Not For You to Bite

Chapter 36


Chi Le finished a paper and was watched by Sheng Zhuo to preview his homework. Then he memorized vocabulary for half an hour. By the time he finished all the tasks, it was already evening. Chi Le was left to have dinner and stayed with Lin Yuran after the meal. Chat and wait until it gets completely dark before getting up and going home.

Chi Le said goodbye to Sheng Zhuo. Sheng Zhuo looked at him with a solemn face and looked at him urgently, trying to win over him with his eyes.

Chi Le pretended not to see it, turned his back and put on his shoes, and secretly touched his stinging lips from an angle that Sheng Zhuo couldn't see. With Sheng Zhuo in this state, it would definitely be dangerous for him to stay any longer.

Don't think that he can't tell. Although Sheng Zhuo looks normal on the surface, his eyes just want to swallow him up. After getting along today, he is fully aware of the seriousness of Alpha's susceptible period, and Sheng Zhuo can get involved at any time. The lustful look in his eyes was simply unbearable. Now in the dead of night, he had to run away quickly, otherwise the hungry wolf would really eat people.

No wonder everyone says that Alpha’s susceptible period is like the hunting period of male animals, and it’s absolutely true!

Sheng Zhuo didn't know that Chi Le was treating him as a scourge in his heart. He stood by the door and watched Chi Le put on his shoes, watched Chi Le say goodbye to him, and finally watched Chi Le open the door and walk out.

He clenched his fists unconsciously, and the restless mood in his chest could not be calmed down. Whenever Chi Le was out of his sight, he began to get irritated. To be precise, he wanted to beat everyone he saw. If he could, he hated him. He couldn't let Chi Le out of his sight for a moment.

But he knew he couldn't do that, he couldn't let his desires go and imprison Chi Le.

Before Chi Le left, he couldn't bear it anymore. He turned around and glanced at Sheng Zhuo quickly, "I'll come back tomorrow morning."

Sheng Zhuo looked slightly relaxed and nodded gently.

Lin Yuran arranged for the driver to take Chi Le away. When he turned around, he saw Sheng Zhuo standing by the door with a gloomy face, staring at the car exhaust, as if hating the car for taking Chi Le away. Just like in Chi Le just now, There are two different people in front of him.

Lin Yuran suddenly became happy, "It's useless to look at it, why not go to bed early and Lele will come when you wake up tomorrow."

Sheng Zhuo sat on the sofa and closed his eyes, "Can't sleep."

Every minute and every second during the susceptible period was very uncomfortable. These days, he almost kept his eyes open until dawn. Only after Chi Le came yesterday, he managed to sleep for a while, but it didn't last long. He was afraid that Chi Le would be worried, so he kept trying to pretend as if nothing had happened.

Lin Yuran looked at him worriedly, hesitating to speak, unable to think of any good solution, so she could only go to the kitchen to make him a bowl of calming soup, hoping it would help.

Sheng Zhuo rubbed the center of his brows, feeling a sense of irritation covering his whole body. Only when he thought of Chi Le did the depression slowly dissipate from his brows.

The next day Chi Le went to Sheng's house and took the gummy bears with him. The gummy bears were wagging their tails and were very excited all the way.

Sheng Zhuo has not been out for a few days for fear of hurting others. Chi Le wants to take him out to bask in the sun and walk with gummy bears. Staying indoors all the time can easily affect his mood. Chi Le feels that Sheng Zhuo is now like this Maybe you'll feel better if you go out for a walk.

Sheng Zhuo originally wanted to refuse, but when he saw Chi Le and Gummy Bear looking at him eagerly, he couldn't say a word of refusal, so he could only nod in the end.

Seeing his agreement, Chi Le showed a bright smile, and Gummy Bear waggled his tail even more cheerfully.