Nongmen Jinxiu

Chapter 30: It's all bureaus


Time was running out, the zombies and the ghost didn't give me much time to think, I could feel the changes in the aura around me, and I didn't want to disappoint Master. Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and try to recall what I have learned in the past two years.

The master reminded, "The greatest enemy of a person is himself, not some monsters or ghosts, not those things that have long since disappeared in this world. Xiao Jin, do you still remember the morality of our lineage?"

Daoyi is something that Master told me on the first day when he taught me Taoism. I closed my eyes and replied, "Forget about body, self, emotion, and fear. Forget grievances, right and wrong, yesterday, and today. Don't be afraid of gods and ghosts. Stay true to yourself."

"That's right, you can forget everything in this world, but you need to stick to your heart. Remember that you are the descendant of my lineage, and what you carry on your shoulders is the hope of our lineage. You won't be confused. This wronged soul has the ability to confuse people's hearts and steal people's souls. Master didn't give you the blue talisman to calm your soul, because you are a very yin person, and your soul is more likely to move than ordinary people. Although this will attract countless souls entanglement, but you yourself are able to exorcise ghosts and subdue demons in this world."

I listened carefully to Master's words, nodded slightly, and then silently recited the peace of mind mantra Master taught me in my heart, so that my mind would be calm and clear, and my mind would not be deluded by that thing.

In an instant, the aura around me gradually changed from terror to much more peaceful.

The zombie and the ghost also stopped, without further action.

I opened my eyes, and the appearance of the unjust soul was clearly reflected in my eyes. I don't know what it was muttering in its mouth, but it just opened its mouth. The zombie seemed to have received some kind of order, and it came straight to me.

"Little Jin, be careful!" Guo Zishu yelled restlessly, and glanced at the master, who was indifferent, and finally closed his eyes and stopped looking.

I know Master is worried, but I will never let Master down. In addition to incantations and Taoism, I also know some basic skills. Most of them need some tools and instruments to complete.

Right now there is nothing, I can only bite my middle finger and drip blood on the gossip Master gave me. Master said that the middle finger of Taoist priests nourishes the soul, and the blood of the middle finger can also ward off evil spirits.

And the gossip was handed down from the founders of our lineage, so it is very precious. On it are the essence and magic power left by the inheritors of the past generations.

This thing itself is a magic weapon, a rare treasure. Coupled with the blood of my middle finger, it can play its role to the extreme. I drew a talisman on the gossip surface with my hands, and recited formulas in my mouth.

My Taoism is not enough, but the magic weapon that Master gave me is extremely powerful, which makes up for my lack of Taoism.

After reading the formula, a mysterious ancient force above the gossip pulled my body, and I couldn't help but follow suit. As if being held by someone, the two hands made a seal gesture like a master. The power deep in my soul seemed to be very skilled in this seal, and I was completely involuntarily guided.

Stepping on gang steps, two fingers in front of nose, slowly accumulating huge strength. There was a sudden pause, and he stamped his foot on the ground. After the whole cave trembled for a moment, a bolt of lightning appeared.

Under this flash of lightning, the innocent soul seemed to hesitate. But that zombie didn't have the ability to think, didn't know how to be afraid, and ran towards me regardless.

With two fingers between my fingers, I pointed at the zombie's chest, and the lightning struck right away.

I looked at my hands in amazement, did the lightning just come from my hands? It's so powerful that I can't believe it.

I looked back at Master with some doubts, and there was a hint of relief in Master's eyes. I nodded secretly, finally I didn't disappoint Master, and finally I was still a little bit useful. But when my eyes fell on the back of Master's hand, I still felt a little guilty in my heart. The place where Master was scratched by the zombies was already black and swollen badly.

The master seemed to see my worry, and said softly, "Little Jin, don't be distracted. Casting a spell requires a lot of energy and a high degree of concentration. Concentrate on dealing with that wronged soul, don't be careless!"

"Master, I..."

"Don't talk, talking will also dissipate the energy that you have gathered so hard. At that time, this wronged soul will occupy your body. It is not Fang Qihong. This thing is much more difficult to deal with than Fang Qihong."

I immediately shut up when I heard that, and looked back at the zombie, who had already fallen to the ground.

My actions seemed to dissatisfy the innocent soul, and the aura around me changed again, causing the cold to permeate my whole body. I felt that my hands and feet were icy cold at the moment, but my two legs couldn't move at all.

The mysterious force of my physical strength led me to continue, but this place is not open enough, and many Taoism techniques cannot be performed. Daoism is often closely related to the power of nature. The power of nature is much stronger than our human power, so the technique of attracting thunder like Master's can't be used here.

If the technique of attracting lightning can be used, all the evil spirits and ghosts here will be turned into ashes by the thunder.

My feet started to move, slowly stepping out of a seven-star formation. The seven-star array is not a powerful Taoist technique, but it is used to deal with ordinary ghosts. This is the only technique I know to exorcise ghosts. I once used the seven-star array to deal with a wild ghost who wanted to follow me and Xiao Mi.

That wild ghost is actually pitiful and has no intention of harming others. It's just that I want me to supersede it so that it can be reincarnated as a human being as soon as possible. I didn't know it at first, so I used the seven-star array to trap the wild ghost.

Now, the wronged soul in front of me is not an ordinary lonely ghost, how could a Taoism like the Seven Star Array trap this thing! I doubted it in my heart, but my body was carried by that force to take the last step.

The seven-star formation uses the power of the Big Dipper to make ghosts lose their way and be trapped in the formation. The reason why this formation is an entry-level formation is also because its binding power is not strong, and it can trap ghosts for up to five minutes. Moreover, this seven-star formation is not a Taoist technique for exorcising demons and souls, and it cannot destroy ghosts.

If I can't eliminate this wronged soul, and I can't trap this thing for too long, then this formation is actually useless to me now.

I recited the mantra in my mouth, and the wronged soul rushed towards me, bringing a gust of cold wind, stirring my short hair, and sweeping across my cheeks.

In the dark cave, the flashlight gave off a faint warm yellow light. Zhao Jie was exploring the way ahead, Ono Jiro was surrounded by his subordinates and followed closely, and Guo Zishu and Chen Laosan followed behind with their master. I held Xiaobai in my arms, and still couldn't figure it out.

The seven-star formation just now dispersed the wronged soul. I touched the gossip in my waist, I didn't expect this thing to be so miraculous, and at the same time I secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, this thing is powerful, otherwise everyone would be killed by that evil spirit.

If you die in this place, I'm afraid no one will find out for a long time!

After walking for a while, no one spoke, and they all followed Zhao Jie. No one dared to mention the Taiping Treasure, and everyone's face was covered with gloom.

Ono Jiro wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and asked, "Miss Zhao, how long will it take for us to get outside? Why is the road different from when we came here just now?"

This Ono Jiro is not an idiot, the more he walks, the more he feels something is wrong. I didn't see any difference, I just thought that the time to leave now should be the entrance when we came, but now we are still in the cave.

Originally, we had come to the end of the cave, and there was no way to go. Zhao Jie took Dake back the same way. But she turned us into a small cave. I don't know where this road leads.

"Oh Ye-kun, it is true that what you want is not here, but what I want, I must get it!" Zhao Jie said, and glanced at Master, "How is it, Master Sun, are you okay!"

Guo Zishu yelled loudly, "Master Sun is injured like this, what else do you want? Do you want everyone to be buried with you?"

As soon as Ono Jiro heard the word "buried with him", he nervously reached out his hand and gun, and pointed it at Zhao Jie's head, "I don't want to find any treasures of peace, you take me out immediately!"

Zhao Jie smiled instead of anger, "Hehe, I want to leave now, it's too late!" After speaking, he held Ono Jiro's wrist with his backhand, exerted light force, twisted slightly, and the gun fell into Zhao Jie's hand.

Zhao Jie looked at the magazine, and there were three bullets left, "Well, three bullets should be enough to send you to heaven!"

"How dare you!" Ono Jiro said angrily.

Several people around them took out their tools one after another and pointed at Zhao Jie.

Zhao Jie pulled the trigger, and an intriguing smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Look at me, dare I!"

During the stalemate between the two sides, the master suddenly stepped forward, and Guo Zishu had already put the dagger on Zhao Jie's waist.

"Hehe, she is indeed a shrewd woman. First she lured us here, and then she pretended to be captured by Ono Jiro, and she did her best. You already knew that there was something in it, and you also knew that only us Taoist priests could stop it. Along the way , you set up too many bureaus just to get that thing, right?"

The expression on Zhao Jie's face didn't change much, it seemed that she was expected to be exposed by her master.

"Master Sun, I'm not going to hide it from you, I just want to get that thing, no matter what price I pay! My father once gave up his life for that thing, of course, I can too!"

Master raised his hand, took a knife and cut a cross on the wound on the back of his hand, and let out the black blood inside. After a while, the swollen back of his hand healed a lot.

Only then was Zhao Jie a little surprised, "Did you do it on purpose?"

Master smiled faintly, "Otherwise, how could I know your thoughts! Well, everything is clear this time, Black Eagle, come out!"

From behind me, a lot of people appeared at once, and I didn't know the whole thing at all. I didn't even notice that there was someone following behind me.

It wasn't until I saw Xiao Mi that I realized that everyone seemed not surprised by this incident. except me!

The author has something to say: Favorite little angel, welcome to collect

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