Nongmen Jinxiu

Chapter 31: Elixir of life


Regarding the appearance of Uncle Black Eagle, Jiro Ono should be the most nervous. The muzzles of the subordinates also turned to Uncle Heiying unanimously.

"Ohno-kun, now your Great Japanese Empire is like a bereaved dog. As for me, although I hate you Japanese, I will not fall into the stone. You have also seen that there is no peace treasure you want here, but you want to leave , I still have to rely on Zhao Jie. Ono-kun, I advise you to be patient!"

Uncle Heiying stepped forward, moved away one person with multiple guns, and said with a smile.

Then he walked towards Zhao Jie, paused for a moment and then stopped smiling. Leaning close to Zhao Jie's ear, he reminded in a low voice, "You have played enough tricks. We are here to do business under orders. Don't be ignorant of the importance."

Zhao Jie's face turned ugly for a moment, and he said angrily, "My little calculations are nothing to you. In the end, I was still calculated by you!"

Uncle Heiying wanted to say something, but his lips moved when he said it, but he didn't continue.

And the whole thing, I'm like an outsider, I don't know anything.

Xiao Mi took my arm, looking excited, but I couldn't bring up any interest. Ohno Jiro's game was to lure Zhao Jie in and help him find the Taiping treasure, and Zhao Jie's game was to lure Master in and find what she wanted. And Master's game is to let Zhao Jie take them to find something that can save Su Muyan.

So what are Uncle Black Eagle and the others doing? I don't think they also want to save Su Muyan. Even Uncle Hei Ying may not know who Su Muyan is.

The interlocking rounds made me more and more confused and worried.

I hugged Xiaobai and was unhappy, Xiao Mi saw my displeasure, and asked, "Senior sister, do you feel that everyone is hiding it from you, so you are unhappy?"

"No!" I replied stiffly.

Xiao Mi took my hand and shook it lightly, "Senior sister, don't blame the uncle, he is afraid that you will not be able to hide your words, you would not lie in the first place, if that woman Zhao Jie finds out There is no way for us to catch her."

Hearing Xiao Mi's words, I was still a little disappointed, and nodded helplessly, "I see! By the way, what is this woman looking for? Why did Uncle Heiying come here?"

"She should be looking for the elixir!" The sorceress suddenly said, beside me.

I was taken aback, but wanted to know what the elixir was, so I boldly continued to ask.

The sorcerer was surprisingly unreserved and told me everything.

Legend has it that this medicine of immortality was refined by Qin Shihuang in order to live forever. Later, the medicine was refined and sent to Qin Shihuang. Qin Shihuang secretly killed the Taoist who made the medicine in order to prevent the prescription from being known. But unfortunately, the medicine was stolen before Qin Shihuang took it into his stomach.

It wasn't a big deal at first, but who made Qin Shihuang so narrow-minded that he couldn't allow this Taoist to continue refining medicine so that others could also get the medicine of immortality, so he killed the Taoist priest. Therefore, in this world, there is no longer any elixir of life.

As for the person who stole the medicine, he was not caught either. This matter can't be declared at will. In the end, when I heard that Qin Shihuang died, I still regretted it, thinking about this elixir of life.

Elixir of life? I had some doubts in my heart, "What is Zhao Jie looking for this medicine for? Does she also want to live forever?"

The sorceress raised her head and looked at the road ahead, obviously she couldn't see anything, but with that appearance, nothing seemed to be able to escape her blind eyes, "I don't know, I can only ask myself."

I nodded knowingly and looked at Zhao Jie's back, but I still don't think she should be a bad person.

At a corner, Zhao Jie stopped, "Here we are!"

Uncle Hei Ying took a closer look, and frowned, Lao Gao, "Are you sure it's here?"

Zhao Jie ignored him and walked in, and we all followed behind. There is no difference between this cave and other caves. There is still a coffin in the open space in the middle. This coffin is a little different from what I saw before. This coffin is made of high-quality red sandalwood, and the color of the coffin is bright. It has experienced many years. Years of baptism, but it is still as if it was just built.

I took a look at the coffin, the pattern on it was very familiar, as if I had seen it somewhere. I recalled it carefully, and when I lowered my head, I realized that the pattern on the coffin was the small wooden plaque on my neck.

I looked at Master suspiciously, and met Master's gaze.

Master saw my doubts, but he never explained my doubts. He only said to Hei Ying beside him, "Open the coffin lid!"

Heiying nodded and went to open the coffin. Ono Jiro shouted in horror, "You can't open the coffin! Who knows what's inside, Master Sun, you don't want to let those things come again!"

Hei Ying didn't care about Ono Jiro, he had already led people to open the coffin lid. However, after taking a look, he hesitated, "Master Sun, come and take a look!"

The master stepped forward to look, then turned to stare at Zhao Jie, showing a little puzzlement, "Is this why you want that thing?"

Zhao Jie didn't speak, but stood beside the coffin, and put her hand inside the coffin. From that angle, it seemed that she was gently stroking the face of the person inside.

"You Taoists have Taoist beliefs, and we have passed down the line of Mojin Xiaowei, and we also have what we believe in. Back then, Qin Shihuang's elixir of life was stolen by our ancestors, and later this elixir of life was in our family. Passed through the pulse.

Until the Anqing Defense Battle of the Taiping Army, our lineage went all the way north to avoid the disaster of war, and at that time the elixir of life was snatched away by a Taoist priest named Mu Qingfeng.

Our line of people has been looking for the whereabouts of this medicine for many years. Later, by chance, I learned that the medicine was here. And the Japanese army arrested my father for the Taiping treasure. In order to have more manpower, my father resorted to tricks and brought them here.

This hole has been tampered with, so for the first time, even my father was unfortunately tricked. "

As Zhao Jie said, the circles of his eyes suddenly turned red, "I have seen this coffin, and there is no corpse inside. The material of the coffin is not just rosewood, it has also undergone special embalming treatment. I put my father's body in the coffin." into this coffin, so that when I get the elixir of life, I can come and save my father!"

"Does this elixir still have the effect of bringing the dead back to life?" Black Eagle asked in surprise.

"The legend is so. However, no one has tried it, and no one knows. But as long as there is a glimmer of hope, I will not give up!" Zhao Jie showed a firm face.

Master stretched out his hand to touch the top of the coffin, and thought for a moment along the patterns on the coffin.

"That person named Mu Qingfeng, why did he rob you of your elixir? If he wanted to live forever, why didn't he take the elixir himself, instead he set up this trap and hid the elixir in this place?"

Zhao Jie shook her head, "I don't know about this, but that person's Taoism is very wicked, he doesn't look like a decent person." As he spoke, he raised his eyes to look at me, then stopped talking.

Master didn't ask further, he asked Uncle Heiying to carry Zhao Jie's father out of the coffin, and carefully observed the inside of the coffin, "Is this coffin like this when you came last time?"

"That's right, it's exactly the same! I've seen the medicine, it's in the dark compartment in the middle of the coffin."

"Secret compartment?" The master frowned and stretched out his hand, touching the bottom of the coffin, there was indeed a secret compartment.

Uncle Heiying couldn't help but joked, "You guys who deal with dead people are really meticulous, and nothing can escape your eyes. Fortunately, there are not many coffins like this now, otherwise I don't know how many people there are. Your tomb will be looted by you."

Not to be outdone, Zhao Jie sneered, "Not everyone in our lineage knows how to open everyone's tomb. If you die, we won't waste our energy stealing your tomb."

"You, you, why don't you know good from bad!" Hei Ying said angrily.

"I don't know whether it's good or bad, you don't need to worry about it!" Zhao Jie didn't want to talk to Black Eagle, and walked to Master, "I tried the box in the secret compartment, but I couldn't get it out. To be precise, I didn't touch it at all. Can't reach it! So, I need your apprentice to help me!"

"I can help you, what about what I want?"

"What do you want?" Zhao Jie asked pretending to be stupid.

Master was not annoyed, and pulled me back to leave, "Since you don't want me to get what I want, then don't count on what you want!"

"Don't, don't, Master Sun, I have something to say, I just made a joke."

"I don't think it's suitable for joking at this moment." Zhao Jie was a little embarrassed by Master's sarcastic remarks.

Zhao Jie smiled resentfully, "The thing you want is also in that box, I didn't lie to you this time! This is what my father told me personally, if it wasn't because I asked you, I wouldn't have given it to you. is you."

The sorceress who had been standing by the side walked a few steps closer with a cane, and reminded, "It's getting late, hurry up!"

Master didn't argue with Zhao Jie, looked at me and said, "Little Jin, come here."

I stepped forward, and Master pointed to the hidden compartment in the coffin, "Take out that box!"

I looked closer to the coffin, and there was an exquisite wooden box in the dark compartment at the bottom, and the same pattern as the small wooden plaque on my chest was engraved on it.

Without thinking too much, I took out the wooden box according to Master's instructions.

When I first touched the box, there was obvious resistance, and I couldn't get it out no matter how hard I tried. Gradually, the resistance became smaller and smaller, and in the end, I picked it up with a little force.

According to what the master said, this box has been cursed, and only those who fit it can take it out. The box slowly felt the qi in my body, so I gave up resisting.

I put the wooden box on a large flat rock, and before Master could speak, I opened the wooden box involuntarily with both hands. Fortunately, there is no danger there, otherwise I would have hurt many people again.

Master didn't blame me for being reckless, but just stared at the things in the box for a long time.

The author has something to say: Little angels, if you like it, remember to bookmark it, thank you!
