Non-Human Seeking Re-employment

Chapter 121: Two Zhou Wenyan


The players stared at the butler who died violently.

According to Shen Dongqing and the others, this villa has a key basement, but only the housekeeper knows about this basement, and the housekeeper has now died violently.

This becomes a dead end.

The players were a little speechless.

Now they don't know what to do in this situation, and they can't blame Shen Dongqing for being too quick.

You must know that the housekeeper is poisoning the food. If it was not called out by the little kid, it would be their turn to be the one who died violently.

The little nurse said, "How about... Shall we look for it again?"

After this episode, the breakfast was too much to eat, and the players began to find the basement spontaneously.

But the basement was so hidden that the players almost turned over the first floor, not even the corners, and still could not find the door leading to the basement.

Some even began to wonder if there was such a basement.

Shen Dongqing said: "There must be."

The bodyguard expressed doubts: "Then why we didn't find it? If there is, we can't find it."

This logic is a bit perfect. Shen Dongqing didn't know how to solve it, so he could only say: "Then let's guess the secret if we don't find the basement."

Other players: …

It had to be said that Shen Dongqing was quite accurate in guessing the secret, causing the two players to die violently—even though it was said that the housekeeper killed himself.

But in this way, how can any player dare to let him guess the secret? I can only look with a bitter face to find out if there are any subtle places that have been missed.

Shen Dongqing also wandered around the hall on the first floor.

Only the little kid, relying on his young age, sat on the sofa and paddled with peace of mind.

Shen Dongqing glanced at him, then sat down, grabbed a handful of melon seeds and started knocking.

Seeing that the melon seeds in the plate were missing by more than half, the little boy almost didn't jump up, but when he saw who was next to him, he sat back abruptly.

"Aren't you going to the basement?" he asked cautiously.

Shen Dongqing was paralyzed: "I can't find it, I can't find it anymore."

Little kid: "If you can't find it, forget it." He licked the corner of his mouth, "Why don't we go out to eat hot pot."

Shen Dongqing immediately gave him a slap: "If you can't find it, you can't get out."

The little kid covered his head, crying like a mourning: "Ah? Is there such a thing?"

Shen Dongqing nodded: "Yes, it's such a stupid game."

The little boy also scolded along with him. After scolding, he jumped off the sofa and ran out: "I'll go look for it too!"

Shen Dongqing was not in a hurry, he slammed on the sunflower seeds with his legs crossed, and put a hand on half of his shoulders. He didn't have to look back, he knew it was Zhou Wenyan.

"did you find it?"

Zhou Wenyan went around to the front and sat down beside Shen Dongqing: "No."

Shen Dongqing spat out two melon seed shells: "Then what should I do now?"

Having said that, there was no sign of anxiety on his face.

Zhou Wenyan: "There are other people who know where the basement is."

Shen Dongqing was curious: "Who is it?"

Zhou Wenyan: "It can't be said to be a human being, but... a thing." He deliberately sold off the question and didn't give the answer directly.

Shen Dongqing held her chin, blinked her eyes, and made a random guess: "Those little animals buried in the garden?"

"You guessed it right." Zhou Wenyan touched his head.

Shen Dongqing gave an "ah": "That is, if they were tortured to death in the basement, they must know how to get to the basement!"

After speaking, he regretted it again: "I knew I would never let that little mouse go!"

But on second thought, there are animal bones everywhere in the garden outside, not less than one or two.

Shen Dongqing quickly stood up and dragged Zhou Wenyan to the garden.

When he got to the door, he remembered that Zhou Wenyan couldn't leave the villa, so he let go of his hand and prepared to go alone.

But as soon as he let go, he was caught by Zhou Wenyan backhand.

Shen Dongqing asked, "Can't you come out?"

Zhou Wenyan: "I couldn't do it just now, but now I can."

Shen Dongqing didn't understand: "Why?"

Zhou Wenyan: "Because we have come to another world, there are no restrictions on me."

Shen Dongqing: "Another world, are you..."

He wanted to express his guess, but was afraid that it was Zhou Wenyan's secret, so he could only keep it in his heart, not to mention how uncomfortable it was.

He could only distract himself, "Let's go and see—"

A dense layer of fog covered the outside of the villa, which seemed to isolate the villa from the outside world, so that people inside could only reach the garden as far as possible.

The two came to the messy garden that had been turned over. Shen Dongqing bent over the skeleton closest to him and asked, "Do you know how to get to the basement?"


Shen Dongqing asked again, "Do you know?"

The skeleton still didn't respond.

Shen Dongqing threatened: "If you don't answer, I will kick you."

But even so, the skeleton remained motionless, as if it were really a lump of lifeless bones.

Shen Dongqing became impatient, and simply kicked up, kicking the bones all over the place. He turned back to Zhou Wenyan for help.

"They haven't been activated yet," Zhou Wenyan said.

Shen Dongqing tilted his head: "How to activate?"

Zhou Wenyan: "Use 'secret'."

Once the player's secrets are exposed to the public, these bones will be activated to claim the lives of players who have no secrets.

Shen Dongqing was not afraid of being killed, and even a little eager to try, she raised her hand and said, "Let me come!"

Zhou Wenyan pressed his hand: "I'm coming."

Shen Dongqing also wanted to know Zhou Wenyan's secret, so he didn't rush to do this job, and just stood aside and looked at him.

"My secret is—" Zhou Wenyan paused and spit out two words, "Incest."

Shen Dongqing's first reaction was: "Incest, is it so exciting?"

The second reaction is: "with whom?"

Zhou Wenyan looked at him helplessly.

Shen Dongqing pointed to the tip of his nose and said, "Me?"

Zhou Wenyan asked back, "Who else is there?"

Shen Dongqing: "It seems that there is no one else, but..." He became a little excited, "I didn't expect the game to arrange such an exciting plot for us, I can call it a fool twice less."

Game: ... Thank you.

Shen Dongqing looked at Zhou Wenyan: "Come on, call me brother."

Zhou Wenyan held the person's shoulder and changed the subject bluntly: "They are here."

Small earthbags bulged on the ground of the garden, and something was struggling to break out of the ground. After a few breaths, the bones of various animals crawled out of it.

I don't know how many kinds of animals are buried below, chickens, ducks, cats, dogs and mice... The bones of all kinds of animals have come to life, and the empty eyes are staring coldly at this person who has lost his secrets.

Shen Dongqing stepped on a little mouse and buried the one who had just climbed out.

He turned his head and faced the bones in the yard: "Hey, there are quite a few."

Thinking about it, these things sneaked into the villa in the dark and ate the priest.

If others encounter this situation, they will run away without being scared to death.

But Shen Dongqing was neither. He directly kicked the nearest huge bone dog and grabbed a weasel. It was more terrifying than these bones.

"Say, where's the basement?"

The weasel still didn't know the current situation, his front paws fluttered, wanting to bite Shen Dongqing's wrist.

It's a pity that people haven't bitten it yet, it's turned into a pile of bones first.

If one fails, there is another.

Shen Dongqing grabbed another little rabbit and asked again.

The little rabbit kicked hard on its hind legs, trying to kick the man away.

Shen Dongqing saw that the little rabbit was not cooperating, so he simply destroyed it.

Anyway, there are so many small animals in the yard, take your time one by one, and one will know.

When three consecutive little friends died from the claws, the little animals finally realized that something was wrong, they stopped and lowered their heads in fear.

Shen Dongqing: "Who knows where the basement is? Stand up for me."

Little animals, look at me, I look at you, and finally a kitten came out.

It was covered in beautiful white bones, came to Shen Dongqing's feet, rubbed its small head, and let out a tactful "meow".

Shen Dongqing squatted down and touched its little head.

"It's so cute." Shen Dongqing still remembered her dream of raising a pet. After licking it for a while, she raised her head and asked Zhou Wenyan, "Can I keep it?"

The kitten also imitated Shen Dongqing's movements, raised its head, and at the same time swung its tail behind him.

Zhou Wenyan felt a little itchy in his palms.

Hmm... Little Holly looks cuter than a kitten.

"No." But he still refused.

Shen Dongqing's eyes widened: "Why?"

Zhou Wenyan: "Because you already have a pet."

Shen Dongqing couldn't remember when he still had pets, until the little boy rushed out of the villa, he didn't react: "So it's him?!"

The little boy who didn't know the cause and effect was blinded: "What am I?"

Shen Dongqing said ruthlessly: "I don't want him, I want a cat."

Where is the cute cat in the child

The little boy understood, but he didn't cry or make trouble, but glanced at the kitten with a bright smile.

The kitten's back arched up immediately. If it hadn't been hairless, it would have been blown up by now. For the sake of his own safety, he did not act like a spoiled child, but took people directly to the entrance of the basement.


The kitten stopped in front of a banana tree.

Shen Dongqing: "Here?"

The kitten "meow" again, and then ran away quickly.

Shen Dongqing glanced at the lush banana tree.

For the sake of what happened just now, the brat had the courage to show it. Needless to say, he went to resist the shovel. After digging twice on the ground, the shovel hit something hard—there was a wooden board underneath.

Zhou Wenyan found a lock on the wooden board and pulled it upwards, and the wooden board creaked open, revealing a dark entrance.

It may be that no one has gone in for a while. As soon as it is opened, there is a cloudy gas inside, and there is a bloody smell.

Shen Dongqing fanned beside his nose: "Go in and have a look?"

He took out his mobile phone, which, although there was no signal, could still be used as a flashlight.

A group of people walked on this light.

The stairs are narrow and only one person can pass through. Shen Dongqing is at the front, the little boy is in the middle, and Zhou Wenyan is at the end.

Go down the stairs one step at a time, walk for about five minutes, and finally reach the bottom.

Shen Dongqing took a picture of it with her mobile phone, and felt that this was not a basement, but more like a cellar. The area below was quite large and filled with a cold atmosphere.

He touched his shoulder and continued to walk deeper.

There is nothing strange about the periphery of the cellar, but the deeper you go, the stronger the bloody smell, and even the dark red liquid solidifies in the gaps of the slate.

Shen Dongqing covered her mouth and nose, took the light to look down, and suddenly a familiar face flashed in front of her.

Shen Dongqing took a closer look: "!"

After seeing the face clearly, he was startled, so scared that he couldn't even speak. When he released his fingers, the phone slid down and hit the ground with a crisp sound.

After such a fall, the phone was broken, and the light on the screen struggled for a while, then dimmed.

Without the only source of light, the cellar was plunged into darkness.

Shen Dongqing's strangeness could not be concealed from the people behind him.

With his temperament, he can be frightened, which is definitely not an ordinary thing. Zhou Wenyan hurriedly chased after him and asked anxiously, "What's the matter?"

In the darkness, Shen Dongqing felt that Zhou Wenyan's hand was holding his, but it was not warm, but cold, like ice cubes.

Shen Dongqing asked, "Did you bring your cell phone?"

Zhou Wenyan: "No. What did you see just now?"

Shen Dongqing: "I, I saw..." He swallowed, "I saw you."

At this moment, the little boy's voice rang: "I didn't expect it, I have a mobile phone!"

After some fumbling, the cool white light came on.

Shen Dongqing's current situation is a little embarrassing.

There was a Zhou Wenyan standing behind, holding his hand, and Zhou Wenyan in front, a pair of light coffee-colored eyes looking forward without emotion.

"Two." He watched for a long time, then sighed suddenly, "Sweet troubles."

Zhou Wenyan:

Shen Dongqing reacted: "No, no, you heard wrong! I didn't say anything just now!" He then patted Zhou Wenyan again, "You won't tell me if you become a ghost? Are you afraid that I will? Do you despise you?"

Zhou Wenyan: "...I only knew that I had become a ghost."

This game is not very kind. Everything is squeezed slowly like toothpaste, thinking of ways to trick people.

Shen Dongqing touched this and that: "You really turned into a ghost? You are one step faster than me. How do you feel about being a ghost?"

Although he touched his own body, why did Zhou Wenyan feel a little... a little uncomfortable