Non-Human Seeking Re-employment

Chapter 123: Human face monster


The little nurse hesitated for a moment: "I haven't seen it before, and I don't dare to say whether a pot can be... stewed."

This adjective is so strange that it led the little nurse away. She seriously thought about whether the monster that attacked her could be put into the cauldron with the scars on Mrs. Shen's body.

Fortunately, the other players were dragged back in time, and the lawyer asked, "Why didn't you say such an important thing earlier?"

Little nurse: "Uh... this is my secret."

With the setting that she will die once she tells the secret, the little nurse does not dare to say this, and can only be afraid by herself.

But for some reason, the monster that attacked Mrs. Shen never appeared.

Now that the little nurse's secret was finished, she looked at the other two: "What about your secret?"

Bodyguard: "Mrs. Shen is pregnant." This is his secret.

As a bodyguard, he has multiple functions, not only to protect the personal safety of the host family, but also to act as a driver, cleaning, errands and other functions when necessary.

In the plot he knew, three months ago, Mrs. Shen was unwell and asked him to buy two pregnancy test sticks. Because Mrs. Shen was a little old and curious, "he" paid attention and found that Mrs. Shen was pregnant on the pregnancy test stick.

Originally, this was a trivial matter, and the bodyguard didn't think it was a problem, but thinking of the contents of the black book, he couldn't help but wonder, is Mrs. Shen's belly really a human baby

The little nurse also thought of this: "Mrs. Shen's body does not appear to be pregnant or aborted."

There was only one possibility, that Mrs. Shen had given birth before she died.

But a three-month-old baby cannot survive without its mother, and is 100% not human.

Shen Dongqing made a guess: "Could it be that she gave birth to a monster and came out and devoured her?"

The little nurse's face turned pale: "It's possible."

Bodyguard: "Tell me your secret too."

The lawyer said, "My secret is—there are only three members of the Shen family."

Mrs. Shen and Mr. Shen also have a son.

Hearing what the lawyer said, the expressions of the bodyguard and the nurse suddenly changed.

According to what the lawyer said, there were only three members of the Shen family, but including the deceased Mrs. Shen, Mr. Shen and the three people standing here, there were five people.

So, who is present in disguise

The players' eyes wandered between the three.

The little kid started to pretend to be innocent: "I don't know."

Shen Dongqing blinked: "I don't know either, maybe there's something wrong with this stupid game."

Zhou Wenyan stood behind him, crossed his shoulders with his hands, and nodded in agreement.

Other players: … I believe you have ghosts.

At this moment, there was a "bang" in the study, and the closed door shook three times, as if something had slammed into it behind the door.

The little nurse was startled: "What?!"


Another sound.

The thin door of the study shuddered, and the walls on both sides fell with ash, and if they hit it twice, they might not even be able to keep the door.

The little nurse's first reaction was: "Let's go out quickly!"

Saying that, she rushed over, trying to open the door of the room. But no matter how hard the little nurse tried, the door remained motionless.

"Who locked the door when he came in?"

With the constant crashing, the little nurse's palms were sweating, grabbing the doorknob and pressing down continuously.

The bodyguard and the lawyer looked at each other: "No, the door is not locked."

Little nurse: "Then why can't I open it!"

Bodyguard: "I'm coming!"

He rolled up his sleeves and tried.

The little nurse urged: "Can you do it?"

Sweat dripped from the bodyguard's forehead: "No, I can't open—"


This time, the thin template was directly smashed into the opposite direction, and a hole for one person to pass through appeared.

The players turned their heads stiffly and saw a strange creature writhing in the dim study.

They couldn't describe the appearance of that thing. Just a glance, they felt that the scalp was numb and the hair was standing upright, which easily made them lose the ability to resist, and could only stand there and wait to die.

The little nurse even cried.

Lawyers and bodyguards were also not feeling well, and the whole person was in a trance.

At this time, Shen Dongqing said, "It's ugly." He tutted his head and shook his head, "I've never seen such an ugly thing before."

The little kid commented: "Me too, I wouldn't take such an ugly thing as my subordinate."

Shen Dongqing said seriously: "Actually your group of ghouls are pretty ugly too."

Little kid: "...Compared with this thing, she's a beauty, isn't it?"

Shen Dongqing pondered for a moment and agreed with him: "That's right."

The two commented on the creatures in the study, and the thing seemed to be provoked by these remarks, staring straight at Shen Dongqing with blood-red eyes, and making meaningless noises from his mouth.

It took a little effort to climb out of the hole and come down to the light.

Only then did the players see what it looked like.

This monster looks like a human child, but it doesn't seem to be fully developed. Its head is hugely attached to the ground. There is no skin around its body, and its blood-red flesh and veins are directly exposed. Not only that, it also has spider-like feet. Has two pairs of arms and four legs.

The players woke up: "Hurry up and find a way to open the door! Key, key!"

The little nurse took out the key tremblingly.

It's just that the speed of the monster is too fast, the little nurse just took out the key, and saw that it has rushed to the front.

Fortunately, the hatred of the monsters is not on them, but on Shen Dongqing and the little brat.

The monster's IQ is a bit high, it measured the strength of the two people, decided to pick a soft persimmon, and chose to pounce on the little boy.

The little kid screamed, "Ah!"

Shen Dongqing was faster than the monster, and slapped the kid on the back of the head: "What are you yelling for?"

The little kid said aggrievedly: "It's so ugly, it makes me so ugly."


Do you not have the right to be a monster if you are ugly

The monster's anger was full, its mouth cracked open, revealing its fine teeth, and it was about to bite at the little boy.

The little boy didn't dodge or dodge, just when the monster was about to touch him, he slowly reached out and grabbed the monster's umbilical cord. lock up.

He looked at Shen Dongqing proudly: "I'm amazing."

Shen Dongqing moved away silently: "It's disgusting."

Witches: "?"

Shen Dongqing: "I dare to touch it, it's disgusting."

The monster struggled frantically: "Ahhhh-"

It's a pity that there is a certain gap between monsters and brats, and they can't break free from brats.

After the danger alert was lifted, other players were temporarily relieved.

The little nurse tried the key, but still couldn't open the door. It seemed that it wasn't the door's problem, but some mysterious force that prevented them from going out.

But since the monster was subdued, they didn't have to rush out.

The bodyguard looked at the monster held by the little boy: "Is this the thing that killed Mrs. Shen, the murderer?"

The little monster didn't look like it was lethal.

The bodyguard also tried to hold the little monster in his hand, but the little monster didn't move, as if giving up resistance.

Lawyer: "Then have we cleared customs?"

The little nurse whispered, "It doesn't seem right, it shouldn't be so small..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the light above his head suddenly dimmed.

As soon as the light source disappeared, the window was pulled tightly by the curtains, and the room suddenly became dark, and it looked blurry.

The lawyer panicked: "What's going on?! Power outage?"

Shen Dongqing raised his head and said after a while, "...It shouldn't be a power outage."

Little Nurse: "What's the matter?"

Shen Dongqing pointed to the top: "See for yourself."

So the players below all raised their heads.

The height of this floor is more than two meters, and now the players look up and face a face hanging from the ceiling.

This picture is really beyond people's imagination. The players are so shocked that they can't even make a sound. They can only stand there stupidly and look at the face.

This is a woman's face, with beautiful facial features, clear eyebrows and beautiful eyes. But the premise is that this face does not grow on this body. Compared with its delicate face, its body is huge, with layers of fat overlapping each other, and its four arms stretched out from the greasy fat, clinging to the ceiling, just blocking the lights above.


I don't know who swallowed.

That beautiful face giggled, her mouth cracked to an incredible state, and she could almost swallow a basketball in one bite. The top and bottom were covered with fine teeth, and there were strips of flesh hanging on them.

It seems that this thing killed Mrs. Shen.

Among the players, the first to react is the bodyguard.

After reading the human-faced monster hanging on it, he seemed to have thought of something, lowered his head stiffly, and met the smug eyes of the little monster.

This is the standard bullying of the little ones, and the big ones.

The bodyguard shivered and let go.

The lawyer was shocked, pointed at the human-faced monster lying on the ceiling and shouted: "It is the murderer, I found it!"

It stands to reason that even if the murderer is found, the puzzle can be solved.

This is when the lawyer finished yelling, and the game didn't respond at all, as if it had disappeared.

"What's going on!" The lawyer looked around nervously, "Where's the game! Didn't we clear the game?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he couldn't wait for the game's answer, but instead waited for the monster first.

The human-faced monster's fingers rubbed against the ceiling, the wall powder fell, its upper body leaned down, and the first pair of arms opened, attacking the lawyer.

Seeing that the lawyer was about to be stabbed in the opposite direction, he suddenly kicked him from behind, kicking the lawyer straight away, just avoiding the monster's attack.

But even if he escaped the monster in this way, the lawyer fell so hard that he just fell on the ground and couldn't get up.

The human-faced monster missed and stopped temporarily.

At this time, the little monster, who was freed, landed on his hands and feet, crawled lightly on the cabinet, and "babbled" at the human-faced monster, apparently complaining.

After the report, he grinned at the little kid again.

The limbs of the human-faced monster moved a bit, revealing the hidden lights, and its head twisted 180 degrees, staring at the little kid.

The little boy is not convinced.

do you have a mother? He also has a dad, and two more!

The little boy felt that he couldn't handle the monster with the human face on his head, so he sought help from outside the field: "Dad—" The voice still made the old man grow.

Shen Dongqing pretended not to hear.

The little boy turned his attention and began to seek Zhou Wenyan's help: "Dad!"

Zhou Wenyan raised his hand and carried the little boy to the back.

The little boy shrank behind Zhou Wenyan, stuck his head out, and made a provocative face at the little monster.