Not Super Robot Wars at All

Chapter 14: respectively for a better reunion


"Are you sure you want to bring this back to Earth? Can't you go back and buy another one?" Looking at CC who was struggling to stuff the Harrow pillow into his suitcase, Ed couldn't help but complain.

"Everything like a pillow is different. I wanted to take it away last year but I forgot." CC pressed hard on the top cover of the suitcase, but the pillow never compromised. She lowered her arms and sighed helplessly. "What are you looking at, isn't this the time for you as a man to contribute?"

"It's not about the pillow, it's because you have too many clothes." Ed stepped forward and pressed the suitcase hard, and the resistance was not normal." I wanted to ask before, do you need to change a set of clothes every day? "

"People who ask this kind of question can't find anyone." CC folded his arms and watched Ed finally close the suitcase, "Very good, we can go."

This Saturday is the day CC returns to Earth. I bought a ticket for 9 o'clock in the evening, but it is 8 o'clock now, and CC has just packed up. After years of getting along, Ed has long learned to give up discussing all time-related issues with CC. He silently picked up the suitcase and walked towards the door, CC followed empty-handed.

"It's going to be parting soon, won't you say something?" In the car, CC spoke to Ed from the passenger seat.

"I have to concentrate on driving, or I will be late." Ed always pays attention to the road conditions displayed by the navigator, so as not to encounter traffic jams, "Whose fault do you think it is?"

"We only see each other once a year like the Cowherd and Weaver Girl. You are too cold." CC's cold voice did not show any enthusiasm. "At least you should show your reluctance."

"Our relationship is not close enough to exchange bodily fluids, unlike the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl."

"You have memorized what I said to this day, are you expressing dissatisfaction or implying something?" CC looked at Ed playfully, "And when the Cowherd and Weaver Girl met with children, there was no way to do anything indescribable. matter."

"Stop talking, here we go."

Fortunately, there are not too many people now, and Ed quickly found a parking space. After parking the car, he got out of the car, took out his suitcase, and walked quickly to the ticket gate with CC. After the ticket check, there is still a security check. After the security check, it takes a while to walk away from the platform. There is really no time for nonsense. Outside the ticket gate, he handed the luggage back to CC: "That's it, call me if you have anything, see you next year."

"Well, I'll contact you when something happens, bye." Watching CC enter the waiting room, Ed also turned back to the parking lot. It was said that they were in contact by phone, but they never called or sent text messages when they separated, as if they had reached some kind of tacit understanding.

It was a quarter past nine by the time Ed drove home. He looked at the empty living room and felt a little deserted for some reason. She should be in the universe by now, right

There was nothing to do at night, Ed washed up early and went to bed, picked up the book on the bedside table and read.

At half past ten, the phone text message suddenly rang. He picked up his phone and looked at it. The sender was CC, and the content was: "The spaceship has been hijacked, Britannia, help."

It took three seconds to understand the literal meaning, and his calm thoughts were ignited in less than a second. He jumped up from the bed, and turned on the news while changing his clothes as quickly as possible. Is it someone from Britannia after her? CC flies between the earth and the moon without heart every year, so he always thought she was a free body. Now Britannia is even willing to hijack a civilian spaceship to capture her, what the hell is this person thinking! Are you insane!

The news is on, there are no reports of any spacecraft being hijacked, CC is on a large passenger spacecraft, and such a big incident is definitely a headline. Then there are two possibilities. The other party controls the communication equipment for the first time, or Minovsky particles are scattered around the spacecraft to block communication. Now the two are still sending text messages. It is the former, indicating that the other party has a strong armed force on the spacecraft. CC is probably being hunted and can't make a rash call.

"Hide and I'll come." - Failed to send.

hateful! The Minovsky particle is gone! At least one warship was dispatched to prevent the concentration of particles from communicating with large passenger spaceships. There are no two possibilities. CC's first text message can be sent before the particle concentration rises, which is already a character overdraft. Ed grabbed the car keys on the table and ran out the door, picking up his phone and making a call.

At the same moment, in the power room on the passenger spacecraft, CC put down his mobile phone feebly. On the screen of the mobile phone, there is a big sending failure.

The power room was empty except for her, so quiet that she could hear her own rapid breathing. There was no lighting in the room, only the phone screen glowed dimly in the dark. With his back against the cold wall, CC floated in the air with his knees in his arms, his long green hair spread out in all directions.

Being alert, she realized something was wrong at the first time, escaped the crowded gravity area, and went straight to the core of the weightless ship. Along the way, he hid in the east and was almost found several times, until now he is hiding in the power room. Because of the inconvenience of wearing a long skirt, I fell many times in the gravity zone, and my clothes were also hung up. Speaking of which, it was thanks to the mobile phone applet he installed that he was able to come in here. Does this count as being rescued once? While CC was arranging her breathing, she thought casually, knowing that she would not be wearing a skirt today.

Although the gangsters spoke the international language with their faces covered, CC, who had lived in Britannia for many years, instantly recognized the other party's Britannia accent. The hijacking of civilian spaceships is such a big battle, even at the expense of spreading Minovsky particles, is it the instructions given by the old emperor himself, or which prince is doing it arbitrarily

In any case, he couldn't do anything, the other party controlled the whole ship, and it was only a matter of time before it was discovered here. Can only pray that he sees the text and is willing to act.

"I'm like a princess in a tower waiting for a prince to rescue me." She made a voice that only she could hear. "That's ironic."

"Yes, right now!" Ed called as he parked, "I will submit the written application later, and it is my side that has an emergency. Yes, please, please, okay, okay, thank you! "

MS flight clearance done! Ed checked the spacecraft's itinerary in the car before, and now the spacecraft is in the position before it leaves the moon monitoring star field and enters the atmosphere. He had no evidence in his hand to get the lunar police to dispatch, and when the spacecraft was found to have been disconnected from communication for a long time and the CC was introduced to official intervention, it would have been cold. It's only up to you now.

"Alice!" Gnakury had no one but himself, and Heathersley's hatch opened in response.

"Ed?" What came out was not a synthetic electronic sound, but a nice girly sound. " How did you come?"

"Alice, your voice?" Ed said as he took out the spare driver's suit in the cockpit and started changing on the spot. The changed clothes were stuffed back into the place where the driver's suit was hidden before.

"About this, Ed, I've upgraded my voice module and can now speak more like a human." Alice's new voice was ethereal. "The voice line was adjusted by me referring to Miss Lux and Miss CC."

"How did you know CC? Forget it, I'll explain it later." Ed's mind is full of CC matters, and he doesn't have time to tangle with Alice." He connected to the Gnaku management system and immediately prepared to attack. "

"Ed, what happened?"

"You know him so I don't need to explain." After changing his clothes and putting on his helmet, Ed took the seat in the cockpit. "Alice, CC's passenger ship has been hijacked, and we're going to rescue her now. The enemy is Britannia, there is at least one battleship, and it is likely to have multiple MSs, so bring all the accessories of Silver Thunder. You can finally perform well today, Miss Music Player, let's start."

"Yes!" Alice's new voice could hear obvious joy, and the automatic attack program started," the connection of the Gnaku management system was completed. Start expelling air. When the air is exhausted, the Gnaku begins to unfold."

With the loud rumbling sound, the ceiling of the entire Gnaku opened from the middle, and the starlight poured in directly. Ed looked at the end of the starry sky and took a deep breath, adjusting his slightly nervous mood. CC is very smart and will definitely be able to hold on for a while. With the speed of Silver Thunder, it will definitely be too late.

"The inspection of the fission furnace is completed, the inspection of the neutron interference canceller is completed, and the Minovsky flotation system is activated." Heathersley seemed to have lost even the last one-sixth of his gravity, and flew up in Alice's voice . "Start assembling Faber."

Heathersley flew under Faber, who was the ammunition depot, at a constant speed, and the two planes collided with the joint body with astonishing accuracy: "Faber is assembled. Start self-check. Physical ammunition depot is checked. Beam weapon battery is checked. Weapon system check done. Drone check done. Dragoon control transfer done. Faber self check done. Start assembling Dandy Lane."

Heathersley carried Faber on his back and flew above Dandy Lane, which was a power plug-in. The lower part of the body was embedded in Dandy Lane, and the various parts began to interlock: "Dandy Lane is assembled. Start self-checking. Power Furnace inspection completed. Thruster inspection completed. Solar sail inspection completed. Dandy Lane self-inspection completed. Silver Thunder overall self-inspection completed. Silver Thunder self-inspection completed. Ed, ready to go!"

"Thanks, Alice. I forgot to tell you just now, your new voice is very nice." Ed left Gnaku in Silver Thunder and flew low to the suburbs. "Here is Adrian Lingus, calling lunar flight control and requesting MS liftoff clearance."

"This is the lunar flight control center, Dr. Lingos, your flight permit application was approved ten minutes ago."

"Hey, Alice, are you ready?" Dandy Lane's thruster was ignited, the blue flames impacted the surface of the moon and roared, and the black body looked hideous and elegant under the starlight, "This is Is it our first battle?"

"No problem, Ed, everything is ready!"

"Let's begin then! Adrian Lingus, TR-6 Silver Thunder, strike!"