Nongmen Jinxiu

Chapter 85: Rules and Confessions


I stood in the corner and looked at Fang Chongyu from a distance. The man I met was a middle-aged man with a ring of stubble, which looked familiar to me. But I can't remember where I've seen this person before.

"How is Lord Liao's injury?" the middle-aged man asked.

Fang Chongyu turned his back to me, took a letter and handed it to the man, "It's nothing serious, but it will take some days to recover. Please take this back and let the higher-ups prepare it!"

The middle-aged man opened the letter, read it for a while and asked, "Are you sure about this?"

"It's been confirmed. According to the copper coins brought back by Zhuang Jin and Gu Yueman's actions, it should be related to that organization. But I'm not sure if Master Gu knows about it!"

"What about Zhuang Jin?"

"Her? It doesn't matter much! Although he brought Gu Yueman here, she is also kept in the dark about Gu Yueman."

The middle-aged man nodded, "Well, I'll go back and tell the higher-ups first. Since Gu Yueman has shown signs of rebellion, we should attach great importance to it. Master Gu can't separate the relationship."

I couldn't see Fang Chongyu's expression at the moment, I only saw his back was slightly stiff for a moment, and then he nodded heavily.

I walked out of the corner and stood behind him. There was some surprise in the eyes of the middle-aged man. Fang Zhongyu probably noticed it. He looked back at me, "Aren't you accompanying Xiao Mi, why did you come out?"

"Why did you do this? The matter of Gu Yueman has not been clarified yet. Why did you do this? Uncle Gu is also innocent. What are you going to do for him to go back? Are you going to use Uncle Gu to catch Gu Yueman, or Want to execute Uncle Gu secretly?"

I was really angry, the matter was not clarified, Fang Chongyu already had a preconceived idea, and even made up his own mind to tell the people above about it. It seems that our every move during this trip may be supervised by the people above, and Fang Chongyu is the eye sent by the above to supervise us.

The middle-aged man came up to me and tried to appease me.

"We won't wrong a good person. Master Gu is already a member of the older generation in the department. We all know him well. But when Gu Yueman came to the Tibetan area suddenly, the copper coins she found were also secretly related to that organization. Inseparable connection. For the sake of everyone in the department, Master Gu may be temporarily supervised until this matter is investigated! Zhuang Jin, I also need to remind you that Gu Yueman was brought by you, you did not do it for yourself Think, you should also think about Master Sun, after all he is your master and you are his apprentice!"

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he put the letter in his pocket, and said again, "Xiao Fang, you did the right thing this time. Know the enemy clearly, so you won't be killed by the enemy."

I think what he said was entirely for me.

After the middle-aged man left, I stopped Fang Chongyu, "My master said, you and Lord Liao are both trustworthy people, and they are the leaders of the younger generation. I thought you would stand with us, but I didn't expect you to be in the department at all." The eyes placed by my side to monitor, thanks to my master trusting you so much!"

"Little Jin, I have my responsibilities!" Fang Chongyu said in a low voice without looking at me.

"Is your duty to frame Master Gu? I heard that Master Gu took you on several missions. If it wasn't for Master Gu, you would have lost your life several times! You have forgotten who saved you back then, right?" ?” I was really angry, and my tone was a little tough.

"Master Gu saved me, but I am a member of the department. I can't pretend that I don't know anything just because I have been favored by Master Gu, so as to harm the interests of the department. I have to follow the rules and don't act recklessly! I am the one who reported it, and I will never blame anyone. Because this is the department's regulations!"

I looked at him with a sneer, the department's regulations, the law is nothing more than circumstances, not to mention that this has not yet involved the law.

"Forget it, Xiao Jin! Don't embarrass him, this is not something he can change. There are rules in the department, and it is right to act according to the rules. It's just that Gu Fei is suffering!" Old Li's voice changed from The sound of footsteps came from a distance, and after a while, Elder Li appeared from the side wall.

Mr. Li patted me on the shoulder and walked back, "I just saw Liu Jun at the entrance of the hospital, Xiao Fang, there is nothing wrong with what you did. You should have known it on the first day you entered the department. The department is the most important thing. Since the higher-ups asked you to do this, you are also following orders, there is nothing wrong with it."

Fang Chongyu followed behind us and didn't speak. Although I was angry, Mr. Li had already spoken, so I couldn't say anything more.

Early the next morning, Xiao Mi woke up and recovered. Except for Mr. Liao who needed to recuperate and Fang Zhongyu who stayed in the hospital to take care of him, we all followed Mr. Li to Sera Monastery.

On the way, Mr. Li told me that he went to the department set up in the Tibetan area last night. At first, it was for the convenience of multilateral contact with the headquarters of the department in Beijing. Unexpectedly, the living Buddha of multilateral passed away just at this time.

Now that we know that there are people from that organization in Sera Monastery, there is no guarantee that Sera Monastery will not have the helpers of that organization, and there is no guarantee that we will not be in danger if we go alone. Considering the safety issue, Mr. Li went to the department overnight and set up defenses outside the Sera Monastery.

But when we arrived at Sera Monastery, we were all caught off guard by a bad news.

Cucurbita and Lai have passed away!

It is said that it is passed away, that is what outsiders say. In fact, when they were discovered, they were hanged under the big tree in the courtyard of Sera Monastery. When found, the body was already stiff. After inspection, the possibility of homicide has been ruled out.

Considering the identities of Turtle Dove Da and Lai, this matter was not made public in the end.

I checked around the rooms of Turtle Dove Da and Lai, but found nothing. I was distressed, and all the clues were interrupted again.

Mr. Li smiled lightly, and patted my shoulder, "Don't be discouraged, although the clue here is broken, the death of Turtledove can never be as simple as suicide."

"You mean he didn't kill himself?"

"It was suicide, but it's hard to guarantee that it wasn't deliberately designed by the people of that organization. You think, Turtle Dove's identity has been exposed, how could the people of that organization let him live. If you were a member of that organization, you would let him go A man who exposes himself at any time is on the enemy's side?"

I thought about it and shook my head, "Of course not!"

"Therefore, there is nothing unexpected about the death of this turtledove. What I am worried about now is going back. I will try my best to help you talk to Gu Fei."

I nodded gratefully to Mr. Li, "I'm not worried, I'm just worried about Master Gu. I'll go to Gu Yueman tomorrow, and I'll go back early when I get the Blood Soul Jade."

"It's okay, I don't know what Yueman is doing! Tomorrow is just right, you can ask clearly. I hope she doesn't go astray."

"Perhaps Sister Gu has some difficulties!" Xiao Mi excused Gu Yueman in a low voice.

I touched Xiao Mi's forehead, the little girl still had a fever last night, and she just got better this morning, but in the end, she was going to come to Sera Monastery with us early in the morning. This little girl's temper is getting more and more stubborn!

In fact, what Fang Zhongyu did was unethical. From my point of view, the relationship between people is not just a relationship of interests, nor is it just mindless obedience. When people live in this world, the word love is the most important word, and the rules are nothing more than inflexibility.

Although I disdain Fang Chongyu's actions, Gu Yueman does make me feel a little suspicious. How did she know that there were copper coins there, and the copper coins were engraved with the pattern of that organization

I was faintly worried. From the moment she came to meet me, to the time when she followed me to the Tibetan area, and then to entering the stone chamber, she seemed to have a purpose all along, but I didn't know what her purpose was. This feeling is like being controlled in the palm of someone's hand and playing with it wantonly. Before I saw Gu Yueman again, I had some resistance to her identity from the bottom of my heart.

I'm worried that the mole in the department is her. I hope it's not as good as I thought.

"Don't worry! If possible, I will definitely bring her back." On the face, I still smiled at Xiao Mi, I was afraid that this little girl would think too much.

The little girl held my arm tightly and nodded heavily.

We were about to leave Sera Monastery when Xiaobai, who had been obediently in my arms, woke up suddenly. He looked around vigilantly, then yelled non-stop at the old tree where Turtledota and Lai hanged themselves, and finally directly He rushed out of my arms and jumped down. The two little paws kept digging the soil under the tree.

A passing lama saw it and hurried over and shouted, "Who raised this monkey, come and take care of it."

I stepped forward and smiled apologetically at the lama, "I'm sorry, I raised it. My Xiaobai has a bad habit, that is, he likes to dig the soil. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll let him stop!"

While apologizing, I waved my hand to the lama, signaling him that I would take care of Xiaobai and let him not worry. The lama was probably busy with work, and because of Turtle Dove's death, he didn't have the heart to talk to me anymore, so he said something in Tibetan that I didn't understand, turned around and left.

I asked Thirteen, "What did he say?"

Thirteen still answered me indifferently with a blank face, "He said you must have been sent by the broom star in the sky."

I thought about it, and felt something was wrong, "Could it be that all lamas curse people like this?"

"You can take it as he's complaining."

I grabbed Xiaobai and hugged its body. As a result, the guy was still planing on the ground with his arms.

Mr. Li also came over and touched Xiaobai, "The little guy is very spiritual! Is there anything down there?"

I also find it strange that Mr. Li asked this question, Xiaobai would not do this for no reason. Xiaobai has always been very clever, and he can always help me at the most critical time.

I see that Xiaobai is persistent in digging the ground, maybe he has found something.

Without waiting to think about it, I squatted down, found a broken branch and dug it up where Xiaobai was digging.

The soil here is soft, and it seems that the soil has been turned over and covered again.

After digging about thirty centimeters deep, a small iron box was exposed. I handed the iron box to Mr. Li, and hurriedly filled the hole in the ground while no one was paying attention.

Mr. Li opened the iron box, and there was only one letter inside. This letter was left by Turtle Jiuda and Lai, and it was written in Tibetan, so I couldn't understand it.

Mr. Li explained to me that this can be regarded as the confession of Turtle Jiuda and Lai.

If it weren't for the Multilateral Living Buddha, he would have starved to death long ago. Speaking of which, his life was saved by the Multilateral Living Buddha.

It's a pity that he went astray and was bewitched by people from that mysterious organization. He tampered with the stone chamber, and even the death of the Multilateral Living Buddha was caused by him.

Multilateral Living Buddha discovered his secret, he was impatient, but missed. He has been living with self-blame and guilt these days, and when he saw that we all came out alive, he knew he had been exposed.

And once exposed, he himself will not live long.

So he chose such a path, under the big tree where he accidentally killed the Multilateral Living Buddha, he used the way of suicide to atone for his sins to repent.

But it's a pity that Turtle Dove's letter didn't say anything about that organization, it only said that the organization was unfathomable, and he was instigated by an old ghost for many things. As for how to get in touch with this old ghost, Turtle Dove didn't mention it either.

In the end, he only said that the farther away from that organization the better, otherwise it is easy to be confused and lose yourself.

Of course, I don't believe it, because the only thing that can really get lost is the original heart of a person, and it is the person who gives up his original heart and is willing to indulge in magic.

Mr. Li sighed slightly, "All roads are chosen by oneself, and all sins will eventually dissipate with the soul. The Buddha may forgive his deeds in this life, but his heart cannot forgive him!" Then he touched my arms Xiaobai's head, "This little guy, maybe just saw a trace of the remnant soul of the turtledove!"

I looked down at Xiaobai, I don't know if Xiaobai saw it, but my heart was heavy, because I didn't know how many people would stir up this mysterious organization. Because of this mysterious organization lost his life.

Master said that Taoists should have good thoughts in their hearts, but the Taoists in that organization violated the destiny of heaven and did all kinds of bad things. Such an organization is really harmful.

If possible, I will definitely uproot this mysterious organization. I don't want to see anyone die, especially my relatives and friends around me.