Non-Human Seeking Re-employment

Chapter 60: fifteenth day


Zhou Wenyan walked around the four tents and walked towards the direction of the bonfire. Shen Dongqing stepped on his footprints and followed carefully.

The bonfire that had been extinguished was burning again.

The firelight jumped, reflecting on the face of the braided braid in a coma, looking a little scary.

I don't know who lit the fire, but the purpose was definitely not to warm the braids.

Zhou Wenyan stopped, Shen Dongqing bumped up unexpectedly, he simply lay on Zhou Wenyan's back, and looked over his arm to where the braid was.

The two waited for a while, and heard the sound of snow being stepped on in the darkness.

Like ghosts, the NPCs walked to Braid's side and surrounded her.

In the firelight, Lisa, Borg, and Leo looked different from their full-bodied state during the day, their cheeks sunken and their lips pale and cracked, as if they had been hungry for a long time.

Twisted Braid knew nothing, lying with his head up in the snow, as if he was still dreaming.

Lisa bent down, her voice hoarse: "Soup... what a good soup..."

Borg grabbed the braided arm and licked his lips: "You can barbecue here."

Leo picked up his legs: "I'm hungry, how about you?"

The other two NPCs nodded in unison, pulled their braids together, and walked out slowly.

They seemed to have little strength, and they walked crookedly, making the shadows on the snow distorted, like starving ghosts with thin limbs and protruding stomachs.

Zhou Wenyan: "Follow up and have a look."

The NPC walking in front did not know that there were two people behind him.

They were humming songs with their braids in their mouths, an unnatural blush appeared on their pale cheeks, and their eyes were full of enthusiasm.

hungry, so hungry...

But that's okay, there will be food soon.


The NPC finally stopped. There was no moonlight here, and it was gray. They threw the braids on the ground, but even so, the braids still didn't wake up.

Lisa looked around nervously: "Fire, fire..."

As she murmured, a cluster of flames burst out, and there was a fire next to it out of thin air, with a small pot hanging on it, which was the soup pot Lisa used to cook the soup before.

Lisa giggled at the sight of the soup pot, showing her blood-stained brown teeth.

Leo complained: "Lisa, your cooking skills are really disrespectful, you don't even know how to handle food."

Borg bent down and was about to pull the braided clothes: "Hurry up and deal with it, you can have a beautiful meal when you get it done."

They didn't see the braids as a person at all, but as a thing.

No one disagrees with "cannibalism".

Borg was really hungry for too long. He had no strength in his hands and feet. He lowered his head and took off a button on his braided body. He didn't even take off his clothes after a long time.

"Leo, Lisa, come and help, you two..." Borg raised his head cursingly, but did not see the other two companions.

Borg, who was starving and dazed, was slow to respond: "What about people, people?"

Then Borg felt his shoulder miss a tap.

Borg turned his head, and without seeing anyone, he was punched and fell to the ground.

Shen Dongqing wiped his hands on the ground in disgust, and muttered, "Why are you so impatient?"

Not a single one can hit.

Zhou Wenyan walked to the soup pot, opened the lid, and an indescribable smell wafted out.

The soup in the pot was boiling, and people's fingers and strands of hair could be seen during the tumbling.

He put the lid back on the pot again, pulled out a burning wooden stick, and walked around to take a look.

Here is where the crash happened.

Half of the cabin was still lying on the snow, covered by a layer of snow.

Why do you have to come here to make soup

Zhou Wenyan held the torch and turned around, and suddenly found that there was something wrong with the snow in one place. He kicked up and rolled out a bone, and there seemed to be more buried underneath.

He simply squatted down and put down the torch.

Beneath a thin layer of snow was a pile of bones.

Judging from the color and texture of the bones, they are relatively fresh, but there is no trace of flesh and blood on them, and they are clean, just like specimens.

Zhou Wenyan moved part of it and found that the lower part had been frozen tightly.

Across a layer of translucent ice, you can see the layers of bones, there may be players, there may be NPCs, regardless of you or me, they are frozen here.

Zhou Wenyan looked back at the steaming soup pot.

It seems that this is where NPCs store their kitchen waste.

The players were awakened by the cold wind. After waking up, they found that the zipper of the tent was opened, and the NPCs in the same tent disappeared. At first, they didn't think about it until they saw the tightly tied NPCs beside the fire. Discover the importance of things.

The businessman walked quickly to the edge of the fire, did not dare to sit down, kept a certain distance, and asked cautiously, "What happened?"

Shen Dongqing turned over the fire with a wooden stick, thought about it, and said, "We stopped a crime that was about to start."


Shen Dongqing: "For example, human meat BBQ."

The businessman's eyes moved to the braided braid lying unconscious on the ground, and then looked at the three scrawny NPCs, no matter how stupid they were, they would understand what was going on.

"Grass!" the merchant scolded, "These three NPCs want to eat us?"

The voice fell, and a frightened cry came from the tent area.

The doctor was the last to wake up because he lost too much blood last night. His face was as pale as paper, as if his energy had been drained, and he walked out of the tent in a trance, with only one word in his mind - hungry.

"I'm so hungry," the doctor muttered.

His cheeks were sunken in, his face was full of ashes, and his mouth was over and over again: "Hungry, I'm so hungry..."

However, the NPCs who can cook soup are tightly bound, and there is no food to eat.

The doctor froze his neck and looked left and right, and suddenly smelled a bloody smell. He rolled his eyes and landed on the neck wrapped in gauze.

The internet celebrity girl left the tent and ran into the doctor who was in a trance. Before she could say hello, she saw the doctor grab the gauze from her neck and forcibly tore open the wound that was about to scab over.


The internet celebrity girl stayed there, subconsciously reaching out and covering her mouth.

In this case, she didn't have time to do anything, she could only watch helplessly.

Fortunately, the doctor was subdued by other people who rushed to hear the news, so that the tragedy of me eating myself would not happen.

The businessman wiped away his sweat, glanced at the doctor who was tied up and kept twisting, and said with a sad face, "What the hell is going on?"

He didn't want to become a starving ghost too.

Shen Dongqing gave a "uh" and said, "Ask the NPC."

The businessman asked suspiciously, "Is it okay?"

Shen Dongqing said: "Didn't they even cook soup for us? People are nice, just ask."

It's okay not to mention the soup. When I think about it now, the businessman can't help but say, "But that soup may be made from human flesh..."

Fortunately, the taste is rather strange, otherwise he would have drunk it.

Shen Dongqing blinked: "Does the two have anything to do with each other?"

It doesn't seem to matter.

The businessman was almost persuaded, but as soon as he saw the comatose braid and the crazy doctor, he immediately reacted and laughed dryly: "Would you like to come?"

At this moment, the NPCs woke up leisurely.

They were a little dazed, as if they didn't quite understand why they were tied up.

Lisa said in panic, "What are you going to do?"

Leo sullenly said, "Let us go!"

Borg was the calmest of them all, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "Since we can eat others, others can also eat us."

Leo suddenly became angry: "What are you pretending to be a Virgin? It's like you haven't eaten it before, you are the first to do it!"

Lisa burst into tears: "I don't want to die, I don't want to be eaten..."

Shen Dongqing interrupted them: "Wait..." He raised his hand, "Who wants to eat you?"

The three NPCs looked over in unison.

Shen Dongqing pointed to himself, and after receiving a unified nod, he said disgustedly, "Who wants to eat you, it doesn't look delicious at all!"

These three NPCs combined can't even compare to a small cookie, and he still thinks he has a tooth.

Borg smiled oddly: "When there is nothing left, you have to eat if you don't."

The businessman felt a surge of hunger, but it was okay if he was too hungry. He pressed his stomach and looked at the others: "Aren't you hungry?"

Shen Dongqing licked the corner of his lips: "It's okay."

Before leaving the tent, he had just had a full meal to ease some of his hunger.

Zhou Wenyan rested his chin in one hand, and his fingers tapped the corners of his lips, as if he was thinking about something, but did not answer the businessman's question.

The businessman said to himself: "If we don't start from dinner time today, we will vote for one person a day, and a blind cat will always run into a dead mouse."

Zhou Wenyan lifted his eyelids and said lightly, "Not enough."

Businessman: "What's not enough?"

Zhou Wenyan said, "Time."

The businessman said subconsciously: "Isn't there fifteen days? This is only the third day, and there are still so many days..."

"The third day?"

Lisa's expression was a little distorted: "The third day hahaha..."

The businessman was shocked: "Isn't it the third day?"

Lisa cried out in a panic, "If it's the third day, do we need to eat people?"

The plane crashed on a snowy mountain.

On the first day, because there was no signal at the top of the snow-capped mountain, the crew took the satellite phone and went out to find a place with a signal to send a distress message. The survivors were full of hope.

The next day, the survivors found that there was not much food left, and they planned to unite the food together, plan carefully, and wait until the arrival of the rescue team.

On the third day, an argument broke out among the survivors' ranks, and some felt that food should be reserved for those with better chances of survival, and those who were injured were given up.

On the sixth day, all food was consumed.

On the tenth day, they set their sights on their dying companions.

On the twelfth day, in hunger and cold, they went to work.

Lisa giggled: "The day you appeared was the twelfth day, and it has always been the twelfth day."

Borg and Leo lowered their heads and did not speak.

After moving towards their companions, they were stuck on the twelfth day.

No rescue team, no change, constant starvation, unable to live or die.

The three of them started a cycle, from crashing, arguing, snatching food, being forced to do things to the same kind... and forever ending on the twelfth day.

Then, when the class was exhausted, a group of people appeared inexplicably, and they felt that it was an illusion caused by staying in the snow for a long time.

Since it's an illusion, it doesn't matter, it's fake anyway, it doesn't matter if you eat it.

So the first twelve days, the second twelve days... One by one, the corpses were buried under the snow, and the piles became higher and higher.

The businessman was so frightened that he got goosebumps: "Then who did you eat?"

That person must be dead.

The three NPCs were stunned for a moment, showing a dazed look.

Lisa was the first to speak: "I joined Leo to kill Borg."

Borg said: "You remember wrong, you and I killed Leo."

Leo retorted: "It was you and I that killed Lisa, I still remember that the stewed meat was full of fat, and my mouth was full of oil..."

As he spoke, he couldn't help drooling.

A replay of the first dinnertime scene where the three of them identify each other, forming a closed loop.

So the question is, who killed whom

"Obviously I killed you."

"We killed you!"

"It's Lisa who died!"

The three NPCs are arguing.

Shen Dongqing interrupted them directly: "Shut up!"

Maybe they still remembered the fear of being knocked out before, so they just shut their mouths and didn't speak anymore.

The Internet celebrity girl looked happy: "Have you figured it out?"

Shen Dongqing said decisively: "No." He changed his words, "But... I seem to hear something?"

Zhou Wenyan lowered his head, and a small pebble lying beside his feet kept shaking.

Shen Dongqing looked around and pointed not far away: "It turned out to be there!"

The others looked in the direction he pointed.

There is a long snow line on top of the blue sky, probably because of looking at it for too long, the vision has an illusion, as if the snow line is getting closer and closer, like a wave, it snaps over.

The businessman raised his voice, because the voice of fear became distorted: "It's not an illusion!"


The plane crashed on the first day, ran out of food on the sixth day, ate a companion on the twelfth day, and on the fifteenth day... an avalanche.

The game said: "...If you help each other, you will definitely survive fifteen days until the rescue team comes."

But before the players could help each other, the NPCs slaughtered each other.

Players thought there were fifteen days.

Unexpectedly, their third day plus the NPC's 12 days is 15 days!

Zhou Wenyan's first reaction was to pull over Shen Dongqing to find a place to escape the avalanche.

But it was too late.

In an instant, the snow waves swept in, the ice and snow were biting, and it was even more fatal.

Zhou Wenyan turned over and threw Shen Dongqing to the ground, behind him was the white snow that rose like waves.

No matter what kind of ghost, it can't compare with the force of nature.

Not to mention people.

Shen Dongqing pressed against Zhou Wenyan's chest: "Your heartbeat has become faster."

Zhou Wenyan hugged Shen Dongqing tightly with both arms, and whispered, "It's alright."

The game will not kill the player in such a simple and rude manner, otherwise, there will be no need for ghosts, and there will be an earthquake and flood, no matter who will be finished.

There must be life out of nowhere.

Shen Dongqing was not particularly afraid, he said, "It's okay, I have experience in becoming a ghost..."

Before the words were finished, the long-simmering ice and snow snapped down, drowning out all the sounds.

After the avalanche, the world has returned to a vast expanse of white.

Shen Dongqing's fingers twitched, and she suddenly woke up from her dream.

Zhou Wenyan opened his eyes and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Shen Dongqing touched his arm and said, "I'm a little cold."

Zhou Wenyan touched his palm, and sure enough, it was full of chills: "Maybe the air conditioner is too low." He stood up, opened the small suitcase, and took out a coat.

Shen Dongqing put on his coat, and suddenly his fingers touched something icy cold. He looked down and saw a crystal clear snowflake fell on his fingertips. Before he could show it to Zhou Wenyan, the snowflake melted into a drop of water. .

He stared at it for a while, and the water droplets slipped from his fingers and disappeared without a trace.

Zhou Wenyan stood beside him and asked, "Do you want some snacks?"

Shen Dongqing came back to his senses and said, "I want chocolate."

Zhou Wenyan rummaged, but couldn't find it in the suitcase, so he took a bucket of potato chips and handed it over.

"Probably not."

Shen Dongqing tilted his head: "I brought it."

No matter what he forgets, he never forgets snacks

At this moment, the gentle voice of the flight attendant sounded on the radio.

"Next, the plane will pass through the snow-capped mountains, there will be some turbulence, please don't panic."

Zhou Wenyan closed the suitcase and said, "Look for it after getting off the plane."