Non-Human Seeking Re-employment

Chapter 90: ticket



Shen Dongqing also discovered such a problem.

The flight attendant was already cold, an adult's body was shoved under the chair abruptly, all limbs were broken, the broken bones pierced the flesh, forming a strange posture, it seemed that there was nothing to ask.

Shen Dongqing regretfully gave up the idea of catching someone to ask.

Seeing that the two were going to continue walking forward, the plaid skirt said cautiously, "What should I do with this?"

"Which one?" Shen Dongqing looked back.

Coincidentally, the flight attendant cheated.

Her body bounced with a thud, her twisted arms stretched straight up and grabbed the calf of the plaid skirt.


The plaid skirt screamed, kicking the flight attendant frantically while panicking. When she came back to her senses, the flight attendant had been kicked beyond recognition by her small high heels.

Shen Dongqing pity: "It's really pitiful."

The plaid skirt burst into tears: "I'm afraid."

Then she stepped down again, hitting her forehead. Fortunately, the flight attendant was already dead, otherwise she would have to die again.

The other players were silent and distanced themselves from the plaid skirt.

The flight attendant let go of his hand in desperation.

Shen Dongqing: "Actually, I'm talking about her." He pointed to the flight attendant who was disfigured again, "Maybe she just wanted to say hello to you."

The plaid skirt took two steps back.

Shen Dongqing stepped forward, directly took the flight attendant's hand, and shook it.


The flight attendant's arm was directly broken.

Shen Dongqing instantly dropped that arm, saying that he didn't care about his business, and then turned back and whispered, "I'm obviously very careful, but she is too fragile."

Zhou Wenyan nodded with a serious expression.

Flight attendant: …

She felt that her ghost life was full of doubts, and she no longer wanted to be scary, she just wanted to go back under the safe and warm chair and prepare to be alone.

It is a pity that such a small request cannot be met.

Shen Dongqing directly stepped on the flight attendant's back, making her unable to move, so she could only draw a bloodstain on the ground in desperation.

"Hello." He bent down and showed a kind smile, "Where is the control room, please?"

The flight attendant twitched and made a series of inexplicable sounds.

It's like saying, if you want to kill, you have to cut it for a good time, don't torture people, okay!

Shen Dongqing raised his head: "She doesn't cooperate."

So if something more drastic happens next, it's not his problem!

Zhou Wenyan said, "She has a key on her body."

When he was kicked by the plaid skirt just now, there was a clanging sound on the flight attendant's body, which should be the sound of keys colliding together.

Shen Dongqing looked down, stretched out his hand and took out a bunch of keys from the flight attendant's waist pocket. There were more than a dozen keys, with different labels on them, one of which read "General Control Room".

After getting what he wanted, Shen Dongqing let go of his feet, and the free flight attendant quickly climbed back under the chair.

Shen Dongqing originally wanted to ask her if she could lead the way, but when she looked down, everyone shrank into a ball and shivered.

Flight attendant: I'm a chair I'm a chair...

Shen Dongqing wandered around the key ring and shook his head: "It seems that the mental state of the ghost in this compartment is not very good, too fragile."

He was whimsical: "Why don't I give her a psychological counseling."

The flight attendant rolled his eyes, his body twitched, and he was about to faint.

Shen Dongqing tilted his head and said, "Are you too happy?"

Flight attendant: I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense.

Fortunately, Zhou Wenyan came out and pulled back Shen Dongqing's overactive idea, saving a fresh ghost's life in time.

"Go to the control room first."

Shen Dongqing: "Okay." He leaned over and said goodbye to the flight attendant, "See you next time!"

The flight attendant who was in a coma with fright said that he didn't really want to see you again.

Difficult to be born.

With the key, the group walked towards the other carriage.

Each carriage is separated by a thin translucent frosted glass door.

Shen Dongqing flicked the key and knocked lightly on the glass door: "I don't need the key." It was estimated that the glass door fell down before he exerted any force.

As soon as he said it, Shen Dongqing stretched out his hand and pulled the door. After a pause, without using the key, the glass door was pulled open by him.

The carriage where the players were just now was No. 1, and the one where the flight attendant was on was No. 2. Now this section is No. 3.

At a glance, the inside of the carriage is empty, and there is no one in the rows of seats.

Shen Dongqing was disappointed: "Nothing."

Zhou Wenyan leaned aside, the corners of his mouth curled up: "Come on, I'll make a magic trick for you."

Shen Dongqing blinked, looking forward to it.

Zhou Wenyan closed the door, took the key in his hand, put it on his finger, turned it around, and stopped at the number 3. He inserted the key and turned it.


As if he had touched a switch, people could be seen through the frosted glass.

Zhou Wenyan opened the door again.

The scene in the carriage changed.

There are several passengers sitting on the seats, the elderly are reading the newspaper carefully, an old lady resting with her eyes closed, the mother with the crying baby, the seven- or eight-year-old child running wildly in the aisle, the young The man turned his head impatiently, and the pretty girl bowed her head and sobbed, her eyes red.

A carriage full of life, the complete opposite of the dead silence before.

Shen Dongqing and Zhou Wenyan walked in, but the little tail behind him hesitated.

The peaked hat said: "These are all people who appeared out of nowhere, maybe they are all ghosts!"

If people in such a carriage turn into ghosts, who can resist

A cowardly male student next to him said, "But those two people look pretty good..."

The cap rolled his eyes: "You are going to go."

Players spinning around in the B-level dungeon are either newbies or rookies. The peaked caps who have played a few games have dominated. Unexpectedly, two people were airborne and directly pressed him.

The peaked cap is unhappy, but the unhappy return is unhappy, he really has nothing to do.

The plaid skirt ignored so much and followed directly.

However, some timid players chose to stay in the No. 2 carriage and wait and see, and then enter the No. 3 carriage if there is no danger.

The passengers in the No. 3 compartment were all doing their own thing, as if they had no idea how many people were inside.

Shen Dongqing found someone closest to him and asked, "You know..."

The old man turned over the newspaper expressionlessly, without even raising his eyelids.

"Hello?" Shen Dongqing's palm shook in front of the old man.

The old man did not respond to this.

The same goes for the other passengers. They follow the programmed routine. The old man is always reading the newspaper, the old woman is always sleeping, and the child is always running tirelessly on the aisle.

Just like an artificially retarded person.

Zhou Wenyan said two words softly: "Time."

The name of this dungeon is "Time Train". In this way, each carriage may be in a different time node, and players need to find the correct time to get off the train.

But it doesn't matter to them, after all, they are not here to decrypt, but to eliminate system failures.

Zhou Wenyan: "Go to the next carriage."

The two walked across the aisle and came to the next door.

Before Zhou Wenyan opened the door with the key, the glass door opened automatically. A flight attendant stood behind the door, and she was about to walk in pushing the dining cart.

The flight attendant paused for a moment and looked straight at the person standing in the aisle. The incandescent light above fell, making her lips extremely red, as if wiping blood.

"Which carriage are you from?" Her lips moved, "Take out the ticket and see."

Shen Dongqing looked back at the plaid skirt.

They are not players of this dungeon and have no tickets on them.

The plaid skirt turned pale: "I don't have a ticket either."

As soon as they came in, the players checked it up and down, and there was no such thing as a ticket.

The flight attendant repeated word by word: "No, yes, car, ticket?"

The group of artificially retarded people were no longer mentally retarded. They stared at the extra people and whispered.

"They don't even have a ticket."

"We all spent money, why?"

"Hurry up and drive them off!"

The plaid skirt panicked: "What should I do? We can't get the ticket."

Shen Dongqing: "I don't know either."

The flight attendant pressed step by step, his voice was raised, very harsh: "You don't have a ticket, how can you get on this bus? Anyone without a ticket will die—"

Seeing that the situation was not good, and the plaid skirt was ready to escape, Zhou Wenyan suddenly said, "Make up the ticket."

Flight attendant:

Zhou Wenyan put his hand on Shen Dongqing's shoulder: "Isn't it possible to make up the ticket?"

Shen Dongqing nodded seriously: "Yes, get on the bus first and then make up the ticket."

The flight attendant's eyes were a little blank: "Huh?"

There are not a thousand or eight hundred passengers she receives here, and she has never heard the word "refill".

Shen Dongqing: "Can't you?"

The flight attendants have received serious training. Of course, the train can make up for the ticket, but they are not a serious train. There are no rules and regulations. No one asked before.

In the end, the flight attendant could only compromise: "I can't make up the ticket, but I'll give you three hours to find the ticket, otherwise..."

She rolled her eyes, her pupils turned back, leaving only a bloodshot white, and a sharp voice came out of her mouth: "Death—"

Shen Dongqing: "It's amazing."

Flight attendant:

Shen Dongqing poked Zhou Wenyan with his elbow: "She can actually roll her eyes up, she's amazing, I won't." He also tried to roll up his eyeballs, but it didn't work.

Zhou Wenyan let out a sullen laugh, stretched out his hand to cover Shen Dongqing's eyes, the eyelashes under his palm trembled, and gently scraped his palm, itchy, making people want to kiss the curled and dense eyelash.

Zhou Wenyan coughed lightly and withdrew his hand: "Don't learn blindly."

Shen Dongqing: "Can you?"

Zhou Wenyan was asked: "...I won't."

The flight attendant was in a trance.

I'm scaring you, okay? Why would you roll your eyes if you are still discussing it in earnest here

Too much!

The flight attendant looked for a sense of presence there, pushed the cart and entered the No. 3 car, staring sullenly at the players in the No. 2 car.


The players in the No. 2 compartment have seen the horror of the flight attendants, and they have also learned how to deal with Shen Dongqing and the others.

A sneer appeared on the corner of the flight attendant's mouth: "No, we can't make up tickets for our train."

The peaked cap said in a panic: "I, we can find the ticket, the ticket is lost."

The flight attendant's eyes narrowed: "If you lost your ticket, you should be damned—"

She pushed the dining cart and walked over aggressively.

The cap hurriedly closed the door between the two carriages, keeping the flight attendant out.

Maybe this door is really useful, the flight attendant stopped, not wanting to come.

The peaked cap took a breath: "Go and find the ticket, it must be in the No. 1 compartment-"

His words came to an abrupt end.

The lights in Car 2 flickered, a pale hand stretched out from under the chair, and a woman with a bloody face twisted and crawled out.

The peaked cap swallowed.

The player next to him even screamed.

"What are you afraid of!" The peaked cap said strongly, "This ghost is very weak, anyone can beat him, stop screaming!"

Remembering that the plaid skirt kicked the flight attendant two or three times just now, the peaked cap became more courageous, and it was a kick to go up.

and many more-

Why doesn't it feel right

The lights come on again.

There was nothing under the chair except a pool of blood.

The peaked cap seemed to feel something, twisted his neck stiffly, an unrecognizable face was placed on his shoulders, and two words were muttered.



A figure fell to the ground, the cap fell off, rolled around on the ground, and got under the chair.

The other players were pale and sweaty.

But fortunately, the flight attendant didn't attack the others, dragging the legs of the peaked cap and swaying back under the chair.


Such two adults were shoved under the chair abruptly, and the hard bones of their bodies were broken in a mess, making a tooth-ache.

"How to do?"

"There is a flight attendant in front, we can't escape."

"Anyway, they are all dead. Why don't you rush out and find those two big guys."

The other players picked up their weak legs and rushed out of the No. 2 carriage with a single breath.

The flight attendant in the No. 3 compartment didn't move either, just stared straight at the players who were running away in a hurry, and said silently, "The countdown starts..."

After all, it is a B-level game copy, and it is impossible to slaughter the players directly as soon as they come up, which is too boring.

So there is a condition, that is, players without tickets will become the hunting targets of ghosts, not together, but slowly tortured one by one.

There is a compartment between the No. 4 and No. 3 cars. There is a toilet and a washbasin. There is a clock on the wall. The hour and minute hands are stopped and stay at 18:30.

The players rushed in, screaming and screaming.

"Dead, he's dead."

"It was tragic to be stuffed under the chair."

"We don't have a ticket, will we be the next to die?"

The plaid skirt comforted: "Just find the ticket."

Having said that, the plaid skirt didn't know where to look for the ticket, so she looked at Shen Dongqing for help.

Shen Dongqing gave a "uh" and said, "I don't know."

He doesn't like deciphering.

Zhou Wenyan: "We don't need a ticket."

This death condition is set for game players, the two of them do not belong to this game field, and it is impossible for them to have their tickets.

Plaid skirt: "But..."


A knock on the door interrupted the plaid skirt.

The players turned their attention to the past.

The knock on the door came from the toilet.

In addition to the sudden death of the peaked cap, there are a lot of players present, so the only ones inside are probably ghosts.

The players uniformly took a step back and opened the distance from the toilet.


It sounded again.

The door of the toilet was directly slammed open, and a girl in a white skirt fell down. The black hair and white skirt were scattered all over the floor. You could see that the hem of the white skirt was dyed scarlet.

The girl didn't seem to be completely dead, and she still fluttered on the ground before she died.

The plaid skirt exclaimed: "This is not—" She turned her head and looked at the No. 3 carriage.

There was a girl in a white dress sitting in the No. 3 compartment. She lowered her head and sobbed, her eyes were red, and the small part of her face was exactly the same as the one lying on the ground.

Which is real and which is fake

Zhou Wenyan's gaze swept across the wall clock on the wall: "Different timelines."

This is a time-disordered copy of the game.

Each car represents a period of time. The flight attendant who was stuffed under the chair of No. 2 car appeared in No. 3 car, and the girl in the white skirt of No. 3 car died in the toilet compartment in the middle.

Players have to find their tickets in the chaotic timeline and get off at the location marked on the ticket.

"Ticket!" A player saw sharply that the white-skirted passenger was holding a ticket in his hand. He quickly pulled it out and glanced around vigilantly, "This is what I found, mine."

Plaid skirt: "Show me the ticket."

The player clenched the ticket: "Who knows if you can get it back after giving it to you, anyway, it's mine, you can go find your own ticket!"

The plaid skirt wants to ask the two bosses for help.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Wenyan and Shen Dongqing didn't seem to care at all.

Shen Dongqing yawned lazily: "Quickly find the general control room, I want to sleep."

Zhou Wenyan: "The key point may not be in the general control room, um... Let's go and see first."

They walked to the next carriage on their own.

The player who got the ticket smugly glanced at the plaid skirt and followed.

Car 4 looks no different from Car 3.

The group of artificially retarded passengers still maintained their movements. The mother coaxed the child, the old man read the newspaper, the old woman closed her eyes and slept, the girl in the white dress bowed her head and sobbed, and the man looked out the window.

The only difference is that Car 4 is too quiet.

The little boy who was running around was gone.

Shen Dongqing felt something flash past his head, and he raised his head.

Above the train is a row of luggage racks crammed with passengers' luggage.

But now there was a little boy sandwiched between the two suitcases, and he curled up quietly on it, his thin arms hanging down, dangling above the players' heads.

The plaid skirt covered her mouth and suppressed her voice.

The noisy bear child was silent forever.

Shen Dongqing rarely used his brain, pointed at the girl in the white skirt and said, "This child died in front of the white skirt." After speaking, he looked at Zhou Wenyan and asked for a reward.

Zhou Wenyan took out a piece of candy and placed it in Shen Dongqing's palm: "You guessed it right, reward."

Shen Dongqing peeled off the candy wrapper and stuffed the candy into his mouth, it was sweet.

"Where did it come from?"

Zhou Wenyan said calmly, "It's only for coaxing children."

There is a child at home, how can you not always have snacks

Lying on top of the bear child: …

Can you be more professional, you are customs clearance, not a honeymoon!

The players behind them were also silent: …

Why can you show your love in the face of ghosts? This operation is too showy.

It may be that the game can't be watched anymore, and the door is opened with a bang.

The flight attendant stepped out aggressively and stretched out his hand: "Check the ticket!"

The plaid skirt said cautiously, "Didn't you give us three hours?"

As soon as the flight attendant saw Zhou Wenyan and Shen Dongqing, his teeth were sore, he shifted his target after a quick glance, and looked at the group of players behind: "Give me all the tickets!"

The player who took the ticket of the girl in the white skirt couldn't wait to take it out: "I have a ticket! You look for someone else, and they don't have a ticket."

The other players looked at him angrily.

That player is not embarrassed about betraying his teammates, after all, other people's lives are not as important as their own.

Flight attendant: "Bring it to me to check."

The player hands out the ticket.

The flight attendant shredded the ticket without looking at it: "You used someone else's ticket, damn it!"

The player's face turned pale, and he was still arguing: "No, no, you read it wrong, I took my own ticket!"

The flight attendant didn't listen to him and repeated coldly, "Damn—"

The passengers agreed in unison: "Damn—"

That player wanted to ask other players for help, but because of the behavior just now, no one would save him.

He gritted his teeth, turned around and ran.

The flight attendant stood there and looked at him with a sneer.

The player broke open the door of the No. 4 carriage and returned to the buffer zone in the middle, where someone was already waiting for him.

The girl in the white dress lying on the ground slowly raised her head.


The door was closed, and a splatter of blood splattered behind the door.

Through the glass door, the player's body could be seen weakly falling to the ground.

Another player dies.

In just ten minutes, two players died violently.

The scalps of the other players who survived were numb: "Ticket, where is the ticket?!!"

They started rummaging through the luggage on the luggage rack, which had been thrown in a mess.

The bear child curled up on it, staring blankly at the group of players.

But the players got nothing.

The flight attendant didn't stop them, and was about to leave while pushing the dining car. Halfway through, they were stopped.

The flight attendant started to have a toothache again and reflexively said, "I don't know anything!"

Although the two people were put in the game to eliminate the fault, the game did not let the NPC assist them, and even suggested that the NPC should increase their efforts not to release water.

Shen Dongqing gave the flight attendant a strange look: "I haven't said anything yet."

Flight attendant: "...I don't know anything anyway."

Shen Dongqing picked up Wahaha in the dining car: "Do you know how much?" Before the flight attendant could answer, he said to himself, "Okay, I know you don't know anything."

Then Shen Dongqing graciously walked away with a row of Wahaha, the kind that didn't pay a dime.

Flight attendant: ... so angry!