Non-Human Seeking Re-employment

Chapter 111


The long-tongued woman couldn't stand the grievance, and yelled at the person outside the wall, but because the tongue was pulled out, the sound was extremely strange.

I saw the pile of tongues on the ground squirmed frantically and rushed towards the group of players.

The nearest unlucky player happened to have his face covered with tongue, and the soft tongue was stuffed into his mouth, leaving only one tail outside, and the rest burrowed into his throat.

The player's face turned red due to lack of oxygen, and he silently asked for help from the person next to him.

Shen Dongqing was the most helpful, he just punched and hit the hapless belly.

"Nausea-" The player's facial features wrinkled due to pain, and his waist was bent like a shrimp. After retching for a while, a long tongue was vomited out of his mouth, and the whole person collapsed.

When the player next to him saw it, he moved his footsteps involuntarily, opening the distance between the two.

Although it won't die if you get stuck with your tongue, but... this way of rescue is too painful. People are rescued, but half of their lives are lost.

Shen Dongqing shook his hand and asked very enthusiastically, "Is there anyone else who needs help?"

The players shook their heads one after another, indicating that they could handle the tongue.

Seeing that her tongue could not help the players, the long-tongued woman became even more furious. She even broke free from the two little devils who pulled her tongue out and rushed out of the mural.

The long tongue swung around in the air, and wrapped around Shen Dongqing, the mucus secreted in the process dripped on the ground, burning wisps of blue smoke.

A well-meaning player reminded: "Be careful!"

But this long-tongued woman is very dangerous at first sight, and others can't help.

Shen Dongqing couldn't help but take a step back: " disgusting."

He just took a shower and changed his clothes.

Seeing Shen Dongqing's retreating appearance, the long-tongued woman thought she was afraid of herself, and laughed even more wildly.

But her laughter didn't last long, and her movements stagnated. Like a kite with a broken string, it flew backwards and smashed a deep hole directly into the wall.

Shen Dongqing rubbed the soles of his feet on the ground and let out a "tsk" in disgust.

The long-tongued woman fell softly to the ground, the long tongue sticking out of her mouth bounced, and it fell softly.

The player who just reminded Shen Dongqing was stunned.

This... is this the end

He didn't quite believe his eyes.

After the long-tongued woman fell, those little tongues were also deflated, and were easily freed by the player.


A copper key fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

A player looked left and right, but did not dare to pick it up, for fear of becoming the target of public criticism, he looked at Shen Dongqing: "How about... I'll give you the key?"

Shen Dongqing simply refused: "No."

Player: "Huh?"

Shen Dongqing looked away: "It's disgusting, whoever wants it will want it."

The players saw it, and sure enough, there was cloudy mucus hanging on the key. They didn't think it at first, but now after a reminder, it seems to be a little disgusting.

The players looked at each other in dismay, and finally someone stood up and picked up the key with his eyes closed.

This is the way to the next level.

But the strange thing is that there are two people who can't reach other places on the first floor.

The other players pondered for a moment and then came to their senses. The two left behind were usually glib and often coaxed other players, and they just committed the tongue-pulling hell.

That being the case, there is nothing the others can do, they can only give up on them and move on.

After opening the iron gate between the two floors, follow the stairs step by step.

As soon as the player walking in the front saw a little light, he felt a cold wind blowing from above, chilling to the bone.

He didn't have time to dodge, he just froze in place.

At this moment, he was kicked from behind and kicked the player to the ground.

The moment he fell to the ground, there was a "click" sound where he was standing, and a pair of scissors about a person's height fell from above. Judging by the sharpness of the blade, he was afraid that he could easily cut a person in half.

The man survived the catastrophe and was about to get up when he saw the scene in front of him and screamed again.

This layer is full of corpses.

The corpse was not complete, but was cut in half, and the internal organs flowed out from the broken place, filling the ground. Even so, these people are not dead yet, they keep rolling and wailing, and the whole floor is filled with the smell of blood.

Even if the players are well-informed, they can't help but shiver when they see such a scene.

"Find the key first."

The players separated two by two, but they found a key without any risk and went to the next floor.

With the experience of the first two floors, after reaching the third floor, I didn't make a fuss when I saw people hanging full of trees.

The third floor is the iron tree hell.

The ground is full of iron trees, and the trees are full of people. Those people were stripped of their skins when they were hung up, and they looked naked and red. There were men and women, tall, short, fat and thin. They twitched and twisted their bodies, like A dead fish.

Shen Dongqing pinched her nose: "It's so ugly."

Zhou Wenyan nodded: "It's pretty ugly."

Shen Dongqing said quietly: "I suspect that there is something wrong with this ghost king, normal people wouldn't make a family like this, right?"

Zhou Wenyan corrected: "It's a ghost."

Shen Dongqing changed it fluently: "That's obviously not a normal ghost."

After listening to the whole conversation, Wu Jia thought silently, is it not good to scold the master at other people's homes

But the two apparently didn't care about that.

Zhou Wenyan also asked with great interest, "If it were you, how would you like it?"

Shen Dongqing thought for a while: "First of all, you must have wifi, and you can have a signal to play games."

Zhou Wenyan smiled: "Then what?"

Shen Dongqing began to imagine the days to come: "If you want a big TV, it's better to have a floor-to-ceiling window, and there should be a lot of snacks on the table..."

He turned his head to look at Zhou Wenyan, smiled suddenly, and hugged the arm of the person next to him: "Of course I have you."

Zhou Wenyan stared at him, his voice softened: "There will be."

The players over there have found the key.

But just like just now, something that no one can't leave happened again.

The players who were left were dumbfounded.

"We haven't done anything bad!"

A player who was more familiar with ancient mythology said: "The Hell of Iron Tree is for punishing those who alienate flesh and blood and provoke discord between relatives. Have you committed these two things?"

A black and thin man broke out a foul language: "Is this okay? If you quarrel with your family, you will also go to hell? This is too outrageous!"

For modern times, it is not considered a crime, and it will go to hell when you get here.

The players who were left behind were also suffering.

Those players who are on the way to the next level are even more uneasy. Most of them have made big mistakes and small mistakes. Maybe the next level of hell is where they are trapped.

But what can be done? Before they got the Ghost King Treasure, they couldn't leave this dungeon and could only keep going down.

Compared with the previous three layers, the fourth layer looks much cleaner and fresher, at least there is no blood and flesh, and no stumps flying around.

There are only mirrors here, all kinds of mirrors.

As soon as I walked into it, every mirror reflected a human figure.

The first player to walk in faced countless numbers of himself. After a while, the image in the mirror began to change, showing a picture.

This player has killed another player.

He committed murder.

Wu Jia: "The Mirror Hell."

Those who have sinned come to this level of mirror hell, and when they look in the mirror, the sins they have committed will be revealed.

The player explained in a panic: "I can't help it, I didn't do it on purpose, ah—"

The trial here does not matter whether he did it on purpose or not, a pair of bloody hands stretched out from the mirror in front of the player and dragged him into it.

There was a ripple on the surface of the mirror, and someone saw that the player was thrown into a sea of swords and flames. He and the undead next to him were standing on the hot coals and jumping constantly, as if they were dancing.

"This… "

If before entering the game, these players may still have a clear conscience, but after entering the game, how can they still live without blood

The players backed away silently, daring not to enter the hell of the mirror.

But if you don't enter it, you won't be able to find the key to the next floor. If you enter it, the 365° mirror with no dead angle can't be avoided at all, and it will definitely be illuminated.

Now there is a deadlock, and the screams of the player who plunged into the sea of fire are still in his ears, and no one dares to act rashly.

After a moment of silence, Shen Dongqing stood up: "I don't think I have done anything bad."

Wu Jia whispered: "Maybe beating the ghost is a mistake..."

Shen Dongqing and Wu Jia looked at each other and backed away silently: "Then I made a mistake."

If it is considered a bad thing to beat an innocent NPC, then Shen Dongqing is simply a sin.

Now the players can't think of a countermeasure, and some people have the intention of retreating, but when they look back, the door that came from has been closed at some point, and there is also a mirror on the back.

Just looking at this, the man was pulled into the mirror.

Seeing this, Shen Dongqing came up with an idea: "I have a solution!"

"Since you're looking in the mirror, you'll be pulled in, can you just close your eyes?"

This method is surprisingly simple and rude, as if Shen Dongqing could come up with it.

After Shen Dongqing finished speaking, he looked at Zhou Wenyan proudly.

Zhou Wenyan: "It seems you can try it."

Shen Dongqing had another question: "But it seems like you can't walk when you close your eyes."

Zhou Wenyan stretched out his palm towards him: "Grab me."

Shen Dongqing put his hand up.

Zhou Wenyan's palm was wide and the knuckles were clearly defined, while Shen Dongqing's hand was a little smaller, white and tender.

Shen Dongqing closed his eyes.

Zhou Wenyan held him and closed his eyes, and the two walked over so slowly.

The two people's silhouettes were reflected on the mirror, probably because they didn't look directly, their crimes didn't appear on it.

The two fumbled to the other side.

Seeing that this method was effective, other players followed suit and walked over with their eyes closed.

It's just that people walk by themselves with their eyes closed, but they don't want to hold hands so tiredly.

When all the players in the room arrived safely on the opposite side, they had a problem.

"Where's the key?"

Without the key, even if you come here, it doesn't seem to be of any use, right

Shen Dongqing waved his hand: "No key required."

As he said that, he walked to the iron gate and seemed to push the door open with his bare hands.

There were doubts in the crowd.

"This iron gate is so heavy that it can't be opened."

"I tried it, and it can't be pushed without the key."

"Let's go back and find the keys..."

Before the words were finished, a loud bang came from there, stopping the chatter of the players.

The players looked at it sharply.

The iron gate fell.

The players were stunned.

Is this open

Shen Dongqing patted the dust on his hands: "It's alright."

The dust was falling, revealing the long stairs behind the door.

The players froze in place and didn't react.

Shen Dongqing and Zhou Wenyan walked up first.

Wu Jia hurriedly followed, but as soon as he took a step, he ran into a transparent barrier.

"Wait—" Wu Jia desperately knocked on the transparent barrier.

Shen Dongqing stopped and looked back: "Why can't you come up?"

Except for Wu Jia, other players were also trapped in the hell of the mirror, unable to get up or down, and it was very embarrassing to be stuck in the middle.

Wu Jia: "Mirror, you must look in the mirror to make sure there is no crime before you can leave this floor."

Shen Dongqing scratched his cheek: "But we didn't look in the mirror either."

Wu Jia couldn't figure out why.

Zhou Wenyan said: "We have no identity."

When they came in, each player drew an ID card, disguised as various ghosts, only Shen Dongqing and Zhou Wenyan did not.

And the eighteenth level of hell is naturally a place that can only be reached after death, and those who are judged are ghosts.

Shen Dongqing and Zhou Wenyan have no identities, they are living people, and the regulations of the eighteen layers of hell have no effect on them, so they can leave the mirror hell.

Wu Jia wanted to understand this and said, "Then you all hurry up and find the ghost king treasure, and we should be able to go out after this dungeon is over."

Shen Dongqing said goodbye to Wu Jia and ran upstairs.

After realizing that the eighteenth floor of hell had no restrictions for them, Shen Dongqing and Zhou Wenyan had no scruples, and they rolled over them all the way, and it didn't take much time to reach the eighteenth floor.

The eighteenth hell is the saw hell.

The people here are tied to the wooden stakes in the shape of a "big", and a little devil stands next to him, and he sawed down from the top of his head with a rusty saw.

Saw, stop, saw, stop.

The people who were sawed were screaming in a roundabout way, one after another, and it was quite regular.

Shen Dongqing searched for a long time, only the tortured people were here, and the treasure of the ghost king was not seen at all.

He was a little depressed: "Isn't it here?"

Zhou Wenyan: "Maybe it's really not here."

According to the builder's idea, the eighteen layers of hell are used for judgment and execution, and it is impossible to store the treasures of the ghost king here.

But in this way, where is the ghost king treasure

Shen Dongqing couldn't think of it, so he simply grabbed a saw kid.

The Saw Kid was working wholeheartedly, and was picked up and slipped by someone unprepared. He was still very confused.

Shen Dongqing shook the little ghost and asked, "Do you know where the ghost king treasure is?"

The Saw Kid is just a little scoundrel. He does things according to his orders. How do you know about this kind of thing? It shook its head desperately, but couldn't speak, only made an "ah" sound.

Shen Dongqing asked two or three little saws in a row, and this was the answer. Just when he was about to find the next one, the young man who was tied to the stake said with difficulty, "Save, save me, I tell you— "

The young man did not know how much suffering he had suffered in the hell of the saw. The clothes were ragged and splattered with dirty blood. The horror of this hell was not being sawed to death, but that after being sawed into two pieces, it would immediately return to its original state. , repeatedly suffering the pain of being sawed.

Some of the torturers in the eighteenth hell are real ghosts, while some are players.

Once the player can't stand the torture, he will lose consciousness, be deprived of the player's identity, and become one of the punished NPCs.

Hearing this, Shen Dongqing snatched the saw from the Saw Kid.

The little devil with a green face and fangs looked extremely terrifying, but in the face of Shen Dongqing, the saw was robbed and he didn't dare to speak, and his little face was aggrieved.

Shen Dongqing took the saw and sawed away the chains on the youth.

As soon as the young man lost the support of the wooden stakes, he fell to the ground. He barely kept his head awake, and said intermittently, "In, underground... on the first floor..." He fainted after saying that.

The eighteen layers of hell are located underground. The larger the number of layers, the lower the level, until the eighteenth floor is underground. The design of the tower is completely reversed, and the layers go up.

Then think in the opposite direction, in fact, the ground floor is the real tower floor.

From the outside, the tower stands tall, and people who come in will naturally walk up subconsciously, never thinking that there is another floor below.

The young man also came to the eighteenth floor in this way. He figured it out too late, people have been trapped in the hell of swords and saws and cannot escape.

Zhou Wenyan picked up the unconscious young man: "Go down first."

So the two went down again.

Wu Jia is still squatting on the fourth floor of the evil mirror hell, waiting for the two big bosses to return with a full load. If he wants to come, the latter layers of hell should not be difficult for them.

Shen Dongqing and Zhou Wenyan did come back soon, and they did return with a full reward.

But how does this thing look wrong, how is it a person

Wu Jiameng asked, "Where did this come from?"

Shen Dongqing: "I picked it up."

Zhou Wenyan threw the young man to Wu Jia: "Keep it for now."

Wu Jia suddenly picked up a hot potato. He didn't know what to do, so he could only put it aside. When he looked up again, he saw only the backs of two people. He shouted at the backs, "Where are you going?"

Shen Dongqing waved his back to Wu Jia: "Let's go down and see!"

Then the figure disappeared from the stairs.

The two returned to the first floor.

The long-tongued woman was dizzy, and her brain was so confused that she couldn't use it. She heard the movement of someone coming, and before she could see who was coming, her body jumped up one step ahead.


She hit the wall again and smashed another deep hole.

Shen Dongqing gave her a kick reflexively, and he felt a little embarrassed after putting his foot down, so he went up to offer condolences.

As a result, the long-tongued woman rolled her eyes and fainted.

Shen Dongqing touched the tip of his nose and walked away from the long-tongued woman as if he didn't care about his business.

Zhou Wenyan searched on the first floor and found a secret door.

The secret door is behind the mural of the entrance door.

Originally, the mural depicts a tortured long-tongued woman. Now, after the long-tongued woman leaves the mural, there are only two bewildered goblins left, and the secret door is between the two goblins. Generally speaking, players will avoid such places, and naturally they will not find the flaws.

Zhou Wenyan stretched out his hand and pushed it, and the secret door was opened, revealing a road leading to the underground.

The stairs were deep and seemed to have no end.

Zhou Wenyan and Shen Dongqing walked down one after the other, only the sound of footsteps superimposed in the small space.

I don't know how long I walked, but I finally saw a tiny light in front of me.

Walking along the light, I finally reached the last step of the stairs.

At the end is an empty square. In the center of the square is a high platform. In the center of the high platform is a small box. The box is locked, and I don't know what is inside.

Shen Dongqing felt that this was the treasure of the ghost king.

"—Otherwise, who has nothing to do when they are full and put a piece of junk here?" he said.

Zhou Wenyan: "That's right."

It's just that the things in this box are not so easy to handle. Under the dim light, faces protruded from the surrounding walls, and the skeletons locked inside came back to life, staring at the group coldly. intruder.

There were countless cracks in the ground, and one rotten hand came out of it, shaking in the air.

Shen Dongqing tilted his head: "The welcome ceremony was quite warm... It's just that the cheerleading team is a little ugly."

The "cheerleaders" under the ground were angry, and the ghouls crawled out one by one, hunched over and roaring at Shen Dongqing, all of a sudden, the empty square was crowded with people, no, it was crowded with ghosts .

Shen Dongqing fanned towards his nose.

You must know that when there are too many ghosts, the odor on the body will be mixed together, and this is a closed space, which is not something that ordinary people can bear.

He looked up at the high platform in the center.

This high platform is a little far away, and there is a group of cheerleaders in the middle, so it is still a bit difficult to get it.

Shen Dongqing touched his chin and thought for a while: "Will it be all burned?"

Zhou Wenyan took out a lighter.

Shen Dongqing tried to turn on the lighter, but it took a lot of effort before a faint flame emerged.

At this moment, the ghoul pounced with a big mouth.

Shen Dongqing didn't resist, and went up with the lighter.

The flames flickered for a moment, reflecting the rotting maggot face of the ghoul, its mouth wide open, and a stench emanated from it.

"It doesn't seem to work..."

The ghoul was stunned for a moment, then was kicked and flew out by Zhou Wenyan. The ghoul was huge and inflexible, knocking over several companions in the middle, and they rolled into a ball and couldn't get up.

Shen Dongqing had no choice but to give up this idea and directly crushed the past.

These bones and ghouls have relatively low IQs and can only be used as cannon fodder. After a little effort and time, Shen Dongqing and Zhou Wenyan came to the high platform.

After getting close, Shen Dongqing leaned over to look at the box.

The box is small and delicate, with various patterns all over it, and a lock in the middle.

Shen Dongqing stretched out his hand to touch the box, but a male and female voice suddenly sounded above: "If I were you, I wouldn't touch this box."

Shen Dongqing raised his head and saw a person hanging on the ceiling, that person was wearing a very medium-sized cloak, with a mask on his face, revealing a pair of ruby-like eyes, looking at the person below.

Shen Dongqing: "You..."

Before the words could be said, the man said triumphantly: "I know what you want to ask, and I will tell you with great mercy that I am the ghost king."

After waiting for a while, he didn't see the two panicking as he imagined, and he said in exasperation, "What? You look down on the ghost king."

"No..." Shen Dongqing said sincerely, "I don't think it's like a ghost king, it's more like a problem with intelligence."