Nongmen Jinxiu

Chapter 24: Peaceful Treasure


Starting the next day, there was only half a month in total. Master taught me the simple way to get started with Taoism, and also told me a lot about the origin of Taoism.

Only then did I understand that the patriarch of our line studied under Maoshan, but was kicked out of Maoshan because of breaking the rules of the school. The patriarch simply started from scratch, and after many years of inheritance, he finally created our lineage. Until now, most of the Taoist priests in Maoshan either lived in seclusion or disappeared in the past years.

With the decline of orthodox Maoshan Taoist priests with real skills and the emergence of capable people in metaphysics, our lineage was recognized by all Taoist inheritors, and our status gradually improved.

Later, the master's sect gradually grew, and our lineage can be regarded as the number one figure in the various sects of metaphysics and Taoism.

And my master is the forty-seventh generation inheritor in our lineage.

In the past half month, everything Master said has amazed me. I didn't expect metaphysics and Taoism to be so profound.

Only half a month later, Master and the others left without saying goodbye, and left in a hurry. I just know that someone came and said something to them, and everyone was worried that night.

When I woke up, the huge yard was empty.

I sit in the study every day, concentrating and calming down. Then, according to the yellow talisman drawn by Master, I also started to try to write.

Because drawing talismans is the most basic foundation of Taoism, as for how powerful talismans are, it depends on one's cultivation.

The master said that Taoism pays attention to fate, regardless of whether it is high or low, it is all predestined. And cultivating the Tao also pays attention to destiny and cannot be forced, so he didn't force me to become his apprentice at the beginning. Maybe we really have a master-student fate, and in the end I still entered the teacher's school.

Xiao Mi was sitting beside her, teasing her little white snake.

I didn't ask the sorceress what she said to her, it's someone else's business after all. But Xiao Mi doesn't seem to have changed much, maybe she can understand what the witch said.

Xiao Mi didn't bother to go to that building anymore, nor did she mention her mother.

"Senior Sister, why is your little white snake so afraid of people?" Xiao Mi picked up her little white snake and named it Zhenzhen.

I also felt strange looking at Xiao Bai who was sitting in my arms, staring at me and drawing the talisman, motionless. Before, I thought it was the first time that it was not used to living with people, but later I realized that it was timid at all.

When I go to sleep at night, whenever there is any disturbance, it will stand at the corner of the bed, looking panicked. After a long time, I got used to it.

I smiled helplessly, "Master said that Xiaobai is still young, but it is a rare spiritual thing. Hehe, I looked at it, I was dumbfounded, what kind of spiritual thing is it. Apart from being edible, I really didn't see anything else."

I rubbed Xiaobai's head, although I said so, but I still like it.

I like all the furry things, and I also like the Heizi of Lao Bashi's family in the village. Now that I can have Xiaobai with me, I don't feel bored anymore.

Xiao Mi nodded, agreeing with my point of view, "It's quite stupid!" Xiao Mi said, leaning close to me, hugging my arm so that I had to stop the pen in my hand, "Hey, senior sister, you know Master, what are they going to do this time?"

"Master didn't say so, how would I know!" I looked at her and said.

"Your master didn't tell me, but my aunt told me. Do you know about the Taiping Treasure?" Xiao Mi whispered in my ear pretending to be mysterious.

When I heard the word Treasure, my eyes lit up. The old people in the village can tell stories. Of course, the story of Treasure has also been told. The treasures that the old people talk about are usually hidden in caves, and there are gods guarding them. If you want to get the treasure, you must defeat the gods.

I have been fascinated by treasures since I was a child. Listening to Xiao Mi's words now, I feel a little itchy.

"What is the treasure of peace? Hehe, tell me quickly and let the senior sister hear it too!"

Xiao Mi twisted her neck and looked at me with lowered eyebrows, "It's okay to tell you, but you have to promise me that you will take me to the street this afternoon."

I was a little embarrassed, "But I have to learn boxing with Uncle Guo this afternoon!"

Xiao Mi blinked at me, "It's okay to run away once or twice now and then! If you don't take me there, I won't tell you, I'm so anxious!"

Xiao Mi's words aroused my interest, so I had no choice but to nod in agreement.

That noon, I was listening to Xiao Mi all the time.

From Xiao Mi's point of view, in fact, this matter is not what the witch wants to tell her, but it is related to many people. It seems that her mother is also involved, so I said something by the way.

It is rumored that there have been rumors of treasures during the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. According to the current situation, the most likely place is in the Nanjing area. Zeng Guofan of the Qing Dynasty sent people to investigate in many ways, and finally captured the loyal king Li Xiucheng, but he didn't get any whereabouts of the treasure.

This incident was originally a rumor, but somehow it was known by a Japanese officer. In order to make meritorious service and intensify his invasion of China, he secretly dispatched a small group of Japanese soldiers and hired many tomb robbers. He did not hesitate to cross the ocean to the mainland of China because of this rumor.

After learning the language and habits of the Chinese, after many years, the Japanese soldiers can speak the Chinese dialect fluently. No one doubted their identities, and it was convenient for them to hook up with those grave robbers.

It's just that they didn't expect that after searching for a long time, they really found a lot of clues.

During the period of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, the Taiping Army occupied Nanjing, renamed it Tianjing, and made it the capital of the country. But before occupying Nanjing, the Taiping Army also occupied a crucial place, Anqing!

Anqing is adjacent to Nanjing and can be said to be the west gate of Nanjing. The gains and losses of Anqing have a great relationship with the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.

Anqing is the territory of Chen Yucheng, and Chen Yucheng is an important general of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. Li Xiucheng made many achievements in battle, but Hong Xiuquan made Chen Yucheng king early. Apart from political factors, there are other reasons as well.

The Japanese infer that the Taiping treasure is also very likely to be in Anqing.

Those Japanese soldiers, following this clue, came to Anqing secretly, wanting to investigate further. It's a pity that I had to stop as soon as I got a clue. Because the Japanese Empire was defeated and withdrew from the territory of China, this team of Japanese soldiers was also recalled, so there was no chance to continue to explore the secrets of the Taiping Treasure.

Originally, this matter should have ended like this. Who knows, one of the Japanese soldiers, after returning, has been unable to let go of the treasure. This time he made a comeback, using the reason of cooperating with Chinese businessmen to investigate the treasure secretly. Master and the others also got this news, so they stayed in the southern Anhui area, paying close attention to the movement of the Japanese soldier.

And the person who asked Master to do this is Uncle Heiying.

Uncle Heiying had sent many people to lurk secretly before, but this Japanese soldier was very cunning and had been cautious all the time. And the Xiao Zhang that Guo Zishu and the others were talking about was the only one who was sent to sneak next to the Japanese soldier.

This time something happened to Xiao Zhang, Master and the others knew that the Japanese soldier had already noticed something. He is notoriously cruel and ruthless, after Xiao Zhang was exposed, there were many dangers.

But at this juncture, no one dares to act rashly.

Because of a little carelessness, it is likely to involve the relationship between the two countries. Therefore, this matter cannot involve people in the local government. In desperation, Uncle Heiying had no choice but to take Master and the others there in the name of a businessman.

After hearing this, I opened my mouth and said in surprise, "Who the hell is Uncle Heiying?"

Xiao Mi shrugged her shoulders and shook her head, "My aunt didn't say this. But it shouldn't be easy to invite someone who can move my aunt and your master! What's more, this time, not only people from our lineage, but also There are other strange people, it seems that this time, they will go for a long time!"

I was also quite disappointed to think that Master would be away for a long time. Master just taught me some superficial introductions to Daoism. I am now very motivated to study, and I wish Master could tell me something new every day. Now it seems that it will be a long time before learning new Taoism.

Of course, the matter of Taiping Treasure has been active in my mind for many days, but with the passage of time and the repeated life day after day, I have forgotten this matter.

In addition to drawing symbols and learning some simple Taoism every day, I also learn boxing and kicking kung fu with Guo Zishu. To deal with Xiao Mi's occasional unreasonable troubles, I just feel that there is always not enough time.

Fortunately, my hard work has paid off.

Two months later, the talisman I drew worked for the first time.

I looked at a toad trapped by my yellow talisman in amazement, and it blew its cheeks at me. This thing sneaked in from outside the street. It originally wanted to borrow some of the so-called essence of the sun and the moon, the aura of heaven and earth through our land while Master and the others were away.

As a result, the one who hit by mistake was trapped by my yellow talisman and couldn't move.

Surprised and delighted, I showed Xiao Mi a toad and a toad, but Xiao Mi said in disgust, "Just trap a toad, if you have the ability, trap a monster or something and show me!"

I was speechless by what she said, so I had to let the toad go silently.

I went back to the room and took a deep breath. I could feel that the soul in my body seemed to be extremely excited, and the strength of my limbs was stronger than before.

I clenched my fist, and felt that there seemed to be a force in my body.

With the study of Taoism, I gradually found that the light emitted by the small wooden plaque on my chest is gradually increasing. I hugged Xiaobai and danced happily.

Maybe my strength can also help Su Muyan! Master said that she is by my side and can always protect me, and my special constitution is also her refuge. Since our souls are symbiotic, I think that as long as I live better and better, Su Muyan will be able to recover as soon as possible.

Thinking of Su Muyan, her pretty appearance appeared in my mind, and the corners of her mouth turned up involuntarily.

The author has something to say: It's another busy day, and I feel that my cervical spine is about to suffer.

Barely finished a chapter, and the day is over again.

If I don't have time to update the article at ten o'clock in the future, don't wait too late.

Rest early, it's not too late to watch tomorrow.

Good night little angels!