Non-Human Seeking Re-employment

Chapter 58: very hungry


Shen Dongqing got a half of the rabbit meat. He originally wanted to taste the taste of roasted rabbit, but when he got it, he sniffed it and frowned.

"It's weird." He couldn't tell what was weird, but he lost his appetite and didn't want to move.

Rabbit meat didn't sell very well, half-baked, but driven by hunger, the others still ate quite fragrantly.

As soon as the businessman saw Shen Dongqing put the rabbit meat aside, he didn't care about his face and asked cheekily, "You don't want to eat it, let us eat it."

Before Shen Dongqing agreed, the businessman grabbed the rabbit meat and ran away. For fear of being robbed, he directly stuffed two or three mouthfuls into his mouth. He didn't even spit out the bones, and his face was full of oil.

Shen Dongqing didn't care, turned around and asked, "Are you hungry?"

Zhou Wenyan: "It's okay."

He was also a little hungry, and his stomach twitched, but it was still tolerable.

Shen Dongqing glanced at the suitcase, pulled a bag of chocolates and stuffed it into Zhou Wenyan's hands. He didn't expect to encounter such a situation, so he only brought some small snacks and was not too hungry.

Zhou Wenyan tore open the package, took a bite of the chocolate, and the sweet chocolate melted in his mouth, as if to relieve some of the pressure on his stomach.

He bit down another half and handed it to Shen Dongqing's mouth.

Shen Dongqing pushed Zhou Wenyan's hand away: "You eat, I'm not hungry." He sniffed, "Everything here is weird, there aren't many snacks, so let's eat it sparingly."

Anyway, when you're hungry, you can eat the Yin Qi from Zhou Wenyan's body.

Shen Dongqing was like a hamster who was storing food for the winter, counting the food in the suitcase.

Zhou Wenyan smiled: "Come here."

Shen Dongqing moved closer.

Zhou Wenyan stretched out his hand to fish, pulled the person directly into his arms, and lowered his head to kiss him.

Shen Dongqing's eyes widened slightly: "Well..."


Before the chocolate melted, it was forced into Shen Dongqing's mouth, turning into a sweet warm current.

Zhou Wenyan pulled the distance between the two, rubbed the corner of Shen Dongqing's lips with his thumb, and wiped off a bit of chocolate stuck there.

"eat together."

The two of you finished eating a piece of chocolate, one bite at a time, and then noticed that there were two less players, and only the businessman was lying there with his chubby belly.

As soon as he stepped out of the sheltered place, a biting cold wind blew across his face.

The internet celebrity girl raised her hand to block the wind and said with difficulty, "What are you doing pulling me out?"

A trace of panic flashed on the doctor's face: "Come with me, I suspect that the businessman is the dead man."

The internet celebrity girl was silent for a moment and asked, "Is there any evidence?"

The businessman didn't look abnormal. To say he was dead, he had to show evidence.

The doctor looked around and saw that no one was following, so he said, "Come with me."

The two walked on the snow, leaving a series of footprints.

There was another snowfall just now, covering the traces left by the doctor before, and not even a pinch of rabbit hair could be found.

The doctor's heart skipped a beat, he walked according to his memory, squatted on the ground and searched for a long time, but couldn't find the hidden finger.

The internet celebrity girl was a little impatient: "Is it okay?"

The down jacket she was wearing was a thin and slim fit. Standing directly in the wind and snow, she felt the chill all of a sudden. She stomped her feet and said, "I'll wait for you over there." She ran to a big rock. Behind.

The doctor was half stunned, he didn't care what the internet celebrity girl had to say, he kept rummaging in the snow, and even his hands were frozen red and didn't respond.

I don't know how long it took, the doctor finally came across something that was frozen hard. He smiled: "Come on-"

The tail sound drifted in the cold wind.

The doctor's lips parted slightly, stunned there.

The finger in front of him looked slender and slender, without the huge gold ring.

The doctor brushed off another layer of snow.

You can see a thin figure lying below, wearing a red down jacket, across the ice layer, the pointed face exclusive to the Internet celebrity has become distorted.

Sheng was stunned in place, his body seemed to be enveloped by a chill, unable to move.

There was a short call from the internet celebrity girl behind her.

The doctor was shocked, reacted, quickly restored the scene to its original state, and walked over as if nothing was wrong.

The internet celebrity girl rolled and crawled and ran out from behind the stone, panting: "That, there..."

The doctor gave her a deep look and asked, "What?"

The internet celebrity girl finally came to her senses, pointed to the back of the stone and said, "I saw the body of that little girl, the one with the braid!"

Doctor: "Go and have a look."

The Internet celebrity girl was a little reluctant, but at the strong request of the doctor, she walked back.

But there was nothing behind the stone.

The Internet celebrity girl grew her mouth and said incredulously: "I saw it clearly..."

If the doctor hadn't found the body of the Internet celebrity girl in the snow just now, he would have believed the Internet celebrity girl's words. He said perfunctorily, "Let's go back first."

The internet celebrity girl was still in shock. She didn't notice anything unusual about the doctor. She nodded and wanted to quickly return to the crowd.

"Hiccup." The businessman rubbed his stomach, "I'll go out and put down the water."

He said hello, walked out, staggered around to a hidden place, just pulled down the chain of his pants, looked down, and the urge to urinate was forcibly held back.


The businessman backed up again and again, tripped over a stone on his heel, and fell straight back and sat on the ground. He didn't feel the pain at all and looked straight ahead.

It was covered with a bunch of dead branches, and a hand could be seen slipping out of it. Behind the dead branch lay a gentle man wearing glasses, but his face was frozen blue and white, and a layer of white condensed on the glasses. Frost.

The businessman's Adam's apple rolled and froze there.

I don't know how long it took him to hear the conversation behind him, and he regained control of his body and struggled to get up and walked towards the camp.

Seeing the businessman walking by, Shen Dongqing tilted his head: "Why does everyone feel weird."

Zhou Wenyan said, "Let's go and have a look."

When the merchant went there, he left a series of footprints on the snow, which had not been covered in time, but now he can just follow the footprints to find it.

The two quickly arrived at the place where the merchant was staying just now.

There was a clump of dead branches there, but nothing else.

Shen Dongqing kicked the dead branch, and the snow on it fell rustling, and it seemed that there was nothing hidden inside.

"What did they see?" Shen Dongqing didn't understand.

Zhou Wenyan squatted down: "It should be this."

Shen Dongqing also squatted down with him.

Zhou Wenyan reached out and brushed off the snow on the ground, and gradually, a person's facial features appeared below.

The more Shen Dongqing looked at, the more familiar his eyes became. Finally, when the facial features were fully revealed, he widened his eyes: "It's me!"

He looked at "Shen Dongqing" buried in the snow.

If others saw his body, they would be very frightened, but Shen Dongqing was not only not afraid, but also poked and played with curiosity.

"It's hard!" Shen Dongqing said in surprise.

Zhou Wenyan was also very calm: "I was frozen."

Shen Dongqing rarely looks in the mirror, and now there is a new feeling of being face-to-face with herself, pinching left and right, and finally said: "How about we take it back?"

In the last dungeon, I wanted to play with the Bone Baby, but I was so scared that it was overrun. This corpse should be brought back as a souvenir, right

Zhou Wenyan: "I can't take it back."

Shen Dongqing asked suspiciously, "Why?"

Zhou Wenyan stood up and shook off the snow on his body: "This shouldn't be true."

Only then did Shen Dongqing react.

If the corpse is real, isn't he already dead

He turned his head and pinched his cheek, which was soft and warm.

"I'm not dead." Shen Dongqing was a little at a loss.

Zhou Wenyan couldn't help but smile: "You close your eyes."

Shen Dongqing obeyed Zhou Wenyan's words subconsciously, and closed his eyes obediently.

After a while, he heard another voice ringing in his ear: "Open your eyes."

Shen Dongqing blinked and looked down, the corpse on the ground was gone.

He was also a little disappointed: "It's gone."

I can't bring back souvenirs.

Zhou Wenyan said: "Maybe there is my 'corpse' next to me."

Hearing what he said, Shen Dongqing immediately became excited. He went to the side to dig some snow, but without digging twice, he found Zhou Wenyan's "corpse" below.

"Really." Shen Dongqing pinched from east to west, "It's exactly the same."

Zhou Wenyan put his hands on his shoulders: "Really don't touch the fake ones?"

A big living person is standing in front of him, but he touches the fake things, how can he not eat it

Shen Dongqing quickly withdrew his hand, looked up at Zhou Wenyan, and smiled ingratiatingly.

Zhou Wenyan stretched out his hand, pulled him up, bent down and patted the frost and snow on his legs.

Shen Dongqing turned his head and found that the corpse in the snow pit had disappeared again. He rubbed his eyes: "Is it an illusion just now?"

Zhou Wenyan said, "Well."

Shen Dongqing hooked his finger at him: "Come here."

Zhou Wenyan leaned over and leaned over.

Shen Dongqing stretched out his hands to cover Zhou Wenyan's cheeks and pinched them.

Zhou Wenyan laughed, his voice distorted: "Have you had enough?"

Shen Dongqing put down his hand and quietly changed the subject: "In this way, everyone will see other people's bodies. When it's dinner time, won't they identify each other?"

Zhou Wenyan nodded.

Shen Dongqing: "But in this way, we can't find anyone who really died."

Zhou Wenyan gave a light "um".

Shen Dongqing turned to look at him: "Did you guess what?"

Zhou Wenyan spread his hands: "No." He changed his words, "However, I'm thinking about what I would do if it were me."

Shen Dongqing blinked: "What will you do?"

Zhou Wenyan put his arms around the man and walked slowly towards the camp: "I only make sure that you and I are alive. The way to clear the customs is very simple, just kill the rest."

Shen Dongqing looked up at him: "Really?"

Zhou Wenyan pinched the tip of his nose that was red from the cold: "Fake."

If you slaughter a lot in order to clear the level, wouldn't you have completely lost your will and been assimilated by the game

At that time, even if the customs are cleared, this person is no longer alone.

Shen Dongqing covered her nose and said, "Then what should we do?"

This was different from any game Shen Dongqing had played before.

In the past, as long as the strength was crushed, it was over when the ghosts were directly pushed out, but now he has to use his brain to find a way, he doesn't like this kind of game!

If the game could hear Shen Dongqing's thoughts, he would definitely laugh smugly. After all, the purpose of this game is not to be likable, it is best to make players fear and hate him.

Zhou Wenyan said one word: "Wait."

It is possible to pass the game by slaughtering other players.

Zhou Wenyan didn't want to do this, but it didn't mean that other players didn't want to do it. After all, this method was the easiest and crudest way to solve the puzzle.

Back at camp, everyone was there.

It's just that after a period of time, the atmosphere between the players is completely different, each one keeps a distance, and occasionally looks around vigilantly.

The NPC didn't notice it, and was busy preparing things for the night.

Lisa unfolded a tent and looked sideways at the others: "Come and set up the tent, or we won't have a place to sleep at night."

The other players were unmoved.

Only Zhou Wenyan and Shen Dongqing came to help.

Shen Dongqing grabbed a corner of the tent, and Zhou Wenyan picked up a stone and slammed down the nails to secure the tent.

It didn't take much time to set up a tent.

Lisa breathed a sigh of relief: "This tent is for you! We still have three tents."

Zhou Wenyan asked casually, "Why did you three bring four tents?"

Lisa's expression did not change: "For insurance, if a tent breaks down, there are spares."

After speaking, she turned around and went to pitch other tents.

The days on the snow-capped mountains seemed to be longer than usual. After all the tents were set up, a layer of orange light appeared in the sky.

Lisa wiped the sweat from her face and said to herself, "It's time to prepare dinner."

Lisa started simmering the soup again, and strange smells wafted out.

In her words, there are not enough supplies now, so I can only make do with soup and water to fill my stomach.

But obviously, her soup was not selling well, and only Borg and Leo were present, and the braided braid also pinched his nose and drank two bowls.

Lisa asked the others with the soup, but they were all rejected.

She was a little angry, threw down the spoon, sat back in her seat, looked at the oily soup floating in the bowl, and said to herself, "Choose from three to four, and you won't have to eat it when the time comes, isn't it..."

Zhou Wenyan sat closer, heard what she said, and asked, "What?"

Lisa had a sullen face, did not answer, and drank the soup in the bowl.

After drinking the soup, the three NPCs went back to the tent.

According to the allocation, the three women, the net red girl, the twist braid and Lisa, are in a tent, and the businessman and Borg, the doctor and Leo each occupy a tent.

But now, when the players are not going into the tent, they stay outside and blow the cold wind.

They were waiting for the dinner time to be designated.

It was getting dark.

A group of people sat around the bonfire, and the fire jumped, illuminating the faces of the people.

The sound of the game suddenly sounded, causing the braid to tremble with fright.

[Start of designation time]

[Please indicate the deceased you think]

The businessman was the first to speak: "It's the doctor, I saw his body with my own eyes!"

The doctor immediately retorted: "Fart! The internet celebrity girl is the dead one, and I saw her body too!"

Braid said weakly, "I saw the merchant's body."

The internet celebrity girl pointed at the braided plait and raised her voice: "She is already dead! I don't want to sleep in a tent with a dead person!"

The four identify each other, forming a closed loop.

Only Shen Dongqing and Zhou Wenyan remained silent, but the four of them quarreled fiercely and did not notice this.

Regardless of the players still arguing, the game announced the result on its own:

[Unfortunately, tonight is a draw]

[Maybe you have found the real deceased, but there is no favorable evidence to convince others, please continue to work hard the next day]

The sound of the game fell, and the bonfire fell into a dead silence.

The businessman was keenly aware of the message the game said.

Mutual identification is ineffective, and only by overwhelmingly electing the dead can truly solve the puzzle.

But looking at it now, everyone said that they saw the body, and no one could convince anyone.

Others got it too.

The doctor was the first to speak: "I suggest that everyone stay together tomorrow and look for the body we saw today."

The internet celebrity girl nodded: "Yes."

Merchants and braids also have no problem.

After the players decided what to do tomorrow, they each got into the tent.


The zipper of the tent was pulled down, and the inside was plunged into darkness.

The bonfire gradually weakened in the absence of fuel, and finally turned into a plume of blue smoke, which curled into the sky.

After everything was quiet, a figure climbed out of the darkness. He landed on all fours, without leaving any traces on the ground, as if he floated lightly into the camp, and finally stopped in front of Lisa's soup pot.

After the soup was cooked, Lisa didn't have time to clean it, so she just tossed it there.

The man leaned over slowly, stuffed his entire head into the small soup pot, took a deep breath, and looked obsessed.

Hungry, so hungry, why so hungry...

I really want to eat...

He looked up from the soup pot, twisted and crawled towards one of the tents, holding out a thin finger eagerly.

But before he touched the tent, he felt a terrible aura inside, he quickly retracted his hand, and crawled back into the darkness, not daring to move.

in the tent.

Shen Dongqing opened his eyes halfway, he said in a daze: "Why does it seem like..." There is something.

Before he finished speaking, he couldn't resist the sleepiness, so he closed his eyes again, got back into Zhou Wenyan's arms, rubbed it twice like a cat, and then fell asleep.