Non-Human Seeking Re-employment

Chapter 20: dark magic


The morning light fell.

The Count sat in front of the dressing mirror and slowly took off his hat.

The face in the mirror is young and full of vitality, like a rose that blooms warmly.

She is younger than yesterday.

She looks like a young woman in her thirties.

No, not enough.

The count's lips parted slightly.

She is even younger, back to seventeen or eighteen, as green as an unripe apple, sweet and jerky.

Everything is so beautiful.

She no longer had to face her dying body and her dying face.

Who would be better to invite tonight

The Count stood up and wanted to put a necklace on his neck, but he couldn't find any satisfaction.

She was a little unhappy: "Housekeeper?"


The door was opened.

Because there was a screen, the earl couldn't see the person coming, and subconsciously thought it was the housekeeper, she frowned: "Don't be so rude..."

Another "boom".

The Count looked closely and saw that her housekeeper had been thrown in roughly, and was trapped solidly.

Then came three "misses", all of whom were much taller than her.

The count was not flustered, she raised her chin proudly and said coldly, "You are offending a noble."

Zhou Wenyan touched his chin: "Is this an offense?"

Wu Jia raised his hand: "I'm sorry, maybe we have to offend a little more."

The room was completely covered, except for candlesticks lit in the corners.

As the candle swayed, the shadow under the count's feet twisted, and out of it crawled out pitch-black tentacles, trying to drag those who offended her into the darkness.

Shen Dongqing picked up a vase beside him, weighed it, and swung it over.

So those tentacles shrank back before they had time to emerge.

And the count fell to the ground.

Zhou Wenyan put his hands on his shoulders and said to Wu Jia, "Go and tie her up."

Wu Jia: "Why me?"

Zhou Wenyan: "It's not very convenient for both of us."

Wu Jia: "?"

Zhou Wenyan said solemnly: "Men and women don't give and receive."

Wu Jia: "I'm not a male co-author?"

Having said that, he stepped forward and trapped the Count skillfully.

While the Count was still awake, Zhou Wenyan rummaged in the Count's room, and sure enough, he found a forbidden book in a hidden place, with all kinds of black magic written on it.

One of the pages recorded the dark magic about youthful and unchanging appearance.

It is written in the book that at the cost of one's own flesh and soul, and the lives of six virgins, they can exchange for immortal faces. But this black magic is not without solution. The most feared thing in the caster's heart will be the sharp blade that kills him.

"The most feared?"

Wu Jia guessed: "Is it sunlight? Or silverware?"

Zhou Wenyan: "Just wake her up and try it out."

The Earl woke up leisurely, and the first thing he saw was the person standing in front of him.

She moved her hands and found that she was tied and couldn't move at all, but she didn't panic, she raised her eyes and looked over, her lips twitched, full of temptation: "Kill me, don't you want to kill me?"

A puff of sandalwood came out of the room.

It can confuse the mind and be in a trance.

The Count has never missed, but this time, she encountered two unreasonable cards.

Zhou Wenyan said slowly: "What do you say? How embarrassing am I?"

Shen Dongqing sniffed and said in disgust, "Where does the stench come from?"

He stared at the incense burner on the small table, picked up the tea kettle and poured it on it. With a "Zi" sound, the scent of sandalwood dissipated.

On the other hand, Wu Jia's mind was not firm and he was confused, but before he had time to do it, Shen Dongqing realized that something was wrong, picked up the teapot and smashed it.

People are dizzy.

All at once.

Of the five people in the room, only two are still standing here.

The count gritted his teeth: "You can't get out of the castle unless you kill me!"

Zhou Wenyan: "No hurry."

Then the earl watched the two of them walk out of the room, without any intention of paying attention to her, he was a little anxious: "What are you going to do?"

Shen Dongqing pointed to the wall clock: "It's time for lunch."

count:? Did she get the wrong script