Non-Human Seeking Re-employment

Chapter 2: Murderer


Shen Dongqing seriously greeted the aborigines here.

It's just that the aborigines seemed a little shy, and when he shook hands, his pale face was bruised and his eyes were about to fall out of their sockets.

Shen Dongqing quickly let go of his hand: "I'm sorry..."

He had just become a human, and Li Gui's power was a little out of control, and he didn't make a big move.

As soon as the photo frame ghost broke free, he fled and slid back into the black and white portrait.

Shen Dongqing rubbed his hands regretfully.

It was already a thousand years ago that he became a human being, and it is still a little uncomfortable to become human again after such a long time. He didn't know what a normal person should be like, and he could only learn the words and deeds of people he had seen at ordinary times.

So he lay on the bed and raised his phone.

According to what the high school girl said, there is no signal here, so many games cannot be played.

Shen Dongqing flipped through and finally found a game that he could play - the little crocodile loves to take a bath. When he used to be a ghost, he was very jealous of others playing games, but unfortunately no one burned and worshipped him, and he couldn't touch this electronic device, so he could only watch. Now I finally have a chance to play, and I spent half the night playing in bed.

Because he was so engaged, he ignored the knocking sound from the window and the screams of the woman upstairs.

The man in the black and white portrait stared at the young man on the bed, listening to the cheerful music in his ears.

What's going on, you're still playing

Can you give the ghost some face

The picture frame ghost just felt that he was being ignored, and was inexplicably a little uncomfortable - he had to give this person a good surprise. According to the rules, as long as he screamed, he could kill at will.

Under the bright and dim light, the black and white portrait in the photo frame changed places without anyone moving. Facing the head of the bed, the portrait looked even paler. I saw that the lips were stretched to the bottom of the ears, and the eyes were covered Covered in blood red, it looked very strange.

If a timid person sees this scene, he is afraid that he will be so frightened that he will lose his voice on the spot.


Shen Dongqing's attention was always on the phone screen, without even raising his head.

The frame ghost was a little tired from maintaining this position, and just wanted to relax and rest, she saw that Shen Dongqing finally moved. It hurriedly waited and put on a more terrifying and twisted expression.

Shen Dongqing happened to meet the black and white portrait on the wall.

There is more pride on the black and white portrait: Are you afraid

Shen Dongqing looked at the expression on the portrait, and hooked the corners of her lips to it, and said, "Good night."

Then he put down his dead phone and turned off the lights.

In the darkness, the black and white portrait had a dull face.

What, what's going on? Why not scare people? Is it that its business is not skilled enough

The black-and-white portrait fell into deep suspicion—ghosts are not worth it.

Shen Dongqing fell into a deep sleep.

It wasn't until a burst of firecrackers sounded outside the window that he woke up.

He opened his eyes in confusion, and before he was fully awake, he made a grimacing face.

The black-and-white portrait made a tragic death: you must be startled now, right? This is what it came up with after thinking about it all night.

Before Shen Dongqing could react, his body moved first, raising his hand and punching him.

The black-and-white portrait smiled smugly when he saw the oncoming fist.

Stupid, how can one meet a ghost uh...

The fist fell.

The black and white portrait only felt a sharp pain in the neck, and then his sight changed from the young man lying on the bed to the yellowed ceiling.

It moved its body and found that the head was separated from the body, and the head was lying on the ground.

The photo frame is stupid.

It has always been the only one that scares and kills people, how can it be beaten? Unskilled in business ability, I don't know how to react, and I stayed there all of a sudden.

"I'm sorry!" Shen Dongqing quickly stood up, wanting to pick up the head on the ground and press it back.

The photo frame ghost reacted now.

He just got punched and his head was separated. If he was touched again, wouldn't he be blown away

Before Shen Dongqing could touch the head that rolled on the ground, it let out a meaningless scream and shivered and shrank in the corner.

Shen Dongqing could only stand on the spot and comforted: "Don't be afraid, I didn't mean to."

But these words fell into the ears of the black and white portrait, and it was almost like killing it. It quickly stood up, picked up its head, and got back into the photo frame.

The figure in the frame turned around, turned his back to the person outside, and shrank in fear.

Shen Dongqing felt very embarrassed.

He was kind enough to wake him up, and he knocked his head off.

He walked to the black and white portrait and apologized earnestly.

The black and white portrait with the frame began to tremble, and it was about to fall off the wall.

Shen Dongqing immediately reached out to catch the photo frame, glanced around, there was no place to put it, so she could only put it on the bedside table. He also adjusted the position to ensure that it could be placed in the most stable and beautiful way.

After he put it away, he stood in the distance and watched for a while, seeing that the ghost in the photo frame was sweating profusely, and then nodded with satisfaction and walked out.

The others hadn't slept almost all night, and went to the hall early to find clues about the murderer.

When she saw Shen Dongqing walking down, she was obviously stunned.

Huang Mao was even more open-minded: "Are you still alive?"

Shen Dongqing was puzzled: "Huh?"

Jin Lianzi asked, "Did you encounter anything strange last night?"

Last night, a lot of supernatural events happened in their room, such as the knock on the door in the middle of the night, the pale face stuck to the window, the hand sticking out from under the bed... If it weren't for Lao Chen, I'm afraid I wouldn't be alive at all. .

Therefore, everyone thought that Shen Dongqing, who was alone, was dead.

Shen Dongqing recalled for a moment: "No."

Nothing weird at all except overly enthusiastic roommates.

When Lao Chen heard his words, his eyes darkened, he looked up and down Shen Dongqing, who didn't have any abnormality, he didn't talk about this topic again, but said: "We need to find the murderer within three days, time is running out, we will look for clues separately. ."

After what happened last night, the others already knew how dangerous this place was, and none of them dared to move.

Old Chen became impatient: "Yesterday, the hostess already told us the rules. It is safe during the day, and ghosts only appear at night!"

A group of people barely moved their bodies.

Old Chen instructed: "Don't go to the innermost room on the third floor yet."

The others dispersed at once, leaving Shen Dongqing alone on the sofa.

He was not in a hurry, walked around slowly and walked to the restaurant.

Because of the guests, the hostess prepared a sumptuous breakfast.

But the others were afraid that something would go wrong when they ate the food here, so they didn't dare to move.

Shen Dongqing didn't have this concern, picked up a hot steamed bun and took a bite.

The taste is not bad.

He has been a ghost for so long, and no one has given him tribute. Now that he can eat something with great difficulty, he just thinks everything is delicious. A plate of steamed buns was quickly eaten up by him, and his lower abdomen was still flat, and he couldn't see anything.

Shen Dongqing touched his stomach, picked up another apple and gnawed on it, and then moved his steps to find clues.

This is a rural self-built house with a total of three and a half floors.

The first floor is the hall, with sofas and TVs, and there is a hanging painting in the middle hall opposite the door. The pattern on it is auspicious stars, but the colors are faded after a long time, leaving a pale and blurry portrait.

On the left is the kitchen and on the right is the stairs.

Shen Dongqing just walked out of the kitchen when he heard the sound of slapping a ball from the right.

clap clap —

The voice was soft and slow.

Shen Dongqing walked around and saw a little girl with double ponytails facing away from him under the corridor.

The little girl was wearing a floral dress, clapping her right hand, and was playing a ball, very serious, and didn't notice anyone coming.

Shen Dongqing watched for a while, not wanting to disturb others, and left quietly.

But as soon as he turned around, he heard the ball rolling over, landing right at his feet, and then he heard a thin sound.

"Brother, can you help me pick up the ball?"

Shen Dongqing was about to pick it up when a warning came from above.

"No, run!" The female high school student's face was pale, her whole body was paralyzed on the handrail of the stairs, unable to run, she could only look at the little girl in fear.

Shen Dongqing looked down.

Where is the ball at the foot? It was clearly the head of the little girl. The little girl's face was blue and white, and her eyes were big and round. It didn't look cute, but it was a little scary.

"Big brother… "

The little girl's mouth opened and closed, and she spoke softly.

Shen Dongqing's expression remained unchanged, and he picked up his head and handed it over.

The female high school student was already frightened: "How dare you..."

How could anyone dare to pick up a live human head in all seriousness

"Thank you, big brother." The little girl in the floral skirt took the dress and held her head exactly like her in her arms.

Shen Dongqing ignored the strangeness of the little girl, as if communicating with ordinary children, and asked, "Why are you playing here alone?"

The little girl whispered, "I want to be quiet. Daddy won't be happy if it's too loud. Isn't it, sister?"

The head in his arms responded: "Dad is very fierce."

Shen Dongqing said casually, "Isn't your father already dead?"

The faces of the two little girls were blank.

Shen Dongqing's thoughts moved, and he was about to ask something when a piercing scream suddenly came from above.

It's yellow.

The little girl shivered: "Dad is going to be angry..."

Holding her sister's head, she ran out of the corridor without looking back, disappearing into the darkness.

Shen Dongqing glanced upstairs, walked upstairs, and found Huang Mao who was collapsed on the ground on the third floor.

The high school girl tremblingly followed behind him.

When Huang Mao saw someone coming, he seemed to have found a life-saving straw, and said incoherently: "I saw a red eye in it..."

Some things are more intriguing the more explicitly forbidden.

Huang Mao thought that the hostess said that he could not enter the room, so he took a look inside from the crack of the door, didn't he? The doors here are all old-fashioned, and there is a vacancy at the crack of the door, which is enough to see the situation inside.

So Huang Mao couldn't help but be curious. He leaned on the crack of the door and looked in. After looking at it for a long time, he saw only a blood red.

He thought there was a layer of red paper stuck inside, so he reached out and tried to poke it open, but when he reached in, he didn't touch anything. He was puzzled, and leaned forward to look again, it turned out that it was not red paper, but a pair of red eyes, looking at Huang Mao.

When Huang Mao said this, he shuddered.

At this moment, there was a sudden thud from the innermost door, attracting everyone's attention.

dong dong dong —

Something was slamming on the door, and there was a shrill shouting at the same time.

Because there is a door, I can't hear it really, I can only hear it roughly.

"My son killed her—"

"She killed my son—"

"My son killed me hahahaha-"