Nongmen Jinxiu

Chapter 82: Doubtful


This stone room has been altered, but it is still built with the Twelve Earthly Branches of Tiangang. Among the Taoist gates, this is closely related to the Taoist Eight Diagrams. In this way, it seems that the twelfth stone chamber corresponds to the direction of Weishi, which belongs to the southwest, and the five elements are earth.

Southwest, Southwest, my brain was racing under high pressure, analyzing the meaning of the word Southwest. This stone chamber was originally used to trap Gesang Boji's soul. Since the twelfth stone chamber has been altered, its location is not in the southwest. So what should be able to replace Gesang Boji in the southwest position

Is it the Soul Relief Pearl? There should have been twelve stone chambers in the southwest direction. The stone chambers have been changed to replace the formation of the Tiangang Earthly Branches. The only thing that traps Gesang Boji is the soul-repelling pearl. So, the soul-repelling pearl has already been taken? Otherwise, how could Gesang Boji appear? Now it's time to move the whole body. Once the soul-suppressing pearl is taken away, Gesang Boji will not be able to restrain him anymore. Does it really take life for life to be restrained

Life for life, Thirteen? I muttered inwardly that it was not good, there was a soul-repelling pearl, Gesang Boji shouldn't have appeared. Now the soul-repelling pearl has already been taken away. But I can't figure it out, who will take it away? Is it the mysterious person who left footprints, or Gu Yueman? Who is that mysterious man? There are too many mysteries that cannot be solved, but right now we are confused by so many mysteries.

I have seen Gesang Boji's strength before. He can smash the thick stone door into pieces without any effort. It is definitely not difficult to kill Shisan and Mr. Li. No matter who took the soul balm beads and released Gesang Boji, the purpose is to not let us leave here alive.

The southwest corresponds to the phase of earth, Mu Ketu. I looked at Xiaobai, who stared at a pair of big eyes, and shrank in Xiao Mi's arms in horror.

I remembered that the Buddhist beads that Xiaobai gave me were made of high-quality agarwood, and they should have belonged to an eminent monk before. Although I used this Buddhist bead as a magic weapon just now to have no effect on the female corpse, perhaps it was also the result of the sudden mutation of the female corpse, no matter what, I must try again now.

Pick up the Buddha beads, recite the Taoist meditative formula, and disdain distracting thoughts. My purpose is only one, to save people!

I didn't think too much about it, I just let it go. After chanting the formula, a burst of strength poured into his body, he pointed his finger between his eyebrows to catch fire, and his hands overlapped with sword fingers. The center of a person's eyebrows is the seat of the soul, and the fire in the heart is the soul power. The strength of the soul power determines the level of a cultivator's cultivation.

After experiencing life and death several times, Daoism and I can be regarded as a little success. I dare not say how great it is, but at least there is progress. I have tried to use the soul power of the fire between my eyebrows, but it has not been successful.

With the proficiency of the Lightning Inducing Technique, I have a certain degree of control over my own power. Now, barely enough, he can finally get his heart fire and blend with Taoism.

With one mind and mind, "Broken!" I let out a soft roar, which was not as powerful as Master's voice to deter ghosts, but it was enough to make ordinary ghosts retreat in fear.

With my fingertips facing Gesang Boji, I felt that force flowing out of my body, breaking through the restraints of my body domineeringly and brutally.

I am also a little surprised, it seems that compared to before, my Taoism has gradually begun to tend to a stable and mature state.

I pointed the prayer beads at Gesang Boji, and chopped them down horizontally, which was extremely powerful.

Mr. Li's face turned pale from the suffocation, and he forced out a sentence, "Xiao Jin, hit his throat, there is something there."

I turned my head to look at Gesang Boji, and noticed that there was something strange about his neck. The skin elsewhere was burnt and wrinkled like a tree, only the small piece of skin was smooth, with a faint black smell.

I turned to Gesang Boji's neck, the prayer beads were scattered by my strength and flew towards Gesang Boji. But before the beads touched his neck, he let go.

Letting go of Mr. Li and Shisan, he hurriedly took two steps back, grinning.

As expected, the beads were still useful. It landed on Gesang Boji's shoulder and embedded in his demonized body, leaving behind a burning cockroach, temporarily preventing him from approaching.

Fang Chongyu stepped forward to catch Mr. Li, and said eagerly, "Are you all right?"

Li Laomeng took a few breaths and shook his head, "I, old bone, still can't die! But there is something wrong with this monster. Gesang Baoji's mind is limited, and he won't be demonized after death. He has been demonized. He seems to have been forced on his neck, and he was instigated by someone, and he just sucked in the resentment of those women, this Gesang Boji is not only demonized now."

Fang Chongyu patted Mr. Li on the back to please him, and asked, "Mr. Li, what do you mean? Could it be that so many of us can't deal with this monster?"

"Hey, this thing can't be destroyed by manpower alone! Any ghost is not terrible, what is terrible is that it is deliberately led astray and loses its character! If you fight hard, the chances of winning are not great. We cultivators should have Look at everything with compassion, but what this organization does is incompatible with Buddhism and Taoism, it is really hateful!"

After Mr. Li finished speaking, he coughed violently and spat out a mouthful of black blood.

"Old Li, your neck!"

When Fang Zhongyu called out, my peripheral vision turned to Mr. Li's neck, and the place where Gesang Boji grabbed was all black and purple, and this color was still expanding to other parts of the body.

Standing in front of Gesang Boji, I panicked, "Xiao Mi, go and see Thirteen!"

Shisan was still lying on the ground at this moment, and Xiao Mi helped Shisan up and looked at her neck, which was also black and purple.

"Senior sister, what should we do now?"

Thirteen squeezed Xiao Mi's wrist, "I'm fine, I have a short knife at my waist, take it out for me!"

Xiao Mi didn't know what she wanted to do, but followed her words and took out a short knife from her waist.

"Please, help me make a cross on the black part of my neck and let the black blood out until the color of the blood is normal."

Xiao Mi was a little at a loss, looked at Mr. Li, who nodded, "Just do what Thirteen Girls said, this black blood is poisonous, if we don't get rid of it as soon as possible, we can't survive! Xiao Fang, you, help me I'll squeeze out the black blood too. Dumb, take good care of Master Liao."

In the end, Mr. Li looked at me. I understood what he was going to say and nodded hurriedly, "Don't worry, I will never let this guy get close to you! Xiao Mi, hurry up!"

After being yelled at by me like this, Xiao Mi didn't dare to hesitate, took a knife, and said to Shisan, "Then hold on, if it hurts, you can yell out."

Thirteen rarely showed a smile, nodded slightly, "Come on!"

Xiao Mi took a deep breath, pierced the knife into Shisan's skin, took out a handkerchief from her bosom, and pressed it on the wound. There was not much black blood, and it was not easy to flow out. There was a transparent film on the cut wound. , Xiao Mi was sweating profusely, not knowing what to do for a moment.

"Don't be nervous, it's the skin formed by poisonous blood, just cut it with a little force!" Thirteen said weakly.

Xiao Mi's hands were still trembling, and according to Shisan's words, she carefully cut through the film with force.

Gesang Boji was not in a hurry to deal with me, he stood quietly by the side, stomping on the ground vigorously while laughing, the ground slowly began to crack, Xiao Mi hadn't completely squeezed out the black blood on Shisan's neck, and he Was shaken to one side. Xiao Mi didn't dare to let go, and hugged Shisan tightly.

The two of them rolled to the corner of the wall and landed beside Er Fatty. Mr. Li and Fang Chongyu were unlucky. They were hit several times by the shattered stones above their heads. Fang Chongyu had been protecting Mr. Li, with injuries on several places on his body.

Many ghosts crawled out of the cracks in the ground in an instant. I know that this place is originally a celestial burial ground, so naturally there are many lingering souls. But I didn't expect that Gesang Boji's slight movement would attract so many souls.

The only thing I can do is not let these things get in and hurt everyone.

I took out the copper gossip mask, bit my middle finger, and dripped blood on the gossip face. The familiar force easily penetrated my internal organs and my eight meridians. It takes a long time to cultivate the lightning drawing technique every time, but I don't care much about it, this is the only chance I have a chance of winning.

The sky thunder rolled and made a piercing sound, leading the thunder to pass through the wall and enter the stone chamber. At this moment, I felt that I was a qualified Taoist priest.

The purpose of me inducing the thunder is not to deal with those souls. When the thunder falls, these souls will also be scared away. I wanted to deal with Gesang Boji, because when I saw Gesang Boji's fearless appearance, my heart was not at ease.

I realized later that I was just scared. Fear is an innate instinct of human beings, an instinct that even babies know. And I am also afraid, but my fear is no longer fear of life and death, fear of pain, fear of those ghosts, I am afraid that the people around me will be hurt and lose their lives!

Gesang Boji didn't dodge at all, and all three thunderbolts hit directly. Suddenly the dust filled the air, I covered my mouth and nose, and stared at Gesang Boji who was covered by the dust.

He didn't move, the dust covered most of his body, I couldn't see his expression, I didn't know if he was dead or alive, and I didn't dare to act rashly, I squeezed the gossip so tightly that my hands hurt, but I didn't dare Relax.

His lips were dry and chapped due to fighting for a long time.

After about three minutes, everyone stared at the huge body behind the dust, held their breath, and waited for the result. I stood quietly on the spot, still maintaining the posture of leading the thunder in my hand.

"Be careful!" Suddenly a voice was ethereal, familiar and eager.

"Lando, Hima!" Gesang Boji's fist pointed at my face.

There was a buzzing sound in my ears, and what the people around me said, at that moment, I couldn’t hear anything, my eyes were hot, I didn’t know what to do, I didn’t know where to put my hands, and my heart felt like being trapped. The man inserted a knife and stirred the pain.

Looking at the black eyes of the person in front of me, there was no brilliance for an instant, and I just felt dizzy.

why why! Su Muyan, why are you lying to me again! You didn't leave, why did you come back? Did you plan this time too

I have countless questions in my heart, but I can't say them out. I know, and she understands them all.

Su Muyan raised her hand and looked at me, "Xiaojin, this is what I owe you! Pay it back, forget it!"

I don't understand every word and every word, so I said, "What do you say, make it clear!"

Su Muyan smiled lightly, even though she was beautiful, her body had no warmth.

I was dazzled by her smile, and my head suddenly exploded and hurt. Memory is like a scourge, starting from childhood, from the time I have memory. Familiar and unfamiliar, it seems to be me, and it seems not to be me!

Su Muyan's face is intermittent in my mind, but I have never seen those scenes. Until the last black shadow stabbed her chest with a knife, I was shocked and my heart went cold. who's that person? Why kill Su Muyan? Why are these in my memory

I had a splitting headache, and I covered my head with one hand, wanting to smash it with my fist. The other hand held Su Muyan tightly, not daring to let go. I'm afraid that as soon as I let go, she will disappear.

"Tell me, who am I? What do you owe me? Su Muyan, I won't allow you to die, please tell me clearly!" My voice was trembling, I was too scared.

It hurts, it hurts. Headache, heartache, pain everywhere in the body.

"Little Jin, you are you, you are nobody!" Su Muyan said, her body gradually became transparent.

She is a soul, and I can touch it because we have symbiotic souls, but now I find that I can't hold her more and more.

"Don't go! Don't leave!" I shouted in pain, but Su Muyan's soul was still weakening at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When a soul is too weak to stay in the world, the soul slowly disappears. I can feel Su Muyan's weakness, this time it's not just weakness, I feel as if her soul is about to leave my body. I can vaguely guess that she probably wants to break away from the soul symbiosis mode with me in this way. so that I can live in peace.

But the more I know her purpose, the harder it is to accept.

"I'm sorry..." Su Muyan kept repeating this sentence in the end. Every time she said it, my heart hurt more for no reason.

I can't hold her, I can only watch her disappear, watch her leave, nothing is left. I know very well that I can't let go of her for a long time. For so many years, the thoughts that I have tried my best to suppress have only increased and become more and more obvious. Knowing that she had a fiancé before she was alive, I feel that I am too redundant.

He even secretly had the idea of helping her find Zhou Yang. But I still can't bear it!

I have seen the strength of the enemy and my own incompetence. Oh, I can't even protect the one I love.

Kneeling on the spot slumped, looking at the place where Su Muyan disappeared.

Su Muyan, are you kidding me? Did you plan to pretend to disappear again

I asked myself over and over again, but the fact that my only hope was shattered.

At this moment, Gesang Boji turned to Xiao Mi and Er Pang with a smile on his face. The whole stone room was filled with wandering spirits, and the chaotic voice disturbed people's fear.

"Landuo Xima, kill, kill!"

Thirteen and one carp stood upright, black blood was still flowing down her neck, but she didn't care about that much, she dug two fingers into the ground, dragged out a boulder, and threw it at Gesang Boji.

"Go and bring her back!" Thirteen's tone was unquestionable.

Xiao Mi nodded and pulled me back. I had a severe headache, and I couldn't save Su Muyan. My self-blame made me unable to move any part of my body, and I just let Xiao Mi pull it.

In the past, the old people in the village said that love is an ordinary life, and it will be a lifetime in a blink of an eye. I also thought that I would be like them, grow up and marry, and live an ordinary life!

If I hadn't met Su Muyan, maybe when my mother mentioned the important event in my life, I wouldn't be so disgusted and want to escape so much.

I never dared to say this idea, but Su Muyan, you clearly know that you can read my thoughts, you know what is going on in your heart, you clearly know why I did this, but why did you come back to seek death.

I looked at the hand holding Su Muyan, there was no warmth left in the hand, tears had blurred my eyes, at this moment my heart seemed to go with her. I finally understood that sentence, there is nothing more sad than heartbroken.

"Senior sister, cheer up, don't scare me!"

Xiao Mi's words were in my ears, I could hear them, but I just didn't have the energy to answer her.

Mr. Li also stood up, and rushed to the front with Fang Chongyu, "Thirteen girls, don't do stupid things!"

The author has something to say: Xiao Jin's identity will be revealed soon, Zhu Kou is a person with status!

The relationship between Su Muyan and Xiaojin didn't just start now,

Everything she does is for Xiao Jin, and the main line of the story is also based on love,

Tribulations and experiences will make Xiao Jin grow up, so I can only spoil so much!

Little angels, don't worry, there are a lot of dog food behind!