Non-Human Sub-district Office

Chapter 43: Want to sleep with me?


Lin Mu felt that he had better not take this throbbing too seriously.

Otherwise, Yan Xuanjing will die sooner or later.

After all, Lin Mu felt his scalp tingle just thinking about it.

He wasn't surprised that he liked the same sex. Yangou, it doesn't matter if he is a man or a woman, as long as he looks good - of course, if he had to say it, he actually felt that he was more likely to like boys than girls.

Isn't there a good saying

What are you missing.

Growing up, there were no fathers and brothers around. When Lin Mu used to read some books on psychology, he felt that his sexuality would not be very normal.

Therefore, when he found that the person who could make him feel throbbing was male, Lin Mu was really not surprised.

He was already mentally prepared for this possibility.

It's just that Yan Xuanjing is a vixen with a brain circuit that is comparable to a paramecia, he is not mentally prepared at all.

But Yan Xuanjing's brain circuit is as short and straight as a paramecia, and his mouth can say such touching words.

What kind of "you can go anywhere you want, I'll accompany you"...

Lin Mu's brain was buzzing.

What the hell is going on with this fox

Lin Mu took a deep breath, rubbed his face whose temperature was gradually fading, and stood up.

Yan Xuanjing stared at him unblinkingly, watching the broken hair that fell from Lin Mu's movements covering the tips of his ears that were as red as blood and jade, and the color on the back of his neck was taken back by his neckline.

The fox spirit paused and clicked his tongue lightly, revealing a little regret in his heart.

Lin Mu didn't notice Yan Xuanjing's change, his emotions had always been going up and down quickly, but staying beside Yan Xuanjing at this moment made him somewhat uneasy.

He tilted his head to meet Yan Xuanjing's gaze, and said, "I'll go dig a few flowers in the morning and evening."

Yan Xuanjing was slightly startled: "What are you doing?"

"Prepare to send it off." Lin Mu replied, turning his head and walking downstairs.

As soon as he left, he found that Yan Xuanjing was following.

"What are you doing with me?" Lin Mu wondered.

Yan Xuanjing took it for granted: "You seem to be sick."

"… "

So you take care of the sick number

You can, vixen.

Lin Mu wanted to jump up and smash Yan Xuanjing's head: "I'm not sick, you can continue to stand guard."

Yan Xuanjing vaguely sensed Lin Mu's abnormal emotions. He looked at Lin Mu's back as he went downstairs with murderous energy. After thinking about it, he still followed.

Lin Mu seemed to be a little angry, but Yan Xuanjing had no idea why he was angry.

But it looked as if he was pissed off.

The vixen followed Lin Mu and watched him take a small shovel and a small manual trailer to drag a few empty flower pots out of the house.

Dixiu read the bedtime story to Longmai and a few little monsters, and he was on the rise. Even the main body had no wind, and the branches and leaves collided to make a "crashing" sound, which was very scary in the middle of the night.

Yan Xuanjing looked at Lin Mu who was walking in front, glanced at the many organs and the damp and cramped dark room that appeared because of Di Xiu's power, raised his hand, cut off Lin Mu and Di Xiu before Lin Mu stepped into the illusion woven by Di Xiu. Contact between Hugh forces.

The voice of Di Xiu Nian's story paused for a moment, then looked up.

He saw the nine-tailed fox give him a slight nod, and then followed behind the car pulled by Lin Mu, walking unhurriedly.

Lin Mu was full of things in his hands and dragged a small trailer. Even if he was strong, he couldn't move a little.

Yan Xuanjing didn't realize this either, he just felt that Lin Mu was walking a little slowly, and only after taking two steps did he have to take one step after the car with the jingling bells clattering.

Di Xiu looked at Yan Xuanjing and then at his son, feeling very puzzled by what they looked like now.

Lin Mu didn't notice it, he left the small trailer at the gate of the courtyard with the door jammed, took an empty flower pot from above and went out, digging into the morning and evening.

Yan Xuanjing went around the small trailer and watched him go down with the shovel. As soon as he was about to say something, he saw Chaomu that was touched by the shovel quickly wither.

"You have to dig with your hands in the morning and evening." Yan Xuanjing said.

Tools can be used to loosen the soil, but digging out basically requires hands, which is the same as elixir.

The fox spirit rolled up his sleeves and tied them up, and squatted beside Lin Mu: "How many plants do you want to dig?"

Lin Mu took a shovel to loosen the soil, and thought for a while: "Let's have six plants, let's make six or six Dashun."

Yan Xuan nodded, his long and fair fingers suddenly became sharp as knives, and he dug out a whole piece of soil wrapped in two morning and evening flowers as easily as if he had pierced a piece of paper.

He put the flowers and soil into the empty pot next to him, and asked, "Who gave it to?"

Lin Mu hesitated for a while, but still said, "I... have two uncles."

Yan Xuanjing took a meal.


That is the human relatives on Lin Mu's mother's side.

"I haven't heard of you." Yan Xuanjing said.

"I don't need to say anything, I still have my grandfather." Lin Mu watched Yan Xuanjing quickly dug up the six morning and evening flowers and put them in the empty basin. The deputy listened intently.

"I don't know what they think." Lin Mu whispered, "Except for seeing them unilaterally on some news and TV, I have met my grandfather once in my life, once my little uncle, and once I have not seen the eldest uncle. seen."

The only time my grandfather met was a very bad impression on him.

Lin Mu still remembers that condescending and arrogant look after five years.

"Actually, if he doesn't have such an attitude, I don't think it matters." Lin Mu was a little angry when he remembered it at the time, "I haven't seen me ask my mother for so many years. Mom is gone, and I don't want to go to him. I mean, I don't even want to go to the relatives, I just want to send my mother away quietly, but when he comes, I don't even look at my mother."

Lin Mu really didn't understand.

Although his childhood parents were missing one of them, his childhood was not lacking in love.

His mother loved him very much and loved him very much. Even if he didn't have the role of a father in his childhood, he still didn't feel that he was missing something in his life.

So Lin Mu really couldn't understand why relatives could get along like this.

Even in the way that Yan Xuanjing and Yan Gui get along with each other, the tacit understanding and closeness between them can be seen.

But from his grandfather, Lin Mu couldn't see it at all.

There is no warmth and tacit understanding between relatives.

"The two uncles didn't even come." Lin Mu looked at the pots of morning and evening and pursed his lips, "But they seem to have been secretly helping me."

Since he received this favor in an actual and proper manner, it is certain to repay and repay.

But when it comes to closeness, I really can't say what closeness is.

Who can get close to this? Lin Mu doesn't even have their contact information. In terms of familiarity, they are not even as good as Emperor Wu, who has only known each other for three months.

"When my mother and I first came here, I wasn't sensible, my mother suffered a lot, and no one came out to help." Lin Mu held his cheeks.

At that time, the village was not even a suburb of City A, and the traffic was not very convenient. It was a remote area.

People in the backcountry are not very well educated, and it is impossible to reason with them.

When Lin Mu was a child, he was taught by his mother to be reasonable as much as possible. Violence was the last resort, but in the few years he could remember when he was a child, these words were not universal.

Here the fist is hard, the violence that dares to scold, dare to scold, and dare to do bloody violence with others is justified.

Later, he swept across a three-hundred-mile radius and beat all the mad dogs around him. After two days, the mother and son became more comfortable in an instant.

Later, he went to the city to study in junior high school, and Lin Mu realized that his mother said that if he could reason, he was right.

Later, Lin Mu became a student of a key high school, and his status in the village changed suddenly when no one read and read it, but Lin Mu and his mother were too lazy to interact with these people, so they were not salty or indifferent. attitude, but also live comfortably.

When he needed help the most when he was a child, when he needed help most when preparing for his mother's funeral, he didn't always grit his teeth and survived.

"Probably trying to make up for you, your two uncles."

Yan Xuanjing said.

It's just that Lin Mu is the type that can stand up strong without any help.

Monster children are naturally resistant to falls and fights, because monsters are full of aggression and violent desires, and they are naturally aggressive. Even if it is Dixiu, it will not be a particularly easy role to deal with when it really fights.

The innate power that starts from the spirit and soul, can do a lot of articles.

Even those plant monsters who only want to bask in the sun and bear fruit every day will fight for a piece of land with aura. After all, in the wild, land with aura is very popular, and some of them can't be bought with money. of.

What if someone can't win the competition

Either snatch it directly, or kill all the competitors and it's over.

Thinking about it this way, Lin Mu's mother really taught Lin Mu very well.

He's almost a perfectly normal human being.

"Of course I know they want to compensate me." Lin Mu muttered, "I thought before, whether it was because of my father's relationship with me that my mother kept her news very closely, but they have always been developing in City A. Ah, if I really looked for it, I found it casually."

Of course, Lin Mu's biggest complaint is still that these relatives could have never stepped into his life and left no impression in his mind, but they had to jump out and jump.

Since they have all cut off their relationship with my mother, let's just cut it off to the end.

When my mother left, I had to run out to brush my disgusting presence and see what people thought.

Compared with his grandfather's operation, Lin Mu even felt that the two uncles who were silent and only dared to steal his hand became cute.

Lin Mu thought angrily.

"Forget it, let's not talk about them, it's all small problems, and it won't have anything to do with them anyway."

Even the two bonsais that were going to be sent out, Lin Mu planned to give them to Uncle Zhao, and asked him to hand them over to the two uncles.

After all, he has no contact information, and he doesn't really want to meet these two.

According to what Uncle Zhao told him before, if the three of them met, the two uncles might be beaten by the retired grandfather who stared at them every day when they went home.

Thinking about it is boring enough.

Lin Mu stood up, jumped on the spot three times to move his hands and feet, picked up the small shovel, and said, "I'm going to fiddle with the bonsai, stuff the morning and evening into it, and I'll take it with me tomorrow."

Yan Xuanjing watched Lin Mu move the basin to the car, and dragged the small tow to prepare to go back to the house. As soon as he looked up, he saw Dixiu floating lightly on the edge of the fence.

Di Xiu listened to the conversation between the two, and thought that Lin Mu had such an experience because of his absence, he pursed his thin lips slightly, his eyes were gentle and showed a little suppressed guilt.

Lin Mu didn't expect that these emotional complaints would be heard by his father, and he was a little at a loss.

He looked left and right, and had nowhere to hide, so he had no choice but to grip the handle of the trolley in his hand, and greeted Dixiu dryly.

Di Xiu fluttered forward tentatively. Seeing that Lin Mu had no other reaction, he bent down slightly and said softly, "I... From the beginning, I was looking forward to your birth."

"I took Lin Mu's name. I took part of my mother's surname and Dixiu's surname. Your mother laughed at me for being illiterate at first, but she finally gave you this name."

"You were naughty in your mother's womb as a child, fierce and aggressive like any other little half-demon."

"...I'm sorry I didn't give you the best beginning, and I'm sorry I didn't give my wife the best ending." Dixiu crouched down and looked up at Lin Mu, who lowered his eyes, "but I and I Your mother loves you very much, there is no doubt about that."

"I want to make up for my kids as a failed father."

Lin Mu pursed his lips and whispered, "Then you can work hard."

Di Xiu bent a slight smile: "Huh?"

"At least there must be a humanoid who can touch, hug, and rub." Lin Mu said.

The smile on Dixiu's face became more obvious: "Okay."

"Good children go to bed early, listen before going to bed..."

"No." Lin Mu categorically rejected Di Xiu, pulling his cart and rushing into the house.

Yan Xuanjing, who was as quiet as a chicken next to him, looked at the body of Emperor Xiu in the courtyard, and found that after being encouraged by his son, the speed at which Emperor Xiu, who had stretched out slowly and naturally, suddenly accelerated several times, and directly plundered Yuehua in the entire courtyard. empty.

Realizing that she might not be able to catch Yuehua in the yard, the fox spirit was stunned for two seconds, then changed back to the prototype and entered the house, carrying a dog kennel to the door of the forest room, raising her paw and scratching the door.

Lin Muzhuo opened the door with his slippers, and met Toffee who was squatting at the door.

Yan Xuanjing looked at Lin Mu's red eyes, slightly startled, and asked hesitantly, " you want to kiss?"

Lin Mu was stunned for a moment, and it took a while to understand where Yan Xuanjing's brain circuit was connected.

Probably just like the last time, I wanted to kiss his forehead out of comfort.

Lin Mu looked blankly at the dog with the nest in front of him, sniffed, and said, "No."

Yan Xuanjing was silent for two seconds, thinking of Yuehua who was swept away outside the yard, he pondered for a moment, and then asked, "Do you want to sleep with me?"

Lin Mu was shocked: "???"

Yan Xuanjing squatted on the ground, looked up at Lin Mu who was full of shock, and added, "Which do you like the humanoid or the prototype?"

Lin Mu stumbled: "What, which do you like?"

"Don't you like me?" Yan Xuanjing said calmly, "Do you like my human form more, or my prototype more? Do you like one tail or nine tails? I can do it."

Lin Mu's face was blank: "...what are you doing?"

"Sleep with me." Yan Xuanjing circled back to the original point, looking at Lin Mu's expression, he suddenly explained, "Dixiu can't get enough of Yuehua, I'll come to you..."

Before the fox spirit could finish speaking, the door in front of him was mercilessly closed, and the lock was locked with a "click".

The author has something to say: Did you all forget that Lin Mu liked him when Toffee fell off the horse

Yes, he always thought so [.