Nongmen Jinxiu

Chapter 66: Cry on a Train (Part 2)


Aaron's hair was completely soaked, and the heavy rain outside the train kept hitting the glass, crackling. The faint lights made the whole toilet look extraordinarily eerie.

The train is about to enter the station, and the speed has slowed down. Except for a few passengers at night, it didn't cause much commotion. The train continued to move, but people were still immersed in the fragrance of dreams, leaving only the sound of snoring one after another, adding a bit of vitality to the night.

Counting, I have been out of my seat for about ten minutes. After such a long time, Master should have discovered it long ago. Maybe Master has already started looking for me, but he just hasn't thought of me being here yet. I tried to comfort myself, looked at Aaron, and tried to comfort him, "Don't worry, it will be fine!"

Aaron's expression was tense, his hands were holding his shoulders, and his body was shaking constantly. The scene just now frightened him so much that he still hasn't come back to his senses. Fear is an instinct that people show towards scary things.

The corners of his lips trembled, he couldn't listen to my comfort at all. He whispered in his mouth, "I want to go out, I want to go out, you let me out, please, let me out!"

I was very helpless, if I could go out, I would have gone out a long time ago. Glancing at Su Muyan, her pale face looked extraordinarily stern under the dim light. She didn't speak, but stared at the door.

"Boom, boom, boom!" After a quick knock on the door, a few words of complaint came, "Who is this? He has been occupying the latrine for a long time, and he still won't come out."

"Who knows, it's been more than ten minutes since I got in. Forget it, forget it, let's go to the front compartment!"

As soon as the knock on the door stopped, I realized that I rushed forward to knock on the door, "Is anyone outside? We are trapped in the toilet, please help to open the door!"

Hearing my shout, Aaron seemed to come back to his senses, grabbed the doorknob, pulled hard, and knocked, "Open the door, open the door! Let me out, let me out, let me out of this damn place!"

And the outside sound has disappeared, and a calm has been restored. At this moment, the somewhat bad feeling in my heart is getting stronger and stronger.

"People outside can't hear your shouts. This place is like another space, isolated from the outside." Su Muyan's eyes staring at the toilet door did not move away, and his cold face seemed to be extremely eye-catching everywhere.

Aaron couldn't see Su Muyan, and couldn't hear her. It's not good for me to have a deep understanding of this issue with Su Muyan. I'm afraid that this will make Aaron even more afraid.

But Su Muyan can know what's in my heart, so she can understand even if I don't say it.

"Don't think about it, if you want to go out, you can only break this layer of enchantment. The thing capable of doing this is by no means a good man or woman, and that thing must appear soon.

As for that mother-in-law, she should have been watching you since you got in the car, and at this time of night, everyone in the car has fallen asleep, even if they are not asleep, their concentration will drop when they are tired. Aaron is the target they have chosen long ago to attract you. When you fall into their trap, you will naturally obediently follow their plan and go on your way. "

My heart was cold, why was it me? Why do you refuse to let me go wherever you go

"Because of your identity, they will not let you go. From the moment Sun Sixue found you, you have been in danger. Unless that organization is completely eradicated, otherwise, you will not have a peaceful day." Su Muyan finally looked at me and said.

I wonder, identity? What identity? Zhou Yang? I wanted to laugh a little, everyone said that Zhou Yang resembled me, everyone said that I was Zhou Yang, but I was very unfamiliar with this name. Deep down in my heart, I am very opposed to this kind of view from outsiders. I know that I cannot be Zhou Yang.

I can't say, my feeling tells me that there is nothing in common between me and Zhou Yang. Gender alone makes a difference.

I also understand that things like reincarnation are not uncommon. The people in the department and the mysterious organization may have misunderstood me because of the word reincarnation!

I believe that Su Muyan knew my doubts, but she didn't answer me again.

The entire toilet cubicle was shrouded in a mass of green. In addition, the train is mainly green, and the eerie feeling at this moment is like a hell. Aaron grabbed my hand and said uncomfortably, "Can we still go out?"

To be honest, I don't know when we can go out, but I know Master must be looking for me. If someone like Chen Maosheng designed the scheme again this time, then it would be a problem for me to protect myself alone, so I can't guarantee with certainty that he will be fine.

It was just this moment of hesitation that Aaron's emotions almost collapsed, "We can't get out, right! People outside don't even know we are here, how could this be, why did all the unlucky things happen to me! I'm going out, I'm going out!"

Aaron pulled hard again, grabbed the doorknob in the toilet, pulled hard, and kept beating. I frowned and held him back, "Don't do this, there must be a way."

"There is a way, there is a way, what way is there, you just say it!"

Aaron was in a bad mood and his tone was very unfriendly. Irritability, restlessness, and fear make a person's spirit tense, coupled with the small toilet, and what happened just now.

Aaron, who was mostly wet, looked particularly haggard.

The Yin Qi in the whole toilet has made people extremely cold, and I feel uneasy. He reached out and grabbed Aaron, pulling him behind him.

Sure enough, something soon appeared around me, and I couldn't see what it looked like, not because it was fast, but because it was too much. They floated in front of my eyes, drilled in and out from all sides of the toilet, and began to collide with our flesh again and again.

The space is too narrow, and I can't perform Taoism at all, so I can only take out the few yellow talismans I have on my body, give one to Aaron, and use the rest to force back the ghosts that charged us.

The train started wheezing, shuttling between the mountains, and the barren hills on both sides were grave mounds. These ghosts should come from the place they passed by. As if attracted by something, they continuously squeezed into the toilet cubicle.

Suddenly, Aaron's body trembled, his pupils dilated and glowed green. He grabbed my wrist with a strong backhand, so that I couldn't break free for a while.

I secretly thought it was bad, Aaron was possessed by a ghost. Seeing the yellow talisman to exorcise ghosts in my hand, I thought it was a provocation, and my attitude was very arrogant, and I bit my arm hard.

The bite was not serious, I groaned in pain, Su Muyan stared at Aaron coldly, "Where did the ghost come from, you are quite courageous."

"Huh, everyone is mutual!" Aaron's body is a man, but his voice is charming and enchanting, which sounds very awkward to me.

Aaron let go, and looked up at me carefully.

"I thought it was just to catch a dead ghost, but I didn't expect to meet such a good thing. Tsk tsk tsk, I said, you came here for this body, too!"

"What?" I didn't quite understand what Aaron said.

"It was deliberately attracted!" Su Muyan said, her brows tightened, and a little anger appeared on her pretty face, "It's something in his pocket."

Aaron touched his pocket, "Hehe, the summoning banner, what do I think it is!" Aaron threw the thing aside with some disdain.

Calling soul banners is a commonly used magic weapon in Taoism, as the name suggests, it is used to call souls. But the soul-calling pan in Aaron's pocket is a little different. It was deliberately used by someone to attract resentful souls.

During the day, the ghost dared not come out to make troubles, but at night, in such a small toilet, Aaron was just an ordinary person, how could he stand such torture.

I finally understood why Aaron fainted, probably because it was related to the woman he quarreled with before getting on the train, and this evocation flag should have been stuffed into Aaron's pocket at that time.

When Aaron went to the toilet at night, he was haunted by ghosts when the door was closed. If I hadn't pushed the door in, his soul would have been squeezed out of his body.

The toilet is just a little bit big, and Aaron and I are standing almost next to each other, there is no extra space at all, if it strikes here, I have absolutely no way to avoid it.

Can't hide, only head on. Unexpectedly, I must seize the advantage and seize the opportunity. Although one hand was held backwards by Aaron, the other hand had quietly taken out a new yellow talisman from the side pocket, and stuck it on Aaron's body.

"Ah!" Aaron let out a shrill scream, "Stinky girl, you are actually a Taoist! Huh, it's a pity that you are still far behind in Taoism!"

Aaron raised my arm and twisted it back hard, the pain caused the yellow talisman in my hand to almost fall.

"Spirit-calling banner!" Su Muyan said hastily, "This thing has been tampered with. It will not only summon souls, but also strengthen the resentment of these resentful souls. We must find a way to destroy that thing!"

The summoning pan was at Aaron's feet, and Aaron held my arm again.

"Hehe, this summoning pan is indeed useful, but even without this thing, your body is still mine!" Aaron smiled sinisterly.

Su Muyan and I looked at each other, Su Muyan shot immediately, caught off guard, out of instinct, Aaron let go of my hand to deal with Su Muyan, taking advantage of this gap, I hurriedly bent over to pick up the summoning soul banner.

Who knew that at the exit of the squatting toilet under the toilet, a bloody head was shaking with the movement of the train. The facial features are thin, the eye sockets are sunken, and the two eyes are particularly protruding. Staring at me motionless, I was frightened by this, and the movements of my hands also stopped.

"Why are you in a daze, think of a way!"

The human body is inherently yang. Although Aaron is possessed, the man's body is full of yang energy. If a ghost fights with such a body, it will naturally be damaged.

The ghost possessing Aaron's body is not a serious problem because of the help of the soul-calling flag. As for Su Muyan, she shouldn't have been hurt by Aaron, but at this moment she was having a hard time coping, and she didn't look like the person who saved me many times back then.

Before I had time to think about it, I could only pick up the soul-calling banner with one hand, and stuck a yellow talisman on the head on the squatting toilet in the toilet. I immediately got up and stood between Su Muyan and Aaron.

"Are you alright!" I felt something was wrong when I asked the words.

Su Muyan's figure swayed, and his body became translucent.

"What's wrong with you?"

The author has something to say: It is so difficult to name a name, is there any little angel who can provide some nice names

Those who volunteer to enter the venue can also leave a message

Hahaha, now I have made a good character for Xiao Shisan

Please raise your hands and actively participate in the call for names! ! !