessary to be tough if it can be solved simply, and he is not a big fool.

He squatted down: "Tell me, where is the token?"

The owner of the log cabin rolled his eyes.

His IQ was a little higher than that of the lame man. He didn't tell the whereabouts of the token immediately, but pointed to a crooked path: "In the wooden house."

Shen Dongqing looked up at Zhou Wenyan.

This sounds unreliable.

The wooden house is full of activated puppets, and even Shen Dongqing will take some time to clean up.

The owner of the log house noticed their hesitation and said, "Of course something as important as the token should be kept in a safe place. You take me back to the wooden house, and I will give you the token."

Zhou Wenyan: "Then..."

"Wait!" Shen Dongqing suddenly raised his hand and said with great certainty, "He is lying, the token is definitely not in the wooden house!"

The owner of the cabin had a bad feeling.

He insisted: "I didn't lie to anyone..."

Shen Dongqing stared at the owner of the wooden house for a while, and smiled playfully: "I deceived you, I was not sure at first, but now I know that you are indeed deceiving."

The owner of the cabin: "… "

He was stubborn: "It's not in the wooden house, where else can it be?"

Shen Dongqing rested his chin in one hand, thinking thoughtfully: "If it were me, I would definitely take it with me." He looked at the tightly wrapped log house owner, and put his palms together, "You can tell by taking a look. already."

Saying that, Shen Dongqing is about to start.

The owner of the log house twisted and looked like a big girl.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Shen Dongqing was stopped by Zhou Wenyan.

Shen Dongqing blinked in confusion.

Zhou Wenyan: "It doesn't look good." He gave Wu Jia a look.

Wu Jia worked hard and started to do hard work.

Shen Dongqing originally wanted to see what the owner of the wooden house looked like, but Zhou Wenyan was blindfolded.

The temperature of the palm covered his eyes, Shen Dongqing unconsciously twitched his eyelashes, just rubbing against the palm of his hand. Zhou Wenyan felt a little itchy, but the slightly raised lips under the palm of his hand were too attractive, so he couldn't help but lean forward to taste it.

Wu Jia looked up in the interval of toil, and only felt a little pain in his teeth. He sucked in a breath of cold air, stripped off the owner of the wooden house, and shook it in mid-air. Sure enough, he shook out a pitch-black token.

"found it!"

The voice fell, and another pile of tokens fell from the clothes, almost forming a hill.

Shen Dongqing took Zhou Wenyan's hand and muttered, "I have an idea..."

Wu Jia: "What?"

Shen Dongqing: "One token for three yuan, three for ten yuan."

The lame man and Wu Jia:

A group of people came empty-handed and returned with a full load.

The sound of hurried footsteps came from the originally dead alley, and the players had their own thoughts and hurried past with their heads lowered.

They all received quests from different NPCs, and the NPCs wanted different things. It might be the tongue of the hanged ghost or the heart of the drowned ghost. Anyway, killing each other is over.

Players know that all the competitors are present, especially after knowing the secrets of the ghost town, no one wants to compete for the places inside the ghost town. They are vigilant against each other, for fear that swords will face each other in the next second.

Just when I was worried, a hand suddenly stretched out from the side.

"The token is three dollars apiece."


Shen Dongqing: "The offer is only available once, you can't miss it when you pass by."

The players looked at each other.

Whether it's true or not, it doesn't seem like it's a loss if you buy it.

A player stood up: "We didn't bring cash."

In the game, there is no difference between money and paper, and of course no one will carry it with them.

Shen Dongqing's cheeks bulged, as if hesitating. After a few seconds of silence, he said, "Eating is fine."

Points can be exchanged for snacks in the game mall. In order to prevent special situations, players will bring some more or less. Now the brave player touched it for a long time, took out a pack of chocolates and handed it over.

Shen Dongqing took the money in one hand and delivered the goods in one hand, and immediately handed over the token.

The player thought it was okay to be deceived, but as soon as he got the token, he realized it was true, and he was overjoyed. After the celebration was over, he felt a little embarrassed again. It was obvious that he took advantage of a bag of chocolates for tokens.

He hesitated for a moment, and told Shen Dongqing a piece of information: "The ghost king has not appeared for a long time, and it is very likely that he is no longer in the ghost town."

With the first person to start, the next thing is very simple.

The players who were secretly preparing to stab each other lined up in a friendly long queue, and they bought the tokens one after another with money, turning disputes into peace.

Most people are more conscientious and feel that they have taken advantage of it, so they use various gossip as compensation.

"The ghost king has disappeared, and whoever finds his treasure can become the next ghost king."

"It is said that there is a door to leave the game deep in the ghost town."

"The game is very afraid of ghost towns, so there is no information about ghost towns in the player forum."

"… "

As for some players who refused to abide by the trading rules and wanted to grab it, they were quickly thrown aside.

Shen Dongqing opened a store for the first time. He had no experience, but he gained a lot. In less than three hours, the tokens in his hand were bought by the players who heard the news, in exchange for a bunch of snacks.

There were too many snacks, and three people couldn't take them. A kind lady gave them a backpack, which perfectly solved the problem.

The backpack was packed, Shen Dongqing was about to reach for it when Zhou Wenyan carried it on his back first.

Shen Dongqing leaned over and nearly pulled the whole person on Zhou Wenyan's body: "I want to drink Coke!"

Zhou Wenyan held a can of Coke in his hand and teased wickedly: "I'll give it to you with a kiss."

Shen Dongqing went up and took a sip, and got the coke with satisfaction. He opened the can and took a sip, sighing contentedly.

After drinking it, he seemed to have thought of something, with a sly smile on the corner of his mouth. He kissed Zhou Wenyan again in the past, and after the kiss, he deliberately asked, "Is it delicious?"

The smell of carbonated drinks lingered between the two of them.

Zhou Wenyan said slowly: "I haven't tasted it yet, let's take another bite."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a half-drinking can of Coke handed over in front of him.

Zhou Wenyan: "...It's not like that."

Shen Dongqing tilted his head, somewhat confused as to how he drank it.

Zhou Wenyan taught Shen Dongqing by example, and let him understand how to drink it.

Wu Jiabai squatted to the side boredly, and whispered: "It's all an old couple, is it necessary to be so tired?"

Then he met Zhou Wenyan's floating gaze, and he was agitated and said, "It is necessary! It is so necessary!"

After drinking the coke, the group hurriedly rushed to the inner perimeter of the ghost town.

The ghost town is divided into two floors: the inner and outer floors, and the outer periphery is some two-story houses, which are dilapidated and decayed. There are also some small advertisements on the walls, and there are some half-dead "people" living inside.

The inner city is surrounded by a layer of high walls, and from the outside, only a section of the roof tip can be seen.

Now there is a group of players standing at the junction of the inner city and the outer city.

Most of them bought keys from Shen Dongqing, and they didn't fight. It seemed that the atmosphere was quite harmonious, and they lined up without making any noise.

Maybe the NPCs here didn't expect the players to get the tokens so quickly, and there were no casualties. They arrived late, and they were dumbfounded when they saw the long queue at the door.

"Um... why so many?"

"Who cares, there are tokens, they can only be put in."

A casual-looking NPC stood on the city wall and said with a loudspeaker, "You are all here for the treasure of the ghost king, I can tell you that the treasure is in the inner city, but we don't know exactly where it is. "

"There are nine hundred and ninety-nine houses in the inner city. There may be treasures in the houses, or other things may have killed you."

"Then good luck-"

The voice fell, and the city gate slowly opened, revealing a corner of the inner city.

There are houses of various shapes in the inner city, crowded together like a large labyrinth.

The players filed in.

Shen Dongqing and Zhou Wenyan were last, and after they walked in, the city gate slammed shut.

Wu Jia looked at a house in front of him. It was an old brick house. The door was closed, and the glass on the windows was gone, but the inside was sealed with a layer of oil cloth. what is it like.

One of the players was more witty and went to the window and poked the tarpaulin.


A small opening was opened in the tarpaulin, and the player leaned forward to look at it. A pale hand stretched out from inside, directly strangling his neck, and forcibly dragged the person through the small opening. .

A player who reacted next to him wanted to help, but he couldn't grab the person in the house, so he could only watch the unlucky player dragged in.

After a while, the sound of gnawing bones came from the brick house.

The oilcloth paper cup tore a small hole, and it was dark inside, but no one dared to go up and check it again.

After this lesson, the players know that these houses cannot be entered randomly. After all, there are 999 houses here, and there is only one treasure, the probability is too small.

Seeing the scene just now, Wu Jia felt a little chilly in his stamina. He turned his head and asked Shen Dongqing: "Brother Shen, if you are caught in, can you run out?"

Shen Dongqing: "I haven't tried it, I don't know." He touched his chin, "Would you like me to try it?"

Wu Jia quickly stopped this dangerous thought: "Don't, don't."

Shen Dongqing: "Okay... But entering the house is equivalent to signing a contract with the residents inside, and no one else can interfere with the behavior of the two parties."

Wu Jia: "So?"

Shen Dongqing: "So let's go in and try."

In the end, Zhou Wenyan shot and held the person down: "Go inside and take a look."

Shen Dongqing looked around at the dilapidated houses that couldn't be put on the table, and seemed to understand what Zhou Wenyan meant, and nodded: "Yes, if I were the ghost king, I wouldn't put things in such a shabby place."

Players dare not enter the house easily, so they can only wander outside, and now they are scattered on the street in twos and threes.

I have to say that this inner city is really huge. When a hundred or so players enter, it is like a drop of water falling into the sea, without causing any waves.

Apart from the occasional screams, the entire ghost town is quiet, peaceful, clean and hygienic. The quality of residents and tourists is very high, enough to be rated as one of the top ten livable cities.

Shen Dongqing, Zhou Wenyan, and Wu Jia skipped these dilapidated houses and walked towards the center.

These houses are scattered, forming a huge labyrinth, which is dazzling to see, maybe because of the design, people unknowingly go back to the original point.

Zhou Wenyan left a mark on the wall.

Shen Dongqing was a little confused, laying on Zhou Wenyan's shoulder, half-squinting his eyes and said, "Why don't we go in and have a look."

Maybe it was because he was sleepy, and his tone of voice was soft, as if he was acting like a spoiled child.

Zhou Wenyan didn't even hold on, he immediately gave up his resistance and touched Shen Dongqing's head: "Then go in and have a look."

Shen Dongqing immediately woke up, pointed to a small three-story house in the distance and said, "That's it! We can still go in and sleep!"

It was indeed a little late.

Shen Dongqing was still wearing clothes fished out of the sea, exuding a fishy smell from the sea. He didn't care about the treasures of the ghost king right now, he just wanted to find a place to take a shower and change his clothes.

The small bungalow is exquisite and elegant, and it is particularly dangerous at first glance. Players dare not take a second glance.

Wu Jia followed the two people to the door of the small house and swallowed: "Are you sure you want to go in?"

Shen Dongqing knocked on the door without hesitation.

The occupants came quickly, and there was the sound of the doorknob being turned, and then a gap opened.

The players scattered around stared at the group closely, waiting for the terrifying scene after the door was opened.

creak —

Shen Dongqing felt that the resident inside was too slow to open the door, so he pushed the door open directly, and then he met a thin face.

Shen Dongqing is a peace-loving person, so he doesn't take the initiative to beat people, but greets them friendly first.

The resident froze in place, and then he seemed to be frightened, his whole face twisted into a scream, and he turned around and ran away without hesitation.

The agility of the action and the hasty footsteps made the players who saw this scene wonder who was the ghost.

The players were stunned.

Did the door open the wrong way

Shen Dongqing hesitated for a while, then turned to look at Zhou Wenyan: "...Am I too ugly?"

Zhou Wenyan: "No, it's cute."