Nongmen Jinxiu

Chapter 90: The oil is exhausted


When I fell asleep that night, I don't know. All I know is that when I woke up, the sun was already shining through the window, as if the wind and thunder last night didn't exist. I stretched out my hand to touch the ice-cold area around me, and only then did I realize that Su Muyan was also deeply asleep.

Seeing Su Muyan, I knew that everything that happened last night was not a dream. Now, has the ghost messenger left? But it was quiet outside, and I don't know how Shisan is doing, whether he was hurt by ghost messengers or not.

I sat up and rubbed my aching head. Xiaobai was a little excited, jumped up to my shoulder, reached out and touched Su Muyan's face lightly. I was so scared that I opened it like a little paw, and hissed softly, "Don't move, let her rest for a while."

Su Muyan also seemed to be suffering last night. Since we drank the Hebei wine, we have begun to suffer for a long time. Such a ghost marriage, she must have endured too much.

Xiaobai hummed softly, as if he understood what I meant, jumped off my shoulder, and sat on the edge of the bed obediently, staring at Su Muyan.

I rubbed its little head and chuckled, "Are you also attracted by other people's beauty? Well, you haven't learned it, but you have learned to be greedy for beauty."

Xiaobai covered his face with his little paws, looking quite embarrassed, which made me laugh.

Su Muyan was woken up and opened her eyes slightly. After seeing me, he smiled lightly, which was more dazzling than the sun outside.

"What time is it?"

I immediately replied, "It's almost twelve o'clock, you'll be fine after twelve o'clock."

Su Muyan nodded, "Your master has worked hard, I have to thank him later."

"My master hasn't come back yet! My uncle helped me last night, oh yes, there are still thirteen!"

Su Muyan's face suddenly changed slightly, which seemed a little surprised. "Your uncle? Witch?"

"Yeah! What's wrong?" Seeing that Su Muyan didn't feel grateful at all, but instead became more and more sad, my heart skipped a beat, and my intuition seemed to be not very good.

"Ordinary ghost marriage is not something that is too contrary to the way of heaven, but our ghost marriage is a means of using your body to let me live in the world. This in itself violates the reincarnation of heaven and breaks the rules of the underworld. Ghost The mission came to arrest me, and naturally they would not let go of the person who rescued me in this way.

At first I thought it was Sun Sixue, but even with his cultivation base and deeds, I'm afraid he would lose half of his life. I really didn't expect that it would be a witch in the end. "Su Muyan looked at me hesitantly.

It was only then that I came to my senses, no wonder the yard was so quiet, no wonder I didn't see girl Xiao Mi, the bad premonition in my heart rushed to my throat.

The witch's health has always been bad, but this time she saved Su Muyan. I don't dare to think about it, I can probably know the result of the sorceress saving Su Muyan, but I am very scared.

Su Muyan took my hand and said comfortingly, "We owe the sorceress, but I'm afraid she is asking you for doing this. Xiaojin, I hope you understand that no matter what, I don't want you to get hurt!"

Su Muyan's words made me feel a little more moved in my heart. I looked at her, my eyes rolled, and I was moved by love. Now I understand the true meaning of the word love. You will be happy and sad because of the people you care about, and you will also feel desperate and lost because of the people you care about.

At this moment, I also don't want to see her get hurt again, even if she dies, I hope she can be well.

We clasped our fingers and sat on the edge of the bed. As soon as twelve o'clock passed, Thirteen knocked on the door and entered. Staring at the hand that Su Muyan and I held tightly, he frowned slightly.

"It's past twelve, you're fine. Zhuang Jin, the witch wants to see you." Shisan thought for a while and said, "At this time, I think it's inappropriate for you to be too intimate!"

I was a little embarrassed to be told so directly by her, so I let go of Su Muyan, stood up and walked out the door, Xiao Mi stood outside the door and looked at me, her eyes were already red.

"Junior Sister? What's the matter with you?" I hurried forward to ask this girl, I think what Su Muyan said was right, we were not the only ones who experienced pain last night, the sorceress and Thirteen were not much better either. Especially the sorceress, seeing Xiao Mi like this, I am very afraid that something will happen to the sorceress.

Xiao Mi threw herself into my arms and couldn't help sobbing, "Senior sister, auntie, she's about to die."

Obviously already mentally prepared, but hearing Xiao Mi say, I still feel a little unbearable.

"Take me to see my uncle!"

Xiao Mi nodded, turned her eyes to behind me, and when she saw Su Muyan, her eyes stopped for a while, her mouth pursed, she turned her head and pulled me away.

When he arrived at the witch's room, Xiao Mi pointed to the inside and said, "Senior Sister, Auntie wants to talk to you alone, so we'll wait for you outside!"

I patted Xiao Mi's head, I knew she was worried about the witch and wanted to follow me in. I can only comfort her softly and tell her not to worry. But looking at everyone's faces, I know that such worries are inevitable. Maybe it turned out to be worse than I thought.

Pushing the door open and entering the room, there was still dim light, and the moment the door was closed, the sunlight was blocked out. There is no coolness, nor any freshness. It's completely different from when I was here before. It's hard to describe this feeling, if you insist on describing it, it might be like a dead wood, thrown away and burnt in the fire.

The so-called oil is exhausted, and the lamp is dry, which is probably the case.

The sorceress lay on the bed, and it was impossible to tell whether she was awake or asleep. Only a little air intake proves that she is still alive.

I walked over, sat down, and called softly, "Master?"

After a few seconds, the sorceress replied quietly, "You are here!"

"Uncle, how are you?"

"Dying person, hehe! This is really going to die. You don't have to feel guilty. Saving her is my own choice. My life will not last long, and it has been wasted all this time.

Some time ago, Senior Sister Liu's affairs had already come to fruition. The higher-ups decided to secretly dispose of Senior Sister Liu's body, but I didn't tell Xiao Mi about it. I have no way to tell her personally, after I die, please tell her! "

"Uncle, you will be fine, Master will definitely save you!" Seeing the sorceress like this, I couldn't bear it. She has been looking for a result that she can't find out all her life, but unfortunately there is still no Master Liu. Uncle's soul is gone, perhaps Uncle Liu is already dead!

The sorceress pointed to a wooden box at the end of the bed, "Open it, there is a handkerchief inside, take it out for me!"

I opened the wooden box according to her instructions, and found a handkerchief inside. It's white, with a pair of mandarin ducks embroidered on it, but the mandarin ducks look awkward, and I can't tell what the awkwardness is.

I brought it in front of the sorceress and handed it to the sorceress, "Master, here is the handkerchief."

The sorceress took the handkerchief and put it on her heart, she was very precious, "This thing has been with me for decades, and after I die, I will give it to Xiao Mi. My other things will be burned along with my bones." clean."

It was only then that I heard that the sorceress was explaining what happened after her death. My heart suddenly became serious, a little tragic and a little bit sad.

"Hehe, this person, the older he gets, the more he wants to live the way he wants to live. I was once as old as you, and I also thought about my own life, but it's a pity that God's will is not destined to fulfill people's wishes! Xiao Mi This child has no parents since she was a child, and she is actually the loneliest compared to ordinary children. But this child is destined for you, I hope you can understand. "

I shook the hand of the sorceress and nodded, "I understand, uncle! I will definitely take good care of Xiao Mi in the future and never let anyone bully her. As long as I live in this world, I will protect her for a day. No matter what the future holds, I will do my best to make Xiao Mi happy."

The sorceress took my hand back and patted it lightly, "Hehe, you, I still don't understand! That's fine, some things will make people divided if you say them out. Xiaojin, you are a good boy, your thoughts are mine. It can be seen, but as an elder, I just want to remind you that the special feelings between a woman and a woman should not be shown too much, not to mention that she is still a soul. If someone above finds out, I will treat you and her Neither is good!"

I thought about what the sorceress said, chewing carefully, I think she must have seen some clues a long time ago. I suddenly remembered the departmental scandal that Chen Maosheng had mentioned, and my uncle probably knew about it.

"Uncle, was there a precedent for women liking women in the department back then?" I asked cautiously, seeing the expression on the witch's face, I suddenly became a little helpless.

Full of wrinkles separated the helpless face, and the blind white eyeballs slowly rolled around under the eyelids, "Yes, that happened many years ago, and that incident was covered up later. It’s so good that not many people remember what happened back then.”

The sorcerer suddenly paused after she finished speaking, "How do you know?"

"Chen Maosheng said it!"

"He knows too? Hehe, it seems that there should be someone from a department in this mysterious organization. The identity of this person is not simple, otherwise he would not know about it."

"Uncle, what happened back then?"

"The things of that year have passed, and I don't want to mention it again. The memories of the past are like a flood, rushing by. If you really want to forget, you can forget it soon. If you don't want to forget, even if you spend all your time I can’t forget it. Now, I want to forget the past. This person is going to die, and many things will be let go. This is probably what Buddhists often say, let go and be at ease!”

After the witch finished speaking, she gasped a little tiredly, "Little Jin, promise me one thing!"

I nodded and said, "You said, as long as I can do it, I will definitely do it!"

"Help me find Xiao Mi's mother's soul. Only you can do this. This is my only wish!"

"Uncle, don't worry."

After I finished saying this, the sorceress seemed very excited and grabbed my hand tightly, "I, I'm a little tired, my eyes have been blind for many years, I really want to take a look at the outside world again, take a look Xiao Mi!"

I immediately understood, "Uncle Shi, I'll call Xiao Mi right away."

I stood up, turned around and walked to the door, but I didn't hear the witch's voice again. After all, my tears still flowed down, as if my loved ones left, which made me feel uncomfortable.

The person behind me hugged me quietly, although the coldness gave me great strength. Only Su Muyan can give me such a peace of mind at this time.

"Xiao Jin, she has come this far because of us. But her way of doing this proves that she has already thought about it, let go, and is no longer attached to the result she is looking for! Her only wish now, you just Just try to help her finish it. Now, cry if you want, it's not cowardly!"

I bowed my head and took a deep breath, secretly wiping away my tears.

It was not until a long time later that I realized what the witch said, the older I get, the more I want to live the way I want. It's just that I didn't expect that from this moment on, many people around me would be involved in a huge conspiracy. Leaving and losing have become the most frequent process in my life.