Non-Human Seeking Re-employment

Chapter 26: Behind the scenes boss


Fang Qi nodded with conscience: "It's cute..."

After he finished speaking, he saw the werewolf showing sharp teeth to him, making a whirring sound, as if threatening.

Fang Qi backed away silently, for fear that the werewolf brother would rush over and bite his throat.

Shen Dongqing didn't notice the danger at all, and after licking a werewolf's furry hand, he turned his attention to the two ears pricked up on the top of its head, looking eager to try.

The werewolf, who was praying and grinning, did not dare to do so in front of Shen Dongqing. Although it was reluctant, it lowered its head and touched Shen Dongqing twice.

Shen Dongqing asked, "Can I take it back?"

Others didn't know why, and it took a while to realize that he was asking about the game.

But generally speaking, the system will only issue a prompt when you first enter the game, and will not appear at other times.

Shen Dongqing didn't get an answer, and said naturally: "Then take it as your default."

The game gritted its teeth:

[… no!]

The werewolf heard the negative answer, and a look of joy appeared on the furry face.

Shen Dongqing let go of his hand regretfully.

As soon as the werewolf got out of control, he wanted to run away, but before he took two steps, a piece of flesh on the back of his neck was pinched, and it immediately froze in place, unable to move.

"Don't run around." Shen Dongqing patted the werewolf like a puppy who was disobedient to education.

The werewolf understood the gap between the enemy and us, so he could only temporarily let go of the idea of running away and followed Shen Dongqing.

Shen Dongqing asked, "Is there anyone else here?"

If Zhou Wenyan was here, the werewolf might know.

The werewolf made a "woohoo" sound and shook his head.

It seems that Zhou Wenyan is not in this building.

Fang Qi whispered: "This seems to be a wolf not a dog."

Shen Dongqing: "Isn't it about the same?" He turned to the werewolf and said, "Go find the key to get out."

The werewolf was more than two meters tall, standing there like an iron tower, but now he was as docile as a little sheep, obeying Shen Dongqing's words, and led them downstairs.

As Lanberry walked, she faced the simple map: "The dean's office should be in the office building, you have to go out from this building first..." Halfway through, she suddenly reacted, "Why did you go downstairs? Downstairs Isn't there nothing?"

They thought that leaving the building would mean leaving the nursing home.

But after I got the map, I realized that this building is only a part of the nursing home. You have to find the key to the door of this building before you can find other clues.

Blueberry was puzzled, but seeing Shen Dongqing walking in front, he could only believe his choice, after all, this is not an ordinary player.

The werewolf was on all fours and quickly came to the first floor.

Sister Axe wandered in the hall on the first floor with an axe. When she saw someone coming, her eyes lit up. She was about to rush up with the axe, but she just took a step when she saw Shen Dongqing come out.

Shen Dongqing said hello to Sister Axe slowly.

Sister Axe shivered, pretending that nothing happened, smiled stiffly at Shen Dongqing, and hid the axe behind her.


Shuangmawei exclaimed, "Xiaopingtou is dead."

A body lay in the hall on the first floor.

Although it was cut beyond recognition, it can be seen from the clothes that it is a small flat head.

The companions who were still together just now have now become a mass of dead meat.

But the others didn't sigh too much. After all, in this game, it is very likely that they will die in the next second.

Shen Dongqing pulled the werewolf and said solemnly, "Don't eat it."

The werewolf could only give up this idea and walked out of the hall on the first floor with his head lowered.

There is a small yard at the entrance of this inpatient building. The yard is sealed off by an iron gate with a lock hanging on it. It is impossible to climb over the wall from above. The iron gate and the wall are more than three meters high, and there are dense spikes on them, which are extremely sharp.

The only way to get out is to open the lock above.

Double ponytail asked: "We don't have a key."

The thin man also said, "Are you going back to find the key?"

The werewolf roared suddenly, causing the others to take a step back, and the thin man who had been caught by the werewolf shivered even more.

However, the werewolf did not attack anyone, but threw himself at the iron gate.

After the transformation, the werewolf's teeth were very sharp, and the bite force was amazing, and the lock hanging on the door was bitten off in one fell swoop.


The door lock fell to the ground.

This kind of operation has long been dull in Fang Qi's eyes: "You don't need to look for the key."

Shen Dongqing pushed open the door.

It may be that the iron door has not been opened for too long, and it made a sour sound when it was opened.

Originally, through the gap of the iron door, a layer of fog could be seen outside, but now the door was opened, a gust of wind blew, and the fog suddenly dispersed, revealing the true face of the sanatorium.

Shen Dongqing turned around and asked, "You can open the door, why don't you go out?"

The werewolf's mind was a little slow, and it took a long time to understand what Shen Dongqing meant. He shook his head and said with difficulty: "Go out... go... no... OK..."

Shen Dongqing: "Why not?"

The werewolf shook his head again.

It couldn't tell why it came, but it just couldn't get out of here.

Shen Dongqing understood that the werewolf would not follow them out of the building, so he planned to slap him twice before leaving.

He beckoned to the werewolf: "Touch me again."

The werewolf, who had been touched and lured before, hesitated for a while now. It looked back, as if it had received some instructions. Instead of stepping forward, it turned into an afterimage and got back into the ward.

Judging from the back of the werewolf, it almost fled.

After the werewolf left, the thin man breathed a sigh of relief and urged, "Let's go."

Shen Dongqing stood at the door and didn't move, but thoughtfully: "It ran after following the orders of others."

Blueberry said suspiciously, "It's us here, who else is there?"

Shen Dongqing took two steps towards the ward and stood where the werewolf stood just now. He turned his head, just in time to meet a camera hidden in the corner.

"He." Shen Dongqing gestured with his eyes.

This camera is very hidden, if it weren't for the werewolf's glance, it would not have been discovered.

Others looked at the red dots flashing on the camera, clearly running.

Shuangmawei suddenly broke out in a cold sweat: "Someone is watching us."

The thin man said, "Who could it be? Logically speaking, there are only ghosts here besides players. Do the ghosts here have such a high IQ?"

Blueberry was silent for a moment, then said two words: "Dean."

The boss behind the sanatorium.

What they originally thought was to find the dean's office and get the key, and then they could go out. It was nothing more than facing some patients who had been transformed by the dean, but they didn't expect that the dean who caused all this was still alive.

Then this game is not so easy to pass.

There is a lot of worry and gloom here.

However, Shen Dongqing greeted the camera with a small dimple on his cheek: "Hello, Dean, can you call the werewolf back to play with me?"

The author has something to say: Dean Zhou: No.

Entering V tomorrow, there will be a 4D update on that day.

I hope everyone will support you. When the time comes, the message under Chapter V will drop a small red envelope.

Pre-received text "Why do you have to fall in love with money? [Wear the book]"

Dialect woke up one by one, and found that he had become a rich and handsome young master, but before he could see how much money he had in his bank card, he knew that he was wearing a book and dressed as a vicious male supporting character.

The male supporting role and the protagonist Shou were wrongly held when they were born, and the male supporting role from a wealthy family fell into the countryside and was only recognized when he was 20 years old. His adoptive parents disliked him very much and scolded him if they beat him; his biological parents felt that he could not be on the stage and preferred the protagonist Shou, who had been raised for 20 years; his fiancé also preferred the knowledgeable, gentle and considerate protagonist Shou.

Because of these experiences of blackening of male supporting roles, all kinds of death, and opposition to the protagonist, they tried to steal the protagonist's attack, but not only failed, but also paralyzed in bed in a car accident.

Thinking of the tragic ending in the future, Fang Yan laughed out loud as soon as he saw the five million in his bank card—beautiful and rich, why should he suffer from love

Someone wronged Baba: "I won't let you suffer..."