Nonlinear Love

Chapter 64


The atmosphere in 403 fell into silence again.

Su Lian was quite familiar with this kind of silence, it was the reaction that everyone would have when they didn't know what expressions they were making and were extremely shocked.

I don't want to dial the watch anymore. Facts have proved that it is useless to go back to the scene of social death, and it is definitely a waste of opportunity.

He was leaning against the wall, with his hands hanging down, lying flat peacefully, laughing at will.

Song Jiaci looked around the dormitory, and stammered: "What, what's the new Gu Anjiu, you, don't scare me! It can't be, it's a ghost, right?"

"No ghosts, they are talking nonsense." Lin Yan comforted him.

"I'm not talking nonsense. Su Lian said that this person is Gu Anjiu, so who is this guy eating chicken legs?" Qi Tian pointed to the person who was still wearing a school uniform, with a look of disbelief.

His eyes fell on the little fat man, and he couldn't help shivering again.

Gu Anjiu immediately reacted, crazily rounded up the situation, and temporarily made up: "Well, I, I, I, I am Gu Anyuan, Gu Anjiu's younger brother."

He flattered and praised himself in his heart, he deserved to be my little cleverness, and he was really astoundingly clever.

Su Lian turned her head to look at the little fat man, her nervous expression relaxed a bit, and she closed the cabinet door halfway.

If you think fast enough, you won't have a late-night men's doubles in the dormitory.

"You and your brother look so similar, my God, this face is exactly the same, it really looks like the same person." Qi Tian breathed a sigh of relief, and raised his hand to wipe the sweat off his head, "I thought I saw a ghost, and I was shocked. "

Gu Anjiu hummed indiscriminately, raised his hand and pushed the new boy out of the door: "Hurry up and go back to the dormitory, the lights are about to be turned off."

"No, you're going to sleep with your brother tonight?" Qi Tian turned around, very puzzled, why did Gu Anjiu's younger brother seem to be so familiar with him when they met him for the first time

Gu Anjiu chatted nonchalantly with a calm face: "We two have a good relationship, can't we share a bed?"

The boy finally calmed down from the shock and asked, "... just a small bed that is only 1.2 meters long, can you still sleep a new little fat man?"

"Don't worry, the beds in the school are of good quality and won't collapse." Su Lian opened his mouth to make a relief.

But these words are very intriguing, Qi Tian stared at his expression, and murmured: "It sounds like you have slept with someone, a new man, he will definitely collapse."

Su Lian: "..."

This day is completely dead, there is no help.

Chi Wang was sweating profusely, and urged in a low voice, "Hurry up and go back, don't smear the ink."

I always feel that today's "Gu Anjiu" is particularly strong, no matter how I listen to it, I feel something is wrong. But since people have opened their mouths, it is inconvenient to stay longer.

"Oh, then you have a good rest, let's go." Qi Tian didn't stay any longer, hooked the boy's neck and left the dormitory door.

The door closed, and several people in the dormitory looked at each other, and collectively heaved a long sigh of relief.

Chi Huang tore off the school uniform on his head, his forehead was drenched with sweat: "What kind of chicken legs are you eating to open the door? Why don't you just stay there, and we will almost be found out about adultery."

"I'm so wronged, I'm so hungry, what's wrong with eating a chicken leg? Besides, didn't I help you get back together?" Gu Anjiu looked at his dangling feet, and asked with a frown, "Are you really sprained?"

"Well, I ran into Director Cheng on the way back, and almost gave up, and went into the grass. Fortunately, I ran into Liu Youyou to help push me away." Chi Wangsheng sat down on the chair next to him, his long legs struggling to support him. , A piercing pain in the ankle.

After listening to the retelling of the previous story, Lin Yan leaned on the table and complained: "You guys have really had ups and downs when you go out."

"Probably this is the fate of the two of us, unavoidable misfortune." Su Lian managed to recover from that breath, and took a few sips of water suddenly while pinching the cup.

As they talked, Chi Wan felt the phone vibrate.

He clicked on the dialog box and saw a long message from Liu Youyou: Don't worry, I will keep it secret. It's great to see my new teens who are in love with each other forever, there's nothing wrong with being gay, it's just that the world is too stupid to be biased. If you need shelter, I will try my best to be the umbrella that supports you until the day when you fully disclose it.

Chi Wang turned on the screen in front of Su Lian, sighed in a low voice, "Our CP fans are really good, I'm a little moved."

Su Lian lowered her eyes, her gaze fell on that passage, and she read it several times.

He used to think that people come to this world, come and go alone, and they are all alone in the end, until he met Chi Wang later.

Traveling back again, getting to know a group of lovely people like 403 and Class 5 again, it seems that the world that used to be black and white has become colorful and alive little by little.

Liu Youyou wanted to be that umbrella to keep out the rain, so Gu Anjiu, Lin Yan, and Song Jiaci were too.

In this intimate relationship, everyone is carefully helping them cover up and escort them all the way.

Su Lian thought to himself, even if there is a little bit of misfortune in the daily life, he and Chi Wang are indeed extremely lucky.

"Well, she is a good girl, find time to thank her well."

Su Lian took off Chi Wang's shoes aside, pinched his ankle with his fingertips to check it carefully, raised his head and said, "Xiao Jiu, can you find an ice pack, I need a cold compress."

"Where can I find it at this time... Should I go to the canteen and ask my auntie?" Gu Anjiu quickly gnawed the chicken leg, muttered, and put a coat on his body, "Wait for me for a few minutes."

"Okay, let's go back to your dormitory first, and I'll help you there." Su Lian pulled him up from his seat, and the newcomer leaned shoulder to shoulder and walked forward with difficulty.

Lin Yan got up quickly, raised his hand to grab Chi Wang's other side to support him, and limped into the opposite door.

"Take good care of him, and call me when you need it." The young couple wanted to be alone, and Lin Yan closed the door of 404 very discerningly.

Chi Wang stood propped against the wall, raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his head, feeling sticky all over his body covered by the school uniform: "No, I have to take a shower, it's too hot."

Su Lian hummed, then buried her head and dragged out the small medicine box in the cabinet: "You go."

"I sprained my ankle."


"So can you wash it for me?"

"Didn't you break your hand and can't hold the shower?"

Chi Wang frowned, and said solemnly: "The bathroom is very slippery, are you not afraid that I will fall again?"

Su Lian was stunned for a few seconds, then reluctantly compromised: "Okay, I will help you."

Chi smiled and hopped into the bathroom on one leg, quickly took off his clothes and threw them into the laundry basket, with an expression on his face that he was coming to serve me.

The shower in the bathroom was turned on, Su Lian helped the person who had finished taking off his clothes to stand in, and lowered his head to adjust the temperature.

Water droplets splashed everywhere, and some bits and pieces fell on Su Lian's thin T-shirt, leaving an ambiguous wet mark.

"You don't take it off? Your clothes get wet easily." Chi Huang tugged on his collar and kindly reminded him.

Su Lian pressed the neckline back, her ears turned slightly red, and she replied in a low voice, "I'm afraid you won't be able to hold it back, and I'm also afraid of myself."

The voice is very soft, with a little shyness that is not visible.

Falling into Chi Wan's eyes, he felt so cute, he couldn't help laughing out loud: "It turns out that Teacher Xiao Su is also greedy for my body, it's so fresh."

Su Lian glared back at him, finally adjusted the water temperature to a comfortable level, and poured water on the person: "Your leg is still hurt, don't talk if you don't want your arm to be disabled too."

If you really are thin-skinned, you can't take a joke.

Chi Huan lowered his head and smiled, and obediently stood where he was and wiped the bath liquid on his body, forming a layer of foam. Mixed with the water, slowly sliding down the muscles, the scene is very fragrant.

Su Lian turned his eyes away, held the man's arm against the wall and pressed it, and mechanically flushed water on his body.

His gaze inadvertently fell on the mole on his lower abdomen, and his Adam's apple tightened: "Didn't you say you want to remove it?"

"What?" Chi Wan raised his hand to wipe off the water on his face, but didn't react for a while.


"We all know it's the same person, whoever hits whoever is an idiot. However, seeing how impressive you are, have you done anything before?"

As soon as the words fell, he was suddenly doused with water from the shower.

Su Lian pressed the person against the wall, and walked out in damp clothes, "You wash it yourself."

I don't know which sentence provoked people, Chi Wang looked down at the mole on his lower abdomen while flushing the water, and fell into deep thought.

What the hell are you doing, so shy? Thinking of the scene of Su Lian kissing his collarbone last time, he suddenly felt short of breath.

Fuck, is it that exciting

There were continuous knocks on the door, Su Lian got up from the small sofa and opened the door, and saw Gu Anjiu standing outside the door with an obedient face.

"Here's your ice pack." The tone was also very respectful, for fear of offending anyone.

"Thank you." Su Lian reached out to take it, looked at the person who was standing still, raised her eyebrows slightly, "Is there anything else?"

Gu Anjiu swallowed his saliva, and said cautiously: "You, your clothes are wet, and they are all stuck to your body."

Su Lian lowered her eyes and took a look. The thin clothes were against her skin, and there was nothing to hide. After a second of reaction, he slammed the door shut, his face flushed.

Chi Wan limped out of the bathroom and was wiping the water off his head: "Your face is so red, what's wrong?"

"It's okay, blow your head, I'll go change clothes." Su Lian randomly pulled a shirt from the cabinet, went into the bathroom and quickly changed the soaked clothes.

When he came out again, Chi Wang was sitting on the small sofa staring at the direction of the bathroom in a daze.

Su Lian was slightly smaller than his frame, and the size of the shirt fit him loosely. The neckline scattered new ones randomly, revealing a new beautiful collarbone.

Even though it was covered tightly, I couldn't see anything, but it felt stronger than the impact of the tie wrapped around my wrist last time.

Chi Wang bent his injured leg, and after a few seconds of relaxation, he sincerely praised: "Su Daji, you look so good in my shirt."

Every time Chi Wang called him that, Su Lian knew that this man must have some charming thoughts in his heart.

But in this situation, it is not appropriate to do anything, but this person's ankle is still red and swollen.

He grabbed the ice pack and pressed it against the back of his feet, a burst of cold air spread from the soles of his feet to his heart.

Chi Huang took a deep breath, realized the truth, pursed his lips and said, "Forget it, you pretend I didn't say anything."

Su Lian laughed and cursed: "It's really promising."

Chi Lu's foot injury didn't look serious, but he recovered very slowly. Gu Anjiu took the initiative to undertake the task of receiving and delivering due to the desire to make up for it.

The little fat man carried people up and down the stairs every day, and after a week passed, he really lost a lot of weight.

The temperature in the fog city is getting higher and higher, and it is so hot that people can't breathe. It seems that spring really enters summer in the blink of an eye.

The second year of senior high school is drawing to a close. The previously noisy classrooms are no longer noisy. Every class is quietly working on the questions. The entire second year of senior high school building seems to have been silently pressed the mute button.

When the final exam is over, they will officially become senior high school candidates who will sprint for the college entrance examination.

Towards the end of the period, Chi Wan worked harder than before. He thought to himself that if he missed the class placement in the third year of high school, he might not be able to be in the same class as Su Lian again after graduation.

Every time he thought of this, he pretended to be calm on the surface, but he was extremely anxious in his heart.

So the time to go to bed became later and later, racing against time.

He was no longer the countdown person who looked at the questions with a dazed face in the past. On his previous birthday, Su Lian gave him a thick stack of exercises, which came in handy. As time passed, the speed of completing the questions became faster and faster.

Every time he got one more question right, he felt that the distance between him and Su Lian was a little bit closer.

On the day when the final grades came out, Su Lian was temporarily dragged to work as a free worker to count the grades.

Chi Wang was anxious and insisted on going with him, saying that he wanted to witness a miracle on the spot.

Seeing the newcomer enter the office door, Director Cheng sat in the office holding a teacup, jokingly said, "How does Chi Wan feel this time?"

"It's not bad." Chi Wang said very conservatively. After finding out the results of each subject and adding them together, the scores are not bad, but he doesn't know how the ranking is.

"I heard that you have made great progress recently. Do you really want to be admitted to the experimental class?" Director Cheng smiled and blew a mouthful of tea, and said with a hint, "You two... What are you doing there with your heads together?"

"Director Cheng's words are very funny. After breaking up, you can't study hard? Isn't the task of students to improve their grades?"

Chi Huan lazily stood leaning against the table, and replied coldly, with undiminished momentum.

Li Guoqing really couldn't stand it anymore, and raised his voice to chime in: "Chi Wang has passed more than one hundred in the last monthly exam, and he has made such great progress in one semester, and he can't find one in the whole third middle school. Director Cheng, don't look down on people, the result is very bad. May let you."

Director Cheng clicked his tongue: "Mr. Li, I know you protect the students in your class, but the top 50 is said to be able to pass the exam? Don't those more than 100 students in the whole grade work hard? They also want to move forward You can take the exam, but the further you go, the harder it is to make progress, you and I both understand the truth. You see that every time Chi Wang took the exam, he improved by 300 people, didn’t he improve by a few dozen last time?”

Due to his status as director, Li Guoqing turned his head angrily and drank half a glass of water.

Su Lian stood next to counting the scores with a blank face, feeling extremely irritated.

If he had a 502 in his hand, he would turn his head and seal Cheng Laogou's mouth.

"Is it because I transferred Su Lian away before, and the sixth class lost its support, so are you angry with me?" Director Cheng stared at Li Guoqing with a half-smile.

Li Guoqing raised his hand to touch his bald head, and sneered: "If Chi Wang can really enter the top 50 in the exam, I will definitely not keep him. Every student I bring out hopes that he will be better, even if he is in the final exam. Under the name of Class Five, I won't say a word."

Su Lian interrupted the newcomers in a low voice: "The scores of the whole grade have been recorded, and the rankings will start now."

When the teachers who were chatting in the office heard this, they all gathered around in unison, it was no big deal to watch a good show.

A teacher in the next class scanned Su Lian's score, and was very surprised: "You got 726 this time? Self-transcendence, this is, it is definitely the first again."

"Well, the topic is not difficult this time." Su Lian was very modest, and responded casually, and clicked to sort.

A thin layer of sweat gradually formed on the palms of his hands. To be honest, he was no less nervous than Chi Wang.

The newcomers looked at each other across the desk, their expressions were tense, and both were silent.

The grades of the whole grade were quickly arranged in descending order. Su Lian scrolled the mouse, and every time she scrolled down, her heart beat a little harder.

Soon after seeing Chi Wan's name, the sliding hand stopped, and the beating heart fell back to its original place.

Su Lian paused for a moment, looked at the crowd as if he was trying to shut up, and then said slowly: "Chi Wang got 48th place in the exam this time."

"Fuck, wipe the thread, it's dangerous." Chi Juan cursed in a low voice, and heaved a long sigh of relief.

"Really?" Director Cheng jumped up from the chair, walked quickly to the computer, and pushed his glasses in disbelief.

Seeing the ranking and scores, he turned his head to look at Chi Wang again, his face full of shock: "You got 687 points in the test? Did you take the test?"

The score is close to 700. Is this really the score that the school bully who cut classes and sleeps can get in the test

Director Cheng shook his head, and looked at the subdivisions carefully again, still finding it ridiculous.

"Well, I passed the test by myself, do I need to do another set of questions for my paper?" Chi Wan put his hands in his pockets, very stubborn.

Li Guoqing waved his hands again and again: "It's impossible for him to cheat. I watched him slowly climb up from more than 900 people step by step. Last time, he performed abnormally in physics and dragged down a lot of scores. This time, I think he did well in the physics test. .”

Director Cheng pursed his lips in embarrassment, and went through the conversation just now in his mind. This situation is very slapping.

Li Guoqing patted Chi Wang's shoulder quite relieved: "Good job, don't take it lightly when you go to Class 5, my students, Li Guoqing, must be the best wherever they go."

Chi Wang replied with a smile: "I would also like to thank Mr. Li, the language did not disappoint you this time, right?"

"Wait, who told you that if you get into the top 50 in the exam, you will definitely be able to go to the experimental class?" Director Cheng folded his arms.

"Director Cheng wants to go back on what he says?" Chi Huang twitched his lips, took out his phone from his trouser pocket, and clicked on the recording to play.

Several conversations echoed clearly in the office:

"Student Chi Wan, if you have excellent grades, of course you can go."

"If I can enter the top fifty, I can also enter the same experimental class, right?"

"In theory, it is, but our school is the city's key point, and the top 50 go straight to Qingbei, you don't know it?"

Chi Wang squeezed the phone, smiled lazily and said, "The evidence is all there, so many teachers are listening, isn't it appropriate to regret it?"

In fact, Chi Bianhai had promised himself before that there would be no problem changing shifts, but he just wanted to take this opportunity to choke Cheng Laogou.

Obviously, the effect is outstanding and very refreshing.

The expression of the person in front of him turned from red to blue, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "Are you still recording?"

"Youth in the new era must learn to make good use of high technology, so as not to run into unreasonable people, and be bitten by a dog and can't speak clearly." Chi Huang put away his phone and put it back in his pocket, "Next semester I'm starting to take Director Cheng's class, and I look forward to meeting you."

It looked like he was still standing or not, no different from the ruffian boy in the past, but subtly, a huge change had taken place.

Director Cheng pursed his lips, unable to say anything more.

Seeing people being deflated, Su Lian was overjoyed, and added a knife: "You should be happy that you have another proud student." After being choked by a new person who was younger than himself, Director Cheng turned away angrily.

Seeing people leave, Su Lian touched Chi Wang's arm: "You can call your father to announce the good news."

"My dad is probably going to die of joy." Chi Wang clicked on Comrade Lao Chi's dialog box, took a photo of the report card and sent it over.

"Celebrate well, I'm really happy for you." Li Guoqing took off his glasses and wiped the corners of his eyes, "I'm very emotional when I think that Chi Wangao is still counting down when it ends. It's really amazing to have made such progress in just one year." Great. You are good boys who deserve a better life."

In this world, there are indifferent workers like Director Cheng, and good teachers like Li Guoqing. Old Li has already seen through everything in those daily details. Su Lian and Chi Wang have heard the truth clearly. .

Chi Huan took the initiative to say: "In the future, when someone asks me who the head teacher is, I will definitely report your name."

"I don't care about this. It's a holiday. Let's go play. We should call it a day." Li Guoqing smiled and hooked the new boy's shoulders, walked out of the office with his head down, and added, "It's better to keep a low profile. Ah, after the college entrance examination, you can be as presumptuous as you like."

Su Lian and Chi Wan nodded, smiling, and walked down the stairs side by side to the teaching building.

It was already midsummer at this time, the cicadas were chirping, and the sun was shining down on the treetops, which was very dazzling. The new boy walked onto the tree-lined avenue in the school that he had passed countless times, with the wind blowing by his ears, he felt relaxed physically and mentally for the first time.

After all, they have a long way to go, and the future can be expected.

Hearing the good news, Chi Bianhai was really the happiest one, waved his hand, and insisted on having a big banquet, inviting a large group of friends to show off.

It was obviously just a simple final exam, but the ostentation was full of excitement. They picked a five-star hotel, and abruptly made it a feast for getting into Qingbei.

At the end of summer in June, the magnificently lit banquet hall was buzzing with people.

Of course, Su Lian was also invited to be on the list, and Chi Bianhai introduced the tutor one by one to his friends one by one with his arms around his shoulders.

"This is Su Lian, the first grader in No. 3 Middle School, who is going to be the number one in the college entrance examination. He is also a good friend of our family Chi Wang. Thanks to his help, our Chi Wang can achieve such good grades."

Comrade Lao Chi was full of complacency, as if he had another biological son for a while, and he wanted to show it off to the world.

The parents led the newcomers past a few tables, Su Lian looked at the smiling faces, feeling dazed for no reason, always felt like his wedding with Chi Wang.

The house was full of guests, laughing and laughing, and they toasted table by table, accepting everyone's good wishes.

Hearing the introduction, the bystanders congratulated and said: "The newcomers are so good-looking and have good grades, so why don't we leave a way for our children to survive?"

As he spoke, he turned his head and glared at his own child, with a look of disgust on his face.

The peers who were inexplicably lying on the gun were very speechless and forced to remain silent.

The man said, "I heard that your new company has done well recently. This is a double joy."

"It's an exaggeration, but I'm really doing well recently, and everything is going well." Chi Bianhai had a happy face, and his usually serious expression was rarely accompanied by a smile.

Just as he was talking, his phone vibrated, and Chi Bianhai patted the new boy on the shoulder: "I'm going to answer a work call."

"Okay, don't worry about us." Su Lian nodded, staggered back to her seat and sat down.

From a distance, watching Chi Bianhai's expression gradually became serious, as if he was arguing with someone.

He turned his head and asked Chi Wang in a low voice: "Is your father okay?"

"All the equipment of the new company will be mass-produced soon, what can he do, he is very happy recently." Chi said with a smile, "Don't be so preoccupied every day, this time is so smooth, be happy."

Su Lian hummed, a little drunk, propping her chin in a daze, her gaze gradually lost sight of.

Another person came to toast, Chi Wang drank the wine in the glass with his hand, said with a smile: "Su Lian is not good at drinking, I will drink it for him."

After the wine glass was put down, Su Lian reached out under the table to hook Chi Wang's palm, and held it gently.

Because of the alcohol, his palms were very hot, and he looked at the boy who seemed to have grown up overnight in a daze: "Brother Chi, I am really happy today."

Not only because Chi Huang got good grades in the exam, but also because their future has become unobstructed.

The days of the third year of high school were boring and boring, he didn't want to experience it anymore, but the thought of being able to sit on the same desk with Chi Wang again seemed to feel less resistance.

Su Lian leaned back in the chair, looking extremely relaxed: "I've worked hard for you recently, aren't you tired?"

"I'm so happy to be at the same table with you again." Under the cover of the napkin, Chi Wanghui held the person's hand, "Susu, I don't feel hard work at all, everything is worth it."

Because of Su Lian, he really became a better person from the inside out. He thought that the future must be as grand and splendid as he expected.

And in that not-too-distant future, Su Lian will be with her for a long time, just like now.

Staring at the bright red lower lip after drinking, Chi Wang felt a little itchy.

He leaned over, leaning against the man's ear, deliberately teasing: "Suddenly I want to smoke."

"Are you looking for death? You have been quitting for so long, why did you suddenly become addicted?" Su Lian pinched his palm hard, and said angrily.

"No, I just said it casually, I listen to you very much." These words almost have a hint of pampering.

Su Lian felt even more dizzy, raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and ordered: "You'd better listen to everything."

"Okay, that's necessary." Chi shook his hand with a smile, and whispered, "It's eleven o'clock, are you going home?"

Su Lian raised her eyes and glanced at Chi Bianhai who was still socializing, and pulled her lips: "Well, I probably don't have time to be alone today, I'll go back first, and we'll see you later."

Chi Bianhai arranged Chi Huang's summer vacation itinerary clearly, saying that he was looking for time, so he probably wouldn't be able to make time for it for a while.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, they still have a lot of time, and there will be a long time to come.

Su Lian smiled and looked at the boy he liked, with a reluctant expression on his face, and let go of his fingers: "Then I'm leaving."

"Okay, I'll call a car to take you back." Chi Wang said as he staggered to his feet.

He also drank a lot of wine tonight, and he was a little bit drunk, and the person in front of him almost became a double image.

Su Lian pushed the person back into the seat and kept him from moving: "I can just take a taxi by myself. You are the main character, so you can't leave the scene. Don't drink too much, it will make you uncomfortable."

"Forget it, I'm worried, let the driver take you. Remember to tell me when you get home." Because of the people around him, Chi raised his hand and touched his cheek gently, reminding him gently, "Be careful on the road. "

The later scenes are already a little blurry in my memory, more and more people are toasting, Chi Wang will not refuse anyone who comes, and before the show is over, my head is dizzy.

I just remembered that I received a message from Su Lian in the middle, and I simply replied with a new sentence, and didn't talk any more.

When the guests were all gone, he was stuffed into the car by Chi Bianhai and returned home. He took a quick shower and lay back on the bed. After a process, he had a terrible headache.

It's just that everything went smoother than expected, and I was really happy, so excited that I couldn't sleep, I turned and stared at Su Lian's head in a daze.

He didn't know if Su Lian was asleep, he didn't dare to send a message, for fear of waking up someone who was asleep.

So I clicked on the photo album in my mobile phone, and went back and forth to re-open the group photos from beginning to end.

As her eyes fell on the synthesized wedding registration photo, Su Lian dialed a video invitation as if by telepathy.

Chi Wan paused with his fingers, pressed to pick up, and was about to say something, when he looked at the person on the other side of the camera, he fell silent for a moment.

Su Lian looked as if she had just taken a shower, her cheeks were still reddish after being drunk, and her originally fair skin was stained with a thin layer of powder.

Her hair was dripping with water and hadn't been wiped dry. From time to time, new drops slid down her neck, hiding in the depths of her clothes.

The material of the shirt is very thin, and it is soaked in water and attached to the skin, which is intriguing.

Chi Wang squeezed the phone screen tightly, and said in a hoarse voice, "It's so late, you haven't slept yet?"

"Can't sleep, wait for you, are you going home now?" Su Lian supported the video, leaned against the head of the bed and changed direction, more pictures were framed in the video.

Chi Wan lazily replied: "Everyone is too enthusiastic, I can't stop it."

He couldn't see anything else, but he could only notice that the boy in front of him was wearing a white shirt, which made the skin on his neck even whiter.

It's just that the clothes look more and more familiar, Chi Huang was stunned for a few seconds, and then slowly said: "This clothes looks familiar."

Su Lian lowered her eyes and glanced, then said softly, "Your."

When I sprained my foot before, I borrowed clothes to wear back to the dormitory, but I never returned them.

"Why don't you wear pajamas and wear my clothes?" Chi Wang rolled his Adam's apple, his eyes fell on the large landscape at the neckline, feeling his throat was dry.

He didn't know whether he drank too much wine tonight or was too excited because he felt that the string in his mind was about to be broken.

Su Lian propped her chin, her expression was as calm as ever, but her tone was straightforward: "It's strange that we only separated for a while because I missed you."

He himself also found it miraculous that they were still together a few hours ago, but when he thought about not being able to see each other every day during the summer vacation, that kind of longing grew inexplicably.

He thought that he probably drank too much wine, and was confused and talking nonsense in the middle of the night.

After saying this, he felt too bold again, and turned his face away a little shyly.

"Miss me, so you wear my clothes?" Chi Wang paused, his eyes fixed on the video, unable to move his eyes away, "It doesn't smell like me, so it works?"

Su Lian leaned on the bed leaning on her long legs, her posture was a bit awkward, and her shirt was tightly buttoned, making her uncomfortable. It is probably caused by alcohol, or the temperature is too high, and I just feel hot.

He frowned and loosened the new button on his neckline, pulled the collar open, and then hummed, which was regarded as a response.

"Don't move around." Chi Wan quickly pursed his lips, and reminded him.

Su Lian raised her eyes, her beautiful eyes were covered with mist due to drunkenness, and the eyes opened a little loosely and seductively.

He wiped his wet hair casually, and asked softly, "You're so overbearing, you can't even move?"

You can't move, and if you move, you will be terribly seductive.

Chi Wang stared at the more open neckline, because of the movement, the shirt became loose and hung on his body, half covered, and wanted to stretch out his hand to tear it open.

He couldn't suppress the restlessness in his heart, and he paused for a long time before slowly speaking.

"Su Daji, tell me, if I get up and take a taxi to find you now, will I be too crazy?"