Nongmen Jinxiu

Chapter 77: Corpse in the wall


Gu Yueman's words are not pleasant to listen to, but it's also because she speaks so straightforwardly that I can know the reason.

I also know that even if I want Su Muyan to go back to the Blood Soul Jade to rest, Su Muyan will not go there. I know her character by myself. Instead of this, I am too lazy to waste my tongue to persuade.

"Gu Yueman, didn't you say that you need your help to get the Soul Relief Orb? What should I do now?" I hugged Xiaobai, complaining in my heart.

Walk around the stone chamber, it is airtight, even if Gesang Boji does not come, we will be trapped here to death after a long time.

Gu Yueman crossed his arms and leaned against the corner, "At this time, Mr. Li is more anxious than you! Let me tell you, instead of wasting your energy, it is better to sit down and have a good rest. Things that cannot be avoided will naturally come to you " Gu Yueman said, took out another piece of beef jerky from his arms, and threw it towards me.

"Here, eat something and save some energy, this is just the beginning!"

I caught the jerky and sat down too. What Gu Yueman said is correct, we are trapped in this stone room now, helpless, Mr. Li and the others must be very anxious, and they will definitely try their best to rescue us.

What I am worried about now is, can the last stone chamber mentioned by Thirteen still disappear out of thin air

Time passed by, I was immersed in thinking, and Gu Yueman also closed his eyes and rested without speaking. Su Muyan sat beside me and reached out to touch Xiaobai.

I don't know how long it took, but this quietness became more and more strange.

Gu Yueman stood up abruptly, looked around vigilantly, "Did you hear that?"

"What?" I was a little confused.

"Voice! Terrible, miserable, indescribable."

I listened carefully, "Where is the sound, did you hear it wrong?"

"It's not wrong, there are voices in here. One, two? No, there should be twelve!" Gu Yueman put one hand in his pocket, then took out a yellow talisman, chanted a spell, and fixed it on the stone wall .

After a while, bright red blood slowly flowed out from the stone wall.

Gu Yueman and I looked at each other, and our hearts were filled with horror.

Gu Yueman took out a dagger from the boots, and lightly chiseled the stone wall a few times, the dark red blood turned into a small stream of water and flowed out along the stone wall. A human little finger slowly exposed the stone wall, Gu Yueman stopped the movement of his hand, and said with an ugly face, "It's a human!"

"It was buried alive in the stone wall!"

I looked at the little finger inside the stone wall. The nails were broken. This person must have been in great pain and struggled violently before he died.

"If I'm not mistaken, the twelve stone chambers all buried such a person. That voice is their soul, full of anger, desolation and resentment."

"Who the hell is doing this?"

"Why did you do this? Hehe!" Gu Yueman sneered, "Naturally, it is to make the resentment here strong enough to nourish Gesang Boji's soul!"

"But isn't this the stone chamber specially built by the Multilateral Living Buddha to control Gesang Boji? How could the Multilateral Living Buddha use such cruel methods to kill people and nourish the soul of the devil, Gesang Boji?"

"Maybe someone else built this stone chamber!" Su Muyan said.

Other people, all I can think of in my mind is a mysterious organization. Even the department was infiltrated by that organization. In such a remote place as Tibet, it is easier to infiltrate a few people from that organization.

This is like a huge conspiracy. It has been planned for a long time and implemented for a long time. The layout is so huge that it has been started since I was not born. I, Su Muyan, Master, and many others are being drawn by this conspiracy , and then step by step into the designed trap.

And we've been in this conspiracy for a long time now.

Among the stone chambers this time, I originally thought that Gesang Boji was the only one I needed to deal with, but now it seems that there are secrets hidden in every stone chamber.

"Is the person in the stone wall the hands and feet of the mysterious organization?"

Su Muyan looked at me and didn't answer, but from her expression, I probably guessed the result.

Xiaobai rushed to my shoulder uneasily, staring in one direction, screaming non-stop. Following Xiao Bai's gaze, it was the outer layer of the stone wall at the little finger that started to peel off.

Slowly, the corpse inside the stone wall appeared completely before my eyes. Looking at the corpse, it was a woman with long hair and all ten fingernails were broken, which should be the result of her desperately grabbing the wall. It seems that the woman was buried alive in the stone wall after being drugged into a coma.

Once the drug wears off, people will not die immediately. But the whole body was buried in it, unable to move at all. Instinct prompted her to keep scratching the wall desperately, but unfortunately, the wall had already been sealed, and it was useless for her to do so. So in the end, the fingertips of all ten fingers were worn out, but the rest of the body was intact.

Judging from the time, the body should have been buried in this stone wall for some years, and no anti-corrosion measures have been taken, but because the temperature in the Tibetan area is not too high and it is very dry. In addition, the corpse was tightly sealed in the wall and had no contact with the air. Although many years had passed, the corpse was still well preserved.

The degree of decay is not too deep, and the only thing that can identify her identity is the torn clothes. It is a Tibetan-specific clothing, and this woman should be a Tibetan.

But if there are fewer people in the family, they must first report to the local police station. If, as Gu Yueman said, one person was buried alive in every stone chamber, and more than a dozen people were missing at once, the government would definitely attach great importance to it. Even if Tibet is located in a remote place, people in the department will definitely know about it.

I stroked Xiaobai's frightened body to comfort him.

Approaching the stone wall, Gu Yueman put the dagger back into his boots and clapped his hands, "Maybe the wall was cracked just a few times ago. When it was sealed, nothing would happen. Once broken Such a sealed stone wall, the corpse inside will change when it comes into contact with the air. In the end, the corpse will swell and rot, and the stone wall will be cracked."

"Do you know who she is?"

Gu Yueman shook her head, "With such a way of death, the soul must still remain in this stone room. If Xiao Mi was there, she might be able to conjure the soul. Ask who this woman is."

I said nothing, I hugged Xiaobai and walked to Su Muyan, "Are you tired? Do you want to take a break?" I instinctively felt that danger was coming, and I wanted to try to persuade Su Muyan to return to the Blood Soul Jade However, she still refused.

Gu Yueman on the side was a little dissatisfied, "I said, at this moment, we can let go of the matter of children's affection, and think about it first, how to deal with this corpse. What if the soul of this woman comes out , I don’t have time to save you.”

Gu Yueman's dissatisfied words made my face turn red. I hurriedly turned my face away, not daring to look at Su Muyan, nor did I dare to let Gu Yueman see me like this.

Fortunately, Gu Yueman was so absorbed in studying the female corpse that she didn't have time to look at me at all.

Suddenly, the corpse fell out of the stone wall with a loud bang. After the fall, I was surprised to find that the clothes of the female corpse were wrapped up from the front, and the female corpse was actually not wearing any clothes at all.

The flesh on the female corpse began to rot faster due to contact with the air, but I can be sure that there are no fatal wounds on her body.

Gu Yueman was also taken aback, and hastily took a big step backwards.

"This dress is just a cover. It is very likely that this woman is not Tibetan." Such a bold idea suddenly popped up in my mind.

These people who were intentionally and cruelly buried alive did not attract the attention of the local government because they were not locals. So could these people be brought from the outside by that mysterious organization

"Perhaps you guessed right, this woman is indeed not Tibetan. Tibetans have high nasal bones, large nostrils, and mostly round faces with Chinese characters. But look at this woman, she is short in stature and has very low cheekbones. , is a standard oval face, which has many similarities with you southerners."

Gu Yueman squatted down, carefully inspected beside the woman.

"Could it be that the mysterious organization specially selected people, and then brought them into the Tibetan area. These people may not be very eye-catching, so even if they don't always cause much repercussions. People will only think that they have left Tibet."

"Is the Multilateral Living Buddha a member of that mysterious organization?"

Gu Yueman shook his head, "Impossible, Multilateral Living Buddha and the old man in my family are old acquaintances. Earlier, Multilateral Living Buddha was also a member of the department. After the liberation of Tibetan areas, he returned to Lhasa. On the surface, Multilateral Living Buddha was in Sera The living Buddha of the temple, but behind the scenes, he has been working for the department.

Don't forget that the construction of this stone chamber was indeed the attention of the Multilateral Rinpoche, and the work that can be built was not done by the Multilateral Rinpoche alone. The first thing to know is who participated in the construction of the stone chamber back then. "

Gu Yueman's words were not unreasonable, I let out a long sigh, and everything went back to the original point.

The most important thing for us right now is to go out and find Mr. Li and the others as soon as possible.

Xiaobai started to squeak and scream again, this time it kept beating on my shoulder, as if it was pulling my collar and pulling me backwards.

Gu Yueman yelled, "Not good!"

The corpse on the ground moved one finger, and then all ten fingers started to move, making crackling sounds of dislocation of bones.

Su Muyan pulled me back two steps, I tripped over a magic weapon in the stone room, and fell backwards. The back of my head hit the ground hard, and I couldn't get up for a long time because of the pain.

"I've never seen a Taoist priest as clumsy as you!" Gu Yueman said angrily.

I was powerless to refute her now, so I followed Su Muyan's hand and grabbed it, then got up, and immediately took out the yellow talisman from my pocket.

He had already made preparations to deal with Gesang Boji, but he didn't expect to deal with this corpse now.

As soon as I took out the yellow talisman, I was startled and stared at a pattern carved on this woman's arm. I have seen this pattern on the hands of Chen Maosheng and the man in black.

Then this woman was not brought by a mysterious organization, she is a member of the mysterious organization.

Gu Yueman picked up a magic weapon similar to a scepter on the ground, and pushed the corpse away, "Why are you so startled, why don't you hurry up!"

I reacted, and hurriedly pasted the yellow talisman on the body of the corpse. The corpse was fixed in place, and I breathed a sigh of relief. "so far so good!"

"What's the matter, dodge!" After Gu Yueman finished speaking, she rushed in front of me, holding the scepter against the female corpse that was rushing towards me.

"This is the yellow talisman my master gave me, but it's useless?"

"Mr. Sun is not omnipotent. This ordinary yellow talisman won't work against such a resentful woman. Think of a way and find an exit. There must be a mechanism that can open the stone gate."

I nodded, turned around and went to the stone gate behind, and touched it up and down.

"Zhuang Jin, hurry up, I won't last long!"

Gu Yueman's voice trembled slightly, she never thought that at this moment, I would become a grasshopper on the same rope with the person I hate the most.

But I don't want to die with her!