Nongmen Jinxiu

Chapter 1: Puddles of corpses


From 1931 to 1945, Japan launched a war of aggression against China and occupied Chinese territory on a large scale! During this period, the Japanese invaded and occupied about 40% of Anhui Province, and planes would fly over the sky from time to time, dropping bombs and bombs one after another. Ruined our homes and ruined our fields.

My father also joined the army at that time and was a communications instructor. Unfortunately, he was betrayed by two soldiers around him during the Anti-Japanese War and was brutally killed by the Japanese.

My mother was widowed at the age of thirty-three, and brought us three brothers and sisters to live a difficult life.

Until the summer of 1945, the 14-year Anti-Japanese War finally ended with China's victory.

Because of my father's death, all the burdens of the family fell on my mother. As a last resort, my mother sent me to be a child bride.

At that time, the family conditions were not good, and many people would send their children to be child brides in exchange for some grain and coarse cloth, and I was no exception.

Due to the family’s predicament and the fact that I was the only girl, when our family of four begged all the way to a certain village, we were so hungry that my mother sent me to a slightly affluent farmer’s house to beg for food. I got a child bride. In fact, being rich is nothing more than having a few acres of land and not starving, that's all.

In 1950, I had been a child bride-in-law of this wealthy peasant family for more than nine months. The daily heavy farm work and longing for my family tormented me! Finally, when I went home to visit relatives, I cried and said that I didn't want to go again. My mother couldn't bear it either, and in the end she was still reluctant to let me go.

Coincidentally, all regions in Anhui had been liberated at that time, and things like child brides-in-law were naturally not allowed. Although the farmer was angry, he didn't dare to come to ask for someone. Later, the land distribution was calculated according to the population, and our family finally didn't have to go out and beg everywhere.

Not begging does not mean that life is better, because life after that is still difficult. The eldest brother originally wanted to go to the Red Army with his father's ID, but at that time when the rightists and factions were fighting, my mother was timid and afraid of getting into trouble, so she burned all my father's IDs. Until now, no one will remember my father, the unsung hero.

Of course, apart from the hardships in life, there is one more thing that I remember deeply. That is a special existence, we commonly call it a ghost!

Humans and ghosts are originally two irrelevant frequencies that cannot intersect. And she is like a lingering shadow, appearing around me all the time, blending into my life, and completely changing my life!

I never thought that everything in the future would be closely related to her! The encounter between me and her was like a play arranged by fate.

I vaguely remember that the first time I met that thing was the summer of the second year after I came back from being a child bride-in-law in a farmer’s house. At that time, at night, after falling asleep, I always fell into an inexplicable dream. In fact, it was also at that time. Because I don't know what fear is, I just feel that I have been walking on a dark road, walking endlessly, and I can't get to the end, and I can't see any lights.

Feeling very wet, cold and lonely all over, he just sat there, hugged his arms, and buried his head between his knees. This is the position that people instinctively feel is the safest!

I seem to be able to hear someone talking to me, but when I wake up, I always forget what I said. Vaguely, I had the same dream for three months in a row.

At first, I might not be afraid, but as time goes on, every day is like this, and everyone is afraid. My spirit was getting worse and worse, and I had no appetite for anything I ate every day. At first, I didn't dare to tell anyone. Although I didn't know why, I just thought it shouldn't be a good thing, and no one dared to tell it.

Until one day, when my mother got up at night, she saw me crying with my eyes closed, and woke me up. At that moment, I felt like I had found a savior, and I hugged my mother's neck, and then burst into tears. It was under my mother's questioning that I told the story, and it started from that day.

In early spring, every family would go out to dig wild vegetables, and my mother and I also went to the field to dig some wild vegetables. On the way, we have to pass the earth bridge that often appears. Below the earth bridge is a stream, the water quality is crystal clear, but I don’t know why, in those few days, the stream water was very turbid, and the water source was much smaller. It was later discovered that the puddle in the upper reaches of the stream had drowned the man.

Shuiwazi is equivalent to a small pond today. When there is plenty of rain, the water in the shuiwazi is very deep, and it flows into the creek under the field along a gully dug by hand. When the weather is warmer in spring, there will be tadpoles in the stream, and my second brother will always take me to the stream to catch tadpoles and play.

The stream water is clear, and sometimes when people are tired from walking, they will squat down and drink a handful of the stream water they pass by.

But that day, I saw that the color of the stream became cloudy and there was a strange smell. My mother said that some fish might have turned their stomachs, but I didn't see a single fish. Instead, he saw a wet woman standing at the head of the bridge with disheveled hair, and she didn't know what she was looking at.

I took another look curiously, the woman seemed to have noticed me, and turned to look at me. Her face was pale and bloodless, and she smiled at me. I got goosebumps when I saw that smile. In fact, I also know this woman. She is Dongxiang, the eldest daughter-in-law of the Wang family at the head of the village.

This woman is usually very tactful in life and things, she has no bad intentions, and she gets along well with the villagers. I like to laugh, that kind of kind smile, but not like now, the smile is very eerie.

I pulled my mother's clothes and pointed to the other side of the bridge and whispered, "Mom, Aunt Dong's clothes are soaked!"

My mother looked in the direction of my finger, thought I was lying to her, and yelled at me: "Where is your Aunt Dong? Kid, what are you talking about!"

I was wronged at the time, and when I watched it again, I really couldn't see Aunt Dong anymore.

After that, it was two days before I heard someone say that Aunt Dong took her son Wang Fu back to her mother's house, fell into a puddle and drowned. The bodies were washed up at the mouth of the puddles that flowed into the stream. This place is overgrown with weeds in summer, and the shelter will completely cover the surrounding area. A person lying in the water, if you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all.

If the corpse hadn't been soaked for a long time, and the weather was getting hotter, the stench would soon come out, and no one would have discovered it.

The one who found the body was the old man Huang in the village. He was fat and honest, so everyone called him Laobashi. He raised a little black dog and named him Heizi. This dog has a sharp nose, and can smell delicious food from a long distance away, and then sits at the door of that house, wagging its tail vigorously. Everyone in the village thinks that dogs come to get rich, and dogs come to get rich, so Heizi can find delicious food in anyone's house.

That day, Old Bashi took Heizi through Shuiwazi, and Heizi yelled at the mouth of Shuiwazi. No matter how old Bashi couldn't hold him back, Lao Bashi approached the mouth of Shuiwazi curiously. Take a look. Only after looking at it did I see a person lying in it, already swollen with blisters, obviously dead for a few days.

Old Ba Shi was so frightened that he almost fell down, so he hurriedly called the village chief and some brave men in the village, and when he got the corpse up, he realized that this person was actually Aunt Dong.

A Taoist priest once told my mother that women belong to water, which is called yin, and those with low flames are easy to bump into unclean things. Flame, in layman's terms, is a person's yang energy. There are three fires of yang energy on a person's body. Ordinary ghosts always want to extinguish the flames of a person's body, so it can take advantage of the void and replace it.

When such a person walks at night, he will occasionally hear some voices calling his name, which are vague and erratic. If you turn your head back, you can feel the wind blowing, and at this time, the flame on your shoulder has been blown out by the ghost. If you still hear the voice calling your name on the other side, and you turn to look back, then the flames on both of your shoulders have been extinguished.

In the end, you will see a figure in front of you, you feel familiar, if you follow, then the fire of yang energy above your head will also be extinguished, and the result is waiting to be caught by a ghost!

Of course, ordinary ghosts are not very powerful, they only provoke someone when their flame is low, and if you turn around ten times, they will not be able to blow out the person with high flame.

And people with low flames, coupled with bad luck, will be easily entangled by water ghosts even if they walk by the river, and drowning is also common. Therefore, people with low flames, it is best not to go to the river, or near the waters where people have drowned, and do not go out after dark.

I'm one of those people who is the easiest to see these dirty things. But fortunately, I have a good physical foundation. I have been very strong since I was a child, and the yang fire in my body is still strong, so I am not easy to be bumped.

But the Taoist said that after I was ten years old, the yin and yang began to decline, and I was afraid that I would attract some unclean things, so when I left, I gave me a small wooden sign with patterns that I couldn't understand. Said it would keep me safe. My mother has always been with me!

It's just that I didn't expect that our fate was far more than just meeting by chance.

Of course, this is all for later!

Village head Wei is a true farmer. He is good at farming and rice raising, and he also helps with the funerals in the village. But this is the first time for this murderous person. If you have no experience, everything is still in accordance with the customs in the village.

The village chief asked Aunt Dong's body to be dragged ashore, so he didn't care too much, and ran to Wang's house to call for help. The days in Chunshan were still very short, and the sky had already darkened, leaving only two strong men guarding the corpse. One of these two strong men is Zhang Butcher, who specializes in slaughtering pigs and cattle, and the other is Xiao He, nephew of the village chief.

Yue'er quietly climbed to the top of the mountain, the pale moonlight shone on Aunt Dong's deformed face, and a strange smile hung on her lips.

Xiao He rubbed his eyes strangely, stared at the corpse for several times, and grabbed Zhang Butcher's arm in shock, "This corpse, why is this corpse laughing by itself, it looks scary!"

Butcher Zhang shook off Xiao He's hand amusedly, "I said Xiao He, you are also a person who has studied, so you must be a little timid! A dignified old man, you are a little bit like this!" Ladies!"

Little He still dared to speak, he was so frightened that he didn't dare to let out, his face was pale, his outstretched hand was trembling, he pointed at the corpse at Zhang Butcher's feet, and shouted tremblingly, "This, this way It’s not scary, you’re really brave, no, no, I, I’m going first!” As he said, put his palms together, while silently chanting, Amitabha, don’t be surprised, while taking a few steps back. Turn around and run away!

Butcher Zhang thought he was timid, and saw him run away, so he took a breath, "You're still a scholar!" Then he looked down at the corpse at his feet, his swollen face, only some rotten parts Flesh, you can barely see the shape of a human being, there is no expression on the face, let alone laughing, not even crying. His eyes were closed, as if he had fallen asleep. Nothing but ugly looks.

Butcher Zhang was indeed very courageous, he slaughtered pigs and cattle, he had a strong evil spirit, and ordinary ghosts would not dare to approach him when they saw it. In addition, Zhang Tuhu is also upright on weekdays. He believes that as long as he does not do anything wrong on weekdays, he will not be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night.

At the moment, under the moonlight, he took off a wine gourd behind him and drank it! The wine in this gourd was not good wine, it was when he was slaughtering pigs and cattle, he drank a couple of sips to refresh himself, and then spit a mouthful on the butcher's knife, so he could do it very quickly, so as to reduce the pain of those animals.

Now, as an ordinary person, who would dare to drink wine and hum a ditty in such a leisurely way!

The author has something to say: Newcomers, please take care of me! Favorite little angels can be collected first, manual refills!

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