Non-Human Seeking Re-employment

Chapter 42: web writer


The wind blew and kept falling.

Faceless Ghost: "Ah, I'm going to be killed-"

Shen Dongqing reminded blankly: "Actually, you are a ghost, and you won't be killed by falling."

Only then did the Faceless Ghost react: "Oh, oh."

Looking down from the top, it looks like the stairs are stacked and deep like an abyss.

But when he really jumped down, in an instant, Shen Dongqing touched the ground.

Shen Dongqing looked up.

The 14th floor is here.

The Faceless Ghost was shocked: "How did you find a way out?"

Shen Dongqing: "I guess."

Going up and down is the 13th floor, which means that no matter how you walk, there is no way to leave. Apart from taking the stairs, there is only one way, and that is to jump directly.

I didn't think it would actually work.

Faceless Ghost: "Aren't you afraid of falling to your death?"

Shen Dongqing shrugged: "It's a big deal to become a ghost."

Once born and cooked twice.

With that said, Shen Dongqing stepped forward and pushed open the iron door of the safety exit.

Behind the door is a long corridor.

Shen Dongqing didn't know which room the writer lived in, so he could only try it one by one.

There was no one in each room, it was empty, as if the whole floor was an empty building and nothing existed.

When he came to the deepest room, something finally changed.

Shen Dongqing pushed open the door.

No lights were turned on in the room, only the faint blue light emitted by the computer screen barely illuminated this small and messy space.

As soon as he walked in, the first thing he saw was the figure hanging from the ceiling fan.

Hang the ghost.

Walking in again, the darkness limited his vision, and Shen Dongqing almost stepped on something in the middle of the road.

He looked down and saw that it was a young and beautiful girl, but she had a long knife stuck in her abdomen, and her body was covered with blood. The girl kept moaning and squirming on the ground, shedding a sticky bloodstain.

Shen Dongqing walked around cautiously, and saw a small, thin man like a monkey crouching under the curtain again, with a pair of protruding eyes rolling around. Next to it stood a large vase with the beauty's head stuffed in the mouth of the vase.

In addition, there are shadows wandering through the darkness one by one.

A room less than ten square meters was stuffed with more than a dozen ghosts, and they all coexisted peacefully.

Going further inside, you can see a thin otaku with his back hunched, almost sticking to the computer screen, and at the same time his hands are constantly tapping the keyboard, making a crisp sound.

Da da da-

Lines of fonts quickly appeared on the computer screen.

When he finished writing a line, he could find that there was a new ghost in the room. The newly born ghost is a starving ghost with a big belly and limbs like firewood. It is lying on the back of the otaku, constantly shouting "I'm hungry, I'm hungry", but the strange thing is that the otaku didn't respond at all and kept knocking. keyboard.

Shen Dongqing touched his chin: "So he wrote all the ghosts?"

[Player Shen Dongqing cracks 20% of the world view, and in total cracks 50% of the world view]

Shen Dongqing took a step forward, wanting to study how this computer created ghosts. Just as he took a step forward, he suddenly heard a weak voice.

"Don't go there, he's a monster!"

Shen Dongqing turned around and saw that the heavy curtain trembled and opened a gap, revealing the person hiding behind.

A skinny otaku.

There were two identical people in the room.

One has a dull face, sitting in front of the computer desk and is not tired of coding; the other looks terrified, hiding behind the curtains and shivering.

"He's going to kill you," said the nerd sitting behind the curtains.

Which one to believe

Shen Dongqing decided not to believe any of them.

Shen Dongqing walked towards the blue screen of the computer.

Otaku 1 didn't move, as if he didn't know that there was another person in the room, he was very devoted to the computer. He moved his fingers so fast that he seemed to be able to write line after line without thinking at all.

Shen Dongqing watched for a while, and directly knocked out the otaku 1 who kept typing, dragged the otaku 1 to the place where the window was.

Otaku 2 swallowed his saliva, fearing that he would also be knocked unconscious, so he quickly said, "I, I'll do it myself!"

He jumped off the windowsill.

Shen Dongqing sat on the sofa, otaku 1 was lying on the ground, otaku 2 stood aside.

"What book did you write?" Shen Dongqing asked.

Otaku 2 didn't dare to hide it, and told the story honestly.

After graduation, he did not go out to work, but chose to become an online writer at home, hoping to become famous and rich by writing articles. It's just that the imagination is beautiful, but the reality is not so simple. No one cares about the articles he wrote, and he can only survive by guaranteeing full attendance.

Otaku 2 smiled bitterly: "I just want to be famous."

Then he chose to write about the theme of urban supernatural. He didn't expect it to become an instant hit, red to black, and the revenue was over one million yuan, and copyrighted films and televisions kept coming.

He was only happy for a while, and then he realized that what he wrote seemed to be a reality.

"Only ghosts can." Otaku 2 said.

The first time he saw a female ghost crawling on the ground with a long tongue, he was so frightened that he didn't dare to write anymore, and also announced that he would stop writing.

But obviously, all this is not determined by his will.

Otaku 2 hadn't found a job yet, and received a call from the editor, praising him for his recent update, fast and novel themes, and ready to negotiate with the film and television company to sign a contract.

Otaku 2 is very shocked, he has obviously not updated!

"When I got home, I found a person who looked exactly like me sitting in front of the computer desk..." Otaku 2 said, "And then it became like this, he completely replaced me, and I could only be trapped in this in the room."

Otaku 2 has collapsed: "Please, take me out, or kill him, whatever!"

[Player Shen Dongqing cracks 10% of the world view, and in total cracks 60% of the world view]

Otaku 1, who was lying on the ground, opened his eyes. After he woke up, he did not show any emotion, but struggled to get up and walked towards the computer desk.

Shen Dongqing raised his hand and knocked him unconscious again.

Otaku 2 looked at him hopefully: "Can you come up with a solution?"

Shen Dongqing shook his head: "I can't think of it."

After listening to the story, he didn't know what to do at all, so he should wait for Zhou Wenyan to come.

Thinking of this, Shen Dongqing was not stressed at all, and even took out a lollipop and ate it.

During this period, Otaku 1 woke up several times, and was knocked unconscious by Shen Dongqing again and again without any accident, and Otaku 2 was seen with pantothenic acid in the back of his neck.

After waiting for about half an hour, another figure came over.

It was Zhou Wenyan.

Zhou Wenyan was a little surprised to see Shen Dongqing: "How did you find this place?"

Shen Dongqing blinked: "Jumped down."

Zhou Wenyan couldn't help but laugh.

Simple and rude, it really is the style of Xiao Dongqing.

Shen Dongqing asked, "Then how did you get here?"

Zhou Wenyan said it very easily: "We're here after solving two puzzles."

Shen Dongqing did not ask what the mystery was.

After all, he is not good at deciphering, and if he asks, he doesn't understand, so he might as well not ask.

The two talked for a while, and then Shen Dongqing remembered the business: "Ah, there is another puzzle here."

He pointed to Otaku 1 and Otaku 2, and explained the ins and outs of the matter.

Zhou Wenyan pondered for a moment, walked to the computer desk, pressed the mouse with his right hand, and moved it to the document.

The documents are full of dense words, with millions of them, and they are all urban ghost stories one after another. At a glance, you can see the familiar ghosts, hanged ghosts, drowned ghosts, and so on.

Zhou Wenyan: "Delete it and try."

He put all the documents in the recycle bin and emptied the recycle bin.

Accompanied by the sound of shredding paper.

The desktop suddenly became clean, and not a single document was left.

But when he turned his head and looked, the ghosts in the room were still there, and there was no change.

Otaku 2 said weakly: "I also quietly deleted the document, but it was useless, and it will be restored to its original state soon."

The voice fell, and the documents that had obviously been emptied returned to the desktop one by one.

"It's useless to delete it. The number of online readings has exceeded one million." Otaku 2 said.

Shen Dongqing said: "Then delete the online ones too."

Otaku 2 smiled bitterly: "The publishing rights for this book have been sold. It is estimated that the printing factory is almost finished, and the printing factory is out of town. I can't live without this city."

When the supernatural incident was discovered, Otaku 2 wanted to escape from this ghost place, but after buying a bus ticket, the car broke down, buying a train ticket for the train to stop, buying a plane ticket... I'm sorry, there is no airport here.

Even if you walk out, you will return to the starting point after a circle.

Zhou Wenyan asked, "Is this book over?"

Otaku 2 shook his head: "Not yet, this person has been writing, 24 hours a day, I don't know why he has so many strange inspirations."

Zhou Wenyan pulled out his chair and pointed to the computer: "You write."

Otaku 2: "Me?"

"Yes." Zhou Wenyan said, "Write a chapter ending directly."

Otaku 2 sat down at the computer desk.

He hasn't typed for a long time, and now he opened the document with trepidation and typed the words "finale" on it. Listening to Zhou Wenyan's command again, he wrote a sentence - after the protagonist woke up, he found that everything was a dream by himself, and there was nothing in reality.

Zhou Wenyan: "Post it online again."

Otaku 2 copied this passage, opened the novel website, and published this chapter without hesitation.

Posted successfully!

Otaku 2 asked nervously, "Is it useful?"

Zhou Wenyan said calmly, "I don't know."

Shen Dongqing licked the lollipop and said, "Try it and you'll be fine."

Otaku 2 suddenly felt that these two people were a little unreliable, so he clicked to refresh.

The web page turned.

The latest chapter in the update is the finale.

Otaku 2 stares expectantly at the computer screen, hoping this will solve his nightmare.

But no.

Not long after the finale was released, it seemed to be deleted by a mysterious force.

Looking at the comment area, none of the readers saw that they were still discussing the starving ghosts that appeared in the previous chapter, and they didn't know anything about the finale of a chapter that was published.

Otaku 2 collapsed on the chair and covered his face in despair.

Zhou Wenyan: "It seems that this has no effect."

Shen Dongqing bit the lollipop and said vaguely, "Why don't you ask another person."

He pointed to the unconscious otaku 1.