Nonlinear Love

Chapter 48


Chi Wang untied the scarf around his neck, and wrapped the other end around Su Lian's neck.

Under the moonlight, the nostrils of the two teenagers were intertwined, forming a thin mist in the cold air, and between opening and closing their mouths, they were about to touch each other an inch forward.

It's too close, so close that you can see the curvature of the eyelashes clearly, and hear the restrained heartbeat, which seems to be the unbroken calm before the arrogance.

Su Lian felt that the exposed nape of the neck between the scarf and the collar was lightly pinched, and that piece of skin was so hot that it was about to catch fire.

He looked into Shang Chi's eyes, obviously he didn't drink tonight, but he seemed to have fallen into a little drunk, and the emotions of each other were a little out of control.

Chi Wang approached slowly, and when he was about to touch him, there was a sound of turning over from the back room.

Su Lian was startled suddenly, subconsciously tilted her head, and the kiss landed on her earlobe, which was astonishingly hot.

"My dad is here." Su Lian's chest heaved, her voice was so hoarse that she could hardly speak.

It's been too long since I've been close, even if I'm only a little closer, I feel my heartbeat is so fast that I'm about to lose control.

Chi Wan lowered his head slightly, and smiled close to the man's ear: "It's so late, uncle still stays up, spoiling my good deeds."

He pursed his lips, the touch still remained on it, very soft and hot.

"Forget it, let's go." Su Lian stretched out his hand to hold the person, without using much strength, he just pushed the person into the alley.

"So shy, what should I do in the future." Chi Wan sighed softly, grabbed his wrist, and rubbed him into his arms again, "I can see that you are in a bad mood."

Being hugged firmly into that black coat, it seemed that the soul that had been floating all night finally fell into reality.

Su Lian's hand was hanging in the air, hesitating for a few seconds, and then slowly closed it, hugging Chi Wang back.

The alley fell into silence again, except for the sound of the wind, the sound of trees and the beating of the heart, nothing could be heard clearly.

"Why did you call me back?" Chi Juan asked in a low voice.

With the last bit of reason remaining, Su Lian said, "I want to remind you to be careful on the road."

Chi Wang persisted, "You said just now that Christmas Eve was a happy day, but now it's changed?"

He seemed to have vaguely touched Su Lian's anxiety, but he didn't want to back down. Su Lian's character is too sensitive, just a light touch will push the distance between them back apart after so much effort.

He is willing to spend time to entangle with him like this, but the atmosphere is so good tonight, so he suddenly wants more greedily.

I want to walk into his barren heart and plant a rose that never fades.

"Chi Wang, I can't describe to you how I feel right now, but..." Su Lian hugged him tighter, as if in the cold winter night, he needed the body temperature of his sweater to keep warm.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and said with difficulty: "But, I'm really working hard."

Chi Huang felt his heart was stabbed lightly, and his soreness was severe: "Okay, I get it, I was too impatient."

"I'm sorry." A thick mist formed in Su Lian's eyes, and the emotions that had been suppressed just now surged up again.

After experiencing such a change tonight, he repeatedly told himself not to think too much, and learn to cherish the people in front of him.

But every time I finish convincing myself, the fear and bewilderment of the future is still unavoidable.

He struggled desperately between the two emotions, pulling repeatedly, about to be torn in two.

Obviously, the pain in my heart was even more uncomfortable when I went back in time, but now I feel so painful that I can hardly breathe.

What if it was Chi Huang lying there today, and he couldn't go back again.

The person hugging in front of him is warm, but he has touched Chi Wang's extremely cold and unconscious body before.

Su Lian didn't dare to think about it, nor did she want to think about it.

Chi Huang rubbed his head and said in a low voice, "Don't say sorry, I don't like to hear it."

"Okay, I won't say anything." Su Lian lowered her head and rubbed lightly on his shoulder.

"Go to bed early, okay? I'll watch you go in before you leave." Chi Wang took off the scarf from his neck and wrapped it all around his neck. "I'll borrow it from you and return it to me on Monday."

Su Lian nodded, the scarf blocked her sharp chin, her voice was scattered into the wind: "Okay, then I'll go in, you hurry home."

"Well, good night." Chi Wang leaned against the door, watching the door open, the shadows in the room came out for a moment, and then slowly closed.

Su Lian raised her hand to touch the scarf around her neck, which still had the warmth left by Chi Huang.

With his back against the door, he squatted down slowly, throwing himself into the endless darkness.

In the next few days, Chi Wang found that Su Lian seemed to be avoiding him, and he didn't make it obvious, but would quietly move away a little when his body touched.

I don't know if it was because of the kiss I almost had that night, or because of those out-of-control emotions.

Chi Wang felt puzzled, but he didn't dare to ask more questions.

The two seem to be carefully maintaining their relationship with each other, and no one dares to touch that sensitive boundary again.

It’s just that the same couple’s bracelets were not taken off, and they were hidden in the heavy winter clothes. Occasionally when I raised my wrist when doing a question, a piece of silver would be exposed, and Chi Wang would feel at ease again.

He thought, Su Lian just needed some time.

The day before New Year's Day is the performance time for each grade. After the two classes in the afternoon, the sophomore students entered the auditorium one after another, sat down next to each other according to the class position, and waited to watch the cultural performance of each class.

Chi Wang sat down next to Su Lian, touched his icy wrist with his fingers, and asked in a low voice, "Are you nervous? We will play fifth."

"Don't be nervous, just treat them as radishes in the field." Su Lian looked up at him with a calm expression.

Chi was amused: "If you say that, your classmates will want to cry."

Gu Anjiu moved his head closer and lowered his voice: "I just went to the group to take a peek, and a lot of people from other grades came over. Did you see the group of girls standing behind the auditorium? They are all fucking here to see you two of."

Su Lian turned her head lightly, had a face-to-face meeting with the excited group of girls, and looked away again: "The two of us have nothing to see."

"You don't understand their kind of happiness in eating CP. You don't have to round up when the host is performing together. This is really a wedding scene." It’s really awesome to have professional shooting equipment.”

Su Lian let out an oh, which was regarded as an answer.

He looked ahead, the first program was a boring skit, he didn't care too much about what was being said.

Scattered laughter came from all around, making the whole place even more embarrassing, Su Lian couldn't laugh.

Since Christmas Eve, his emotions have become more repetitive. Song Jiaci's accident was like a trigger, which almost completely detonated the emotions he wanted to suppress.

After the kiss that almost went off that night, he was about to let go several times in the past few days, wanting to ignore it, but when facing Chi Wang countless times, he hesitated to speak.

He was afraid that the liking he had unintentionally revealed would give hope, and if he showed timidity and retreat, it would be disappointing. He didn't want to repeat and hurt Chi Wang again and again.

No matter what, Su Lian decided to perform well tonight, as a way to leave the best youthful memory for him and Chi Wang.

The program slowly progressed to the fourth group, and Li Guoqing came over to greet them to go to the backstage to prepare.

Comrade Lao Li glanced at everyone and expressed his high hopes: "I look forward to your performance and try to give us the first place."

Chi Wang was still as confident as ever: "That is inevitable."

The drum kit quietly moved up from the right side of the stage, and several teenagers looked in the mirror to prepare their appearance, waiting to appear on stage.

Song Jiaci hugged the guitar, his small face was slightly wrinkled, and he was very nervous: "I, what if I forget the score?"

"It's okay, I'm still here." Lin Yan hugged the guitar of the same style, and gently plucked the strings with his fingers to adjust the pitch to the best.

"There's me too." Gu Anjiu raised the triangle iron and knocked twice.

Everyone laughed, and the atmosphere was very lively.

Chi let out a sigh of relief, stood in front of Su Lian, and raised his hand to help him straighten his collar: "Su Lian, the new year is about to enter, be happy and smile more."

"Well, I'll try my best to smile." Su Lian thought he was talking about acting, and struggled to pull out a smile, which was uglier than a deadpan face.

"Next, students from Class 6, Grade 2 will bring a band to perform "You Are Not Really Happy". Please."

The voice of the host's announcement came from outside, and before the words fell, the screams that could not be suppressed directly covered the audience, almost toppling the roof.

In the midst of this noisy excitement, Chi Wan shook his head lightly: "That's not what I'm talking about, you chose this song before, I've been thinking about it for a long time these days, and I think this is probably the mood you want to express. No matter what happens to the two of us, no matter what concerns you have or your past, I want you to be happy, you know?"

When I first chose this song, everyone rejected it. Although the rhythm is strong, the lyrics are too sad and not suitable for such a joyful atmosphere in the New Year.

But Su Lian didn't listen to it anyway, and insisted on choosing. He just felt that this song almost completely described his situation at this moment.

His secret emotions towards Chi Wang, the sweetness of the past and the pain of today, struggle and compromise, helplessness and heartbeat, are all expressed in the song.

Because I can't say it, I can only sing it to him.

Although there are many, many incommunicable memories between them, at this second, he felt that Chi Huang completely understood his mood.

Su Lian hummed, raised her hand to help him fasten the top button of his shirt, and smiled sincerely: "Okay, let's go on stage."

The curtain opened, five people appeared on the stage, went to stand in their respective positions.

Lin Yan and Song Jiaci stood together with their guitars on their backs, while Gu Anjiu held a triangle and smiled brightly at the audience.

Chi Wang sat on the edge of the drum set with his long legs open, still all in black, too cool.

It's just that this time the texture of the shirt has been changed to satin. With a little movement, the clothes stick to the skin, and the strong lines can be vaguely seen, which has a very contradictory sense of luxury and sexiness.

Su Lian was dressed in white, and stood in front of the microphone stand in the middle of the stage, like a flower in a high mountain that was out of reach, repelling people thousands of miles away, aloof and desolate.

He tucked half of his hem into his trousers, and the other half hung loosely, adding a bit of laziness to the coldness.

The lights fell from the darkness, forming dots of light on the stage, and there were uncontrollable screams from the audience.

The youthful and flying teenagers they love are standing on the stage, dazzling like the stars of tonight's New Year's Eve.

Su Lian turned her face to the side, nodded at Chi Huang, and signaled to start.

When the prelude to the music sounded, Chi Wan raised his chin slightly, stepped on the bass drum, and at the same time raised his hand neatly and knocked down the two cymbals.

The youthful and reckless teenagers have always been the focus of everyone's attention. A series of rhythmic drums sounded, directly pushing the quiet scene just now to a climax.

Su Lian let go of her old coldness, with a faint smile on her face, holding the microphone stand with one hand, lowering her head slightly, and singing softly.

The boy's voice is clear and gentle, unhurried in the intense accompaniment, like a narration.

Every line of the lyrics is like a blunt knife piercing the heart, slowly lingering in the heart.

After losing Chi Wang once, he really felt that there would be no more heartache or heartbeat. From that day on, he locked himself into an isolated world.

He couldn't explain the unreasonable closure and sadness, so he sang it completely to Chi Huating through the lyrics.

The sound of the drums is getting heavier, and the singing is getting lighter. There is a movement and a silence, which are obviously contradictory, but they are also integrated.

The people in the audience couldn't understand the sourness and lingering in it, but because the song was famous, they gradually followed, and the audience joined in the chorus.

There is a smile without worry on the young faces, as if the future will always be bright and grand, and the people in the song know the twists and turns.

Singing to the point of deep affection, Su Lian couldn't help but look at Chi Wang, who was beating the drum on the right, and said slowly:

"I'm standing on your left, but it's like a galaxy across the way."

"Is it true that I will hold regrets until I grow old?"

"Then regret it."

The boy seemed to have sensed it, raised his eyes and looked at each other, and smiled gently at him, his appearance in his teens and twenties slowly overlapped.

Be sure at this moment that they are the same person and have never changed.

Su Lian's eyes were intertwined with his, and many memories of the past flashed through his mind like a flower.

Suddenly remembered when Chi Huan passed away, he sat in front of the tombstone for a day and a night, looking at the young and handsome face in the photo, regretting and blaming himself every second.

I didn't have time to take the initiative to kiss and hug several times.

I didn't have time to make up the missed appointment for surgery.

I didn't have time to cook him a good meal.

I didn't have time to say a few words "I love you" in my ear.

Many, many possibilities, at the moment when Chi Huan's heartbeat stopped, became eternal regrets at that time.

But now that they meet again when they were young, should they love each other boldly and make up for so many regrets in the past

At this moment of looking at each other, I don’t know if the screaming off the field stimulated the impulse, or the content of the lyrics touched the heart, or the fixed gaze of that person was too gentle.

Su Lian realized that he regretted it.

You shouldn't refuse the confession from the top of the mountain that day because you are timid about the future, you should give him the answer you want most on his birthday.

He wanted to tell Chi Wang that it was never his wishful thinking alone, it was a mutual affection, and it was an obsession.

No matter what happens in the future, how long his life can last, one year, three years, five years...

He is willing to be a little more brave, to learn to love passionately and boldly.

The music stopped, and a section of rhythm was added suddenly, which was a section that had never been rehearsed before. Su Lian froze on the stage.

Chi Huang stopped the drumming, everything was silent, the audience was quiet, it was so quiet that one could clearly hear the beating hearts of the two teenagers on the stage because of their youthful liking.

Chi Wan put the drumstick aside, picked up the microphone next to him, and in the next second, a very low voice came out:

"You deserve real happiness and you should take off the protective colors you wear."

"Why lose it and still be punished."

"Can you just let the sadness end at this moment?"

"Start loving again."

Su Lian never knew that Chi Wan sang so beautifully, with a voice like a subwoofer, like a whisper.

No time to care about the reaction of the audience, he watched Chi Huang getting closer and closer to him, his eyes fogged up, and he was sore that he was almost on the verge of tears.

He was indeed punishing himself and Chi Huang with the previous sufferings. They did nothing wrong, they just lost each other because of the trick of fate, but tortured each other because of this sad past.

The screams from the audience almost overwhelmed the microphone, and Su Lian looked at him with tears in her smile. At this moment, all the torture was finally relieved.

They are still young, as long as they are brave and love each other, they can overcome everything.

The sound of the music gradually faded, Lin Yan quickly fiddled with a few notes, and played a new accompaniment, which seamlessly connected with the previous one.

Chi Wang stood side by side with Su Lian, and finished singing the last verse he wrote:

"I met you because of God's will or fate."

"Emotions, anger, sorrow, and joy have been led by you from now on."

"Happiness and sorrow are hidden in your eyes. I can't figure it out, but it doesn't matter."

"Stay where you are and wait for me to walk towards you."

The voice is extremely warm, and the lyrics hide the four-character confession. Under the witness of nearly a thousand people, it almost expresses love directly.

Su Lian thought, no one in the world could refuse such a gentle and hot Chi Wang.

The chasing light fell on Chi Wang, his whole body seemed to be glowing, he was not the moon, but the dazzling and warm sun.

Teenagers are always rampant, brave and fearless, boldly write their favorite words into the lyrics, and sing them to the teenagers he likes.

At the end of the song, the lights are on, the curtain is down, and the audience cheers.

In order to conceal their youthful liking, the five teenagers stood in a row, holding hands as if they were playing around, and bowed deeply to the audience.

Under everyone's gaze, Su Lian and Chi Wang finally held each other upright, with thin layers of sweat on their palms.

The applause from the audience was warm and long, like the blessings of all the guests at their fantasy wedding.

They have fallen in love, experienced suffering, loved and hated, gained and lost. Going around and going around, they meet again when they are young, but one has deep affection and the other never forgets.

The curtain fell and he left with a smile.

Su Lian clenched her hands that were still intertwined, her eyes were flushed, and the emotions in her chest seemed to explode, but her mind was blank.

Without saying a word, he turned around and dragged Chi Huangda out of the backstage, and hid sideways into the dark aisle beside the auditorium.

The long corridor was empty and silent, and the two stared at each other silently for a long time. Fingers entangled wantonly in the dim corner, and the afterglow of the evening stretched the shadows of the two teenagers who were intimate.

Chi Wang leaned his back against the wall, lowered his eyes slightly, and couldn't hide his love in his eyes: "Su Lian, have you heard the lyrics just now? I want to tell you on any occasion, I like..."

Before the words fell, the lips were sealed with a warm kiss, and there was no lingering sound.

In the last life, they privately decided their lives amidst the ringing of the New Year's bell. In this life, they kissed tenderly during the New Year's Eve celebration.

Su Lian thought to himself, maybe he and Chi Wang were really destined.

He recklessly kissed the corner of Chi Lu's lips, and whispered in a trembling temptation: "Brother Chi, I like you. It's too late to respond, I've been waiting for a long time."