Not Super Robot Wars at All

Chapter 102: The counterattack of Charya


Today, everyone in the Lund Bell team was not in high spirits, because the upper management of the Federation arbitrarily decided that the airborne leader was coming soon. Everyone had a very pleasant time under Colonel Bright, and naturally they had no good feelings for such foreign relations.

"Captain Bright, you are a colonel." Graham said righteously. "This captain of Covatello Bagina is not in your business."

"The person above greeted me in person and asked me to cooperate more actively and not to rely on the old to sell the old." Bright chewed on the word "rely on the old to sell the old", and cursed MMP in his heart, "And this person's resume was transferred from the civil service system, naturally I've heard that I was named and praised by the Prime Minister, so it's very difficult for me to do it."

"If you think about it, at least it means that we are being valued, right?" Mu shrugged and read Captain Covatello's information, "This experience is legendary, 'I commanded the battle of Odessa', and the tone is not small, I also participated in the battle, why don't I know? 'MS Street Fighting Expert', as a senior driver, who can tell me what MS Street Fighting is, and can there be an expert? And he claims to be second only to Rebill, Dean and Gao Cloud's Fourth Army—"

"Don't talk about leaders casually, you're killing yourself, do you know?" Bright interrupted him seriously, "What he says is what he says, just pretend to be stupid. Hasawi is only in elementary school, and I still want to retire smoothly. ."

Mu whistled and closed his mouth, and bumped Amuro next to him with his elbow. Amuro has been silent since just now, and he was so absorbed in what he was thinking that he behaved quite abnormally.

"Are all the big figures in the Federation blind?" Amuro said suddenly, his voice full of confusion, "Or is the Federation already corrupted like this?"

"What's wrong?" Bright responded before he asked, "It's NewType, you know him?"

Amuro nodded, raised two fingers, and made a silent mouth shape. Everyone in the room understood at a glance, shocked and speechless.

"Xia Ya." Amuro pulled the other party into the chat room, "What are you doing? You are wanted and made such a big move, do you want to die?"

"Amuro?" Xia said in an extremely shocked tone, "How could you do this too?"

"Me too?" Amuro immediately understood, "Char, what happened to you on Earth, please explain immediately."

Not long after, everyone saw this blond man with sunglasses, and he was accompanied by a teenager. Amuro gave his teammates a wink, implying that the teenager was the second NT he just said.

Xia went straight to Bright, gave a standard federal military salute, and stretched out his right hand after the salute: "Colonel Bright, I have long admired my name, and I finally had the honor to meet him today, and it really lives up to its reputation."

Bright also returned a military salute, reaching out and shaking the opponent. He hadn't mastered this kind of open-eyed nonsense, so he could only casually humbly "where and where" a few times.

Char also didn't mean to introduce Camus beside him. He greeted everyone present one by one, and after going through the process, he hinted that Bright would hold a small meeting in private. Bright was also curious about what kind of medicine he was selling in his pocket, and brought Xi Ya and a few confidants into a conference room.

Xiaya looked around and asked cautiously, "Captain Bright, please forgive my cautiousness. Are you sure there is no problem here, and there will be no ears on the wall?"

Bright replied proudly: "This is my ship. If you can't trust it, there is no place to rest assured."

"Then I'll just say it." Char stood up and took off his sunglasses dashingly, "I'm Captain Cobatro Bagina of the Earth Federation Forces, but I'd like everyone here to know another thing, I am the man who used to be called Char Aznabu."

Xia Ya said that he stopped here, waiting for everyone's shocked expressions and breathless voices. But strangely, everyone was very calm. He looked at Amuro, who was the most likely culprit, and Amuro looked at him blankly.

"I was personally entrusted by Your Excellency the Prime Minister. Your Excellency hopes to regain control of the Earth Federation Army from Siroc and the Titans." He continued, "The Titans now occupy the earth and lie on the earth. The practice of sucking blood like a mosquito is exactly what Zabi did with PLANT back in the day, if not more."

"The reason why mankind flew into the universe is because the earth has been overwhelmed, because there are new possibilities in the universe. The history of the Zabi family is not only for the adjusters, but also for the whole human misfortune, and we must not let history repeat itself. The Titans are a group of people with souls bound by gravity. They are eating the earth like parasites for their own selfish desires, and they are also fighting in the same room at this moment for their own status and money. Everyone here is the Titans. Victims of the Struggle, it should have been clearer what I said."

"When there are many secrets and challenges waiting for mankind in the universe and even on Earth, what the Titans did, I dare say, is not just dragging down mankind, but obliterating the future of the entire race. As people with power, it is a great loss for us to waste time in the universe, and I hope you can lend me your power."

After finishing this long speech, Xi Ya quieted down, waiting for everyone's answer, while Camus looked at him admiringly.

Everyone in the room looked at Amuro secretly, and Amuro nodded indiscernibly, indicating that Char was telling the truth. Many people had expressions of disbelief on their faces. The guy who had just thrown the satellite and wanted to exterminate mankind suddenly changed his mind and became the vanguard of saving mankind from water and fire. Such a sudden change is not acceptable to everyone.

"Char, I have a question." Amuro said, "Is this what you just said as Char Aznabu's speech? Or is it just a speaker for the Prime Minister?"

Char felt the importance of this question from Amuro's eyes and consciousness, and even Camus stared at him nervously. He was silent for a while, and then said slowly: "I said the above words as Kasbar Deacon, the widow of Zeon Deacon."

Bright had already gotten the answer from Amuro's expression, but as the captain of all, he needed to be responsible for the Lund Bell team. It is not wise to say yes or no rashly here, and there is much more to consider.

"Captain Bright and everyone here can think about it slowly, I'm just showing my sincerity." Xia sighed with a smile, "I've been a politician for so many years, but after retiring, I suddenly discovered that sometimes honesty is better than conspiracy. easy to achieve.”

Mu whistled maliciously, but no one thought he was rude, after all, Xia Ya's reputation was really terrible. If there is no guarantee that Amuro is NT, no one here will believe even a single punctuation mark in his speech.

"I'll start taking action after everyone has come to a conclusion. The schedule is very tight and I don't have time to wait." Char is still talking and laughing without feeling embarrassed at all, "I can reveal in advance that our first stop is Anaheim. . Your Excellency the Prime Minister only promises to provide justice, and you have to find ways for the funds."

A few days later, in the Lunar Capital Government Office Building, the three New Types sat facing each other in the office of the Director of the Strategic Fudge Bureau, but the Director himself was not there.

"It's really interesting meeting." Xia Ya smiled and looked around. "The three major NTs in the world gathered together to discuss the fate of mankind. This conversation may go down in history."

Amuro looked at him speechlessly, and Ed didn't mind to tear down the stage to correct: "The two major NTs in the world, thank you."

"Are you still concerned about the photo, Lingus?" Xia shook her head feigning sadness, "I can't wait to share the good news of your survival with your family. It was a mistake made by being young."

"Amuro, go to my house for dinner at night." He turned his head and deliberately didn't look at Char, "Minerva is getting more and more cute, and she is very sticky to me. You must meet me."

"Lingus!" Xia roared, "What a small man!"

"It's really worth seeing Xi Ya's gaffe." Amuro laughed happily, "It's great that you are still alive, Adrian, today is all good news."

"I also think it's good to live." Ed and Amuro looked at each other and smiled, "So in order for the people we cherish to live well, we have to take some risks."

"But what you're talking about is really..." Amuro frowned. "The enemy is too powerful to be unreasonable. Let's not mention it for the moment. Your mission is too dangerous.

"These are things that someone has to do, and these are things that only I can do." Ed smiled relievedly, "What we have to do is such incredible things, how can there be safety? Can it be done by hiding behind the scenes? Or the resourceful Commander Char Yat think of a foolproof plan?"

"There's no such thing as a surefire way, it's a miracle that you can come up with a logically plausible solution." It's a little weak to mention this Xi Ya, "I only saw that there was something wrong with Misirqi, but I didn't expect it to be serious. to the point of life and death.”

"It's time to show your skills, Xiaya." Ed looked at him teasingly, "What kind of skill do you think I can count all day long, this time I'll let you count on Emperor Charles, can you do it?"

"I don't need to use aggressive methods on me, I will naturally do what I can do, and I will never do what I can't do." Xia Ya thought for a moment, "It was not an easy task, but after combining it, I will never do it. The intelligence and the network you have recently formed may not be so difficult again. I assure you that the Britannia troops will be in the right place at the right time, and your sacrifices will not be in vain."

Ed gave a satisfied "Yeah~": "For your sake, I'll let you meet Minerva today."

Xia Ya looked confused, he could feel that Ed was telling the truth, but he didn't understand the causal logic at all. Amuro, who chatted with Ed a lot, understood it. He looked at Xia's confused look and held back his laughter without explaining it.

Next, the three discussed the details. In fact, it was mainly Ed and Char discussing, and Amuro listening in. Amuro is very clear about his positioning. He is a powerful force that needs to be used in the right place under the guidance of the correct overall situation.

"How much confidence do you have in me, Adrian." Amuro laughed when he heard the task assigned to him, "I'm just a mortal."

"I think in some fields, everyone except you is a mortal, and I have so much confidence in you." Ed patted his chest, "I am a civilian, and I took such a big risk by myself. You Amuro's dignified chief ACE, is it justified not to take a dangerous mission?"

"You can't help it if you say that." Amuro sighed indifferently, "Although I have no confidence in myself, I am very confident in your Gundam."

"That's about it." Char felt that he could no longer listen to this kind of bad conversation. "Today is the weekend, and there are no classes in elementary school. Lingos, let's go back to see Minerva quickly."

After Ed said hello to the family, he took Amuro and Xia back, and An Qi, who was guarding outside the door before, was in charge of driving. By the way, Angie taught herself to drive, and she didn't get her driver's license, but Lux got it through the back door.

Char and Amuro were sitting in the back seat, watching the dogs and men in the front row frowning in broad daylight, very unhappy. He motioned for Amuro to open a chat room and dragged Ed in as well.

"Lingus, I seriously doubt that the complicated relationship between men and women in your family will teach Minerva badly."

Ed, who was stabbed in the sore spot, was rarely speechless. He was actually worried about this problem, but he just didn't know how to solve it. But the recent incident of being hacked by a hatchet was considered a negative teaching material for Minerva

"Adrian, although I don't have the right to speak to you about this kind of thing." Amuro interjected, "But it's exhausting to deal with an excellent woman who is enthusiastic and active at the same time. "

"Wait a minute, do you have a partner?" Ed immediately found an opportunity to change the subject. "When did you meet? Or an excellent woman who is enthusiastic and proactive? Name? Photos? Hurry up and explain."

"I met when I returned to Earth after the satellite incident last year to recuperate. How should I put it, I'm a fan of mine." Amuro's tone was either embarrassed or showing off, "I was actively attacking during my recuperation period. An overly enthusiastic girl, called Bettotiga."

"That Amuro Ray has a fixed target." Char looked shocked.

"When will you get married?" Ed asked immediately. There were too many examples of marriages around him, and he couldn't help but care.

"Bertotiga doesn't like rigid restraints, in fact, I don't care." Amuro thought for a while, "It depends on the situation, if necessary, go to get a certificate."

The group came to Ed's house, and as soon as they stepped into the house, Minerva trotted all the way. Xia took two steps forward and squatted down, and Minerva jumped into his arms and was hugged tightly.

"Uncle Char!" Minerva exclaimed, "I miss you so much!"

Xia Ya was so excited that his body trembled slightly, and he didn't know what to say for a while. Amuro and Ed couldn't help but smile knowingly when they saw such a warm scene.

Minerva was hugged for a while and then began to struggle lightly, and Char let go of her uneasily, looking a little overwhelmed. Minerva then trotted to Ed, raised his head and stretched out his hands: "Uncle Ed, hold it high!"

"Say hello first." Ed touched Minerva's little head, "This is Uncle Amuro."

"Hello Uncle Amuro, Sister An Qi, you are back too." Minerva saluted Amuro in a ladylike manner, and then continued to raise her hands, "Today is the weekend, you can play Raise High!"

Ed smiled helplessly at Char, picked up Minerva and lifted it up with a "haha", Minerva cheered happily.

Ed teased Minerva for a while, and Angie took Minerva over on the grounds that Ed was recovering from a serious illness and should not move for a long time. It was also held high. In Ed's hands, Minerva was sitting on a Ferris wheel, and in An Qi's hands, Minerva was riding on a roller coaster.

"Calm down, it'll be alright." It was Amuro who stopped Xia, who almost couldn't help but want to shoot, "This girl's fighting skills are not ordinary, at least at the level of a top ACE, Minerva is impossible. Something happened."

After Amuro finished speaking, he raised his eyebrows at Ed, the meaning was self-evident, Ed Wang pretended to be stupid.

In the end, with Ed's encouragement, Minerva and Char got back together. The father and daughter finally warmed up and began to exchange feelings like no one else. But Xia Ya was obviously still unhappy, and tried to pick things up during dinner.

"Lingus, your life surprises me." Char said maliciously, "Even Amuro didn't—"

"If you dare to make me unhappy, I will make your daughter unhappy." Ed pulled him into the chat room and said quickly.

"—It's not as hard as you." Xia Ya didn't change his face, "You have to do scientific research, get on the plane, deal with diplomatic relations, and worry about the world situation. Even for Minerva's sake, you have to take good care of yourself. Mrs. Lingos, you still have to worry about the food."

Amuro hurriedly lowered his head, so as not to be seen that he was holding back his laughter.

An Qi gently squeezed Ed's thigh under the table, and whispered, "Isn't this Xia He cloth a big politician or a big conspirator? Is his brain broken?"

CC glanced at An Qi and Ed covertly, but did not speak.

Lux behaved equally well and exchanged a few polite words with Char. For some historical reasons, Char uses the identity of Covatello Bagina in front of Lux.

Halfway through the dinner, Xia Ya suddenly froze: "Did I forget something important...?"

Ed was also stunned almost at the same time, and then stood up abruptly with his hands on the table: "Tifa?!"

At this moment, Camus was walking alone in the streets of a bustling part of the lunar capital.

"We agreed to call me after the meeting, why haven't we finished yet? I'm so hungry." He walked swayingly with his head down, and said to himself, "I will never be forgotten. Well... Impossible, Mr. Covatello, no, Mr. Char is not such a person."

Camus, who was walking without looking at the road, suddenly felt that he had bumped into something.

"Hey." He preempted without thinking, "How do you—"

"Young man." The grandfather who was hit by him interrupted him in a deep voice, "Don't you apologize for hitting the old man?"

Update in the afternoon

It's too late to go out in the morning, and I'll update it when I get home in the afternoon. Not pigeons.

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