Non-Human Sub-district Office

Chapter 21: Not a big problem


Lin Mu took two steps back, feeling that he would not be able to jump off the building.

Yan Xuanjing looked at him, looked down at the ground, and suddenly said, "Not high enough."

Lin Mu was stunned for a moment, and ducked aside before Yan Xuanjing was about to take him off: "I'm not jumping!"

The vixen looked at Lin Mu's nervous look, thought for a while, it didn't matter, put down the hand he just stretched out, and said, "Then why don't you learn to fly?"

Lin Mu felt that instead of breaking his neck, just being hanged and beaten was a very good choice.

He nodded and was carried by Yan Xuanjing and jumped downstairs.

The four little monsters who were hiding in the corner because of Yan Xuanjing's appearance were crowded together. There was no light on in the dim courtyard at night, but these four non-human beings could see clearly what was happening in the courtyard under the moonlight without the need for lights. everything of.

Except for the half-demon, Lin Mu.

The moonlight was cut into pieces by the house and branches, and the courtyard was very dark. Yan Xuanjing was dressed in a black color that almost blended in with the night. His movements were fast, and Lin Mu could only rely on vague shadows and very subtle wind noises to distinguish the attack to the end. Which direction did it come from.

Then, unsurprisingly, he was beaten again.

Four little monsters hid in the corner and shivered.

Lin Mu lay on the ground and turned over, looking at the dots of stars dotted on the night sky above his head, grinning in pain.

"There is progress." Yan Xuanjing said.

It will use the demon power to block the attack—Yan Xuanjing is not too surprised about this, and the demon power can’t tell any specific real appearance, it’s just a kind of “qi” that every monster instinctively uses.

Scientifically speaking, it is an instinctive defense mechanism, just as humans will conditioned reflexively to tighten the muscles of the attacked part in the face of an attack.

After being beaten a lot, I found that I couldn't resist it with my body alone, and naturally I would use demon power when facing danger.

Yan Xuanjing felt that his teaching method was really rigorous and scientific.

It simply perfectly replicates the childhood of most monsters in the wild.

Everyone came here like this, and it was safe and sound.

After all, the unsafe are dead.

Lin Mu looked at the wounds he had been beaten and didn't feel that he had made any progress.

He pouted: "Isn't it because you released water."

"I also put water last time." Yan Xuanjing said.

Lin Mu was lying on the ground in a large font, staring blankly at the starry sky.

"It's good that you can still talk to me consciously." Yan Xuanjing was truthful, "You fell asleep last time."

If it weren't for the moonlight falling, 80% of them would have fainted until the next morning.

Lin Mu thought about it for a while, and it was true.

Not only was he lethargic, but he even felt that he had already embarked on the Huangquan Road.

"That seems to be the case."

Lin Mu was a little happy, watching the silver-white soft light clusters condensed one after another under the moonlight, drifting into the yard with the night wind, heading straight for him.

Yan Xuanjing glanced at the forest tree that was quickly wrapped by Yuehua, and looked up at the sky.

The stars and rivers are splendid today, which is very suitable for stargazing and divination.

There should be clues on Wu Gui's side.

Yan Xuanjing watched for a while, and found that Lin Mu got up from the ground, shook his hand, and said energetically, "Come again!"

The four little monsters hiding in the corner huddled together, covering their eyes and couldn't bear to look at Lin Mu, who had been hanging and beating all the time.

The ginseng doll saw the falling moonlight through his fingers, and poked the little friends around him with his elbow, and whispered: "This is a good thing, you all take one, just don't take too much, it will be empty. Make up for the dead."

The other three little monsters nodded, and cautiously reached out and took out a halo.

Yan Xuanjing moved for a while, then turned his head to look at them, several little monsters shivered in unison, and withdrew their hands with Yuehua, huddled together and did not dare to meet his gaze.

Seeing that they were very restrained, Yan Xuanjing only took a ball, so he withdrew his gaze and raised his hand lightly, blocking Lin Mu's kicked knee.

Dixiu still lacks some means of attack.

Yan Xuanjing held Lin Mu's wrist, pinched his shoulder and twisted it with his backhand, directly overturning Lin Mu to the ground, expressionlessly aiming at Lin Mu's soft abdomen and raising his foot, watching Lin Mu turn around and roll out, Not chasing, just thinking about what suitable attack methods Di Xiu can have.

As a result, after thinking about it, I found that Dixiu is really a rare kind of pure auxiliary type monster.

Yan Xuanjing looked at Lin Mu who got up and rushed over again, and gave up the idea of pondering what attack methods Di Xiu had.

Not a big problem.

Since there are no sharp claws and fangs, and there are no plant creatures with hallucinogenic or poisonous talents, it is always right to take more beatings, train thicker skins, and train feet faster.

If you can't fight, you can carry it, if you can't carry it, you can run.

Saying nothing and being able to meet face to face, he was carried away by other monsters without any resistance.

Yan Xuanjing thought of this, and the strength of his attack suddenly became a little heavier.

Lin Mu was on the street from the night until the next morning.

The vixen was inhumane, watching Yuehua heal Lin Mu's injury, followed by a brutal beating.

Lin Mu was also stubborn, not sleeping for a day or two was not a big problem for him, Yan Xuanjing came over when he was free, and he didn't want to stop if they didn't call him - especially as he gradually changed from being powerless to being able to resist a little bit. After holding on for a period of time, with such obvious progress, Lin Mu took the initiative to stop because he was stupid.

In the end, it was Yan Xuanjing who stopped first.

The halo that fell in the yard changed from the moonlight to the light golden sunflower.

It would be too extravagant to have a place where Emperor Xiu lives.

The fox spirit glanced at Xiao Miaomiao, who had a particularly refreshing spirit on the top of Lin Mu's head, and then glanced at Lin Mu, who was full of energy and even had a smile on his face.

Xiao Dixiu was swept away by Yuehua all night, his mental state was not good, and his body was several grades better than last night.

Yan Xuanjing clicked his tongue slightly, thinking of his previous experience, only that there is really no comparison between demons and demons.

"It's here this time," said the fox spirit.

Lin Mu's eyes were shining, he looked down at his hands, and clenched his fists: "Okay! Do you want to have a meal before leaving?"

Yan Xuanjing shook his head, took out a small gauze bag, pocketed a lot of Rihua in it, sealed it and gave it to Lin Mu, and said, "Take it when you go to work."

Lin Mu put away the bag, nodded, watched Yan Xuanjing leave, moved his body a bit, turned his head and saw the little monsters in the corner of the yard who were snoozing together, their heads bit by bit, and suddenly remembered that he had a dog.

Lin Mu turned his head and entered the house. He looked around and didn't see the toffee. He pushed open the window of the room and called out a little ginseng, and asked, "Did you see the toffee?"

Little Ginseng rubbed her sleepy eyes and replied softly, "Toffee ran away before the big monster came!"

"Hey?" Lin Mu was stunned, remembering that Da Hei said that ordinary animals and some weak little monsters couldn't even hold a look from the big monster.

Toffee probably sensed the approach of a powerful monster and went out to take refuge.

Lin Mu sighed, went to take a shower, and cooked the soup again.

Warm a bowl of bone soup bibimbap for Toffee, and I made a small stir-fried pork for dinner. I took out the big watermelon I bought yesterday afternoon, split it open, and squeezed the juice.

Lin Mu went out with four glasses of watermelon juice, looked at the timid little monster, and didn't come close. He called the little ginseng over from a distance, and handed him the tray in his hand: "Here for you."

"Okay! Thank you Lin Mu!" The little ginseng tugged at the hem of Lin Mu's clothes, and when he leaned down, he slapped him on the face, took the tray and walked with his short legs to give it to his friends separated.

Three little boys and a little boy sat in a row, holding a cup in the sun, drinking juice in small sips, watching Lin Mu take advantage of the busy weekend to pack up and clean up again, hesitated, and gathered together. After muttering for a while, they all stood up.

The little man dragged and dragged his own friends and ran to Lin Mu: "Let's help too!"

Lin Mu was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile, "Okay."

Lin Mu simply handed over the cleaning work of several rooms on the second floor to a few little monsters, and cleaned the bedroom study and mother's bedroom studio by himself.

Lin Mu removed the curtains, and the sun came in unobstructed, shining on the bookcase, and falling on the red lacquered wooden box containing the Dixiu fruit.

A few groups of Rihua stopped quietly on the box surface.

Lin Mu put down the curtain he was holding, raised his arms to the photo of his mother and the fruit, patted his slightly bulging biceps, and said, "I'm trying to get stronger, just wait."

Photos and fruit are unmoved.

Rihua, who was standing on the surface of the box, fell down, swayed across Lin Mu's face, and fell into his shoulder.

Lin Mu pursed his lips and smiled, picked up the curtains again, and walked out.

Yan Xuanjing said that he had to bring a small gauze bag with Rihua to work, and when he went to work on Monday, Lin Mu wore a hat and carried the bag.

The rare Wu Gui and Da Hei were both in the office, but as soon as Lin Mu came in, he was told that they would be away for a period of time. During this time, the paperwork in the office had to be handed over to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu was taken aback: "Where are you going?"

"Go to investigate the imperial house, the stars are very clear these two nights, and it is difficult to calculate the position."

Da Hei replied, looking at Wu Gui who was frowning and hesitantly choosing the elixir, he sighed heavily, and said in a low voice, "I don't know if I can come back."

Lin Mu's heart tightened: "...What do you mean?"

"This kind of thing is very dangerous." Da Hei licked his lips, also a little nervous, "Every time I go to investigate this kind of thing, the mortality rate is quite high, otherwise how could the old turtle move these spirits prepared for his son. medicine."

Lin Mu opened his mouth, a little helpless.

"But it's not necessarily. You can see that the old turtle has lived for three thousand years. I've seen this kind of thing a dozen times at least, and it's still alive and well."

Although he always went with the heart to die.

Da Hei thought about it and sighed: "It's really not easy for the old turtle, all his relatives are in this line of work, and now there is only one son left who doesn't know when the destiny is, and now he has to take risks again, if he is lucky this time Not good, it is estimated that his son will be able to go down and reunite with him soon."

"...Can't we not go?" Lin Mu whispered, "Leaving the Imperial House alone won't affect us."

Da Hei shook his head: "How can we not go? We don't know anything about the situation of the Emperor's House. If he goes crazy and really decides to cut off all living beings that have karma, there will be chaos in the world. ."

Lin Mu looked at Wu Gui and asked, "Can't I go?"

"You're still young." Wu Gui didn't lift his head, he spoke slowly, "Leave the dangerous things to the adults, you just need to guard here."

Lin Mu pursed his lips and said nothing.

"By the way, this." Wu Gui took out a few books from the drawer and threw them at Lin Mu.

Lin Mu was stunned for a moment, and quickly reached out to catch the books.

Wu Gui lowered his eyes and continued to pick out the elixir, saying, "I heard Da Hei say that you don't know how to cultivate, and we don't record any human exercises in our data room. Here are a few big wood monsters that I found. His autobiography reveals the cultivation methods of some wood-type creatures, so you can look it up when you have time."

Lin Mu lowered his head and glanced at the book in his hand, and was stunned for a while, then caught a glimpse of the small gauze bag he was carrying. After hesitating for a long time, he took out the small gauze bag and handed it to Wu Gui.

Wu Gui lifted his eyelids: "What?"

Lin Mu thought for a while, and said vaguely, "Yan Xuanjing asked me to bring it."

Wu Gui heard the words, opened the bag, took a look, and fastened it.

He had seen Yan Xuanjing take out a bunch of Japanese flowers and use it to shock Lin Mu before, but this kind of thing was too precious, even if he was quite jealous, he didn't open his mouth to test if Yan Xuanjing could give it to him. Some.

But Yan Xuanjing actually gave him a bag now—the amount was enough to restore some foundations to his son, and then he would use spiritual medicine to support him. Although he would still be a little weak, at least his life would be safe.

Wu Gui took a deep breath: "Thank him for me."

"Yeah!" Lin Mu nodded, revealing two small pear vortexes.

Wu Gui and Da Hei were in a hurry, and after packing their things, they hurried out the door.

Lin Mu watched them go away, and sent a text message to Diwu, this time explaining the situation bluntly.

It took a long time for the Emperor Wu to reply to the news.

Lin Mu took out his phone and took a look.

There is only one period.

Lin Mu then sent a question mark over.

Diwu held his face and looked at the extremely difficult jade on the table, which he personally rubbed a full stop and replied to his own cub's text message. Facing the question mark sent by Lin Mu again, he fell into a high-quality and silent jade, and couldn't help laughing. sounded.

The author has something to say: Toffee: I am very stable, no problem. Dignified.jpg

Dixiu: ? .jpg