Non-Human Seeking Re-employment

Chapter 120: Priest butler


This reason is really omnipotent, Shen Dongqing will have no problem immediately.

But generally speaking, according to this villa type, it is with a basement.

Zhou Wenyan smiled and brought people over: "Go and look?"

Shen Dongqing was worried that he was full and bored and had nothing to do, so naturally he would not refuse.

The two left the room.

Other players may be afraid of going out at night and walking around. If something bad happens, they will hide inside and not come out as soon as it gets dark. When they passed the entrance of the second floor, Shen Dongqing took a look inside.

The corridor on the second floor was empty, and no one was there.

Shen Dongqing lifted his feet and walked to the first floor. Just as he stepped on the first stairs, a black shadow flashed across the corner of his eyes. His body turned one step faster than his brain, and he rushed up with his legs, trying to grab the shadow.

It's just that the black shadow was slippery, slipped through Shen Dongqing's fingertips, and got in through the crack of the door.

Shen Dongqing grabbed the door handle and turned it.

Gee, locked.

He changed his method and kicked the door open directly.

The door opened.

Shen Dongqing didn't see the dark shadow, instead there was a lump lying on the ground.

Oh, and it can't be said to be "things" either.

Judging from the clothes hanging on his body, this should be the priest, but the priest's current state is not very good, his skin and flesh seem to have been gnawed by something. Condensed into a small puddle.

But the small puddles only condensed for a moment, then seeped into the gaps in the marble floor tiles, leaving only one or two blood spots.

Shen Dongqing's commotion was a bit loud. After a while, the people in the next room heard it and came out to check the situation.

As soon as the little nurse saw this picture, she covered her mouth and went back.

The bodyguard was a little better, and said with a pale face, "What's going on?"

Shen Dongqing ignored the bodyguards, crossed the corpse on the ground to reach the ground, and caught the black shadow who had escaped earlier.

It was a little mouse.

To be precise, it was the skeleton of a mouse, and its bones were still hung with moist soil, as if it had just crawled out of the ground. Taking a closer look, the bone rat's teeth were hung with fresh flesh.

Shen Dongqing walked out with the little bone mouse, and threw it on the soles of the bodyguard's feet: "This thing did it."

The little bone mouse screamed and wanted to escape after breaking away from the devil's claws, but Shen Dongqing stepped on its tail with one foot, so that it could only flap its claws in place.

"This..." The bodyguard looked down, "Are these things in the garden?"

Could it be that the skeletons were all resurrected at night

The bodyguard was startled at first, and then thought to himself, why was only the priest attacked? Others haven't come across this stuff.

The lawyer said coldly: "His secret has been discovered."

The bodyguard and the little nurse asked in unison, "Secret? What secret?"

The lawyer looked at Shen Dongqing.

Shen Dongqing was still teasing the little bone mouse, and suddenly noticed the gazes of other people, and was a little puzzled: "Why are you looking at me?"

Lawyer: "You told the priest's secret."

Shen Dongqing was stunned for a moment, the strength on his feet was useless, and he directly smashed half of the little bone mouse, the bone mouse simply gave up resistance, lying on the ground and waiting to die.

He withdrew his foot and said in shock, "I was really fooled by me!"

To be honest, Shen Dongqing was really guessing randomly, and casually said that the priest was a cult priest.

This is too simple!

Shen Dongqing couldn't care about the Bone Rat who escaped secretly, and touched his chin: "How about I take turns guessing?"

The little nurse was the first to object: "Don't!"

When they saw the tragic end of the priest, they naturally kept their secrets even tighter.

Shen Dongqing pretended not to hear any objections: "I guess..."

Right here, the housekeeper came out and interrupted Shen Dongqing: "What are you doing here?"

The little nurse and bodyguard who were blocking the door silently moved out of the way. The butler was also startled when he saw the priest's body in the room.

His voice was a little hollow: "How could this be..."

The housekeeper didn't expect people to die so quickly, and there was a murder case on the first night, and he didn't know what to do.

Shen Dongqing said calmly, "Call the police."

Other players: "Huh?"

Shen Dongqing: "Aren't you guys role-playing? Shouldn't you call the police after a murder?"

That's true, but is it really useful to call the police in the context of a horror movie

The little nurse took out her mobile phone tremblingly and turned on the screen: "No signal."

Shen Dongqing was shocked: "The wifi is gone?!"

The little nurse nodded: "It's gone."

Other players felt that Shen Dongqing's reaction was a bit extreme. After all, in this game, isn't it normal to have no signal and no internet

Otherwise, how to create an atmosphere of terror

Unexpectedly, Shen Dongqing's next sentence would be: "—Then how can I play games!"

Other players: …

Well, are you really here to play the game? Still a real game.

The housekeeper stood closest to the window, looked outside, and found that the periphery of the garden was surrounded by a layer of fog, the fog was so thick that nothing else could be seen.

It seems that the main event has come.

The housekeeper glanced at the corpse in the room again and said, "Everyone should rest first..."

Before he could finish speaking, Zhou Wenyan interrupted: "Housekeeper, do you know where the basement of the villa is?"

The housekeeper stiffened for a moment: "I don't know." He wanted to make it clear, "Basement, what basement? I don't know."

Zhou Wenyan: "Oh, it seems that the villa really has a basement."

The housekeeper understood that he had been deceived, and his face was very ugly. He glared at them sternly, turned and left.

Shen Dongqing's light flashed: "Could it be that his secret is that the villa has a basement?"

The butler's footsteps staggered, and he almost fell down the stairs. He stepped on it and directly crossed the third stairs, and suddenly disappeared.

Shen Dongqing said again: "But what kind of secret is this?"

Zhou Wenyan: "It might not be the basement, it might be something in the basement."

The player next to him listened for a long time and couldn't help but say, "Basement?"

They went through the upper and lower floors, but they didn't find any basement.

Zhou Wenyan raised his chin: "Go down and look for it."

The other players glanced at each other and decided to follow them to the basement.

After all, they didn't find any clues. If there is a basement, the contents inside must be very critical.

Except for the guilty butler and the priest who died violently, other players were dispatched.

It's just that they searched for half the night and couldn't find where the basement was.

The little nurse began to doubt: "Is there really a basement?"

The bodyguard looked at Shen Dongqing and Zhou Wenyan.

Shen Dongqing had already started to yawn.

Zhou Wenyan pondered for a moment, since this basement can be a secret, the place must be very hidden, and it may be difficult to find it just by looking for it.

He raised his eyelids and said, "Let's rest first and talk about it tomorrow."

The other players were also sleepy and immediately disbanded on the spot.

The night passed and the housekeeper woke up first.

He was afraid that the secret would be discovered, and he was so worried that he hadn't slept well all night, staring at two dark circles under his eyes at dawn.

The other players are still sleeping.

The housekeeper went to the kitchen lightly, staring at the kitchen utensils in a daze, and grasped a kitchen knife by magic.

The blade of the kitchen knife is smooth, and it is estimated that it can cut through the bones with one knife.

The housekeeper stared at it for a long time, but let go of his hand.

"No, no..." He shook his head.

There are still too many players upstairs, and he can't solve them all with one person and a kitchen knife.

Just when the butler put down the kitchen knife, the cabinet above was aged and rusted, and it opened by itself with a creak, and a jar fell out of it.

The housekeeper stretched out his hand to catch it conditioned reflexively. Looking at it, he recognized that the jar contained a poisonous plant, which had been dried in the sun.

This is just like someone handing a pillow when you are dozing off!

The butler didn't even think about why such a coincidence happened, and a smug smile appeared on his face.

In a place he didn't find, a small figure flashed by.

After all, it was in the game, and other players didn't sleep very well, but in order to save their physical strength, they barely closed their eyes until seven o'clock in the morning.

At this time, a table of breakfast was already prepared in the restaurant.

The housekeeper greeted them warmly: "You can eat."

The little nurse gave him a suspicious look.

Unexpectedly, the housekeeper, who almost had his secret revealed last night, could prepare breakfast as if nothing had happened today. Is his mental quality so good

The housekeeper asked knowingly, "Why, don't you have breakfast?"

The players took their seats one by one.

The housekeeper said, "There is still something cooking in the kitchen. I'll go and fetch it. You can eat it first."

With that, he walked to the kitchen.

The little boy was the first to do it, took a steamed bun and took a bite, his cheeks bulging and chewing hard.

The little nurse reminded: "Eat slowly." She also reached out and took a steamed bun.

As soon as he finished speaking, the little boy spit out the steamed bun in his mouth with a "wow".

Shen Dongqing asked, "Have you choked?"

Witches: "Bah ah ah - it doesn't taste right, it's unpalatable!"

Shen Dongqing: "What's wrong? It's sour?"

The little kid thought for a while: "No, it's just unpalatable, you better not eat it."

Shen Dongqing chose to listen to the little brat, put down the steamed buns, and went to eat something else.

With the example here, other players dare not touch that steamed bun.

When the housekeeper came back, he saw the steamed bun that had only been bitten, and an obscure light flashed in his eyes.

He sat down and pretended to inadvertently asked, "Why don't you eat steamed buns? Am I doing something bad?"

Shen Dongqing: "Maybe it's rancid, eat and see."

The smile on the butler's face froze: "I don't really want to eat steamed buns either..."

The little kid seemed to have thought of something and said, "It's not sour, it should have been poisoned. I've eaten this kind of thing before, and it's vomit. It's unpalatable."

The players exploded immediately.


"It's poisonous?"

They retched for fear of eating something poisonous.

The little boy rolled his eyes: "You guys are too aggressive, aren't you? Only in steamed buns."

The players stopped retching.

The little nurse asked a very crucial question: "Who gave the poison?"

The others looked at the housekeeper in unison.

The housekeeper's forehead was sweating: "It's not me, I don't know, it can't be poisonous in it..."

Who believes this

The secret was almost revealed last night. There was poison in the breakfast this morning, and this breakfast was made by you. There will be no one else who poisoned it, right

Shen Dongqing suddenly said, "I believe him."

The housekeeper did not expect that anyone would believe him, and immediately cast a thankful look.

Then he heard Shen Dongqing say slowly, "Since he said he was not poisoned, let him take a bite."

When the housekeeper heard this, sweat poured down his face: "Don't, don't."

Shen Dongqing: "No, you have to prove your innocence, I support you."

The butler stood up and ran.

Other players see his performance, what else is unclear? He must have been poisoned.

The little nurse shouted, "Don't let him run away!"

Of course the housekeeper couldn't run away. As soon as he stood up, Zhou Wenyan pressed him back, and the little boy grabbed his hand beside him and laughed straight at him.

Shen Dongqing took a steamed bun and handed it over: "Want me to feed you?"

The housekeeper shook his head desperately: "Uh-"

It's a pity that he didn't even dare to open his mouth, for fear of being directly stuffed in.

Shen Dongqing slapped the steamed bun into the butler's mouth, but the butler didn't cooperate.

He sighed: "That's not good."

Zhou Wenyan started directly, not knowing how he did it, the housekeeper opened his mouth in pain.

Seeing the opportunity, Shen Dongqing stuffed the steamed buns in, and the coordination was perfect.

The effect of this poison is very significant. As soon as the steamed buns were eaten, the butler's face turned red, his eyes rolled, and his head was tilted, and he died.

Shen Dongqing: "So fast?"

Zhou Wenyan: "I was choked to death."

Shen Dongqing:

Zhou Wenyan looked at the housekeeper again, there was a black blood on the corner of the housekeeper's mouth, he changed his words: "Poison also has a certain effect."

After confirming that it was the housekeeper who had poisoned, the other players did not object to the death of the housekeeper, and wished that people died too happily.

Just after the housekeeper was violently killed, Shen Dongqing thought of a question: "We haven't asked where the basement is."

The question is, besides the housekeeper, does anyone know the location of the basement

The other players were all stunned, seemingly ignorant.

Shen Dongqing slapped his thigh: "It's all my fault that he died so fast!"

Yes, it has nothing to do with him.