Non-Human Seeking Re-employment

Chapter 115: Juniper tree


When the little girl saw that the matter was revealed, she no longer concealed it, and used her milk strength to push Shen Dongqing into the empty box. But the difference in body size between the two is so great that no matter how hard the little girl tried, she couldn't push an inch.

Shen Dongqing: "?"

Instead, Shen Dongqing took the time to stretch out a hand and directly lifted the little girl up.

"Tell me." Shen Dongqing shook the little girl, "What do you want to do?"

The little girl swept away the weak look just now, and looked at Shen Dongqing resentfully without saying a word.

Shen Dongqing glanced at the big box, and when he turned his arms, he put the little girl on the box like a little chicken.

The little girl seemed to be afraid of the big box, her legs subconsciously curled up, not wanting to touch the box below.

"If you don't say anything, you will be locked in." Shen Dongqing threatened.

The little girl hurriedly begged for mercy: "Don't lock me in, I said, I said!"

"My name is Coranti, and I have a brother, Bangier, who lives with my father. Later, my father married a new mother, and we were thrown into the forest."

"The first time we threw stones along the way to get home, the second time we used bread crumbs, which were eaten by birds and couldn't find our way back."

"We were so hungry that we found a candy house in the forest, and then we were caught by the witch. The witch said that to eat the fattest one, she locked my brother in a box."

Shen Dongqing glanced at the empty box: "Where's your brother?"

The little girl's face turned pale, and hesitantly said, "Brother, brother is in the pot."

With her voice, the cauldron in the center of the room was bubbling, the soup inside was milky white, the bones of the thickness of the arms rolled over, and there were piles of clothes and fine hair on the ground.

The little girl's tears fell, and she said in fear, "The witch said she would eat the fattest one, but my brother refused to eat, and he was about to lose weight than me."

"So... why don't I cook my brother first so it won't be my turn."

After hearing this, Shen Dongqing gave a "hmm": "Logically there is nothing wrong."

The little girl begged: "Then let me go, I'm so scared."

Shen Dongqing turned to look at the skinny little girl: "Then why did you push me into the box?"

The little girl shuddered and didn't want to talk very much, but she was afraid that she would be locked in the box, so she could only whisper: "I don't want to be eaten, you are taller and fatter than me, the witch will definitely be able to eat for a long time. …”

Before the words were finished, there was a sudden "bang" outside the door, followed by the hoarse voice of the witch: "Disobedient little bunny, are you all right? Don't know how to be lazy!"

The little girl shrank her neck, as if asking for Shen Dongqing's opinion.

Shen Dongqing: "Do you want me to save you?"

The little girl's eyes lit up: "Please save me." She paused. "Can you still help me send it home? It's better to kill my stepmother, or even if I go back this time, I'll be thrown away next time."

After listening to all her requests, Shen Dongqing tilted her head playfully: "I'll just ask, don't take it too seriously."

little girl:

At this time, the sound of the doorknob being turned came from the door, and it seemed that the witch was about to come in.

The little girl understood that this person was teasing her. After she was sure that she would not save her, she grabbed Shen Dongqing's hand to prevent him from escaping, and shouted loudly: "Someone ran in! Lord witch, he is going to steal yours. thing!"

Across the door, the witch roared angrily: "Who, who is so bold—"

Shen Dongqing dropped the little girl and picked up the axe that had fallen on the ground.

The witch opened the door, burning with rage, trying to tear up the man who broke into her candy store.

As soon as the door opened, she looked up and faced Shen Dongqing who was carrying an axe.

The witch's eyes froze and fell on Shen Dongqing's hand. The axe he was holding was sharp, and there was dried blood on the edge of the knife. It looked like she had just chopped up someone and came here. No matter how you looked at it, it looked better than her bare-handed witch. Much scarier.

After all, witches can only bully children, and the person with the weapon is not within her bullying range.

The witch's movements stopped halfway, and she laughed dryly: "Haha... That's all right, you continue, continue."

Then she kept that gesture and expression, slowly exited the room, and closed the door behind her.

Shen Dongqing blinked.

How come the villains here are so good

He put away the axe and turned back to the little girl.

Unexpectedly, the little girl took advantage of this opportunity to run away. She was so small that she jumped out of the crack of the door like a mouse.

Shen Dongqing strode forward and opened the door.

But there was only a witch outside the door, and there was no sign of a little girl.

The witch was startled when she saw Shen Dongqing running out suddenly, she moved stiffly, trying to stay far away.

Shen Dongqing walked past her, stopped suddenly when she was in the wrong body, and asked, "How big is this black forest?"

The witch was stunned for a moment: "No, I've never been out..."

The story that happened in the black forest should have something to do with the secrets of the game, but now Shen Dongqing still doesn't understand how these two things have anything to do with him.

He asked the witch again, "Are there any other residents in the Black Forest?"

The witch was at a loss: "I don't know."

Seeing that she couldn't ask anything from the witch, Shen Dongqing left the candy store, but before leaving, she took a lollipop.

He bit a colorful lollipop and walked on the path between the black forests.

Whether it was Lizzie before, or Coranti just now, they disappeared as soon as they entered the black forest.

When Shen Dongqing was halfway through, he suddenly thought of something. He turned his head and saw that the candy house had disappeared, leaving only the dense branches that blocked the way.

He cracked the lollipop with a click, and instead of looking back to the candy house, he walked straight ahead.

Not long after walking, an inexplicable drowsiness surged up.

Shen Dongqing yawned lazily, and after realizing it, the witch should have put some medicine in the food, but since it couldn't harm the "food", it was probably sleeping pills or something.

His eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and just as he was about to fall asleep, he saw an out-of-place juniper tree growing in a charred wood, with a beautiful bird hovering above it. Seeing someone coming, the bird fluttered its wings and flew to the top of Shen Dongqing's head, chirping and making a crisp song.

"My mother cut off my head,

My father ate my flesh,

My sister buried my remains,

Under that tall juniper tree. "

Shen Dongqing raised his head and listened for a while, and suddenly the sleepiness disappeared. He met the round eyes of the bird: "... I didn't sing very well, so don't sing." He rushed to the game and said, "The last time I didn't I said, do you want to train employees before releasing them? Why is there no improvement at all."

Tsk, this song woke him up.

little bird:…

No one ever said it sang badly!

The blow may have been so great that the bird nearly fell out of mid-air, flapping its wings desperately to keep its balance, and landed on the branches of the juniper.

Its claws moved, and when he looked down, he found that the uninvited guest had walked to the gate of the courtyard.

Shen Dongqing said, why stand outside if there is a place to sleep.

knock knock --

He raised his hand and knocked on the door.

Not long after, a little boy stuck his head out of the room. He looked quiet and cute, smiled at Shen Dongqing, and trotted out to open the door for him.

"Are you a guest from afar?" The little boy just came out of the kitchen, his body smelled of fireworks, and he invited Shen Dongqing to come in with great enthusiasm.

Shen Dongqing was not polite and walked in.

When passing the juniper tree, he deliberately stopped for a while, and found that the soil under the tree was loose and moist, with traces of turning over, and a faint smell of fishy smell.

But as soon as I entered the house, the fishy smell was covered by the smell coming from the kitchen.

Shen Dongqing smelled it, and it felt weird. It didn't taste like normal food, but more like... He sniffed, and it tasted similar to the pot boiled at the witch's house.

Seeing that Shen Dongqing had been looking at the kitchen, the little boy took the initiative to explain: "Because my mother went to a relative's house, we are preparing dinner and waiting for my father to come back in the evening. If you don't mind, you can rest for a while."

The drowsiness that had been sung by the bird just now made a comeback, and Shen Dongqing yawned deeply, tears coming out of the corners of her eyes.

He looked down at the little boy who had just reached his waist, sat down on the sofa, and put the axe to the side, and in a short while his head fell little by little.


What secret does he have

Lizzie, who killed her father and stepmother with an axe; Coranti, who was driven out of her house by her stepmother and fell into the hands of a witch who eventually killed her brother; and this…

Shen Dongqing had some headaches, but fortunately, it didn't take long for his consciousness to be enveloped in sleepiness.

In a daze, he seemed to hear a rustling sound, but because his eyelids were so heavy, he couldn't open them at all, and he could only hear two children talking quietly beside him.

"This meat is so old."

"Well, it's not as delicious as last time."

"It seems that it doesn't taste good when you get older. I think the one on the sofa must be delicious, white and tender."

The two children sucked and gulped down the soup.

After they finished drinking, the two put down the bowl with a thud, and finally fell into a dead silence.

I don't know how long it took, the efficacy of the witch potion passed, Shen Dongqing opened his eyes refreshingly, and then saw the little boy squatting in front of him, staring at him with a greedy expression, the corners of his mouth almost came out saliva.

Seeing that Shen Dongqing was awake, the little boy quickly wiped the saliva from his mouth and said, "You're awake, we left you with broth, do you want to try it?"

Shen Dongqing: "Okay."

The little boy was overjoyed and hurriedly called his sister over: "Maria, bring the broth!"

The younger sister, Maria, was a few years younger than the little boy, and came over with a sea bowl in her hand, with a sweet voice: "I'll give you a drink."

The sea bowl was placed on the small table in front of Shen Dongqing. Looking down, the soup in the bowl was milky white. It might have been stored for a long time, and there was a layer of grease on the surface.

He picked up the spoon and stirred it up, and the red meat floated up, one of which was thick and long, it looked like a human finger, and there was even a layer of hair underneath. .

Shen Dongqing stopped and saw that the two children were staring at him with hunger, thirst and greed.