Not Super Robot Wars at All

Chapter 16: Lancelot... Gundam


The enemy's only remaining battleship quickly retreated, out of Silver Thunder's sniper range. Ed waited for the enemy's next move. It would be best if he retreated like this. He could go straight back to save people. If the enemy chooses to patrol in the distance, he doesn't mind stepping forward to shoot the grass and remove the roots. At this distance, Yin Lei has an absolute advantage.

Until this time, he had no time to think about the feeling of killing for the first time. Even though five MSs and one battleship have been destroyed, to be honest, he still has no real feeling about the fact that he killed someone, and there is no feeling that the protagonist in the film and television literature will feel sick when he kills someone. Is it because the destruction of such a large-scale mechanical device that cannot even hear the screams and explosions is too unrealistic? Or do you secretly regard these people as NPCs

"Ed, the new MS reaction!" Alice stopped him from continuing to think, "The speed is so fast, the enemy will be attacked within 30 seconds!"

He quickly picked up the ultra-long-range beam cannon and aimed it again, enough time for at least one shot. But what happened in front of him made him stunned. The opponent's MS was still doing irregular maneuvers while approaching at this speed, guarding against sniping that might come at any time. He spent three seconds mentally calculating the opponent's acceleration based on the radar's scale - what the hell, is the driver made of cement

"Alice, after I fired the gun, I immediately took off the plug-in and turned into Heathersley." This kind of crazy mobility and oversized body is just a target, which is really the type of opponent I don't want to meet now, "Even if If you can't hit it, you can always rub it."

The opponent's MS changed track too fast, and Ed could only roughly calculate an advance amount, and as the trigger was pulled, the torrent of death spewed out again. No, but at this distance, there should be at least battle damage, right? The opponent is still approaching at high speed. Is the battle damage not serious

Silver Thunder quickly completed the split under Alice's operation. Thirty seconds passed in a flash, and then Eddard finally appeared in front of the enemy plane. Looking at this MS, he seemed to have 10,000 grass-mud horses whizzing past in his heart, and he didn't know who to spit out a groove: "Lancelot... Gundam."

Really Gundam. The Lancelot in front of him was completely different from the minicomputer he remembered, which was less than five meters tall. Visually measuring about 20 meters in length and the delicate kettle head all proved that this thing was a genuine Gundam. Except for the color matching and appearance that still slightly overlap with the memory, this machine has nothing to do with the Lancelot he knows. Although I had seen it in the news before, I was too shocked by the existence of Britannia to pay attention to Lancelot's situation. I didn't expect it to appear in front of me now, what is this, is it a foreshadowing of recycling

"I didn't expect the Britannia army to hijack civilian spaceships. Are you also a member of the Earth Federation?" There was no time to be shocked now, and Ed hurriedly opened the public channel and shouted two trash talk to win time. Not sure if the driver is an acquaintance, if so it should work. The sniping just now really hit, and Lancelot's entire left arm evaporated, but even so, the other party still dared to rush over, because he had great confidence in himself

"This is a military action taken by our side, and there is no need to explain it to you. Our army did not harm innocent people." Suzaku didn't run away with this awkward Japanese accent, "You are the one who is cruel."

"Are you Japanese from the accent? Why did the Japanese join Britannia to play a role in the tiger?" Ed simply began to speak Japanese, his pronunciation was quite authentic, Suzaku-san, please misunderstand.

Then taking advantage of this gap, Ed observed Lancelot on the opposite side. The armor is not thick and there is no shield, or is the shield destroyed with the left arm? The only armament visible to the naked eye is the god cannon on the head, a rifle on the back, what appears to be a hook launcher on the wrist, and a large physical saber in the right hand. It seems that the structure should be a high frequency knife, but if it is enlarged to this size, the vibration frequency cannot be too high, and it should be restrained by the PS armor. All that's left is the possible built-in beam saber.

The armament is very simple, and the armor is also very thin. When I think of the speed and acceleration shown when I approached just now, it should be a design idea of exchanging ultra-high mobility at the expense of extremely lightweight defense. The transformed MS, the type that I hate the most. However, this design has to solve two problems. One is that the body is too brittle, and it will be injured if it is touched. It is impossible to expect the driver to perfectly avoid every stray bullet. Second, can anyone really drive this kind of body? ? Let alone human beings, adjusters can't stand this kind of inertial force, right? Now it seems that the second problem has been solved, Suzaku should be a hybrid of human and concrete or something.

"...I can't say it, but I didn't abandon Japan!" He explained over there that public-frequency shouting is indeed the number one magic skill, but I'm sorry, it's better to strike first here, "Despicable!"

Lancelot's beam shield spread out on his right arm blocked Ed's unpredictable shot, and then charged forward quickly against the shield. What, the light shield has been made out? What principle, how to achieve? I really want to take one apart and go back and look at it! But Lancelot's speed was simply too much for people to think about, the high-frequency knife had already slashed into the long-blade rifle in front of him. The sprint distance was not long, but the impact caused by the huge momentum brought by the extremely fast speed shook Ed's internal organs, and the second wave of the opponent's sprint from a different angle came before him again.

What the hell is going on in the cockpit opposite? Did you think you were driving a bumper car? Lancelot's speed was too fast, let alone shooting, and even the beam saber had no time to deploy. Ed just blindly used the long-blade rifle as a shield to resist slashing and thrusting from all angles, and occasionally appeared. Claw attack. Fortunately, the PS armor is enough to save face, and the vibration frequency of the high wave cycle knife has not broken through the line of the PS armor.

Alice's dragoons have quietly started to make a fortune, but the opponent's speed is too fast, and the distance between the two sides is too close, there is no chance to attack at all, he needs an opportunity to hit the black gun. It is not shameful to shoot black guns. The king of shooting during the One Year War was not Amuro, but a man named Jung. Jung's technology is not as good as Amuro's, and the body performance is not as good as Amuro's, so why can the number of hits be higher than Amuro's? It is based on the professional black gun level and strict black gun attitude.

After several unsuccessful assaults, Suzaku also discovered that there was a problem with Silver Thunder's armor. With such two large rifles hanging on both sides of Yinlei, even an idiot could tell that this was the body it was shooting at. Suzaku was not stupid, and instead of pulling away the rifle, he threw down the Gaobo Zhou Dao and pulled out the hidden inside of the body. The beam saber charged forward again.

Only then did Ed pull out his beam saber, and he could stand up to the sword cut by Lancelot. The PS armor can't offset the energy damage, so you can't just blindly use the long-blade rifle to block the knife. After only three or four confrontations, Ed felt more and more struggling, he couldn't keep up with his reactions, and he couldn't open the distance. Heatersley's various advantages and performances could not be brought into play at all, and Lancelot lost the shortcomings of his left hand. I can't use it either, that's why I say fighting machines are the most annoying! Everyone happily chug chu chu, isn't it

But fortunately, only top ACEs will drive fighting machines, and top ACEs all eat trash talk.

"Do you just want to be Britannia's lackey?" Is this sentence overdone, and will it add an angry buff to the other party instead? Trash talk is a kind of knowledge, and it seems that I have to learn another one. "Do you have the face to face those grievances who sacrificed their lives to fight for independence? Or have you killed a lot of compatriots?"

"No!" The standard Japanese on the public channel stung Suzaku's heart, "I'm just fighting for a better future in different ways!"

"What you are fighting for is your own future, traitor." The action was indeed affected, and Ed worked hard to adjust the coordinates of the two sides, trying to create opportunities for Alice. "With this cutting-edge machine, I think you have been promoted and made a fortune long ago."

"I haven't forgotten my original intention for a moment!" Ed finally found the space and shot Suzaku with the long-blade rifle in his left hand. Lancelot quickly deployed his shield while dodging to the side and rear, "No matter what you say, I have to uphold my own justice!"

It's now!

Under Alice's precise control, the six dragoons fired at Lancelot at the same time, half of them shot at the fuselage and half blocked their positions. With the intuition of a beast, Suzaku completed a dexterous turn at an almost impossible speed on the spot, avoiding fatal injuries. At the same time, the hook on his right arm shot out like lightning, smashing the nearest dragoon. The three dragoons that blocked their positions were completely empty, and the remaining two hit Lancelot's right shoulder joint at the same time, and the right arm of the body was separated.

Right hand! Light Shield is here! Ed hasn't had time to be happy-

"High-energy response! Ed, the main gun of the battleship!" Alice's loud exclamation made him dodge subconsciously, "The target is not us!"

A dazzling white light lit up in the corner of the eye, what was it, what was it? For a moment, he seemed to have lost his ability to think logically, and just turned his eyes blankly, looking at the fireworks in front of him, his mind went blank.

"Lancelot called the flagship, Lancelot called the flagship! What's going on, why attack civilians!"

"The fact that our army is here cannot be exposed. The soldiers on board sacrificed heroically for the empire." Prince Clovis's voice sounded in his ears, "Shumu Suzaku, complete your mission."

"Ah..." Why did you waste so many years in the army? Can this inhumane royal family really be changed? "Lancelot broke down and asked to return..."

"Trash!" It was Prince Clovis' roar, but it didn't matter anymore, "Asplinder, is this your so-called trump card! Retreat! Retreat!"

Ed didn't know what Lancelot was doing floating in place, because he couldn't move, couldn't think, and his mind was blank. What is this, what is this! The debts I owe you haven’t been paid off yet, we’ve agreed to see you next year, our relationship isn’t close enough to exchange bodily fluids, it’s inexplicable, what is this!

Helpless, remorse, bitterness, sadness, anger, dazed, irritable, all kinds of negative emotions emerged out of nothing from the blank thoughts, and they kept expanding. These things are very uncomfortable to hold on to the ground, as if they are going to explode.

He glanced emptyly at the universe until a mobile suit with broken arms came into view out of the corner of his eye. He knew it wouldn't make sense, he knew it wasn't the man's fault, his reason knew everything, but reason didn't work here. He couldn't help roaring at Lancelot through the public channel in a voice he had never heard before: "Is this what you call justice!"