Non-Human Seeking Re-employment

Chapter 118: evidence


After a while, all the people who were sitting in the hall went upstairs, and only the little boy was left on the sofa and knocking melon seeds.

Knocked and knocked, he suddenly stopped moving.

The floor of the hall is covered with milky white marble floor tiles, radiating bright light under the illumination of crystal lamps.

The little boy stared at the marble in the center, and saw a little blood splattered from the gap on the edge, and then the blood smeared bigger and bigger, forming a pool of human figures lying on his back, which should be a woman.


Small bubbles appeared one by one on the pool of blood, and the figure wriggled, as if trying to get up.

Just when the figure was about to get up, the little boy let out a "bah" and spat out two melon seed skins, which just landed on the pool of blood.

The figure moved for a while, and the body that had finally condensed spread out, turning into blood spots that penetrated into the gaps of the marble floor tiles.

The little boy snorted twice and grabbed another handful of melon seeds.

Can't beat Shen Dongqing, can't he bully such a kid

The little boy stuffed the seeds into his pocket and dragged him upstairs.

The villa has three floors in total, and those guests are arranged in guest rooms on the second floor. The master bedroom on the third floor was originally occupied by Mr. Shen and Mrs. Shen, but the two masters died violently at the front and back, so they were sealed up first. The remaining two side bedrooms should be the residences of the two young masters of the Shen family.

But Shen Dongqing sent the little boy to the empty room by himself, and lived in Zhou Wenyan's room by himself.

However, the villa looks bright and beautiful from the outside, but the decoration inside is a bit old and gloomy.

Shen Dongqing hugged the pillow and looked up at a painting hanging directly opposite the bed.

The color of the painting is all black, but if you look closely, you can see that it is covered with a pair of twisted hands, like protruding from hell, dancing, trying to grab a living person and drag it into the ground.

Except for this painting, the other furnishings in the room are cold and black and white, and at first glance it looks like a more spacious coffin.


Zhou Wenyan opened the door and walked in: "What are you looking at?"

Shen Dongqing pointed to the painting.

Zhou Wenyan took a look and turned the frame over and covered it under it.

I don't know if it was a psychological effect. After the painting was covered, the atmosphere of the whole room changed, and the gloomy atmosphere was swept away.

Shen Dongqing patted the seat next to him and asked Zhou Wenyan to come over. After waiting for someone to come over, he leaned over. As soon as he touched Zhou Wenyan's skin, he said "hey": "Why is it so cold on you?"

Zhou Wenyan: "Maybe the air conditioner is turned on too low."

Shen Dongqing didn't think much, and just pressed the quilt on Zhou Wenyan's body, wrapping him tightly.

Zhou Wenyan finally freed his hands and distributed a little quilt to Shen Dongqing.

Shen Dongqing lay down, looked at the ceiling above, and suddenly said, "Do you know who the murderer is?"

Zhou Wenyan: "I don't know." He paused, "I was confused after I came in, and I didn't know anything."

Shen Dongqing secretly held Zhou Wenyan's hand below, maybe the quilt covered it, and it warmed up a little, he whispered: "It may be related to my secret..."

He was about to tell Zhou Wenyan the story he had seen before, but before he could speak, he was blocked by Zhou Wenyan.

The two breaths are very close.

Zhou Wenyan bit Shen Dongqing's lip, looked at his trembling eyelashes, and said, "I can't say it."

Shen Dongqing pushed him: "You can't say it?"

Zhou Wenyan: "Once you say it, the secret is no longer a secret."

The rules are already set.

This is a secret group. Now everyone has their own secrets. Once they tell the secret, they will die. Those with a little brain will be strictly guarded.

In this way, players have absolutely no possibility of cooperation.

Shen Dongqing pouted: "Okay—" He seemed to have thought of something, "You said, will the game punish us, there are no murderers among these people?"

After all, it is all players who come in, and they don't know anything about what this identity has done before. If everyone is suspicious, then in turn, everyone can be unsuspected.

The game only gives an introduction, allowing these players to guess and kill each other in the villa.

Zhou Wenyan laughed: "It's not impossible."

Shen Dongqing puffed out her cheeks: "If that's the case, it would be too bad."

Zhou Wenyan touched the top of his head.

Shen Dongqing stood up and patted the quilt hard: "Is there a situation where the murderer doesn't know he is the murderer?"

Just like him.

His secret is "killing his mother and killing his relatives", but he doesn't have this memory at all, and he's not sure if it's true or not. What if the game traps him

Zhou Wenyan also sat up: "It's possible."

Shen Dongqing's face was almost wrinkled into a bun, he was already caught up in this problem, and could not wait to solve it immediately.

He kneaded the pillow and analyzed it with words: "I don't think nurses should have anything to do with bodyguards and lawyers..."

He analyzed it and felt that no one was suspected of murder, except himself.

Zhou Wenyan smiled and saw that Shen Dongqing was reciting something, and finally said, "I'll know when I find someone else's secret."

Shen Dongqing tilted his head: "But they certainly won't say anything."

He said so, but he was already thinking about how to threaten to get their secrets from other players.

Zhou Wenyan: "Secrets speak for themselves."

Shen Dongqing: "?"

Seeing Shen Dongqing's dazed look, Zhou Wenyan couldn't help laughing, no longer pretending, but said, "If the secret is something that everyone has done, it will leave a mark."

Shen Dongqing: "Then have you done bad things too?"

Zhou Wenyan repeated: "Also?"

Shen Dongqing understood what he meant, and wanted to make a statement: "I didn't do anything bad!" After speaking, he turned around to prevent Zhou Wenyan from discovering the flaw.

Since Zhou Wenyan didn't tell him the secret, then he couldn't let Zhou Wenyan know!

Whoever is discovered first loses.

Zhou Wenyan held down Dong Qing's shoulders, and turned the man around forcibly. Seeing his bulging cheeks, he couldn't help reaching out and poking it.

"Actually, there are loopholes in the game." Zhou Wenyan said.

Shen Dongqing came to the spirit: "What loophole?"

Zhou Wenyan: "How does the game determine that others know your secret? Even if you know it, you can't be sure whether you know it or not if you don't say it."


Zhou Wenyan: "So I can hint you." He leaned into Shen Dongqing's ear and said softly, "My secret is related to you."

The two were too close, and the heat rushed to the earlobe. Shen Dongqing shrank his neck first, and then said, "It has something to do with me..." He thought for a while, "Isn't our relationship brothers?"

It's the half-parent kind.

According to the background, Shen Dongqing is also Zhou Wenyan's older brother.

Thinking of this, Shen Dongqing's eyes lit up: "Hurry up and call me..."

It's just that Shen Dongqing's actions were misunderstood. Before he could finish speaking, Zhou Wenyan blocked his mouth again, and he said vaguely, "Don't say it."

Shen Dongqing blinked.

What? Don't say it

The problem is that he doesn't know what Zhou Wenyan's secret is.

Until he left the room, Shen Dongqing was still struggling with this issue.

The third floor was empty.

Due to the housekeeper's reminder, they can't go to the third floor to disturb the host's house, and the players have no intention of coming to the third floor to check, so there are only two of them here.

Zhou Wenyan brought Shen Dongqing to the door of the master bedroom.

The mahogany door of the master bedroom was tightly closed, maybe the owner died one after another, and there was always a yin qi.

Zhou Wenyan grabbed the door handle and pulled it down, only to find that the door was locked and could not be pushed open.

Shen Dongqing rolled up his sleeves: "I'll come."

He was about to use his hands and feet when a voice suddenly came from behind him: "Young Master and Second Young Master?"

Shen Dongqing was interrupted by this, turned his head and saw the housekeeper standing at the entrance of the corridor.

The housekeeper came up and said respectfully, "My wife had an order before her death that no one could enter the master bedroom until the inheritance was distributed."

In fact, the housekeeper also wants to go into the master bedroom to find out. According to this plot, there must be important clues in it.

But according to his personality, he couldn't go against the master's order, he couldn't go in, and he had to stop others from entering, so he could only watch from the outside. After finally waiting for someone to come, he has to go up and ask for a reasonable explanation, otherwise no one will be able to enter.

Zhou Wenyan withdrew his hand: "Is the key with you?"

"At the lawyer who is in charge of the distribution of the will, but..." The housekeeper glanced at Zhou Wenyan calmly, "If it is not necessary, please ask the two young masters not to violate his wife's last wish."

This is obviously to imply that they hurry up and give a reason, and then go to the lawyer to ask for the key and let us go in together.

I think normal people would do that.

But these two people in front of the housekeeper are not normal people.

Shen Dongqing gave Zhou Wenyan a look.

Zhou Wenyan understood.

The housekeeper said: "Big young and two young..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, he suddenly felt a pain in the back of his neck, and he lost consciousness as soon as his eyes darkened.

Zhou Wenyan gave his "reason" and put down his hand.

Shen Dongqing opened the door.

"Bang" sounded.

The heavy mahogany door was slowly pushed open.

It may be because no one has entered for too long, and as soon as the door is opened, there is dust flying all over the sky.

Shen Dongqing: "Cough cough—" He raised his hand and waved away the dust in front of him, and as soon as he lifted his eyelids, he saw the wedding photo facing the door.

The wedding photos are naturally Mr. Shen and Mrs. Shen.

The two were wearing suits and wedding dresses and leaned close together, but there were two stains on the photo frame, which just blocked the face, and the two faceless people looked a little weird.

Except for this wedding photo, other things in the room are ordinary.

Shen Dongqing walked around, leaving footprints one by one on the floor, but found nothing.

Zhou Wenyan entered the study, opened the drawer of the desk, and found a stack of medical records inside.

Mr. Shen's health is not very good, but for the sake of the plot, he did not engage in family doctor or anything. At most, he had VIP treatment in the hospital.

Yes, it was the hospital where Shen Dongqing stayed before.

Zhou Wenyan opened it, the name of the attending doctor was signed on the medical record, and when he opened it again, a photo fell out.

It was a group photo of Mr. Shen and the doctor, next to a little nurse with a subtle smile.

It may be that the exposure of the photo is not good. The face of Mr. Shen above is also blurred, but the facial features of the two people next to him are clear, and it can be recognized that the nurse above is the one living downstairs.

Zhou Wenyan closed the medical record book and said to himself, "Could it be that Mr. Shen's death has something to do with her?"

Shen Dongqing didn't hear it, and asked, "What are you talking about?"

Zhou Wenyan: "I'm guessing the secret."

Shen Dongqing was excited: "Then can we just get caught? Maybe we'll guess right at once."

Zhou Wenyan was helpless: "No."

Shen Dongqing: "Why not?"

Zhou Wenyan took out the photo and put it away: "There must be evidence."