Non-Human Seeking Re-employment

Chapter 124: murderer


The little monster is also not convinced.

It danced, pointed at the one on the ceiling, and pointed at the little kid.

After the little kid made the grimace, he retracted behind Zhou Wenyan, clenched his fists and said, "Dad, come on, beat them up!"

Shen Dongqing gave the little boy a white look.

The little kid noticed something was wrong and lowered his voice: "It bullies me..."

Shen Dongqing "tsk".

I have to say, although he doesn't like little brats, in the end only his own people can bully him. If others dare to bully—

He rolled up his sleeves and planned to teach this human-faced monster a lesson.

The human-faced monster hanging from the ceiling didn't feel any danger. It stretched its neck and swept over the people present, and finally kept an eye on the little boy, and quickly climbed over the ceiling with its hands and feet, leaving one by one on it. Xiao Kongdong then pounced on Zhou Wenyan, trying to catch the little kid behind him.

He just got off the ceiling and hadn't jumped in front of Zhou Wenyan when he suddenly kicked in the middle, and the human-faced monster flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, and stopped until it hit the wall.

There was a wailing in its mouth, and it slowly fell to the ground, forming a pair with the lawyer lying on the ground.

However, the human-faced monster's ability to recover is much stronger than that of a lawyer. After a pause, he got up, disabled and persevering, and headed for Zhou Wenyan again.

Its mouth was split open, and its originally delicate facial features were squeezed into a ball, as if there was only a huge mouth left, and a stench was exhaled from it.

The little nurse who was affected let out a short scream.

Fortunately, as soon as the human-faced monster took a step, it stuck to the wall again, making a loud noise, and it sounded like the bones were broken.

The human-faced monster finally reacted. The people in front of him were not easy to mess with. It supported the collapsed half of its body and quickly drilled back from the hole in the study.

The bodyguard hesitated for a while, then caught up to take a look, and found that the human-faced monster had disappeared in the study.

The lawyer groaned, and finally got enough strength to get up from the ground: "Hey—how did the monster escape?"

This villa has a total of three floors, and monsters come and go invisibly, which is a great threat to players.

Shen Dongqing: "Well... it's too ugly."


Shen Dongqing explained: "It's really ugly, I don't even want to touch it." As he spoke, he rubbed the sole of the foot that kicked the monster just now, with a look of disgust on his face.

Seeing the human-faced monster running away, the little boy walked out with a smile, stepped on the little monster who wanted to escape, and said, "Hum, want to run?"

The little monster without a backer shivered.

Shen Dongqing turned his head and saw the little kid playing with the little monster, frowning: "Stop playing."

The little kid stopped.

Shen Dongqing: "It's too ugly, let's play with something better."

The little boy could only let go of his hand reluctantly.

The little monster didn't dare to run, and huddled in the corner and watched the group carefully.

The little nurse said, "The door still won't open."

Shen Dongqing was puzzled: "Why do you have to open the door?"

Little nurse: "Uh... Isn't there a monster here? Is it better to leave here?"

Although the monster seemed vulnerable, it was still a bit ugly and scary.

Shen Dongqing touched his chin: "I'll come."

The little nurse silently gave way.

The bodyguard said in the back: "I tried, this door can't be opened at all..."

Before the words were finished, everyone present heard a "bang", and the two doors that could not be opened slammed down.

Shen Dongqing said, can't open it? Then just leave the door.

The players were all shocked by the picture in front of them.

Shen Dongqing clapped the dust on his hands and walked out first.

The players once again gathered in the lobby on the first floor.

The lawyer clutched his kicked lower back and began to analyze: "Mrs. Shen must have been killed by a monster with a human face, and that monster is the murderer."

Bodyguard: "But why doesn't the game react at all?"

The little nurse couldn't understand, and frowned.

Zhou Wenyan bent his fingers and tapped the armchair of the sofa lightly: "Are you sure, the condition for customs clearance is to find the murderer?"

The players looked at each other.

Finally, the lawyer asked: "What do you mean?"

Zhou Wenyan: "Have you heard the game say that?"

According to his experience of playing games for so long, the game's favorite is word games, and he likes to play tricks on words to trick players.

Shen Dongqing nodded at the side: "Yes, fool games like to cheat people the most!"

The little nurse hesitated for a moment: "It seems... no."

When they came in, they only heard the game say that everyone has a secret. After seeing the NPC, the first news they learned was that Mrs. Shen was attacked and killed. With the game's hint, they all thought they were trying to find a murderer. murderer.

"Don't you want to find the murderer?"

Shen Dongqing leaned on the sofa and clapped both hands: "So our mission is not to find the murderer! If we really want to find the murderer, we will close our eyes and point to whichever we point to, and one will always be right. Yeah, it's too simple."

Players: ... It seems to make sense.

The bodyguard's face was full of confusion: "Then what is our mission?"

The lawyer started to have a headache. He raised his hand and rubbed his temples: "Let's analyze all the clues we have obtained so far."

He patted the black book on the coffee table.

"Mr. Shen, Mrs. Shen and the former Mrs. Shen are all cult believers. They believe that they can live forever after suffering and dying. There are sacrificial supplies in the cellar, and the skeletons of countless animals are buried in the garden."

The little nurse was sensitive and guessed: "Do they want to resurrect a person through a ritual?"

Shen Dongqing immediately thought of that human-faced monster.

"Tsk..." He shook his head, "If it's this kind of resurrection, it might as well be dead."

The little kid nodded: "It's more disgusting than a ghoul."

"And our secrets are also important," the bodyguard said.

The lawyer recalled everyone's secrets.

The little nurse said that Mrs. Shen was eaten by monsters and died.

The bodyguard said that Mrs. Shen was pregnant.

Zhou Wenyan's secret is incest, Shen Dongqing's secret is to kill her mother and kill her relatives.

The lawyer said that the Shen family had only three members.


The lawyer came to a conclusion: "The Shen family tried to create the evil god in this book, but failed twice. According to Mrs. Shen's ending, it can be judged that creation is death, and once the monster mother is born, it will be killed."

He looked at Shen Dongqing.

Kill your mother and kill your relatives.

As soon as they heard this secret, they thought that Shen Dongqing was the murderer who killed Mrs. Shen, but after making this answer, the game did not respond.

That is to say, Shen Dongqing is not the murderer, and his identity is a "monster" born by the former Mrs. Shen, so he has the secret of killing his mother and killing his relatives.

After listening to the lawyer's reasoning, the other players suddenly realized.

Even Shen Dongqing sighed: "So it is."

Lawyer: "So you are also a monster."

Shen Dongqing's face was displeased: "Who are you scolding?"

The lawyer recalled the kick he was kicked before, and his lower back was still aching, and immediately confessed: "No, no, I'll just talk about it."

Little nurse: "Then what are we going to do now?"

Lawyer: "I think the key point is the family of three. If there are only three members of the Shen family, who are the 'three members'?"

Now, including the dead, there are six people in the Shen family, and the population has doubled in an instant.

If the meaning of this sentence is that there are only three people in the Shen family, then it remains to be discussed what the remaining three are.

Bodyguard: "Mrs. Shen must be human, otherwise how could she get pregnant?"

Little nurse: "I went to examine Mrs. Shen's body, and she is indeed a human being."

Shen Dongqing thought for a moment and asked curiously, "Do monsters and humans have reproductive isolation?"

Others said unsurely: "Should have..."

Shen Dongqing made a hasty judgment: "Then Mr. Shen is also a human being."

The little nurse coughed: "In this case, the former Mrs. Shen is also a human being. If it is not a human being, how could it be possible to die so easily?"

Shen Dongqing nodded: "I think it makes sense."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the eyes of the other three people become strange.

"What's wrong?" He tilted his head in confusion.

The little nurse said hesitantly: "Then, if those three are human, aren't the three of you... not human anymore?"

The little kid said it righteously: "Of course I'm not human anymore!"

Bodyguard: "Then what are you?"

The little boy's eyes rolled: "I won't tell you."

Shen Dongqing thought for a while and said, " guys seem to have a point." After speaking, he looked at Zhou Wenyan.

Zhou Wenyan put his hand on Shen Dongqing's shoulder and smiled: "You guessed it right."

Other players: "Huh?"

Zhou Wenyan: "I know how to clear customs."

The topic changed so quickly that the players couldn't react for a while.

Zhou Wenyan said lightly: "Kill all of you and then you can clear the level."

wait wait wait!

Bodyguards, lawyers and little nurses are all stupid.

Why is the transformation like this? !

Shen Dongqing was still there to echo: "It's so simple, do you want to cooperate?"

Other players shook their heads desperately: Cooperate!

Zhou Wenyan sighed over there: "That's a pity."

Shen Dongqing is still a curious baby: "Why did you kill them?"

Zhou Wenyan: "Because the two of us are villains, not players."

"What!" Shen Dongqing almost jumped up, "The stupid game is digging a hole for us again?"

It's not the first time, okay

Play this trick again!

Zhou Wenyan nodded: "Because of the lack of information, I didn't think of this. They analyzed it just now and explained it to me."

The lawyer wanted to cry without tears: Blame me, really blame me.

Shen Dongqing: "Oh? I don't even understand?"

Zhou Wenyan said: "The player's task is indeed to find the murderer, and our task is to kill all the players."

Mr. Shen and the two Mrs. Shen are indeed cultists. They believe in evil gods. In order to gain immortality after death, they let the evil gods descend through various ceremonies.

They failed once and succeeded again.

The failure is Shen Da Shao, and the successful one is Shen Er Shao.

It's just that the human body can't accommodate the evil god, so Shen Ershao became weak after he became an adult, and finally his body died, and his soul was preserved through secret techniques.

So Zhou Wenyan couldn't leave the villa, and he couldn't set foot in the garden until the game started.

As for incest.

Zhou Wenyan opened the black book, and a page inside said that the evil god has an indescribable attraction to believers, and will make believers indulge in it and dedicate everything, including life.

Shen Dashao was just bewildered by the evil god and thought it was incest, and this secret was also used to mislead the players.

Therefore, there are only three members of the Shen family, and their two sons are all unknown creatures.

There is also a little kid who is simply the little toy that comes with the buy two get one free.

As for Mrs. Shen's death, the Heretic God has existed for a long time, and the flesh and blood of animals alone is not enough to survive, but needs more... such as people.

Mrs. Shen was willing to be a sacrifice.

So there is no murderer.

Purely "I kill myself".

Later, due to some accidents, Mrs. Shen's death was discovered, and the two brothers of the Shen family decided to do their best, disguised themselves as victims, lured others into the villa, and slowly preyed on them one by one.

The following is the plot that the player has to face, but he didn't expect the game to temporarily turn a corner and give the player the role of Shen Da Shao and Er Shao.

The lawyer was stupid: "How can you still play like this?"

The little nurse shivered: "So are you going to kill us?"

According to the performance of the two people just now, there is no need to run at all, and it will be over by waiting for death.

Shen Dongqing asked Zhou Wenyan, "Do you want to do it?"

Zhou Wenyan lazily raised his hand and waved: "Forget it."

Shen Dongqing: "Yes, they don't want to cooperate."

The players shouted in their hearts: Who the hell would want to cooperate with this

Shen Dongqing tilted his head: "But if you don't kill it, how will you pass the customs?"

According to the nature of the game, if Zhou Wenyan and Shen Dongqing kill all the players, they will become the villains in this dungeon by default and lose their status as players; if they do not kill the players, they will not be able to complete the mission, and they will not be able to leave the dungeon. .

Difficulty for both.


Zhou Wenyan pinched Shen Dongqing's cheek and said with a smile, "We're not here to clear customs."

Shen Dongqing said stupidly: "Then what are we here for?"

Zhou Wenyan laughed: "You forgot?" He silently said three words, "Controller."

As soon as Shen Dongqing came in, his mind was disturbed by the "secret". He wanted to find the secret, but he forgot that his purpose was never to clear the customs, but to find the controller!

As long as the controller is found, it means that you have temporarily gained control of the game. You can leave any game at will. Where do you need to clear the level

"That's right!" Shen Dongqing nodded quickly, "I forgot."

The little kid rolled his eyes: "I can forget such an important thing."

Shen Dongqing: "Why, do you have an opinion?"

The little boy turned his face faster than a book, and kept saying, "Forget it!"

The player sitting across from them fidgets: "So now it's..."

Shen Dongqing waved his hand: "You guys hurry up, it's also in the way here."


The little nurse humbly asked for advice: "how do we go?"

Shen Dongqing: "Find out the murderer, how easy is it to know?"

Bodyguard: "...Who is it?"

Shen Dongqing: "It's Mrs. Shen."

A series of question marks appeared above the players' heads.

Am I really just killing myself

The lawyer tried to speak: "It was Mrs. Shen who killed Mrs. Shen herself!"