Non-Human Seeking Re-employment

Chapter 69: bad teacher


Guoguo's face was so big in total that she shoved an ice cream into her mouth with a slap, and it was filled to the brim. Don't talk, she even held back her tears.

She is in a very embarrassing situation now, like a light bulb plugged in, unable to pull it out, unable to swallow, so she can only slowly wait for the ice cream to melt.

The woman in the long skirt whispered, "Will it be too much?"

After all, Guoguo looks like a very normal little girl, the kind that anyone will find cute when they see it.

At once, he received several contemptuous glances.

Is this a copy of the NPC? If you are not careful, it will kill people. Do you think it is an innocent child

The woman in the long skirt closed her mouth shyly.

Shen Dongqing directly reached out and lifted Guoguo up: "Go in and have a look."

He ignored Guoguo's silent protest and walked directly into the classroom with someone.

The interior decoration of the classroom is quite exquisite.

There are various hand-painted paintings on the walls, colorful blackboard newspapers are painted on the blackboard, and even the tables and chairs are miniature versions, which look very cute.

Fang Qi shrank his head and said, "That's so scary."

The other players looked in the direction he pointed, only to see small handprints printed on one wall. This is probably a parent-child activity held by a kindergarten. The children's palms are all printed on it, one on top of the other. Of course, it would look more harmonious if it wasn't for scarlet pad.

Looking at it now, it looks like a bloody handprint on a wall, left by desperately slapping the wall when there is nowhere to escape.

The other players shuddered when they thought of that picture.

At this moment, a crisp voice sounded in the classroom.

"Hello teacher-"

A group of children sat on a small bench and talked neatly.

They all raised their heads and looked at this group of new teachers. Under their simple appearance, they concealed an adult-like scrutiny, as if to see how long these teachers could live.

The blonde girl whispered, "Since the requirements of the game are... At least get to know the students in the class first, right?"

The girl in the long skirt also agreed with her proposal, softened her voice, and said to a group of children, "The teacher wants to know what your names are, can you tell the teacher?"

But the children in this classroom are not as cute as they appear.

After the voice of the woman in the long skirt fell, they turned their heads in unison, staring at the long skirt girl, until the long skirt girl's palms were sweating, and they said in unison, "Will the teacher play with us?"

The woman in the long skirt said subconsciously, "Yes..."

She just spit out a syllable and stopped abruptly. After all, this is not a real kindergarten, but a playground. Who knows what mode of play these children are talking about.

It's just that her reaction was too slow, and the children below laughed and clapped their hands: "Okay, the teacher wants to play with us, that's great."

The cold sweat of the woman in the long skirt "swish" and then came down.

The smiles of the children are the same, even the angles are exactly the same, which looks chilling. They stood up from their seats with a "clatter" and crowded around the woman in the long skirt.

"Teacher, let's go out and play."

"Teacher, you promised us, you can't go back."

"Hurry up and take us out."

The woman in the long skirt was at a loss, so she turned to other players for help.

Other players said that they can do it to death, work hard and play hard.

In this game, whoever is deceived by the appearance of the dungeon NPC deserves to die.

The girl in the long skirt was crowded into the corner of the classroom by a group of children.

They were very small, but their strength was not small. They were pulling the dress of the woman in the long skirt, and they kept urging the woman in the long skirt to go out to play.

When there was no response for a long time, the children stopped, looked up at the girl in the long skirt with their little heads raised, and said with a smile: "Teacher lied to us."

"It's a bad teacher."

"What should we do with the bad teacher?"

They paused and continued in that sweet voice: "Bury the bad teacher."

"Cut the bad teacher into three pieces."

"No, no, let's build the bad teacher in the wall!"

Now the girl in the long skirt no longer thinks the children are cute. She looked at the innocent faces in dismay, and just wanted to get out quickly: "Save me, save me!"

Just as the children were about to take action, someone tapped on the desk.

dong dong—

As if they had touched a switch, the children's movements stopped in unison, and turned their heads to look over.

Zhou Wenyan leaned halfway on the podium and said lazily, "It's class time, so you're not allowed to go out."

The children stared at him: "You are not a teacher, we will not listen to you."

Shen Dongqing looked around, pushed Fang Qi out, and raised his chin: "The teacher is here."

Fang Qi was a little worried, but thinking that there were two big bosses behind him, he shook again, stuck his waist and said, "Don't sit back obediently during class time!"

The children looked at each other and sat back in their seats obediently.

It seems that the children listen to what the teachers say.

The long skirt girl's legs softened and she slumped directly on the ground.

After Fang Qi was finished, he immediately persuaded again: "Big brother, what should I do now?"

Zhou Wenyan swept over the things on the podium, reached out and picked up an attendance book: "Call."

Fang Qi opened the attendance book, where the names of all the children in this class were written, and he went over one by one.


Guoguo had already pulled out the ice cream, was nibbling on it with relish, and said vaguely, "Here."

"Little fish."

A little boy raised his hand high: "Here."



Fang Qi clicked all the way, and got stuck at a child named "Yangyang".

He called out his name, but no one responded.

Fang Qi looked at the little radish head below and asked, "Where is Yangyang?"

The children sitting in the front row showed a weird smile that didn't match their age, and then started talking.

"Yangyang is not good."

"Yangyang was taken away."

"Yangyang is gone."

Fang Qi froze in his heart, and reported the name of the next child.

Still no one responded.

After reporting two names in a row, no child uttered a word.

Zhou Wenyan said, "No need to report."

Fang Qi put down the attendance book, and there was a series of names below, all blank.

"There are so many people who haven't been named," said the blonde.

Zhou Wenyan said lightly: "The number of people is not enough."

Others take a look.

There were only a dozen or so children in the classroom, and there were more than 30 children on the roll call. Obviously, the list did not match.

The game asks them: where have the children died

Are they the children who disappeared from the roll call, or the children in front of them

The players were lost in thought.

Zhou Wenyan: "Go and see other places first."

Shen Dongqing nodded.

Before the two of them could go out, they were stopped by the uncle. He had a grumpy expression and was a little uneasy: "Hey, I think we should cooperate first."

Every player is assigned a job, and the dean sets a mortal condition for each job.

Kindergarten teachers can’t make children cry, cooks can’t make children hungry, security guards must patrol every four hours and can’t leave the guard room, and cleaners need to keep the kindergarten clean.

If they can't do what the dean asks, what awaits them is death.

In this way, all players are trapped in one place, with very little free time, and only the cleaners can move freely.

That's why the uncle stopped these two people. In his opinion, these two young men are thin and weak, and their arms are not as thick as his, so they can naturally scare them to cooperate.

Zhou Wenyan paused and walked directly past the uncle's side.

Uncle: "Hello!"

Shen Dongqing quickly followed.

In the eyes of the uncle, these two people were just pretending to be coercive. It was not technical enough to stop the little girl from crying before, but now they were directly rejected. He got angry and stretched out his hand to grab Shen Dongqing.

Fang Qi glanced at him with pity.

Then, before the uncle touched Shen Dongqing's clothes, Shen Dongqing slapped the whole wall on the wall, and he clapped his hands in disgust: "Scare me." Then he followed Zhou Wenyan briskly.

The uncle buckled himself from the wall, and some did not respond: "What do you mean!"

This time Zhou Wenyan stopped: "I don't like working with dead people very much."

When the uncle was glanced like this, he was suddenly a little stunned, and he didn't dare to speak in a careless manner. He only scolded after the two figures disappeared, "It's a good thing to pretend to be, don't you think?"

Fang Qi pretended not to hear.

Others don't want to cause trouble either.

The uncle felt bored, so he took the yellow-haired man to patrol.

The kindergarten does not occupy much space, and it takes about half an hour to walk the whole journey.

Shen Dongqing followed Zhou Wenyan around and found that there was more than one classroom here, but except for the classroom just now, the others were empty and there was no one.

Shen Dongqing stuck to the window and looked inside for a while, and found that there were some paper-cutting tools on the small table. The paper-cuts were half-cut and placed there, as if people suddenly disappeared.

He tried to turn the doorknob, but the door wasn't locked.

But Shen Dongqing went in and turned around, but found no clues.

Zhou Wenyan pondered for a moment: "Go to the dean's room."

The dean's room was at the end of the second floor, and there was a dark and heavy door, like a terrifying monster behind the door, which made people feel a little uneasy.

Shen Dongqing strode over.

The door was still unlocked, and it opened with a creak.

The door was heavy and opened very slowly.

Shen Dongqing felt a cold gaze coming from the crack of the door. He pushed open the door, but only saw a black and white portrait. The portrait was hung on the wall facing the door. See.

This portrait is half the height of a person, and it is the dean. She wears a black dress, combs her hair meticulously, and stares coldly at the door with a pair of eyes, as if cursing everyone who comes in.

Shen Dongqing felt a little uncomfortable, so he simply walked over and took down the portrait, turning it over and covering it on the wall.

"It's much better now."

Zhou Wenyan also walked in and looked at the dean's office.

The decoration of the office is retro, there are many books on one wall, and the table is also full of materials.

It can be said that apart from that portrait, there is nothing special about it.

Shen Dongqing picked up the frame and said, "Do you want to take it apart and have a look?"

Zhou Wenyan: "Demolish."

Shen Dongqing's hands-on ability is extremely strong, and he threw the picture frame directly to the ground. With a loud noise, the glass on the picture frame cracked, and the dean's people were slightly twisted, as if they were angry.

Shen Dongqing didn't care at all, and just pulled out the portrait.

"Nothing." He was a little disappointed.

Zhou Wenyan rubbed his chin: "Maybe it's the wrong time."

Shen Dongqing lowered his head, looking at the mess on the ground, he simply tucked the scroll into the corner.

As long as it is not discovered, it has never happened!

Shen Dongqing pretended to have done nothing, put his hands behind his back, and whispered, "Then let's go quickly."


The kindergarten is very normal. The children read fairy tales aloud under the guidance of the new teacher, each one is more lovely than the other, as if the vicious words just now were not from their mouths.

The girl in the long skirt was frightened, and no longer dared to give her compassion indiscriminately. She hid in the corner alone, in a trance, and did not dare to look at these children.

The other three teachers were so tired that they played with a group of children all morning, and they finally had a chance to breathe at lunchtime.

The male student chose to be a chef. Under the threat of death, he performed exceptionally well. He painted a gourd and cooked one meat, two vegetables and one soup, and finally pushed it up in time.

The children held a bowl each and lined up quietly.

The male student divided the meal for each child, and when he could scoop the last spoonful, he just gave it to the last child.

Raising children is a physical task. Fang Qi was so hungry that his eyes were dizzy, and he was waiting for the child to leave some food for him to eat. He didn’t expect the male student to cook the meal so well, and there was nothing left, and he was immediately dissatisfied: "Didn't you burn us?"

The male student vomited bitterly: "There are not many dishes in the kitchen. I don't think so many students can eat for seven days."

Fang Qi was so hungry that his brain couldn't think: "Not enough is not enough, let's burn some more."

The male student was a little reluctant, but he was a chef, so he had no choice but to go back and fry two more side dishes and bring them to the classroom to eat.

Fang Qi saw a group of children gobble up their food, and thought that the male student's craftsmanship was good. After the dish was served, he hurriedly tasted it and almost vomited.

"Are you a vegetable?"

The male student shrugged: "I like it or not."

No way, they can only eat pig food with tears.

When he was half full, Fang Qi suddenly remembered a question: "I don't have enough food, what should I do in the next few days?"

The chef's job is not to leave the child hungry.

The male student is not sure: "Should I bring fresh ingredients..."

Liu Hainu: "What if you don't send it over?"

That group of children can gobble up such unpalatable food. If there is nothing to fill their stomachs, who knows what they will eat

After so many games, the player who is most likely to become the ingredient is the player.

The players shuddered when they thought of this possibility, and they couldn't even eat their meals.

At this moment, Shen Dongqing and Zhou Wenyan came back, and Fang Qi quickly expressed his loyalty as soon as he saw them: "Boss, this is specially reserved for you."

Shen Dongqing glanced at it and was shocked: "Why do you eat pig food?"

Fang Qi's tears were about to fall: "There is nothing else to eat except this."

Shen Dongqing looked at these players who were eating pig food with pity, and took out a handful of straws just picked up from his pocket.

Fang Qi was even more shocked: "Big brother, this is straw... is it unnecessary?"

Shen Dongqing shook his head, lit the straw directly, muttered to the smoke, and reported a long list of dish names.

Everyone else will be stunned.

What is this operation

Liu Hainu murmured, "Wangmei quenches thirst?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw a scent coming out of the smoke, and after the smoke dissipated, plate after plate of dishes appeared out of thin air, and half a table was piled up.

Other players: ! ! !

Shen Dongqing pulled over the stool and sat down, dismantling a king crab leg, and the white and plump crab meat was exposed, making the eyes of others glow red.

Fang Qi: "Could Dad give me some leftovers?"

Just a little bit.

In Shen Dongqing, food is not something everyone can share.

But he looked at Fang Qi and the vegetables, and reluctantly gave Fang Qi some broccoli and carrots for decoration, which were still dishes he didn't like.

Fang Qi bit the broccoli and glanced at a table of sumptuous dishes.

Life is difficult, and there is a luxury meal here, and there is really no comparison between people and people...

The other players didn't dare to resist, they just had a meal after smelling the aroma.

After dinner, the teachers waited on the children to take a nap.

Fortunately, the biological clocks of the children in this kindergarten are very punctual, and they fall asleep at 12 noon, which saves some things.

After finally calming down and having free time to arrange, the players discussed some things, leaving two people in the classroom, and the others went to other places to see.

In fact, everyone was reluctant to stay here. In the end, Shen Dongqing said that he would take a nap and stay in the classroom together with Zhou Wenyan.

The others all formed a team and went out to explore.

The woman in the long skirt pulled the blonde woman's arm: "I want to go to the toilet."

The blonde woman was impatient: "Then go."

She has no patience for such a cannon fodder-looking player.

The woman in the long skirt said: "I'm afraid..."

The blonde woman had no choice: "I'll wait for you at the door."

The woman in the long skirt nodded, hurriedly slipped into the toilet, and resolved her physical problems as quickly as possible. She was about to push the door to go out, when she suddenly heard the sound of humming children's songs from outside the door.

"Teacher, teacher, come out and play."

The woman in the long skirt lowered her head stiffly, and saw a pair of dark eyes appearing in the gap under the toilet door panel.