Nongmen Jinxiu

Chapter 94: dream


Under the guidance of Su Muyandi, I picked up the white pieces again and started to place pieces on the chessboard. With each move, I can see the board change. Heizi was not under my control, as if he was being controlled by someone, he began to move slowly by himself. Su Muyan didn't think about it, I listened to her command and quickly moved, and Heizi responded very quickly.

In this way, the chess pieces of the two colors enter an extremely fast game state. Back and forth, chasing and chasing, although I don't know much about it, anyone who can play chess like this must be a master!

Half an hour later, Su Muyan smiled lightly, "Xiaojin, don't bet anymore, we won!"

I looked at the chessboard and counted the number. The white piece beat the black piece by one point, which was only a slight difference. I looked at Su Muyan with admiration, and seeing the faint smile on her face, I couldn't help but twitch the corners of my mouth. My eyes are full of admiration for her, and I can't help holding her hand quietly, but the cold palm makes me feel warm and comfortable!

"Miss Su doesn't know a thing or two!" The voice of the boy Su Muyan called Mr. Xiao came from nowhere, with a bit of unwillingness. "It's just that this game of chess is based on the layout of my Liuyun Zhaifang. I don't know if Miss Su is interested in playing a game of life chess!"

Su Muyan nodded and answered with a smile, "I'm afraid I forgot, I'm already a dead person, so how can I have a life? If Mr. Xiao wants to continue, I will take care of him!"

"Hmph, you are dead, but the wild girl beside you is not dead yet, how about we use her life to set up a situation?"

I tugged at the corner of Su Muyan's clothes and asked in a low voice, "Is there a chess game in life? It's almost unheard of. What the hell is that?"

Su Muyan patiently explained to me, "That's Liuyunmen's unique way of playing chess. It puts a person's life on the chessboard and moves as he pleases. Although a person's personality cannot be seen clearly on the chessboard. One life, but one can know a thing or two. In Taoism, this method is called the technique of life distribution. Usually, some people want to know their own fate. Through this method of life distribution, they can have the opportunity to change their fate in advance.

But as far as I know, this kind of technique of Liuyunmen is only known by the holy children of this school, and it can only be played once in a lifetime. Because this is also a taboo to reveal the secret, and it needs to consume the vitality of the players. "

I was slightly taken aback, "There is still such a particularity, but why does this person waste his life depending on my fate?"

Su Muyan frowned and shook her head, "I don't know, so I can't play this game of chess, and I can't risk you!"

I understand Su Muyan's concerns, but I am worried that without this person, it will be difficult to save Master. According to Uncle Heiying, this person invited this time is the key to saving my master.

After hesitating, the little boy's voice sounded again, "If you beat me, I will help you this time! If you don't win, the old student will have to see off the guests!"

I looked at Su Muyan, she understood what I meant, Tunnel said, "You decide!"

Isn't it just a game of chess, how many people wish to know their own fate, maybe this strange kid won't agree! Now that he has asked for it, I have nothing to be afraid of. And I desperately want to save Master, if I drag it on, Master will only become more dangerous.

I gritted my teeth, "Let's go! I believe in you!" I held Su Muyan's hand, and I really believed in her. I have always believed in her. As long as she is there, I don't think anything is impossible.

Maybe it's because I've always known how powerful she is, so subconsciously I feel that if Su Muyan is determined to do one thing, then he will be able to succeed. It was also because of this sense of trust in her that I gradually became assimilated myself.

Until later, my persistence and all my achievements were inseparable from having her.

Su Muyan didn't speak, the chessboard in the courtyard changed its appearance, and the sky darkened. It was cloudy, as if it was going to rain.

Su Muyan was sitting in front of the stone table, reaching for the chess piece, but I hurriedly stopped him. Su Muyan smiled lightly at me, "It's okay, the game has been changed!"

Seeing her picking up the chess pieces, nothing unusual happened, so I was relieved.

"Sir, then I'll go first!"

The little boy's voice came from far to near, "Please go!"

In the first few moves, I didn’t feel anything unusual. I stared at the board. Although I often didn’t understand the meaning of the moves, this game seemed to have a special magic that attracted me.

Gradually, Su Muyan's expression became serious, and the hand that held her son eased. Every step takes a long time to think about. And I looked at her and at the chessboard, my eyes gradually blurred.

I rubbed my eyes, and when I looked at the chessboard again, there was nothing in front of me. There was a vast white mist all around, and I couldn't see anything, "Su Muyan? Are you still there?" I shouted for a long time but there was no response.

There was no sound in my ears, the chirping of cicadas and birds seemed to have suddenly quieted down, and I stood in a circle of mist, at a loss.

I recall in my mind how I fell into this foggy land. I remember that I was always by Su Muyan's side, watching her play chess with all my heart, ignoring the surrounding situation. Could it be that he fell into that little gentleman's game at that time? impossible! I walked in the white mist for a long time, and suddenly many pictures appeared in the white mist around me, the first one was actually my childhood. Each one is my childhood experience from birth.

There is a mother, an elder brother, and many long-lost neighbors. Looking at these makes me very nostalgic. The laughter and laughter in the painting are ringing in my ears, making me feel like I have suddenly returned to the past.

It's just that I didn't appear in the appearance of my childhood, but stood in the memory of the past in my current appearance.

The first encounter with Su Muyan, the first encounter with Master, these are the pasts that I have experienced in my life. Step by step to today, I see many of my shortcomings, and also see many good and evil in human nature. I never really thought about what these experiences meant to me.

Looking at it this way now, I find that I have grown under repeated blows. Even though this kind of growth came too slowly, I still came over after all.

The scene in the mist stopped when Su Muyan and I stepped into the courtyard today, and the mist around me also slowly dissipated. Su Muyan was sitting in front of me, holding a white piece, bowing her head in thought.

I breathed a sigh of relief, and put my hand on Su Muyan's shoulder, but my hand passed through Su Muyan's body. The smile froze on my face, and I didn't know how to react for a long time.

"Su Muyan?" I tried to call her, but Su Muyan didn't seem to hear me calling her.

Suddenly the ground began to vibrate, and a crack appeared. I hurriedly retreated, but I couldn't keep up with the crack. Originally it was the size of a gap, but it slowly began to expand around. I watched Su Muyan fall into the abyss underground, and I instinctively reached out to grab her, but my hand just passed through her body, unable to grab anything.

"Don't!" I shouted anxiously, and I fell into the endless abyss underground.

At this moment, my body fell rapidly, and I closed my eyes, thinking that when I landed, I should be thrown to pieces.

But there was no pain for a long time, and there was no tendency to fall.

I slowly opened my eyes, and in front of me was no longer an underground abyss, but a simple room. The room is red, with red beds, red quilts, red tables and chairs, red candles and red happy characters. Even I wear red clothes! I seem to have been here before, very familiar.

But I can't remember where this place is.

There is a person sitting in front of the bed, a woman with a red turban covering her head! She kept stirring her hands, seeming very nervous. I roughly understood that this place should be the bride's bridal chamber.

Although my dark marriage with Su Muyan was simpler than this, the wedding dress made me look like Su Muyan. But where is Su Muyan

I looked around, and I was afraid that there might be some mechanism trap here, or that little boy's prank, a trick to lure me into the game deliberately.

But I don't feel at all that there is a third person here. The windows of the room were closed, and I couldn't open them. I could see everything in the room, and I couldn't find a place to hide people.

I bent over the bed and looked, and there was nothing underneath.

The woman in front of the bed was silent for a long time and finally became anxious.

"Fool! You haven't lifted my hood yet."

The sound made me stunned for a moment, and I walked over and stretched out my hand, trembling slightly.

The moment I lifted the veil, I felt like I was in a dream. I couldn't move my eyes anymore, I looked closely at the person in front of me, and pinched my arm severely, the slightest pain was very clear.

"I'm not dreaming!" I patted my cheek, afraid that this was just another dream! Could it be that it was broad daylight, I fell asleep watching chess and had a dream. Thinking of Chunmeng, I feel shy for a while.

Su Muyan looked at me, her water-like eyes bent into stars in the sky, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, as if she had been waiting for this moment for a long time, she took my hand and sat beside her.

"Why are you so honest today?"

"Huh?" Honestly? I didn't understand what she meant for a moment.

She burst out laughing, "What a fool!" Her whole body was close to my arms, "I've been waiting for this day for a long time, I don't have much time, but to be with you, even if I die !"

I was a little nervous, grabbed her shoulders, looked at her carefully, and said seriously, "I won't let anything happen to you!"

"Life and death are fate, no matter what the outcome is, it doesn't matter. I just can't let you go. Will you meet someone else in the future and forget me?" Su Muyan said, feeling a little sad.

"I will never forget you!" After all, I was a little surprised. Could it be that something went wrong when we got married? Why did Su Muyan say that? Impossible, if the ghost marriage is not successful, it is impossible for Su Muyan to appear again. Could it be that she is afraid that I will be sad, and insists on staying with me with her last breath

My mind was in a mess, I thought a lot, but I couldn't explain it. I was upset by Su Muyan's words, anxious and worried. I can only repeat one sentence, "Even if I die, I will not let you have trouble!"

Su Muyan immediately put out her hand to cover my lips, that hand was not cold, but warm. She shook her head slightly, "I don't want you to die for me, I want you to live well! When I made this decision, I thought about it, no matter how difficult the road ahead is, I also want to leave some good memories with you. I I don't want any precious relationship between us to be ruined by irrelevant people!"

I was stunned, is Su Muyan talking to me? Such straightforward expression of thoughts, such ambiguous words, are you really speaking to me

But before I had time to doubt, I felt sweet on my lips.

Warm and moist! All my doubts and thoughts have become insignificant things!

I was a little surprised by Su Muyan's initiative, and I couldn't refuse. I looked at her face right in front of me, is it you? Is that you

Her every frown and smile, her every move, are not fake. There is only a faint fragrance on her body, without any other special things. In this world, there is probably only Blood Soul who has the same appearance and temperament as her, but Blood Soul will not appear here, nor will it appear on the boundary of the department headquarters. Is it really a dream

Even if it was a dream, I don't want to wake up again. I want to just stay with her like this, share my love with her, and stay with her forever.

I couldn't resist the unstoppable feelings in my heart, and I had no other way but to get stuck in it.

After taking off my clothes, I almost couldn't believe the reality of this dream. But holding Su Muyan in my arms, the temperature of my body was so hot that my face turned red. I couldn't tell whether it was a dream or reality.

The red candle turned into tears, and the sky suddenly brightened. I looked sideways at the person next to me, her sleeping face was still smiling. A few specks of red on the white skin are my masterpiece yesterday. I stared at Su Muyan, couldn't help stretching out my hand to caress her side face, and couldn't help but raise the corners of my mouth.

This dream is so real!

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