Non-Human Seeking Re-employment

Chapter 91: There is one less


Shen Dongqing drank Wahaha AD calcium milk, and shook her back again: "Where is the general control room?"

The flight attendant said weakly: "In the front..."

She understood that it was because the game couldn't handle these two people, so she sent them over to torture them!

It's time to send these two plague gods away!

Shen Dongqing smiled brightly and was very polite: "Thank you!"

The two did not stay any longer and went to the next carriage.

The plaid skirt quietly glanced at the gnashing flight attendant and followed silently.

Can the NPC in the game copy be so angry, should it be said to be a big guy

The people sitting in the No. 5 carriage are still the group of artificial mental retardation, but this time the people who died violently were replaced by two, and they became the old couple.

The old man died in the corridor, lying face down in the middle of the corridor. From the black blood vomited from his mouth, it can be seen that he died of poisoning.

His wife, on the other hand, was sitting on the seat with her head lowered, as if she was sleeping peacefully, but with a sharp knife stuck in her abdomen, a large piece of clothes was soaked with blood.

The husband and wife died at the same time, and it was not alone.

Shen Dongqing was not interested in the reason why they both died suddenly, and walked over directly from the old man's side.

Those players were also afraid that the two deceased would cheat the corpse, so they almost closed their eyes and quickly passed through the carriage, and they didn't do much search at all.

The victim in Car No. 6 was the mother with the baby, her head was pressed into the groove of the sink, her black hair was floating on the water and she was shaking slowly.

The faucet above was not closed tightly and was still dripping.

The little baby in the mother's arms was casually placed on the sink, and the little body was frozen blue.

The players couldn't bear to see it. A boy took off his coat and covered the baby's body, covering her small face.

Moving on, the victim of carriage 7 was the young man, strangled by his own belt, his face flushed and his tongue sticking out the elder. His corpse leaned weakly against the glass door and fell down as soon as it was opened.

Shen Dongqing was also taken aback, and subconsciously, he kicked the person flying.

The other players were even more frightened and exclaimed.

Fortunately, there were no more fatalities in the following carriages, because all the passengers died, not even the victims.

The last compartment was the general control room, which was blocked by a thin iron door with a sign on the door that said "No one is allowed to enter." In order to prevent other passengers from entering by mistake, the door was locked.

But this can't be hard for Shen Dongqing. Just as he was about to roll up his sleeves and violently open the door, a hand stretched out from behind him.

Zhou Wenyan said helplessly, "There is a key."

Shen Dongqing scratched his head: "Oh..."

"Crack" sound.

The lock cylinder turned, and the door slowly opened.

There is indeed a general control room, which can control the entire train, but there are too many devices inside. There are buttons all over the console, and I don't know which one can stop the train.

Shen Dongqing couldn't think of it, so he simply used a stupid method - just try them one by one, anyway, he could always be right.

He stepped forward, hesitated for a moment, and tapped one of the red buttons.

Drop drop —

A red light flashed across the entire console, and the screen above directly displayed the line "Insufficient Privileges".

Shen Dongqing tried to press other buttons again, but no matter how much he pressed, the train didn't mean to stop. He heard the alarm sound in his ear, and he couldn't control the strength in his hand, so he pulled the operating lever directly. .

Shen Dongqing:…

Other players: …

Shen Dongqing put his hand behind him, pretending it was none of his business.

Zhou Wenyan laughed: "It doesn't matter about you."

Shen Dongqing nodded desperately: "It's too weak!" He threw the broken operating rod aside.

Zhou Wenyan's fingers touched the edge of the console, feeling the icy temperature above.

The main control room was found, but the driver who was supposed to be in front of the console was missing.

Game glitches are certainly not so simple.

Not even if they were able to operate the console, after all they couldn't stay here and control the train forever.

Zhou Wenyan tapped the console with his fingers: "I still have to go back and decrypt it."

The dead person in this car must not have died so easily.

The group turned around and returned to the No. 3 carriage.

The passengers here are fully equipped, with hands and feet, and breathing.

Zhou Wenyan first went to see the first passenger who was found dead.

The girl in the white skirt sat in the corner, her eyes were red, tears kept falling, and she said, "Why is this happening? Why don't you like me?"

I've been on the wheel all the time, just rolling around.

Shen Dongqing sat down beside the girl in the white skirt, looking around.

The girl in the white skirt didn't react at all to this, just like a repeater, she didn't even change her tone.

Zhou Wenyan was looking at the luggage rack above.

There is not much luggage on the luggage rack. Maybe the girl in the white skirt is on a short trip and has no luggage.

Shen Dongqing looked at it and found a handbag next to the girl in the white skirt, and saw that there were a lot of things in the opening. He ignored the repeater and picked up the handbag directly.

Before opening it, Shen Dongqing hesitated for a while. After all, it is not very good to spy on other people's privacy, but after thinking about it, everyone is already dead, and ghosts have no right to privacy.

After he figured it out, he opened the bag.

There are a lot of things in the bag, and there are a lot of messy cosmetics.

Shen Dongqing pulled it out and put it on the small table in front of the seat, and then went to look at other things. After taking out the cosmetics, there was not much left in it, just a mobile phone and a mess.

Shen Dongqing took out the small plastic bag in the bag with the words XX hospital printed on it. He took out the contents of the plastic bag and found that it was some checklists and medical records.

The font on the medical record was somewhat abstract. Shen Dongqing looked up and down, but was stunned that he didn't understand what was written on it.

Zhou Wenyan took out one of the checklists and said, "She is pregnant, about seven weeks."

Shen Dongqing let out an "oh", put down the medical record book, and took out the phone again.

The screen of the mobile phone lights up, indicating that you need to enter a password.

Shen Dongqing made two blind mistakes and couldn't get it right. It also showed that there were not many attempts left. He raised his head and asked for off-site support: "Will you unlock it?"

Zhou Wenyan: "No."

The other players also shook their heads.

They are all ordinary people. How can they do this? Even if they do, they can't use it without tools.

Instead, the plaid skirt came up with a method: "There should be a fingerprint to unlock it, that is..." No one dared to touch the girl in the white skirt. After all, not long ago, someone got up and killed a player.

Shen Dongqing didn't have any scruples, grabbed the girl in the white skirt's arm and slapped it on the phone, tried it with her fingers, and finally opened it with her thumb.

But there was no signal in the train, and he opened several software in succession, but there was no response.

Zhou Wenyan took over the phone, and instead of looking at the app to connect to the Internet, he clicked on the SMS mailbox.

Generally speaking, modern people's text message mailboxes are full of spam text messages, but the mailbox of the girl in the white skirt is very clean, all the text messages have been deleted by her, and there is only one message from "Dear" to her.

Zhou Wenyan glanced hastily.

Probably this is a couple in a long-distance relationship. The man runs all over the country because of work, while the girl stays in her hometown. The two rely on text messages to convey sweet words.

The last message was sent by the girl to the man.

"Darling, when are you coming back, I miss you."

"I saw you in the mall yesterday. Why didn't you look for me? Was it discovered by your family?"

"I really want to be with you righteously."

"Darling, when are you coming back? I have a surprise for you."

The surprise of the girl in the white skirt meant that she was pregnant.

But why did she die in the train toilet again? It seems that, apart from the passengers, there is no supernatural element on the train, so it is impossible for the girl in the white skirt to commit suicide, it can only be killed by him.

The passengers in the car are all suspects.

Zhou Wenyan looked at the bear boy.

The bear boy didn't notice the strangeness of the atmosphere at all, and ran around on his own, making some crashing noises.

He had very little luggage, just a small schoolbag, hanging next to the seat of the mother with the baby, they were a family.

Zhou Wenyan flipped through the things of the mother and child.

Because with a baby who can't walk yet, the mother's bag is full of baby items, and there is no key information.

The baby was young, probably not even one year old, and was crying.

The mother gently patted the baby's back and whispered: "Dear, don't cry, I can see my father soon, my father is at work, baby don't cry..."

Next to the seat is the bear boy's schoolbag, which is stuffed with several books, one of which is a diary.

Shen Dongqing opened the diary and looked at it seriously.

It can be seen from the diary that the bear child's father works in other places and rarely comes home, and his mother lives with two children, one big and one small.

On the last page of the diary, the bear child wrote with a crooked pen - "Mom is going to take me to see Dad! I like Dad, and he will give me gifts every time."

Such a vulnerable combination of a mother with two children doesn't look like it will conflict with other people.

Other players helped search the luggage of the remaining passengers.

The elderly couple was on vacation. Their thirty-fifth wedding anniversary was considered a love affair. In order to prevent accidents during the trip, they invested a huge amount of insurance for each other, and the beneficiary was each other.

But looking at the records on the old man's mobile phone, we can see that they are not so loving on the surface. The old wife cheated on a young man online, probably because she wanted to settle her husband and get a huge amount of insurance.

The young man was on a business trip. He brought a suitcase with clothes in it. He was the most normal passenger.

But his phone is full of pictures and images of children, presumably a pedophile, and his job is not simple, casting a net to defraud people on the Internet.

All the items carried by the passengers have been reviewed, and the clues obtained are in front of them.

The plaid skirt guessed: "The little boy may have been killed by a young man because he was a pedophile. When he did something to the little boy, he accidentally murdered because of fierce resistance."

Others said: "It is estimated that the old couple was scheming and wanted huge compensation from each other, but the other party thought the same. The old woman was poisoned, and the old man used a knife, and both died."

Shen Dongqing rested her chin in her hands: "What about the others?"

The players discussed it and said, "It may be that the young man was discovered by his mother when he started, and the mother wanted to call the police, but was pressed by the young man in the sink."

Another question was raised: "But how did the girl in the white skirt die?"

"And the flight attendant."

"It seems that the young man has the best physical strength. How did he get strangled? These people can't do it."

One of the players said: "I don't think it's necessary to talk about logic with the game..."

Another player retorted: "But whether it's killing each other or homicide, there is always a survivor, and none of the passengers appear to have committed suicide."

After the unnatural color of the game fades, the rest is suspense decryption.

Shen Dongqing felt a little dizzy thinking about it, he leaned on Zhou Wenyan's body and said sullenly, "I don't want to guess."

Zhou Wenyan rubbed his head soothingly.

Players are still speculating, but the clues of this game are like a mess of wool, and it is difficult to find a breakthrough.

"These passengers met by chance. What was their motive for killing?"

"This old couple can also be said to be because of the huge insurance, but what about the others? It doesn't make sense."

Shen Dongqing hated deciphering the most, and he preferred the simple and rude way of customs clearance.

Zhou Wenyan turned his head to the side, seeing his unlovable appearance, he couldn't help but chuckled, and took out another big white rabbit toffee and stuffed it into his mouth.

Shen Dongqing smashed the toffee in his mouth, resurrected with blood, and made a suggestion: "We find all their bodies, and we will know how they died!"

The players looked at each other.

Although it's a good idea, but...

Those corpses will be deceived! Anyone who touches it will be killed.

Unfortunately, Shen Dongqing likes to die the most.

He first ran to Car No. 2 and greeted the corpse inside.

The deceased in the No. 2 carriage was a flight attendant. She had a relatively large psychological shadow. She curled up under the chair and did not dare to come out.

Shen Dongqing rolled up her sleeves and personally "invited" her to come out.

The flight attendant was dragged out of the warm nest with tears in his eyes, lying motionless on the ground and pretending to be dead.

She was originally a delicate little beauty, but after such a series of blows, her face was completely unrecognizable, with blood and footprints stuck on it, and she was a little pitiful.

Shen Dongqing squatted beside the flight attendant and asked patiently, "How did you die?"

The flight attendant's face twitched.

Can you go through the process well? This is a decrypted copy, not a quiz!

Shen Dongqing rested her chin in her hands: "What if she doesn't answer?"

The other players were speechless:…

This directly asks the ghost, how could the ghost say that

Why does this big guy sometimes seem very reliable, and sometimes he is so... Silly Bai Tian

The plaid skirt carefully observed, and suddenly said, "She is holding something in her hand."

Shen Dongqing opened the flight attendant's fingers, but there was nothing inside.

The plaid skirt said, "The other hand."

Shen Dongqing looked at the other hand again.

uh... no more

He just remembered that when he passed the No. 2 carriage before, he hit a little harder and folded the man's arm directly.

It can be said that the flight attendants have suffered many disasters. When they are alive, they are disfigured and stuffed under the chair. They are not stable after death.

That's horrible.

Shen Dongqing picked up the arm on the ground, opened it and saw that there was a piece of white cloth inside, the texture seemed to be on the skirt.

The first reaction of the players was: "White skirt!"

Among all the passengers, she was the only one wearing white clothing.

It was the girl in the white dress who killed the flight attendant and stuffed her disfigured under the chair.

A problem solved.

It's just that the next question comes again, how did the girl in the white skirt die

Players rush to the next stop without stopping.

The girl in the white skirt was still lying on the ground, and most of the skirt was stained red with blood.

The plaid skirt held back her fear and went up to check, and found that there was no obvious wound on the girl in the white skirt, only the blood from the lower body continued to flow, making the whole compartment full of blood.

The plaid skirt had a guess in her heart, and went to the toilet to take a look. She found several identical drug packaging bags in the wastebasket, and she picked one up and looked at it.

"She took the abortion pill."

It may be that the white skirt ate too much, the effect of the drug was too strong, and she died directly in the toilet.

The players looked at each other.

Is this suicide

Next is the little boy tucked into the luggage rack.

Zhou Wenyan went over and took him down.

During the hug, the little boy's hands and feet twitched, and he opened his mouth to bite.

Shen Dongqing's eyes were quick, and he directly stuffed the AD calcium milk bottle into his mouth.

Little boy: "Mmmm..."

Shen Dongqing ignored the struggling little boy, held him in his hands and swayed around, and saw the handprint on his neck.

was strangled to death.

The handprint on the little boy's neck is also very recognizable. Shen Dongqing grabbed him and went to the hands of the passengers for an interview, and it happened to meet the hand of the young man.

Similar to the previous guess, the young man killed the little boy.

In addition, two elderly couples are killing each other.

The mother was drowned by being held in the sink. People will struggle desperately before dying. It is estimated that only young men can suppress her.

So how did the young man die

The players thought for a while and said, "Will the dead be turned into ghosts, after all, the little boy was strangled to death by a young man, and it is not impossible to come back and strangle the murderer."

Another player said: "But cracking this 'who killed who' puzzle is of no use for us to find tickets."

After such a reminder, the players realized that the most important thing for them is to find the ticket, not to solve the puzzle to find the murderer.

The flight attendant didn't know what would come again, and people who didn't have tickets back then were her targets.

The players were apprehensive.

Someone suggested: "Why don't we look for a ticket first."

Plaid said, "But where to look? We've all searched, and I always think solving the puzzles will help us find our tickets."

The player questioned: "Isn't it unlocked now? Where's the ticket?"

Plaid skirt: "Isn't there another person who doesn't know the cause of death?"

Zhou Wenyan pondered: "One less person."

Players: "Who?"

Isn't everyone here already? Not a single one is missing, and they all died in a neat and tidy manner.

Zhou Wenyan: "The driver."

If there is a flight attendant in the train, there must be a driver. It is because the driver is gone that the train fails and cannot stop at the station.

The theme of this train is that people kill people, there can be no supernatural phenomena, and young men can only die in the hands of one less person. And the only one who can strangle a young man to death is an adult man.

The players hesitated: "...but we haven't seen the driver before."

Neither alive nor dead have ever been seen.

Zhou Wenyan swept over the mother with the child and the girl in the white skirt who was bowing her head and weeping, and pointed to the mother: "Her husband is the driver."

The game doesn't give inexplicable clues, everything comes in handy at the end.

It was written in the bear child's diary that his father was away from home all year round, but every time he came home, he brought back various gifts, so his father must have been running back and forth all over the country. It is very likely that driver.

"Then the driver cheated on her."

Zhou Wenyan pointed to the girl in the white skirt.

The boyfriend of the girl in the white skirt is also a man who works outside all the year round. At the same time, she sent a letter saying that she wanted to be with him in an open and honest way, and also said whether it was discovered by his family.

Generally speaking, male and female friends who are in a normal relationship cannot say such things, unless the man is married and has a family.

From this point of view, the driver must be an extremely caring person, and maybe he has an affair with the flight attendant.

That's why the white skirt killed the flight attendant and shaved her face.

"Little San and the main room are in the same train and the same carriage, the probability is too small." Some players whispered.

Zhou Wenyan said irresponsibly, "Mongolian."

Passengers and staff in this car are all connected, and it is impossible that only the driver is outside the network.

Shen Dongqing felt a little dizzy: "Where will the driver be?"

Zhou Wenyan: "One person died in every carriage, except No. 1 carriage."

Players were put into the No. 1 car by the game. In this environment, it was difficult to notice the surrounding clues, and the driver might be hiding there.


The group returned to carriage 1.

Comparing with the carriages that are either artificially retarded or corpses, carriage No. 1 looks extraordinarily clean and safe.

However, the players felt a chill in their hearts when they thought that there was a person hidden here.

They split up and started looking.

There are not many things in the carriage, and there is almost no place to hide people. The players have turned over under each chair, but still can't find the driver's shadow.


"I don't have it here either."

"Could it be that I guessed wrong?"

Zhou Wenyan leaned on the seat, rubbing his lips with his fingers, as if thinking.

Impossible to guess wrong.

There must be a driver in the car. The reason why the train went out of control was because the damn driver escaped. He must be hiding in the car, and he is most likely in the No. 1 compartment.

As for why I can't find it...


There was a knock on the door of Car 1.

"Who!" The players looked out the door reflexively.

Across the glass door, you can see a Miaoman figure standing there.

The door slowly opened, and the flight attendant's red lips twitched: "Every passenger, it's time to check the tickets, please take out your tickets, oh, by the way, there is currently no ticket replacement service, those who don't have tickets... all, want, die! "