Nongmen Jinxiu

Chapter 80: Sacrifice


"It's really the same!" The woman approached me, not shy about showing her naked body in front of me.

The woman didn't talk nonsense, and sneered at me, "Gesang, see, this is the person the master wants. But the master said, you can't kill her easily, and the master wants you to torture her well. If you do well, the master will Lando Xima will be released."

As soon as the words fell, the sound of heavy breathing came from nowhere, and the inhalation and exhalation were very hard, as if holding in for a long time. The floor of the stone chamber was trampled on, making loud noises. Although I was pressed against the wall by that woman, I couldn't move. But the eyes are movable. Looking around, where is Gesang Boji who has been looking for for a long time.

Suddenly, there was a snap. The stone door that Gu Yueman left was pushed open, and it shattered all over the place, the sound was so loud that my eardrums were buzzing.

Behind the stone gate is not an exit, but another stone chamber. But when Gu Yue just left, there was the exit, so why did she suddenly change her appearance

Before I could figure it out, a huge black shadow oppressed from above my head.

Thirteen said that Gesang Boji had a handsome face, but he was blind with one eye and deaf with the other ear. But the person standing in front of me now cannot be described as a human being. He has a huge figure, thick limbs, and a terrifying face. His facial features are all traces of being burned by the fire.

The muscles were shrunk together, except for the little skin on the nose which was still intact, there were large and large red spots everywhere on the face, and the skin on the body also showed a dark red color, with burn scars all over it. The two eyeballs were embedded in the middle of the eyelids that had been burned by the fire, revealing a little slit. The eyeballs under the slits turned left and right, as if they had long adapted to such a body.

I know very well that he is Gesang Boji.

"As long as you obey your master's instructions, not to mention Lando Xima, even all the women in this stone room are yours. All the lamas in Sera Monastery will be buried with you to frame you and bully Lando Xima. The Xi family will also receive the punishment they deserve!"

The woman let go of me, walked up to Gesang Boji, put one hand on his chest, and gently stroked his disfigured face with the other. "Gesang, I know you can understand my words. What a person is born to do is his own decision, not someone else's. You also have your own ideas, and you should not listen to other people's arrangements. If you have an idea, you have to do it. I have already lost the right to make a decision once, this time, don’t make a wrong choice again.”

"Lando, Hima!" Gesang Boji's throat was hoarse, like an old man, and his voice was harsh. Obviously, he is very sensitive to this name.

"Yes, Lando Xima, the woman who silently paid for you. She was humiliated to death, even if she died, she still bears the stigma of uncleanness. But none of the lamas in Sera Monastery believe you or her. The so-called Buddha's mercy is just a way to deceive you people. Gesang, don't you want to avenge her?"

"Revenge! I, want, revenge! For Lando, revenge!"

The woman smiled, she was very satisfied with Gesang Boji's performance. Her step-by-step guidance caused Gesang Boji's originally peaceful heart to shake. I can feel that his anger at this moment is much stronger than when he came in.

But with just a few words, this woman's provocative ability is really powerful.

Xiaobai hid in the corner of the wall, holding the Buddhist beads that I just dropped and brought them to me, and then climbed onto my shoulder. I quietly put the Buddhist beads in my pocket, not daring to make too much movement, lest the woman see it.

I don't know Xiaobai's purpose in picking up this prayer bead for me. Seeing the shivering appearance of this little guy, I blame myself very much. Does this prayer bead have other uses? Xiaobai, what do you mean

I reached out and touched Xiaobai's paw, and whispered distressedly, "Don't be afraid, I will protect you."

"Hahaha, protect it? I think you'd better think about how to protect yourself first. Gesang, don't forget the master's words. If you want to save Landuo Xima, do as the master said, torture her, and kill her! "

The woman's brows turned cold, as if she had a state of mind that transcended life and death to see through the world. I thought I was wrong, but her expression was indeed very decisive.

After the woman finished speaking, she knelt on the ground, clasped her hands on top of her head, and recited formulas in her mouth.

Pa, pa, I heard the sound of the wall cracking, followed by a bang, all the stone doors were opened, and at a glance, the stone walls of every stone room had been broken, and there was indeed a woman buried inside.

Under the call of the woman in front of him, white hairs also appeared on his body, and his belly swelled. I have seen and experienced it, so I naturally know what will follow. But this scene makes people feel unbelievable, but it also makes people a little scared.

I don't know what this woman is going to do. Xiao Mi saw the stone door open, and the woman in front of her was just like the one in front of me, naked and determined to die.

Xiao Mi ran up to me in a few worried steps, dragged me to look around twice, then hugged me and cried, "Senior Sister!"

I patted her slightly trembling shoulder, and turned my eyes to Mr. Li and the others.

In fact, they are no better than me, they are also disheveled and embarrassed. Presumably they also experienced a hard struggle with the woman in the stone wall.

Er Fatty pulled my arm, and said in a very anxious tone, "Where is Miss Gu? Are you not together? Where is she? Have you seen her?"

"I..." The words came to my lips, and I didn't know how to continue.

Er Pang's eyes were moist, "Don't tell me, something happened to her! I don't believe it!"

"She's fine, but now is not the time to talk about it. I'll talk to you when I get out."

Er Fatty nodded, and at this moment Master Liao rushed over with a bunch of copper coins. Fang Chongyu and Shisan stood still, staring at the corpses that broke free from the stone wall and slowly turned into living women again.

Gather together step by step, form a circle, kneel on the ground, clasp your hands and raise them above your head. Nian Jue's voice was steady and powerful, and it lingered in his ears for a long time. I have never heard of such formulas, and I don't know what they are trying to do. But I saw Gesang Boji walked among the dozen or so women, raised his head and took a deep breath.

I can't tell whether these women are dead or alive. I also don't know whether Gesang Boji is a ghost or a demon.

"Old Li, what are they doing?" Master Liao also asked curiously.

Along the way, it was the first time I saw Mr. Li's face so ugly, serious, and angry. He moved his lips, and replied in a low voice, "They are sacrificing themselves! First let these women die in a special way, and after they die, their bodies will be contaminated with the poisonous powder that can attract Gesang Boji's soul come.

Gesang Boji was supposed to be a pure-hearted person, untouched, ignorant of love, and unable to withstand any temptation.

Although Multilateral suppressed Gesang Boji with the use of weapons, spirit ghosts could not enter. But these physical bodies can still be found by Gesang Boji who is sleeping here. The person who set up this bureau is very clever, if no one enters the stone room, nothing will change. Once someone comes in and breaks a certain balance, then these dead bodies can be resurrected again. "

"Resurrection? Is there really a resurrection technique?" Even Fang Chongyu was extremely surprised.

"It is said to be resurrection, but it is actually using the body buried in the stone wall to protect the last trace of wandering souls. The consciousness of these wandering souls has long been manipulated by people. They will eat their bodies and turn them into a part of the soul. , to ensure that they can experience the world again. Of course, this process can only last for a short two hours. After two hours, they will disappear."

"No wonder, it's no wonder I used Taoism on them just now, but it didn't work. Unexpectedly, these women were really resurrected. But what's the point of such a resurrection!" I suddenly realized and asked.

Thirteen walked to the other side of Xiao Mi, pointing at those women, "What are they doing now?"

Mr. Li explained, "The meaning is that they want to add more hostility to Gesang Boji before they die. Two hours is the final outcome for these women, but for Gesang Boji, it is An increase in soul power.

When Gesang Boji absorbed the souls of these women, they would disappear forever, and Gesang Boji would be even more difficult to deal with. But this kind of method is extremely cruel. People who practice Taoism should eliminate demons and defend Taoism, but everyone in this mysterious organization is evil and crooked. They use forbidden techniques to harm people, which is really abominable! "

Mr. Li clenched his fist in one hand and gritted his teeth. The seriousness of the matter made the always friendly Mr. Li so angry. No matter what the purpose of this mysterious organization is, their actions are not tolerated in the world.

Thirteen has been silently watching those women, and began to speak Tibetan. After she finished reading, Xiao Mi approached and asked, "What were you doing just now?"

Thirteen never raised his eyes, and whispered softly, "Good and evil in the world are all things in the world. People are born, there is no distinction between good and evil, and when a person is about to die, good and evil are gone. These people are destined to have a good end, I just do it for them Read some scriptures, and everything will be saved.”

Xiao Mi nodded, "These women dedicated their short lives because of that organization. I don't know why these people are willing to do this. Is it worth it?"

The question of whether it is worth it or not has repeatedly appeared in my mind. There are always some things in the world that are worth paying for, even if it is harmful to oneself but not beneficial. I think these people always have their reasons, and only they know whether it is worth it or not. But I think they have never regretted it.

Everyone's road is everyone's own choice. You have the opportunity to choose, but you have no chance to regret it. Don't they have a chance to regret it

During this period of time, I couldn't do anything. I just stood there in a daze for a while, watching a dozen lives that had just come alive, and I just contributed all of myself bit by bit. Whether they are good or bad, I am shocked at the moment. The shock is not how noble and great they are, but the method of nourishing the soul with the soul.

What I saw in my eyes at the moment was a scene of bloodless killing.

Gesang Boji was originally pure-hearted, but now such a person has become a devil. He comes with resentment, and he will deal with everyone here by means of gathering resentment.

Master Liao couldn't help but stepped forward, holding a copper coin sword, roared angrily, his eyes widened, and a silver light stood out on his shoulder. I immediately understood that this is the most commonly used Taoist technique of Taoism, the technique of attracting spirits.

The purpose of attracting gods is not to really attract the gods in the sky. It is not the same as those of the Lightning Technique, most of the Taoism uses the power of nature.

Because the power of man is attributed to nature, the truth is nature.

And the art of attracting spirits is to use the ancestral items of various schools to attract the help of the souls of the ancestors in the door, and improve one's Taoism ability in a very short period of time.

This kind of technique is extremely energy-intensive, and it is difficult for those who do not have a certain level of Taoism to invite the ancestors of their sect. Only when Taoism is strong enough, can it be successfully performed with the affirmation of the ancestors.

Of course, there is another key element in the magic of attracting spirits. The ancestors have long since left, so it is not known whether the soul is still there, which also greatly reduces the success rate of the magic of attracting spirits.

The master couldn't use the spirit drawing technique, and I don't know if it was because the master's soul was gone, or because the master's Taoism cultivation was not recognized by the master.

At this moment, Master Liao seemed to be a different person, his whole body was tense, and his face didn't change much, but I could really see the face behind Master Liao.

A man of incomparable fortitude, his lips were tightly shut, and the changing Taoist gestures in his hands were also very clean and neat. This must have been achieved through countless hours of practice.

Until now, apart from drawing talismans, I am quite handy. In terms of Taoism, there is nothing that can be achieved so smoothly without the stimulation of external factors.

He just wanted to admire Master Liao, but before he could say anything, Master Liao was sent flying far away. With Thirteen Eye Diseases, he stepped forward and caught Master Liao.

Master Liao didn't speak, and blood spurted out of his mouth.

Old Li raised his eyebrows, "There are masters behind these people, he is preventing us from planning such a sacrifice, everyone be careful!"