Nongmen Jinxiu

Chapter 35: Forbidden to control corpses


This hug not only calmed the anger in my heart, but also made me feel at ease. I yearn for this hug, even though it is warm, it can make me calm down.

The impulsiveness and anger I had before gradually receded. Looking at Su Muyan's intact appearance, I finally couldn't help but get red eyes. It's not that I want to cry, it's the kind of crying with joy, feeling happy from the bottom of my heart. I never thought that I would be so happy that a female ghost didn't have a ghost.

There was a trace of indifference in the eyes of the man in black, which made people very uncomfortable. The way he looked at Su Muyan also made me feel very uncomfortable. After a few seconds of stalemate, he suddenly smiled, "Su Muyan!"

When he said these three words, there was always a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth, intentionally or unintentionally, the fog around me receded slightly, and I saw the master was still fighting the zombies, and the witch was lying on the ground.

But Su Muyan disappeared. I looked around, feeling a little disappointed. It's like feeling like you've just had hope and then it's gone.

I hugged Xiaobai, it blinked in my arms, I stroked its head, I knew it was in pain.

But it opened its furry paws to me, and it turned out that the white jade pendant was still tightly held in its palm. As if showing off, it bared its teeth and groaned twice. I happily brought the white jade pendant back to my neck, and hugged it very reluctantly. Xiaobai is not a beast, he is my friend.

Xiaobai can stand up in times of danger, how can I lose to Xiaobai!

"Xiao Mi, don't!" The sorceress suddenly shouted, supporting her body to get up, but she was weak and couldn't stand up at all, just crawling on the ground.

Xiao Mi drove the little white snake and bit the black-robed man's leg hard. The man in black raised his hand and was about to hit Xiao Mi. This person has some skills, at least I can't deal with it now. If he really wants to kill us, I know that as long as he makes a move, it will be enough to kill Xiao Mi.

Xiao Mi looked at it firmly, without dodging, his small face was full of stubbornness. I was terrified, but I didn't have time to step forward and stop it all.

I thought that person would be merciless, but I didn't expect that slap to stop in mid-air.

The black-robed man looked at Xiao Mi for a long time, then withdrew his hands, "Don't worry, I won't do anything to the children! I won't kill you today either, I hope we will have a chance to meet again in the future."

After finishing speaking, the man in black chanted a curse, and all the zombies and dead bodies that had been chasing people were all called back to this cave. Master was exhausted and had no time to care about other things.

I don't dare to be idle, and use my little Taoism to help Master control these things to the best of my ability.

Xiao Mi hugged Xiao Bai, and stayed beside the sorceress with lingering fear, those zombies dared not approach her. I didn't have time to think about the reason, and I was focused on helping Master deal with the remaining zombies.

"Little Jin, there is nothing in this world that is immortal. There is a time limit for reincarnation in the world. The reason why these zombies can turn into zombies must be deliberately tampered with. I will catch the zombies in a while, you look carefully See if it has any charms on it."

I nodded, the situation is urgent now, we don't have time to think, all actions seem to come from instinct, what I have learned in the past two years can be regarded as useful.

Master grabbed a zombie, the body of the zombie was stiff, it was not easy to contain it.

"Xiao Jin, look for it quickly!"

This zombie's face was black and blue, and his appearance was not much different from that of ordinary people. Compared with those innocent souls, at least it was a real thing.

I searched in front of and behind this zombie, inside and out, but unfortunately found nothing.

"Master, I didn't see the spell!"


"Master Sun, please think of a way! If this continues, even if we are not killed by these things, we will be exhausted!" Guo Zishu shouted out of breath. While pressing the zombie's two paws with his hands, he also had to beware of those dead bodies. Judging by the way it looks, it won't last long.

The master is very anxious, but the zombie in front of him is still struggling, and the master has lost his strength. After touching the pocket, there were not many yellow charms left, so the master tied the zombie's hands together with a red string, "Xiaojin, come here and see if there is any charm in the zombie's mouth."

"In the mouth? Master, do you want it?"

"That's right, don't be there, mother-in-law, hurry up!"

Master's tone was a little angry, and I didn't dare to hesitate any longer, I stretched out my hand to break the zombie's mouth. Not only were the limbs of this zombie stiff, but its mouth was also extremely stiff. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't pry that mouth open. The zombie waited for my strength to run out, and suddenly opened its mouth, revealing its long teeth.

It was also because it opened its mouth that I finally discovered the spell hidden in that mouth.

"Master, there is something, there really is something!"

Master helped me fix the zombie's mouth with force, and I took the opportunity to reach into the zombie's mouth very quickly and take out a spell, and the zombie immediately stopped moving.

In the severe winter, I wiped the sweat from my head, panted heavily, opened the charm, and asked, "Master, what kind of charm is this? How can you still control these zombies?"

The master was also tired and let go of the zombie, gasping for breath, "This is a forbidden technique of Taoism. This spell was drawn by the man who cast the spell with his own blood. Using this forbidden technique will consume your own lifespan."

Master raised his eyes to look at me, and continued, "This forbidden technique, the reason why it is forbidden technique, is because it is a yin-damaging technique that goes against the sky. First, we need to find some people who died unjustly. Injustice and resentment are also great, and the soul is the easiest to be used.

The man in black collected these corpses and used some means to force the souls of these people out of their bodies, turning them into lonely ghosts. Then use this spell to replace the souls of these corpses and control these corpses.

Presumably this is also the reason why these corpses have turned into zombies in just a few decades. "

Over there, Chen Laosan was pressed to the ground by the zombie, struggling desperately. Master didn't dare to say anything else, and hurriedly said, "Xiaojin, go and help!"

More than a dozen zombies made me and Master exhausted.

These zombies are subdued, and those dead bodies are easy to deal with. Because they were all newly dead, they had not been controlled by the black-robed man. After the master fixed these dead bodies with yellow talismans, he recited a scripture to cross the souls of these people.

After finishing all this, I realized that the black-robed man had disappeared.

The master didn't care, "This person's origin is unknown, and he has a plan, I'm afraid we won't be able to get rid of him in the future." After the master finished speaking, he stared at Xiao Bai and frowned.

The corpses that were saved by Master were like smoke in the world, drifting away with the wind. Nothing left.

It was Ono Jiro, after his body dissipated, a small box was left on the ground. I picked it up and opened it, and was pleasantly surprised. "Master, it's the elixir of life. Jiro Ohno must have wanted to take it himself, so he lied and said he was robbed."

Master nodded, "This Ono Jiro deserved his death."

"Master Sun, don't worry about the medicine for now. Zhao Jie is injured, please show me!" Zhao Jie's leg was bitten by a zombie, and Uncle Heiying was very worried.

Guo Zishu snorted coldly, "If you bite, you bite. It doesn't matter. If it weren't for her, how could we be so unlucky. I think she is a villain and sincerely wants to use us. She has never done anything about our life or death." After thinking about it, why should we think about her life."

Regardless of Guo Zishu's cynicism, Zhao Jie pointed at the medicine in my hand, "Give it, give it to me! Give it to me!"

I looked at the medicine in the box, and then at Master. Seeing that Master had no objection, I passed the medicine over. I thought she wanted to take it to save her own life, but I didn't expect that she gave the medicine to her father.

Originally, Zhao Jie's father was a little abnormal. After being dead for several years, he suddenly seemed to be alive. But this is not a good thing, even if it is a living person, it is impossible to recover after being injured.

Zhao Jie knew better than anyone else, so she finally wanted to try the medicine to see if it could save her father's life.

Zhao Jie put the longevity medicine into his father's mouth, but there was no response after all. Even the previous signs of resurrection are gone. The cold body has no warmth. No breathing, no pulse, no heartbeat.

I looked at Zhao Jie's full expectations, but for some reason, I thought of Su Muyan. I clenched the pendant on my chest, and I knew that it was not a dream before, nor was that hug an illusion. Su Muyan must be back!

I walked up to Zhao Jie and knelt down to comfort her, "Sister Zhao, it seems that the Taoist priest tricked Qin Shihuang into making this medicine. It is not an elixir at all, and it has no effect of bringing the dead back to life. The Taoist was deceived."

Zhao Jie stared blankly at her father, then laughed a few times, "It's all a lie, it's all a lie! Hehehe..."

The bloody smell in the air gradually dissipated, and a cold wind blew in from outside the mountain. I felt inexplicably relieved by this freshness.

It is because of people's greed that causes so many troubles in this world, and it is because of desire that the heart falls into the boundless abyss.

At this moment, I am very clear about what Master always told me to stick to my heart.

As long as you don't forget your original intention, you can know how to be content!

"Brother, everyone is tired, let's take a rest first!" The sorceress leaned against the corner, looked at Zhao Jie's appearance, and everyone's exhausted appearance, and suggested aloud.

Master also agreed very much. After all, Zhao Jie was injured and needed to rest.

I hugged Xiaobai and sat in the corner, looking at the wound on Xiaomi's forehead, I couldn't help but feel guilty.

"Xiao Mi, how is your injury?"

"Sister, I'm fine, don't worry about me!"

I nodded, I was also very tired. Leaning against the rock wall, I can finally take a break.

I suddenly remembered the mysterious organization that the black-robed man and Uncle Heiying had mentioned. After Master treated Zhao Jie's wound, I was curious and approached Master to ask about it in a low voice.

Master closed his eyes and didn't speak. I think Master didn't want to talk to me. I had no choice but to sit back in the corner, hug Xiaobai, and look down at the white jade pendant on my chest.

But the master suddenly said, "You want to know?"

Immediately, I leaned over with interest and nodded again and again.

"It's a long story, hey!"

The author has something to say: On a busy Monday, I feel my body is hollowed out!

Thinking that you are still waiting, I will update you even if you are sleepy!

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