Nongmen Jinxiu

Chapter 86: betray


Standing under the tree, I suddenly felt a cool breeze, which made me shrink the back of my neck in shock. I suddenly understood that Xiaobai probably had such a reaction after seeing the soul of the turtledove.

Anyway, we finally got some clues. We know that there is a person named Lao Gui who is responsible for delivering the information. This person should be familiar with that organization. As for how to find this person, it is not a matter of a moment.

After coming out of Sera Monastery and going to the hospital, Mr. Li wanted to stop by to see Master Liao.

Mr. Li came back too late yesterday, so he didn't go to the ward to disturb Master Liao. Master Liao hadn't woken up when he left in the morning, and Mr. Li was a little worried, so he had to go and have a look.

Everything has been settled, today can be regarded as a little rest, and when I get back the blood soul jade tomorrow, I can go back to Beijing. It's just that Gu Yueman's matter is stuck in his throat. Although I don't like this woman very much, after all, she is Master Gu's daughter. Master Gu treats me very kindly, and I don't want him to be sad. As Mr. Li said, I hope she doesn't go astray.

At night, I tossed and turned, and I started to have a splitting headache again. I was deeply trapped in a dream and couldn't extricate myself. I also had this dream when I was very young, but I didn't have this dream when I grew up.

Apart from being overwhelmed by those unclean things for physical reasons, I belong to the kind of master who can eat and sleep. After learning Taoism with Master, I can also control those unclean things and cleanse myself, so when there are no worries, my sleep quality is quite good. When dreaming it is almost rare.

But this night, just like in the stone room, I wanted to hit the wall with a headache, and I still couldn't wake up, feeling that my limbs were being pressed by something. I could hear Xiaobai's worried whispers in my ear, and I could also feel his little paws on my face, trying to wake me up.

I frowned in pain, but couldn't open my eyes.

That kind of dream is very real, everything in this dream is familiar in my memory, especially the back in front. It seems to be the back of a woman, but I'm sure this woman is definitely not Su Muyan, and I should be familiar with this back, because every time I see it, I always feel very kind.

Who is it? I want to see her face, I try to get close to her. But as soon as I left, she ran too. I chased after her for a long time, but I couldn't catch her.

In the end, I was really tired, so I slumped on the ground and watched her walk away.

I couldn't lift my head in pain. She seemed to look back at me from a distance, and then walked towards a bright light, which was very dazzling. When the glare disappeared, the figure also disappeared.

I sat on the ground, suddenly felt empty in my heart, indescribably relaxed. The headache gradually subsided, and only the whistling wind remained in my ears, and I gradually fell into a daze.

The rooster crowed at dawn, and when I opened my eyes, my head was still aching, and my whole body was weak, as if I hadn't been idle all night last night.

I stretched my waist and stretched my muscles. Xiaobai sat on the table in front of me, staring at a pair of big watery eyes, tilting his head and wagging his tail at me. Xiao Mi opened the door and came in and brought me porridge.

"Senior sister, you should eat first! It's not too late to go after eating, it's still early!"

But I got up early because I was anxious in my heart, but Xiao Mi had good intentions, and I didn't want to let Xiao Mi lose, so I took the porridge and finished it in one go. It was so hot that I almost wanted to smash the bowl.

"Senior sister, drink slowly, no one will fight with you, there is still in the pot!"

I nodded, "Hiss, huh, it's so hot! I've had enough of that. By the way, Xiao Mi, have you eaten Shisan yet?"

"I left it for her. She went to the hospital to deliver meals to Mr. Li and the others."

"That's okay. I'll go to the grocery store in Chengguan District first. Gu Yueman said that someone will be waiting for me there. We can go back to Beijing when we get the Blood Soul Jade." I pinched Xiao Mi's nose and smiled. .

The little girl lowered her head and pulled the corner of my clothes, seeming a little unhappy.

I rubbed her smooth long hair, I don't know when it started, this little girl no longer opposed me everywhere like when she was a child, but now she is very dependent on me.

"Xiao Mi, are you worried about Gu Yueman?"

Xiao Mi shook her head, "I'm not worried about Sister Gu! Sister, I heard from my aunt that you came this time to save Su Muyan. I also heard that you are going to marry her in the dark. Is it true?" Mi's voice is getting smaller and smaller, and finally I have to listen carefully with my ears pricked up.

"Did the uncle tell you?"

Xiao Mi nodded and looked up at me, "Before I always thought that my aunt was joking, but then I realized that it was not a joke at all. Sister, do you know what marriage in the dark means? You will never have a normal marriage, no There is no way to get married and have children, but there is no way to be with the man I like."

Xiao Mi's words startled me a little, I didn't know how to tell her, saying that if I don't like men, I like Su Muyan? That would scare Xiao Mi.

I thought for a while and smiled, "Silly girl, others have saved my life, even if I die to save others, it should be. What's more, now, I don't want to save my life."

"Senior sister, don't you care at all?"

"Care? What do you care about? People who cultivate the Tao, they are all open to everything, and they don't have to have a family. I don't really care about these things. The fate is determined by the sky. We just need to take a good life."

Xiao Mi was stunned for a moment, then took my hand and said, "Senior sister, don't worry, even if you can't get married in a dark marriage, Xiao Mi will stay by your side and won't make senior sister feel lonely."

I smiled and scratched the little girl's nose, "You're saying that now, when you get married in the future, I'm afraid you'll forget about Senior Sister?"

"Senior sister, I won't do it!" Xiao Mi said anxiously.

Seeing the little girl's anxious look, I couldn't help but smile again, "Okay, okay, senior sister believes in you. Okay, I'll go first, after finishing this matter, senior sister will take you back to Beijing!"

I waved at Xiao Mi, the little girl closed her mouth tightly and looked at me earnestly.

At that time, I didn't think much about it, because in this era, things about love are very cryptic, and those who love each other have to be careful, and they have to get the approval of their family members, elders, and work units, but there are really not many true free love. Not to mention the relationship between women and women.

Looking back after a long time, I realized how much expectation there was in the eyes of my junior sister.

When I went out, I rushed to the destination with nervousness and anxiety all the way. The grocery store is inconspicuous, but what I recognized at a glance was the patterns on the corners. It was that mysterious organization again, and I felt a little uneasy.

Opening the thick cloth curtain at the door, the light inside is dim, and the table is in a mess, all of which are groceries. The row of containers next to it was also full of goods, and the goods on the shelves were covered with a thick layer of floating dust.

I walked in, and there was a man in Tibetan clothes squatting in the corner.

When he saw me coming in, he muttered something in Tibetan, but I didn't understand it, but seeing his appearance, he probably thought I was here for shopping and asked me what I wanted.

"Hello, may I ask, is Gu Yueman here?" I asked politely.

The man looked at me twice, "Have you brought anything?"

I also looked around, but I didn't see anyone else, so I hurriedly took out the copper coins from my pocket and handed them over, "These are what Gu Yueman wants, where are my things?"

The man took the copper coin and grinned, "Don't worry, since it's something I promised you, I definitely won't give it to you. Come with me!"

The man stood up, patted the dust off his body, and his eyes instantly brightened. He didn't look like a grocery store owner at all. I found that he also had the same pattern of the mysterious organization tattooed on his arm. I didn't expect that such an inconspicuous grocery store would be arranged by that organization.

The man moved away a small square table and knocked on a stone slab on the ground, and soon there was a response from below. Open the stone slab, a short stone staircase, he walked ahead with a flashlight.

I was hesitant to follow, but the man looked back at me and raised his eyebrows and said contemptuously, "What's wrong, little girl? Scared? Hehe, don't worry, if I wanted to kill you, I would have already done it when you entered the grocery store The thing you want is below, if you don't have the guts to go down with me to get it, then please go back!"

My throat tightened, what this person said made me feel a little shameless, in order to cover up my little fear, I bravely shouted at him, "What nonsense, hurry up and lead the way!"

The man was not annoyed, he just smiled coldly, turned around and continued walking down.

The stone ladder is not long, and it will reach the end soon. The ground below is very spacious, the ground is flat, and there is no gloomy feeling. I followed the man to a table, one with his back to me, and didn't turn until I approached.

When I turned around, I trembled all over, speechless in surprise.

"Xiao Jin, long time no see!" Chen Maosheng greeted me warmly like an old friend. The difference is that the pair of gold-rimmed glasses are missing from the bridge of his nose, and he is no longer as shy as when we first met. Now Chen Maosheng is like a seasoned man with a lot of experience, and he has a bit of social air in his speech and demeanor.

She put on a Mage suit, and her hair was combed smooth and smooth.

I thought I was wrong, so I rubbed my eyes. This person is indeed Chen Maosheng.

"You won't forget your old friend so quickly, will you?" Chen Maosheng sat there and asked with his legs crossed.

"You and I will never be friends!" I stared at him.

"Where's the blood soul jade? Bring it!"

"Well, don't worry! It's been so long since we haven't seen each other, so it's time to catch up. How about it? Do you want to think about joining our organization? With your talent, you must be able to make a name for yourself in the organization soon. Why follow those People, do some meaningless things! What's more, you are not a member of the department, so there is no need to work hard for the department. I don't think Mr. Sun wants you to enter the department, that place is really unforgettable for a lifetime!"

"What? You also worked in the department?" I was puzzled by his complaints about the department, so I couldn't help asking.

"Me? I can't touch it, but I can't touch it, someone can touch it. And the people who touch it, the depression in their hearts, you will never understand. When it comes to cruelty, we just do it on the surface , I don’t know how many times stronger than those hypocritical people who say one thing and do another.”

Chen Maosheng stood up, walked in front of me, taller than me by half a head, then looked down at me. "Little Jin, I know what you think in your heart. You want to save Su Muyan because you have feelings in your heart. But have you ever thought about it, even if you save Su Muyan, so what, even if you are married in the dark?" .She is always a ghost, and the department will not allow such things as women and women to fall in love!

Hehe, you probably don't know about the scandal in the department back then. Although being suppressed, the person involved finally got married with someone else to refute the rumors, but in fact, this is just the fate of lovers who cannot get married.

It’s different when you join us, you can get what you want, you don’t have to worry about those ethics, and you don’t have to care about other people’s eyes, because as long as someone dares to make irresponsible remarks, she will never see the sun the next day !

Hehe, Xiaojin, I have always said that you and I are very similar because we both have obsessions in our hearts. Your obsession lies in love, while mine lies in life and death! Think about it! "

"Don't think about it, I won't join you, die this heart! Bring the blood soul jade!" I said angrily.

Chen Maosheng was startled, then laughed again, "It seems that I can't convince you anymore! Come out and give her something!"

The wall behind Chen Maosheng was suddenly moved away, and the moment the people inside came out, I realized that it was exactly the same as the stone chamber in the sky burial ground. It's no wonder that Gu Yueman knew the way to open the stone gate back then, it turned out that she had betrayed the department long ago.

Gu Yueman approached Chen Maosheng with a smile, "How about it, should the master be satisfied this time?"

Chen Maosheng tossed the copper coin to Gu Yueman, "It seems that this little test will not trouble you! The master is very satisfied. Since you have joined the organization with all your heart, we certainly welcome you. But you guessed right, she also It’s really stubborn, and it doesn’t move at all!”

Gu Yueman looked sideways at me following Chen Maosheng's gaze, stretched out his hand, and handed the Blood Soul Jade to me, "Take it, let me get it next time, I won't return it to you."

When Gu Yueman stretched out his hand, there was already a clear pattern carved on his arm, which was the unique mark of that mysterious organization, but I couldn't believe that Gu Yueman would really choose to betray.

I thought about it on the way here, when I first entered the grocery store, and even when I saw Chen Maosheng, but no matter what I thought, I still had a bit of luck in my heart, I hope she No betrayal, I hope it's all just a misunderstanding.

And really when the facts were in front of me, I felt powerless.

Seeing Gu Yueman's indifferent look, I clenched my fists and wanted to hit him. Not for me, but for Master Gu. It doesn't matter if Gu Yueman betrays me, but he doesn't even care about his own father, such a person is simply a beast.

I tried my best to suppress my anger, and asked in a low voice, "Why? Why did you do this? Why did you join this organization? Why did you betray? Have you thought about Uncle Gu?"

Gu Yueman's eyes moved to my tightly clenched fists, and she smiled faintly, "Where are there so many why? Life is alive, what can I do if I don't do it for myself? I do all this for myself. As for that old man, I have long disliked him. Hehe, I don’t know if I let the department know about my affairs. Will this old man be punished? If so, heh, I hope that the more ruthless the better!”

"Gu Yueman, Uncle Gu is your father!"

"My father? I don't have such a father, and I can't afford such a father?" Gu Yueman leaned close to me, and an invisible sense of oppression suddenly hit her. She grabbed my collar and sneered, "Since I From the day my mother died, my father died too. Since the old man can't save my mother, then I will save it myself! Go back and tell the old man that from now on, I have nothing to do with him!" Gu Yueman said decisively , also with anger.

Those red eyes stared at me, I didn't feel terrible, I just understood, I understood that I couldn't pull her back.

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