Nonlinear Love

Chapter 37


The words fell into his ears, Su Lian lowered his eyes slightly, but did not answer directly.

No matter what kind of identity and mood Chi Wang asks such words, from now on, this word will be too big and too far away.

Even as a good friend, such as Song Jiaci, they disappeared in their lives in the cross flow of time.

After facing countless separations, he never wanted to talk about the future lightly.

It's like a shackle, after going through ups and downs, it will only add to the heartache.

"Ask you, you haven't answered me yet." Chi Wan felt a little uneasy in his heart, his voice was a few degrees lower than usual, and when he spoke against his ear, it seemed that his eardrums were vibrating along with him.

Su Lian felt that his fingers brushed the skin on the back of the neck, and it was burning hot.

Someone passed by, casting kind and curious eyes from time to time.

Still being hugged tightly, Su Lian breathed lightly, not knowing how to continue, and said softly, "Your family uses hugs to comfort people?"

Chi Huan hummed, and nonsense shamelessly: "Yeah, my sister failed the exam and our whole family took turns hugging. If you don't believe me, ask her another day."

"Oh." Su Lian was at a loss for words, and felt that reading so many books was useless, his mouth seemed to be glued, and he couldn't open it or make a sound.

At this moment, Chi Wang was too gentle, he couldn't say hurtful words, so he whispered: "I still have a place I want to go, do you want to go together?"

"Okay, I'll accompany you if you want to go." Chi Huang slowly let go of his arms, opened a distance, and looked at the person, "Where are you going?"

Su Lian also imitated him: "You will know when you arrive."

Just as they were about to leave, the venue staff ran out quickly and called them back: "Handsome guy in the black shirt, wait a minute."

Chi Wang turned his head and raised his eyebrows slightly: "What's the matter?"

The staff showed a standard smile: "It's like this. The system just now showed that your lap time broke our membership record, so I have a small gift for you."

While speaking, he handed over two exquisitely crafted racing car model pendants.

One red and one blue, it seemed like a miniature version of the racing kart they had chosen just now.

Chi Wang took it and hung it on his fingertips to look at it in the air. Except for the different colors, there is no difference between the two.

It is true that red and blue came out of CP since ancient times, looking left and right, they both look like a pair.

Chi Wang shook the pendant very satisfied: "I like it very much, why give two?"

The staff stared at the identical couple outfits on the two. Of course, this kind of secret love is not suitable to be exposed.

So he said with a smile: "It's worth seeing, otherwise this handsome guy in a white shirt will be sad if he doesn't have a gift. This model is a limited edition, and the initials of the two of you are engraved on it, so it took a little time. "

This club is very good at being a man, and it deserves the boom in business.

Chi Huang decided to hold Zhang Zhizun VIP another day to support his business.

He stared at the abbreviation above and smiled: "You guys are quite considerate, thank you."

With a wave of his fingers, he stuffed the blue one into Su Lian's hand, borrowing flowers to offer Buddha: "I'll see you off, go back and hang up your schoolbag."

Su Lian: "You hang your schoolbag too?"

Chi Wang: "Ah, can't you?"

He pursed his lips, and hid his small thoughts: "I've left red myself, so what do you want if I give you the good-looking one?"

Su Lianxin said, is this the point? There is also a name engraved on it, where do brothers use this kind of couple pendant that looks the same.

Maybe he was thinking too much, but Chi Wang, the straight man of steel, didn't mean it.

He was pinching the model, and the edges and corners of the car frame on it made his palms ache a little: "I heard that they have a Taro Bobo CP group, aren't you afraid of everyone's guessing?"

Hearing about the support group, Chi Huan felt guilty for a second, and pretended to be calm on the surface: "You know this kind of gossip, and you hang out with Xiaojiu too much. Anyway, guess, I don't care."

Su Lian glanced at him, compromised and said, "Okay, I'll hang up when I get back."

Hearing these words was reassuring, Chi Wang turned around and walked to the side of the street, beckoning for a taxi.

The two got into the back seat one after the other, and Su Lian gave an address with ease.

Chi Huang bent his long legs lazily, holding the pendant in his hand, thinking of hugging in his heart, his whole body radiated joy from inside to outside.

Anyway, this time it happened when each other was awake, at least Su Lian didn't reject physical contact, which was a major breakthrough for him.

If you keep working hard, you will be able to abduct Teacher Xiao Su home as soon as possible, Chi Ju lowered his head and chuckled lightly.

"What are you laughing at?" Su Lian turned her head to look at the person.

Chi's smile still persisted, and he said lazily, "I used to come with Lin Yan, but compared to you, I'm happier with you."

Su Lian froze for a moment: "What's the difference?"

Chi said nonchalantly: "He drove into the grass the first time he was on the track, his tires got stuck, and he was in a terrible mess. You are different. You were heroic and handsome the first time."

"Who did you learn your flattering skills from? Write a book." Su Lian was dumbfounded.

Chi Wan pursed his lips, very swollen: "I am born with a good eloquence, there is nothing I can do about it."

The master in front heard the conversation between the two, and interrupted: "You guys just played racing? Brother, I also dreamed of being a racing driver when I was young."

Chi was amused: "So in the end it's about life, did you choose to drive a taxi?"

It really is the difference between dreams and reality, separated by a distance like the Great Rift Valley in East Africa.

"Don't look at me like this now, my driving skills are amazing." Seeing that people didn't believe it, the master suddenly put into gear to speed up, and drove up the Panlong Interchange at a tricky angle.

On the winding road, swaying left and right, overtaking continuously, the rear of the car almost flew out.

The two of them were thrown almost unsteadily on the back seat. Su Lian grabbed the upper armrest and still swayed uncontrollably from side to side.

In the chaos, his knee bumped into Chi Huang's thigh, and he tilted suddenly, and the whole person was about to fall along with the inertia of movement.

"Be careful." Chi Huang raised his hand to support his shoulders, and held him directly in his arms, so as to prevent his own people from killing each other again.

Xin said that today it seems that the whole world is helping and assisting, but this method is a bit too wild.

"I'm going to throw up." Su Lian raised her head and silently mouthed to him.

Teacher Xiao Su who dared not speak out, Chi Wang was so cute that he was going to faint, so he followed suit, wrinkled his nose and answered him silently: "Understand."

Su Lian complained quietly again: "It's really uncomfortable."

"Be patient, respect the master's dream." Chi Wan whispered back close to his ear, his palm slid down bit by bit on the arched back through the shirt.

Despite a distance of fifty minutes, she arrived at the destination in thirty minutes. Su Lian's face was pale, her chest felt tight, and when she stood on the ground, she felt as if she was floating.

"How about it, do you see the shadow of a racing driver?" The master boasted while collecting money.

Chi Wang nodded with a suppressed smile: "It's a pity that the FI racing car doesn't have you."

He closed the car door, turned his head to look at Su Lian who was bent over and supported his knees, and asked, "Are you okay?"

"I drove the karting all afternoon and didn't get motion sickness. This big brother is really good at it." Su Lian took a few deep breaths and stood up slowly, "Let's go in first."

Chi Wang followed and walked a few steps, keenly smelling something was wrong, a large smell of Chinese herbal medicine came from all directions, and the lethality could be called the strongest damage in the magic world.

He asked nervously, "What kind of place is this?"

Seemingly coming here often, Su Lian turned a corner and walked in while explaining: "The largest tonic market in Wucheng, where you can buy a lot of good things."

Chi Huang's breath stagnates: "..."

Holding people in his arms along the way, he happily imagined many possible scenarios.

For example, in order to help him celebrate his progress in the exam, Su Lian had a delicious romantic dinner.

Or, Electric City, a place full of innocence and happiness, is also quite good to let off steam all night.

No matter how bad it is, reading in the Yeyou City library is barely acceptable.

Unexpectedly, it was because his imagination was too barren, and the dry land was completely cracked.

Passing by many small shops on the road, there are neat glass jars on the stalls, which are filled with various animal carcasses.

Huge giant spiders with teeth and claws, densely packed silkworm chrysalis, snakes that bend and make your scalp tingle, and many things that don't make sense...

Avoiding looking directly at the pile of scary animals, Chi Wan clenched his fist and coughed lightly: "What do you want to buy? Didn't you still have the ones you bought in the supermarket last time?"

"The quality of that batch was not very good, but the ones here are more authentic." Su Lian turned into a shop in the alley, and greeted the boss, who looked like a regular customer.

"Here, the item you asked me for last time has arrived for several days, and I will keep it for you. You can wait for me to bring it to you." The boss replied with a smile, and turned around to enter the warehouse behind.

Chi Wang looked at the price on the label and said in a low voice, "The things here look quite expensive."

"High-protein supplements are not cheap. Fortunately, you transferred the tuition fee for the holiday." Su Lian calmed down the nausea just now, grabbed a few herbal medicines and put them up to her nose to smell them.

Chi Wan: "..."

Why are the uses of supplementary tuition fees so strange every time? It's either a horn or a tonic, what surprises can you give me

He just kept praying in his heart, Su Lian just bought it back for his father, it had nothing to do with him.

The boss took out the packing bag and said with a smile: "The Chinese herbal medicines are formulated according to the list you gave last time. They are all ready. You can order."

Su Lian lowered his eyes and took them out to check one by one. Chi Wang's lowered eyes landed on the jar of cicada chrysalis, and he quickly looked away.

Hiss, a bad premonition suddenly surged in my heart, and the epic perverted dark cuisine seemed to be appearing again.

If what made Su Lian happy was visiting the tonic market, he suddenly felt palpitations about his future life.

Save the child, he fell in love with a cool guy who likes to be weird.

"Scanned the code, please check it." Su Lian paid the money and walked out with the bag, looking happy.

Chi Wan said cautiously: "Who is it for?"

"I feel that my immunity is not very good recently. I will go into winter immediately and replenish myself." As a doctor, Su Lian is very familiar with his own physical condition. Since going back in time many times, it is indeed much worse than before.

After all, Chi Wang's accident has not yet happened, and if the watch is forced to be used again in the future, he has to be fully prepared.

Chi Huang breathed a sigh of relief, and nodded slightly: "Yes, you are too thin, you should make up more."

Seeing it was scary, Su Lian smiled and didn't say much.

The two went back to the old city and walked towards Su Lian's house along the alley. Chi Wang slowed down his pace, wanting to prolong the time alone with his sweetheart.

The alley was long and silent, and the shoulders of the two of them swayed away if they seemed to touch each other, no different from the young couple pressing the road.

For the first time, Chi Wang hoped that this road would never end, so that he and Su Lian could go on forever.

It's a pity that after detours, she finally reached the door of the house. Su Lian bent down to open the door, and raised her hand to turn on the light in the living room.

Looking at the young man in white, with the toe of Chi Wan's shoe touching the threshold, he said leisurely: "I'm very happy today, do you want to have another supper together?"

"Are you hungry?" Su Lian stood in the door, tilting her head slightly.

"It's a little bit, I didn't even eat dinner." Chi Wang complained, "You haven't helped me celebrate my progress in the exam."

Su Lian pursed her lips, then quickly let go: "I'm going to cook, why don't we come together?"

Chi Wang showed surprise, and walked into the house with long legs unconsciously: "Can you cook? Are you good at cooking or soup? I don't mind, I can eat anything."

Su Lian asked back, "Eat everything?"

"Well, I like to eat everything you cook." Chi Wang turned his head and closed the door, and sat down on the sofa in a happy mood, "Do you need my help?"

"No, you are a guest, just sit down." Afraid of getting his shirt dirty, Su Lian hung an apron around his neck, bent down and entered the kitchen.

Chi Wang tapped the sofa with his fingertips, half-closed his eyes and looked at the people busy in the kitchen, feeling that he had foreseen the sweetness of married life in advance.

His eyes fell on the waist tied with the apron, which was very thin, outlining the beautiful curve of the waist and hips. Under the dim light, it looks quiet and gentle.

Chi Wang propped his chin and stared at people without blinking, and heard the sizzling sound of the oil pan, and after a while, there was a mouth-watering aroma of cooking vegetables.

That's great, I used to want to have a relationship with Su Lian, but now I'm even more aggressive, and I want to take him home and become his wife.

An hour later, Su Lian brought several dishes to the table. There are stir-fried vegetables and soups, all of which are delicious in color, fragrance and taste, making people greedy just looking at them.

It's really not bragging, as expected of Mr. Su, who has excellent cooking skills. With this skill, making vegetable porridge and health paste is a waste.

"It smells so good." Chi Wang pulled out the stool and sat down, just holding chopsticks in his hands, ready to feast.

With a bang, a bowl of black things fell in front of my eyes.

Chi was stunned, unable to look away: "What is this?"

Su Lian sat down next to him, and explained lightly: "Since you also need to supplement protein, I made porridge with the cicada chrysalis I just bought, which is the staple food for tonight."

Chi Wan: "..."

The gate is locked, is there still time to escape

The author has something to say: Susu: Are you afraid of loving me

Wang Ye: Thank you for the invitation, I am... happy, I want to... marry