Nongmen Jinxiu

Chapter 75: Down the stone chamber


The next day, the original plan was to go to the celestial burial platform and act immediately. But the weather was not good, and suddenly it rained heavily. It rains a lot at night in Tibetan areas, and there is not much rain during the day. I thought the rain would stop soon this time, but I didn’t expect it to last for several days this time. It has been five days since the sky cleared.

Thirteen said that this is because the Tibetan plateau is about to enter the rainy season in May, and there may be hailstorms. In a year, from May to September is the rainy season in Tibet. Generally, it will start from Zayu and Medog in the southeastern part of Tibet. The rain center will continue to move westward, and gradually expand to Lhasa, and the Japanese people will wait for the heartland. .

So Shisan said that the timing of our coming is really unfortunate.

We have no choice but to wait in Shisan's home.

The rain finally stopped today, a large military truck drove up to the door of Shisan's house, and two horns made me come out of the house curiously.

The driver was a middle-aged soldier, and he was the old king of transport soldiers who transported scientific and educational personnel to Tibet.

I was so happy to see him. Lao Wang opened a small cage on the truck, and a white, fluffy thing immediately slipped into my arms.

When I came to Tibet to take the train, it was inconvenient to take Xiaobai with me, but I let Xiaobai stay in Beijing alone. I was worried that no one would take care of me, so I begged Guo Zishu to help me find a way. It happened that Pharaoh was also coming to Tibet, so Pharaoh took Xiaobai along with him.

After a few days of separation, Xiaobai was very clingy to me, with a small face pressed against my chest, humming in a low voice. It seems to be telling me its longing and happiness.

Xiao Mi grabbed Xiao Bai from my arms, "You little fellow, you must have suffered along the way!" Then he touched his pocket, took out a candy, peeled off the coating and handed it to Xiao Bai, " Here, specially reserved for you!"

Since I arrived in Beijing, I have noticed that Xiaobai has become very mouthy. Now I understand that it was probably caused by Xiaomi.

Thirteen and Mr. Li came back from Sera Monastery and went into the house to get some things. Master Liao snapped his fingers at us, "Okay, let's go to work, and finally we can go. After so many days of health, it's time to go Move your muscles."

Er Fatty also came out of the house, holding a large stack of yellow talismans that he begged me to draw for him a few days ago. Of these yellow talismans, only the first ones are really useful, and the latter ones are all my ghostly drawn talismans to deal with Er Fatty.

Drawing talismans is an extremely energy-consuming thing. If so much mental energy was really wasted to draw those talismans for Er Fatty, I'm afraid I would have fallen down by now.

I secretly laughed, seeing Er Chuan, with the yellow talisman in his hand, and the posture of the hundred ghosts turning around, just like a wealthy villager.

I shook my head, very helpless, "Er Fatty, are you feeling better? Why don't you and Xiao Mi stay here and wait for us to come back! In case of danger..."

Before I could say anything later, Er Fatty and Xiao Mi said in unison, "I'm going!"

Er Fatty looked at Gu Yueman, who didn't know what to think, and his face turned red, "Cough, cough, you little girls are not afraid, so what am I afraid of! Maybe you still have a place for me!"

Xiao Mi was not to be outdone, "That's right! Sister, you even brought Xiaobai with you, so am I not as good as Xiaobai? You don't want to leave me, I must go with you!"

When Xiaobai heard someone talking about it, he snorted twice, expressing his dissatisfaction.

Mr. Li came over and said with a smile, "Da Hu is not a short-lived person. Little Mi has been with the sorceress since she was a child. Maybe she really has something to do with her."

As soon as Xiao Mi heard this, he immediately grabbed Elder Li's wrist, "You are the most fair!"

Er Fatty also hurriedly agreed, "Yes, yes, yes, Mr. Li is right. No matter how I look at it, it is the life of longevity, wealth and wealth. I am with you to bring you good luck, hehe!"

Gu Yueman grabbed Erpang's ear, "There's so much nonsense!"

Since when did Gu Yueman learn the physical work of pulling Er Fatty's ears? But Er Fatty didn't have the cowardly look when I pinched him, and he didn't cry out for pain, just kept being silly.

Sure enough, men in love are all single-celled animals, without any thinking and adaptability. It's not as good as my Xiaobai!

Xiaobai seemed to be able to feel it, looked at me quietly, and then snorted and got into my arms again.

Before setting off, Thirteen stood in front of the house, facing the sky burial platform, crossed his hands on his chest, bent over and closed his eyes, and said a word in Tibetan.

I asked Master Liao what that meant, and Master Liao said it was similar to praying for blessings. This may be her belief in this land! Thinking about what Elder Li said before, she had the idea of trading her life for her life, and I really don't know what made her make such a decision.

At least I admire that a girl who is less than twenty years old can have such courage to make dedication. Perhaps Mr. Li is right, the Multilateral Living Buddha has had a profound influence on her, and her indifference on the outside can never conceal her kind heart.

I also touched the blood soul jade on my chest, Su Muyan's time is running out, maybe because of the symbiosis of souls, I can feel that her soul is getting weaker and weaker. I took a deep breath and swore in my heart, Su Muyan, wait for me, I won't let anything happen to you!

Finally, a group of people started to set off towards their destination.

When I arrived at the celestial burial platform today, there was no celestial burial ceremony, and Turtle Dove Da and Lai from Sera Monastery were already waiting there. Holding a string of Buddhist beads in his hand, he spoke Tibetan, which I couldn't understand.

Master Liao said that it was Turtle Jiuda and Lai who were praying for us, and hoped that everything would go well for us and be safe and sound.

Thirteen returned salutes to Turtle Jiuda and Lai, and then led us to the most remote and desolate place in the entire celestial burial ground.

The grass here is withered and yellow, and the ground is dry and cracked. Even though it has just rained for a few days, the ground here is still dry, without any trace of being moistened by rain.

Going up along the ground, there is a small pagoda piled up with white stones, surrounded by Buddhist charms, and the ground in front is a little different, it should have been renovated. The ground is flat and not a blade of grass grows.

As soon as I approach this place, I feel uncomfortable all over. This is not the cold feeling of physical discomfort when encountering ghosts in the past. This feeling is a little unclear, but it is very uncomfortable.

Perhaps it was because I had heard about Gesang Boji's experience with Shisan, and I felt sympathy for him. It is understandable for such a person to become like this. To be honest, if it were me, I'm afraid I would become a murderous devil just like Gesang Boji.

For such a person, I both sympathize and have to make the right choice.

Xiaobai hugged my head and looked curiously at the little tower in front of him. Its body trembled slightly, and I could feel its fear. I touched its claws and comforted it, "Don't be afraid!"

Xiaobai put his head close to my neck and hummed softly. Gu Yueman looked around for a few times, pointed at Er Fatty and said, "Here, go and dig up the layer of soil from that pile of stones!"

"Me? I, I..." Er Fatty hesitated for a long time. I knew he was afraid, but he was too embarrassed to say it.

I picked up the hoe and said, "Let me do it!"

Gu Yueman stopped me, "No, it has to be him! The people here, except for him, are all from the two schools of Buddhism and Taoism. Since ancient times, there is no balance between good and evil, and we have the air of making ghosts fear us." If it’s an ordinary ghost, it’s okay, but the soul below is demonized, it will only think that we are provoking. If this devil is angered, we will only be more dangerous.”

Mr. Li nodded, "Girl Yueman is right. Among the people here, only Erpang is the most suitable for breaking ground. Thirteen, is the soul-suppressing pearl buried deep?"

"The soil layer on the ground is not deep, but Master Duobian put that thing inside. There is only a layer of sealing soil in front of it. The bottom is specially repaired by Master Duobian in order to trap the devil. One of the stone chambers is sealed with a movable stone door. Outside the stone door are spells drawn by Master Multilateral to prevent other ghosts from approaching and affecting the devil inside. Remove the layer of soil outside, and you can see the stone door gone."

Gu Yueman urged again, "Zhang Dahu, why are you still standing there! Everyone is waiting for you!"

Er Fatty is too embarrassed to shirk now, so he can only take the shovel from me, rub his hands together, and dig hard.

This process only took a few minutes, because the outer sealing soil was dry and cracked, and it could be picked off by hand. One by one, it is completed with three or two strokes of a shovel.

Indeed, as Thirteen said, a stone gate appeared before my eyes after removing the soil layer.

Thirteen walked to an open space behind the stone pile, stepped on it with his feet, and then two of them suddenly plunged into the ground and penetrated into it. After digging back and forth several times under the ground, he pulled out a very thin iron chain.

Then the soil on the stone gate began to vibrate, and there was a sound like a chain stirring, clattering, clattering, and the stone gate moved to the right at an extremely slow speed.

When the stone gate was opened, I realized that the stone gate was sandwiched between two huge stone slabs, no wonder it could be moved.

It was pitch black under the stone door, because it had been closed for many years, and an unpleasant smell rushed to my nose, making me dizzy and want to vomit.

Mr. Li covered his nose and shouted, "This is bad luck underground, everyone stay away. Wait until the smell dissipates before going down."

Fang Chongyu and Master Liao stood aside and had already prepared flashlights and oil lamps.

A strong gust of wind blew the yellow talismans on the stone gate all over the ground.

Thirteen's face remained gloomy, facing Shimenli with his hands folded on his chest, eyes closed and talking. I guess her words may not be praying for blessings, but probably speaking to Gesang Boji.

More than ten minutes later, Mr. Li looked under the stone gate and waved his hands, "Okay, the bad luck is over. Master Liao, you and Xiao Fang are in the front, and Thirteen and I are in the back."

Master Liao responded, took the oil lamp and went down the stone room first, followed by Fang Chongyu who took the flashlight and went down.

Gu Yueman was a little anxious, so he followed first. Er Fatty naturally wanted to be a qualified flower protector, Xiao Mi and I followed closely behind, and finally Li Lao and Shisan.

There are repaired and leveled steps under the stone gate, which descend almost vertically and are very steep. We carefully descended into the stone chamber, only then did I realize that the terrain below was much more complicated than I had imagined.

I thought there was only one stone chamber, but I didn't expect it to be one inside the other. The whole layout is like a circular link, and the two are connected.

In short, for the next period of time, we seemed to be going in circles.

The author has something to say: Insist on updating, whether you are moved or surprised

At this time, I really want to practice the Sunflower Collection, from the palace (cervix) hahahahaha