Non-Human Seeking Re-employment

Chapter 48: killing game


The puppet didn't even make a sound, and died suddenly on the spot, torn apart, not even a whole corpse.

Shen Dongqing withdrew his hand calmly.

The little mermaid was stunned: "this, this..."

Zhou Wenyan put his hands in his pockets: "The next one."

In order to welcome the next wedding, the whole castle was decorated with lights, and the maids walked hurriedly with uniform smiling faces, completely ignoring one of the wedding protagonists lying in dismemberment.

The puppets in the castle are all acting according to their script, completely unaware that a disaster is about to fall from the sky.

Shen Dongqing grabbed a puppet dressed as a nobleman and pressed it against the wall.

They walked all the way, and there was a puppet lying on the ground.

Players who play the Little Mermaid have become accustomed to following the two bosses and helping to solve some slip-through fish.

Shen Dongqing took the lead and pushed open the door of the flower hall.

There are various dolls standing inside, with delicate faces and elegant dresses, with expressions coming out of the same assembly line, which are quite infiltrating at first glance.

Shen Dongqing was gearing up, and was about to reach out to grab a puppet closest to him when he heard the sharp voice of a little girl from above: "No!"

Time has stopped.

No, it is precisely time for all the puppets to stop, only the player can do whatever he wants.

Shen Dongqing looked up and saw that the roof of the castle hall was missing, and an enlarged version of Susie's face appeared on it.

"You hateful guests, you dare to break my puppet, I will punish you—"

Before he finished speaking, Zhou Wenyan raised the shotgun, clicked the chamber, and the bullet shot out, hitting the more delicate dolls directly.

Kings, queens, and neighboring princesses fell one by one.

"What's the punishment?" Zhou Wenyan curled the corners of his lips, with some ruffian air.

Susie's words were stuck in her throat and couldn't come out for a long time.

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer dolls, she screamed, "No, you all come out for me!"

The players just got out of the puppet show, and before they could react, they heard a cry exploded in their ears.


Susie burst into tears.

Her little face was flushed, and tears stood on her curled eyelashes.

If they haven't experienced the puppet show just now, some players may feel sorry for the little princess, but after seeing the weirdness of fairy tales, they just want to stand far away.

Susie wiped away tears and cried, "I'm going to turn you all into puppets!"

The surviving players glanced at each other, wondering why the little princess suddenly turned her face.

The player who played the little mermaid knew it, but she only came out holding someone else's thigh.

In the silence, Zhou Wenyan suddenly said, "We are the guests of Her Majesty the Queen."

Therefore, outside the rules, NPCs cannot kill people casually.

Joker's rules are death roulette, Suzy's rules are puppet shows.

Players can be killed only in these two environments.

Susie's face turned cold, she was obviously a child, but she had a gloomy look that didn't fit her age.

"I'm not satisfied." Susie said sullenly, "I'm not satisfied with your puppet show, so—"


Before Susie could say the last half of the sentence, she saw Zhou Wenyan dragged the puppet next to her and fell directly to the ground.


With a crisp sound, the player next to him shuddered.

Zhou Wenyan stepped on one of the doll's arms and bent down to look at the little Susie: "Are you satisfied?"

Susie was too angry to speak.

Shen Dongqing understood what Zhou Wenyan meant, picked up another doll and smashed it on the ground.

One after another.

The sound is pretty good too.

Susie almost fainted.

Why are there so two bandits among the guests this time!

"Stop, stop!" she screamed frantically.

But the two bandits had no intention of stopping.

It seems that as long as Susie doesn't express her satisfaction, she will smash the puppets in the whole house.

Susie finally gave in, gritted her teeth and said, "I'm satisfied!"

Zhou Wenyan stopped.

Over there, Shen Dongqing put down a small puppet, and said confidently, "It's enough to say that you are satisfied? How tiring are these puppets."

And it's boring to bully something that won't resist.

Susie felt like she was about to breathe.

"Get out of here!" Susie broke down. "I don't want to see you again!"

The players walk out of Suzy's bedroom.

At first glance, there are only thirteen players left, and there are several familiar people among them, such as the black hat, and the curly-haired girl who killed her boyfriend.

The black hat pressed the brim of the hat and said with a smile, "It seems that the fairy tale world is not as beautiful as imagined."

The girl with only one arm said, "How can I still participate in the tea party now?" She gestured to the closed door with her eyes.

The curly-haired girl sneered: "Whoever gets angry with the NPC will find a way."

The words were filled with inexplicable hostility.

Shen Dongqing said: "Simple."

He walked up and knocked lightly on the door.

No one responded.

It seemed that Susie was still angry.

Shen Dongqing turned his head and saw that the other players were staring at him, a little embarrassed to give up halfway, so he directly raised his hand and grabbed the door handle.


Accidentally pushed too hard, the door did not open, and the door lock fell off.

Shen Dongqing pretended that nothing happened, threw the door lock in the flower bed at the door, then stretched out a finger and carefully pushed the door open.

Susie was not in the room.

On the contrary, the smashed dolls were cleaned up, and the crowded room became a lot more empty.

A player exclaimed: "These dolls—"

The others looked in the direction he pointed.

The original puppets were smashed into pieces, and now there are puppets with brand new appearances. Looking at the outline of the facial features, they look like players who entered a puppet show together.

In the center of those puppets sat a cute little puppet, wearing a lace tutu skirt, with a pair of eyes looking at the person who walked in, when passing Shen Dongqing, a trace of resentment flashed in his pupils.

"They've turned into puppets." Thinking of this result, someone took a deep breath.

Just as the players were going to see those dolls, a voice suddenly came from behind: "It's not something good guests would do to mess with the master's collection."

A thin woman in a black dress stood at the door and gave the players a gentle smile: "Please come with me."

The woman who suddenly appeared was the butler in the castle.

She brought thirteen players to the hall where the tea party was held.

Probably in line with the atmosphere of the tea party, the hall was decorated in a dreamy fairy tale style.

Walking down the corridor decorated with the wisteria flower dome, the first thing you see is the exquisite crystal chandelier hanging in the center of the hall. Thirteen players took their seats one after another. The milky white tablecloth on the round table was dotted with bright yellow prints. In front of everyone was a lace bouquet, and even the knife and fork were tied with a ribbon with a bow.

Shen Dongqing and Zhou Wenyan sat next to each other.

This table actually accommodated thirteen guests, one more and one less.

Zhou Wenyan glanced at the unoccupied table, raised his eyebrows, and said nothing.

Black Hat also found this out, but he chose to ask: "Will Her Majesty not attend this tea party?"

The smile on the corner of the butler's lips became a little weird, but it soon returned to normal: "Dear guest, it's still a while before the tea party starts."

The black hat leaned back on the chair and repeated, "It's still a while..."

"Yes." The butler walked to the position directly in front of the round table and saluted the players, "Before the tea party starts, maybe you can play a small game to kill the boring time."

Without a doubt, this game cannot be denied.

Shen Dongqing picked up a fork and poked the tablecloth, protesting, "Can we serve the food first?"

Where can anyone play games on an empty stomach.

The butler put his right hand across his abdomen and bent over: "A qualified butler will satisfy any request of the guests."

She raised her arm and patted it twice by her side.

The hall door opened slowly.

A group of maids walked in with the dining cart and placed the steaming food on the table.

The aroma of the food is moving, but other players' minds are not on this, but are concerned about the "game" that is about to start. After experiencing the death roulette and puppet show just now, I am afraid that no one will think this game is safe and harmless.

No one touched the food, but whispered with his companions.

Zhou Wenyan picked up a croissant, smeared butter in a slow manner with a knife, and asked, "What's wrong?"

It's rare to see Xiao Dongqing not being interested in food.

Shen Dongqing was worried: "I want to eat hot pot."

Both meals were Western food, and I was tired of it. But this game is from a western background, there can be no hot pot, and he can only barely finish the food in front of him.


The pendulum on the walls of the hall chimed.

The maids walked in silently and removed the plates in front of the guests.

"Well, what is this?" Shen Dongqing found that the plate was taken away, leaving a note two fingers wide.

He picked it up and could see the words "Executioner" written in scarlet font.

Shen Dongqing's first reaction was to show this small note to Zhou Wenyan.

But before he could do it, he heard the butler speak.

"The first rule of the game is not to reveal your identity."

As soon as the words fell, the notes in Shen Dongqing's hands turned into dust, leaving no trace, as did the other players.

"The second rule of the game, the executioner can kill anyone during 'night time'."

The crystal lamp hanging above flickered, and the entire hall was swallowed up by thick darkness. Only the butler standing in front held a candlestick in his hand. The gray candlelight shone on her face, which looked a little weird.

The butler's lips were scarlet, evoking an arc: "Welcome, night time—"

click —

As if someone pressed a switch, beams of light fell from the sky. There are a total of thirteen players present, only three players are shrouded in the beam, and the rest are isolated from the outside, as if they are separated by a layer of black veil, they can't see it hazy.

Shen Dongqing opened his eyes and found that he belonged to the lucky one who was enveloped by the beam.

In addition to this, there is a curly-haired girl and a black hat.

Shen Dongqing wanted to call out Zhou Wenyan, but for some reason, the two seemed to be in different spaces and could not communicate with each other.

He turned to look at the other two executioners.

Black Hat and Curly Hair did not act rashly either.

The housekeeper explained the rules without emotion: "The night time is ten minutes in total. During each night time, the executioner can choose to kill one person. After the night time ends, the chosen person dies."

"Conditions for the end of the game, one, the executioner kills everyone present; two, the victims find all the executioners; three..." The butler suddenly let out a penetrating laugh, with a little anticipation, "No one survived."

"Ask the executioners to choose the victims of the first night time."

After speaking, the butler hid in the dark.

Shen Dongqing licked the cheese remaining at the corner of his mouth: "Can you not kill people?"

The butler said, "Yes."

Shen Dongqing: "Then I choose not to kill."

He is a peace loving person.

The curly-haired girl said: "If you don't kill people, you will waste a night of time."

The butler's eyes were gloomy: "One to one."

The key point is the black hat, he is thinking with his head down.

The housekeeper reminded: "Night time is coming to an end."

The black hat raised his head: "I also choose not to kill people."

The housekeeper was a little disappointed: "Tonight is Christmas Eve, and no one was hurt."

The crystal lamp lights up again, and the darkness is dispelled.

Shen Dongqing looked to his side, Zhou Wenyan was still sitting there.

He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but was stopped by Zhou Wenyan.

The housekeeper repeated without any fuss: "Tonight is Christmas Eve, please explain in the order of seating. After the explanation is over, vote. The one with the most votes will be out."

This game is about the same as Werewolf, but slightly easier than Werewolf.

The first person to sit was the woman with the broken arm. She had a little understanding of werewolf killing. She pondered for a moment and said, "There were no dead people on the first night. I suggest everyone not to vote. We will talk about it after the dead people are dead."

The second is girl 1, who is a female colleague with a broken arm. She nodded: "I feel the same way."

Because there is so little information, no one can make a judgment. In case the wrong vote is cast and the executioner is not voted, it will be suicide.

So the next players chose to abstain.

When it was Shen Dongqing's turn, he asked curiously, "What would happen if people didn't vote all the time?"

The housekeeper was silent for a moment and said, "Her Majesty will be unhappy. There is only one result of being unhappy, and that is... all the guests will be out."

Needless to say, the result of being out is only a dead word.

The last one to speak was Zhou Wenyan.

He swept over everyone present, paused for a moment on the face of the black hat, and asked, "What will happen if the executioner is found?"

The housekeeper replied: "The murderer is finally killed by the blade."

The executioner was found, only to die.

Zhou Wenyan nodded and said that he had no problem.

"Night time—"

Darkness came again.

The butler held the candlestick and reminded: "The executioner is never soft." It's time for you to kill.

The black hat looked at Shen Dongqing and asked, "Which player do you think is better to kill?"

Shen Dongqing: "It's not good."

Black Hat: "Oh?"

Shen Dongqing: "I love peace and choose to abstain."

The curly-haired girl sneered: "Then I'm the exact opposite. I don't want to waste any more time tonight, I want to—" She raised her hand and pointed at one of them, "Kill him."

Shen Dongqing's eyes fell on the curly-haired girl's fingertips, and then he looked over and saw Zhou Wenyan surrounded by darkness.

The curly-haired girl's face was slightly distorted: "You obviously have the ability to save everyone, but you didn't immediately stand up to save us and hurt my boyfriend."

She is the girl who killed her boyfriend to save her life.

Shen Dongqing wondered: "Didn't you kill it yourself?"

He doesn't take this black pot.

The curly-haired girl's expression froze, and then she became even more hysterical: "It's your fault! I'm going to kill the person you like too!"

Butler: "One to one, please vote."

The key point is again on the black hat.

The black hat pressed against the brim of the hat, and said in a hoarse voice, "Me and—" He paused and looked at the curly-haired girl, "She."

Black hats are not good people.

The purpose of not killing people in the first round was to obtain more information. Now, in the second round, it is impossible to waste time. In his eyes, Zhou Wenyan was a competitor, and it would be great to take this opportunity to get rid of it.

Shen Dongqing's expression changed, and she was rarely nervous.

Night time is over.

The housekeeper's reading sounded: "Tonight is a rainy night, a bloody night, and the dead are..."

Shen Dongqing wanted to remind Zhou Wenyan, but couldn't speak no matter what. A feeling of annoyance was congested in his chest, he had nowhere to vent, he could only look at Zhou Wenyan, the fork in his hand was deformed by him.

Zhou Wenyan seemed to have noticed Shen Dongqing's anxiety, he turned his head, smiled reassuringly, and gestured with his mouth.

"don’t worry."

The butler was silent for too long.

The curly-haired girl couldn't hold her breath and looked at the housekeeper frequently.

Amidst the anticipation, the butler finally caught his breath: "I'm sorry, killing the deceased is too difficult to replace execution."

Curly-haired girl: ? ?

Is there such an operation? NPCs can't kill anymore

She almost blurted out, but fortunately, she finally held back, but her face turned pale with anger.

The housekeeper was also helpless.

How can one choose a fierce one? Who can stand this.

"This time the night time is restarted, please choose the executioner again."

Finally came night time, the curly-haired girl couldn't wait to question: "Why can't you kill him?"

The housekeeper had already lost face, and when he was questioned by the curly-haired girl, he was even more displeased: "Because your strength is too disparate with him, and the success rate is too low to execute."

The curly-haired girl pointed to herself: "Me?"

Butler: "Isn't it the murder object you chose? Of course, it is to simulate your strength."

Too bad it's too weak.

The curly-haired girl pointed to the black hat: "Isn't he still there?"

The housekeeper shook his head: "The difficulty is still too high, only this executioner can kill him." She pointed at Shen Dongqing.

Shen Dongqing said calmly: "I said, I choose world peace."

The curly-haired girl slumped on the chair.

The black hat said: "You can't end this game if you don't choose to kill."

Shen Dongqing smiled, a small dimple appeared on his cheek: "Okay, then I'll choose one."

His eyes wandered around and fell on the curly-haired girl: "I choose to kill her."

The curly-haired female voice suddenly rose sharply: "I am also the executioner."

Shen Dongqing: "I didn't say no."

Shen Dongqing doesn't like to hurt people.

But if someone touches his bottom line, there is no way.

The butler seconded: "That's true, executioners can also kill each other."

The curly-haired girl raised her hand tremblingly: "Then I will vote for him too!"

There was an infighting among the executioners.

The housekeeper looked at it with relish: "One-on-one."

The key point once again came to the black hat.