Non-Human Seeking Re-employment

Chapter 134: Jump off the building


Fang Qi's school is a well-known university in the city. Young and beautiful students come and go. They are either rushing to class, or young couples are intimate.

Shen Dongqing's eyes swept over the young couple, and suddenly reached out and hugged Zhou Wenyan's arm, completely imitating the young couple.

Zhou Wenyan looked sideways at him.

Shen Dongqing pursed his lips and smiled, Zhou Wenyan seemed to understand what he meant, and the two leaned closer.

The group of people who followed behind them were expressionless and stood out from the group of students.

But speaking of this combination is also quite strange, there is a short little kid on the bottom, there is a social elite Wu Jia who has no student appearance, two show affection, plus an ordinary college student Fang Qi, what do you think? Shouldn't be together.

Fang Qi was a little embarrassed by the onlookers: "Let's go quickly."

Quickly resolve this paranormal incident and leave here early.

Shen Dongqing: "Don't worry, I won't run away anyway."

So a group of people were not in a hurry to go to the teaching building that was circulated in ghost stories, but first turned a corner and went to the school's characteristic canteen.

The students here are all students, and there are all kinds of delicious and cheap snacks.

Shen Dongqing ate while strolling and sighed, "I also want to be a college student in the future."

Fang Qi couldn't help but glance at him when he heard this. Shen Dongqing was white and clean, with dimples when she smiled, and it seemed that she had never gone through the big dye vats of society.

"How old are you?" Fang Qi asked curiously.

Shen Dongqing blinked, and thought for a moment seriously: "I don't remember, maybe a few hundred years old."


A girl next to him who was waiting for Eggman laughed: "You are so humorous."

Shen Dongqing tilted her head, and after the girl left, she muttered, "I'm telling the truth."

After such a small episode, the group left the cafeteria and went to the teaching building after eating and drinking enough.

The teaching building is located in the southwest corner of the school. It is said that it used to be a cemetery. During the construction, after the master's guidance, a fountain was erected at the entrance to calm the yin below. Originally, it was planned to build 14 floors, but because a leader at the time felt that the 14th floor was not auspicious, he changed it to 13 floors.

Fang Qi was halfway through the science, and Shen Dongqing interrupted him: "Isn't it the 14th floor?"

Fang Qi: "Huh?"

Shen Dongqing took a bite of the ice cream and said, "Have you ever lost?"

Fang Qi: "I haven't counted..."

Generally speaking, no one would be so bored to lose floors, right? Because there is an elevator in this building, the elevator is easy to go up.

But since Shen Dongqing mentioned it, Fang Qi raised his head and counted.

"One, two, three, four..." Fang Qi counted for a long time, "Twelve, thirteen, fourteen!"

He was stunned: "How could there be fourteen floors?"

Fang Qi rubbed his eyes and counted it again seriously, but the second time was still on the fourteenth floor, and there was no change.

At this moment, a girl walked by her side. She glanced at Fang Qi who was counting the floors, and said, "Classmate, did you count wrong? This is the thirteenth floor."

Fang Qi: "Impossible." He glanced at the location with his finger, and it was clearly the fourteenth floor.

Girl: "Just go in and see how many floors there are. The elevator has only thirteen floors." After she finished speaking, she walked in, and the slender figure disappeared at the door.

Fang Qi looked at her back and scratched his head: "Go in and have a look?"

This teaching building usually has a lot of students coming and going. Today, when there is no class, the teaching building is empty, and there are no other students except the girl just now.

Fang Qi came to the elevator with ease and pressed the button.


The elevator quickly reached the first floor.

Fang Qi couldn't wait to walk in and take a look. Sure enough, there are only thirteenth floor buttons, and there is no more fourteenth floor.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Shen Dongqing walked in slowly, threw the ice cream package in the trash can at the door, and said, "Maybe it's just that the elevator can't reach the fourteenth floor."

Fang Qi: "Then, how should we go?"

Shen Dongqing looked like a fool: "Walk up."

After speaking, he pressed the button on the thirteenth floor.

After everyone entered the elevator, the elevator door closed and slowly ascended.

Fang Qi leaned against the wall and silently watched the floor changes. Suddenly he caught a glimpse of the smooth reflection of the elevator and exclaimed, "Why is there one more person!"


The elevator didn't know what happened, and suddenly stopped in mid-air, and the lights above went out.

Fortunately, the people in the elevator were all going through strong winds and waves, and they didn't even move.

Shen Dongqing took out his mobile phone, and the light from the screen shone out, dispelling the darkness.

"One more person?" Zhou Wenyan said.

Fang Qi: "Yes, yes, I just saw in the mirror that there is another person next to us."

The enclosed space, the elevator without power, and one more person in the line.

What a classic horror movie segment, if there is another bgm, it will definitely stun people.

Fang Qi didn't dare to look back now, for fear of another ghost lying on his shoulders behind him, he shivered: "What should I do now?"

"It's not a big problem." Shen Dongqing raised his hand, and the light of the phone shone on everyone, "Just a punch."

Fang Qi: "Huh?"

Shen Dongqing: "So many of us are afraid of this one? Now everyone is locked inside, and no one can run away. One person and one kick will force him to rest."

Fang Qi felt that this truth was quite right, and he was no longer afraid.

It's just that the extra person has not yet been found, and the elevator has returned to normal and continued to ascend.

Shen Dongqing looked around for a week, but couldn't find a sixth person in the elevator. He took back his phone and muttered, "You're lucky."


The elevator stopped on the thirteenth floor, and as soon as the door opened, Wu Jia, who was standing at the door, saw a figure flashing past, it seemed that it was the female student who came in first.

"Come up and see!"

There was no movement in the entire teaching building, only the female student, who made a quick decision and chased after her.

The female student didn't walk fast, and staggered ahead, but for some reason, they kept a short distance from each other, and they couldn't catch up with her.

Turning another corner, the female student came to a door painted red, opened it gently, and behind it was the stairs leading upstairs.

The female student walked up without hesitation.

Fang Qi: "There really is a fourteenth floor."

He had been here for so long, and it was the first time he knew that there were fourteen floors. He was a little scared and a little curious, and finally followed the others up the stairs.

This passage is little known, and no one usually walks, not even a light, and can only walk up by the faint light of the mobile phone.

When climbing the stairs, Fang Qi was still counting silently in his heart.

One, two, three... Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen!

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or not, but this staircase is also on the fourteenth floor.

The last number fell in Fang Qi's heart. He suddenly heard a laugh in the darkness. He was startled at first, and then lost consciousness.

Wu Jia, who was next to him, was the first to notice something was wrong and grabbed Fang Qi: "What's wrong with you?"

Fang Qi's strength was extraordinary, he broke free from Wu Jia's hand and strode forward.

Wu Jia was a little anxious: "Hurry up and stop him!"

Shen Dongqing was about to arrest someone subconsciously, but was stopped by Zhou Wenyan.

"Don't worry, let's see what he wants to do."

I don't know when, the female student has disappeared, and the one who walks in the front becomes Fang Qi. His eyes were scattered, and he stared straight ahead. It was the first time he had come to the 14th floor, but he didn't hesitate at all.

From the 14th floor to the rooftop, you have to go through a short staircase. This rooftop is quite popular. There are many people standing on the stairs, all of whom seem to be students in the school.

Their quality is very good, they don't fight, they don't fight, they line up to go to the rooftop, and there is no movement at all.

After hearing someone coming, the group of students in the line turned their heads in unison, all with expressionless faces.

Among them was the female student, and Fang Qi was at the back of the line.

Shen Dongqing looked at Fang Qi and then looked back at the others, took a step and lined up behind Fang Qi.

Wu Jia hesitated: "What is this for?"

"Get up in line." Shen Dongqing raised his finger and pointed to the rooftop, "The quality is high, so you can't jump in the queue."

Wu Jia leaned up and whispered, "Didn't you find that something was wrong with them?"

The faces of those students were as white as paper, and there was no light in their eyes, strangely penetrating.

Shen Dongqing: "Yes, they are all ghosts."

Wu Jia's legs softened, and he almost knelt down: "So many ghosts?"

Shen Dongqing: "Ghosts talk about civilization, and we can't be worse as human beings!"

Wu Jia: ... that seems to be quite right.

Under Shen Dongqing's strong request, they lined up right behind a group of ghosts, and it took a while before they entered the rooftop.

After I got to the rooftop, I realized what the students were doing here.

They were lining up to jump off the building, one after another, without stopping for a while, and they went down one after another, just like the dumplings, they fell very fast.

The girl who greeted them at the door of the teaching building also walked straight up. Wu Jia couldn't bear it, and reached out and grabbed the person.

It's a pity that the female student's goal was clear, she broke free without even pausing for a while, and continued on her way to jumping off the building. Seeing that she was about to jump down, Shen Dongqing took a step forward and went down with a knife, knocking her unconscious directly.

Shen Dongqing carried the female student aside: "This is alive." Just like carrying a chicken.

Then he shuttled among the group of people who jumped from the building, and when he saw one alive, he knocked out the other, and the ground was full of people for a while, and there was no place to stay.

After all the living people fainted, the ghosts disappeared.

Fang Qi woke up leisurely, his face dazed.

Wu Jia asked, "Is there any discomfort?"

"Yes, yes..." Fang Qi twisted his neck, making a creaking noise. He took a deep breath. "My neck hurts, what happened?"

Wu Jia remained silent.

Shen Dongqing smiled brightly: "Nothing happened."

Fang Qi inexplicably felt a chill behind him, so he didn't dare to ask further questions, he could only say, "Oh, oh..."

The other students hadn't woken up yet. Shen Dongqing walked to the edge of the rooftop and took a look. The height of the fourteenth-floor building and the people below were all shrunk. The wind was blowing violently, causing people to jump down. Maybe a good idea too.

A faint voice came from behind: "Jump, jump, you will have no troubles if you jump down, you will get bliss, you will get eternal life."

Shen Dongqing's small body was sticking out, and he was about to go down. He turned his head and saw a man who looked exactly like him squatting beside him, but his brows were full of evil spirits, which made familiar people feel the same way. It's easy to tell the difference between two people.

"Jump?" the man asked.

Shen Dongqing: "I think you said it well."

The man chuckled lightly: "So?"

Shen Dongqing asked seriously: "So you said it so well, why don't you dance?"

That person wasn't caught in Shen Dongqing's logic at all: "How do you know I didn't skip it?"

Shen Dongqing: "I didn't see it, you have one now."

The man tilted his head like Shen Dongqing: "Then I jump and you jump too."

Shen Dongqing glanced at him and said slowly, "Also."