Not Super Robot Wars at All

Chapter 44: Sword of Heaven


From the conclusion, the Federation and the Orb government in exile have collapsed, as long as you feel the irritable consciousness of Siroc floating in the base, you will understand.

Ed can guess the process. Kira has Kagali, and her loyalty is too high to win over at all. Cagalli has a strong temperament and cannot accept the conditions offered by the Federation. As for the conditions that caused the conversation to collapse so quickly, it might be the puppet government and princess prostitution that Lux had speculated before. Then he told Lux his conclusion.

"Are you NT?!" Lux's face was full of shock. It was very rare for this expression to appear on her face, but this is not the point now.

"Didn't I tell you?"

"What was I doing before..." Lux put her hand on her forehead, sighed deeply, and deliberately muttered to herself in a voice that Eddie could hear. "Fortunately, the current policy is correct."

At this time, you have to hold back and don't complain, and complaining will fall into her routine.

"Major Siroc committed his crimes, but he returned without success. Brigadier General Yamato and Miss Ashar did not win a single one." Lux blinked at Eddard, "So the only hope is me?"

As if to verify her words, Graham knocked on the door with a tangled face: "Dr. Adrian, although I really don't want to say that, Major Siroc would like to talk to you and Miss Klein. "

A group of three came to the conference room, and Siroc was already waiting inside. He should have just discovered that the NT in the base turned out to be Adrian Lingus himself, and made an unabashed expression of "it's your kid" to Ed. There were several officers standing behind him, one of them was a blond man with a rough appearance that stood out. The epaulette should be a captain... Could it be Yazan

Siroc obviously didn't mean to explain, just stared at Eddard and Lux sitting opposite him with cold eyes. Graham was not qualified to participate in this kind of conversation, he saluted Siroc and went out.

Sirocco's consciousness was wet, cold and inexplicably greasy in Ed's perception, which made people extremely uncomfortable, and he wanted to fly a plane and hit him in the face immediately. Amuro also said that he doesn't like Siroc, and now Ed understands what he means. But it is said that this guy has a good relationship with women? Ed said he couldn't understand.

"Dr. Lingos, I've admired it for a long time." Sirocpi greeted without a smile, "Actually, this matter has nothing to do with your Excellency. Out of courtesy, the military still asks me to let you know, Clay. Because Miss, we took it away."

There is no big problem with his statement. Lux, as a defector from an enemy country in war, has no human rights. Because of her identity and beauty, she is more like a sought-after cargo, and Siroc is now competing with Ed for the ownership of the cargo. In this case, Lux hardly even has the right to speak, and she understands that. The final result depends on how tough the Federation and Ed are each. Ed is a lunar man and will never make a false Federation, which is why Lux counts on Ed to protect her.

Siroc represented the entire top level of the Federal Army, and this was his confidence. Ed's own identity plays a role here but not much, but don't forget that when you're out and about, you have a strong country behind you.

"Major Sirocco, right? I'm a scientific researcher, and I don't know how to go around. This woman was brought out of ZAFT at the risk of my life. She herself and everything in her mind are My spoils. If the Federation wants to take people away, it is robbing things from me, and you can think about the consequences for yourself." Ed grabbed Lux's hand and put it on the table, "After I finish speaking, whoever agrees, whoever agrees be opposed to?"

Siroc was silent for a while with a blank face, and suddenly showed a fascinated smile and clapped twice: "Okay, okay. It seems that there are still some problems with our army's intelligence work. The staff actually told me that Dr. Lingos is a very It's a big mistake to have a soft-spoken personality. But since the doctor has been rescued by our army, it's not good to come here empty-handed? Or is it that I, a major doctor in the Sirocco area, can't look down on it?"

"We can take this account back to Anaheim slowly. I won't forget to pay back the favor of the Federation. But I've made a decision on Lux. No one can keep her, I said."

"Of course I respect the Doctor himself, but I'm afraid your trophies are of little value to the Queen and the Prince, right?" Sirocco finally tried to see it after a long time, "It's hard for Dr. Lingos to speak so unreservedly. "

Ed sighed in his heart, Lux's identity is too sensitive, in fact, it's not easy to say anything, and in the end it can only be like this: "It's hard to do? Then I don't think I'll do it. This is my default family, what am I? Don't you have any points in your heart for those of you in the Federal Army?"

Sirocco looked at Ed with a sullen look on his face, and when he said this, it was like a broken talk. Of course he couldn't shout "I'm NT and I know you're lying". The key here is only Ed's statement, the truth is not important.

Siroc sneered, got up and walked away. After hitting a wall for a day, he didn't even have the thought to pretend to be polite.

After that, Ed returned to the room under the leadership of Graham, and Lux naturally followed.

"So you already knew it would end up like this, right?" Ed looked at her with a complicated expression, "Is this similar to the script you prepared?"

"I said the last sentence in my script myself, and Mr. Ed's previous performance surprised me." Lux smiled very happily, "I didn't expect Mr. Ed to have such a side today. Eye-opening."

"That's acting... It's just that Sirocco is not pleasing to the eye and wants to slap him."

"But I am very satisfied." Lux's smile became a little lonely, "According to the agreement, I will go back to PLANT after all, and Mr. Ed is so important in His Royal Highness's heart, it is impossible to leave the moon, so even if the federation is open After today's conversation, Mr. Ed said just get rid of me."

Seeing how he hesitated to speak, Lux put her index finger on his lips.

"I'm serious. I'm not the kind of woman who waits for the pie to fall from the sky, and then complains after missing it. Since Mr. Ed gave me the opportunity to return to politics, I will give my all to this opportunity, This is my biggest dream, and I will never give up." The girl retracted her fingers and her eyes were firm, "If you want something, you must strive for it yourself. I have always come here, and I will always persevere in this way. It's the status, the statesman's dream, everything else."

She was talking about her dream of becoming a politician. There must be no three major illusions in life here.

"By the way, that... the one just now... can you do it again?" In an instant, Lux's aura disappeared, and she stretched out her arms with a blushing face. "Who is in favor and who is against that sentence, can you do it again?"

"... Lux, I told you that I'm an NT, so there is a more important matter now." Ed didn't know whether he should be happy or sad now, he pointed to his head, "The omnipotent NT radar I need to deal with it."


"It should be, the vigilance brought about by Sirocco's just generated malice is similar to the situation on the Eternal, but not as urgent." Ed found that provoking an NT seemed to be beneficial, "He was probably thinking something bad. Things are exciting."

Lux put away the expression just now, and began to lower her head into contemplation. After a while, the girl raised her head: "The possibility that the danger comes from Siroc is very small, he is just a messenger, it should be that the upper class wants to be unfavorable to you. First of all, we have no The value is used, but the Federation can't shoot you directly. Secondly, the next target of ZAFT must be Australia, and the closest base to Orb is Turlington. Finally, the defenders of Turlington may not be able to resist the full attack of ZAFT. So the conclusion is?"

"Strategic contraction, abandoning Turlington... and selling us by the way?"

"If Mr. Ed is captured by ZAFT, it can lead to the misfortune of His Royal Highness Roland. It would be better if he died. If I directly deduce the reason from the conclusion, Mr. Ed, have you offended any high-level officials in the Federation, or have you offended very seriously? That kind?"

"I can't think of it..." Except for Siroc, who had just offended him, but it was obviously the more central figure who made this decision. Besides, it was impossible to take the risk of offending Roland for something like Lux. There must be other reasons.

"Anyway, my mission is completed." Lux was still smiling, not worried at all. "Next, Mr. Ed, please save us?"

But now that he is under house arrest, it is absolutely unrealistic to grab Gundam or something, and there is nowhere to run if he grabs it. Lux's speculation could not be trusted, and it was impossible for Roland to kill with TurnA on his own speculation. At this time, I can only count on that.

"Captain Graham, this is the request of my life, I'm addicted to the Internet, let me go to the Internet cafe for a while!"

"As a soldier, I can't break the military rules just because we have a good personal relationship."

"Absolutely don't do anything suspicious, you can monitor the whole process." And the big killer, "I can tell you the power-on password of V2."

"How the world is, has nothing to do with me! With my own consciousness!"

Then, as if to prove Lux's guess, Ed was woken up by a blaring siren in the early hours of the morning a day later. He was lying in his clothes and went out to meet Lux, and the guards who stood guard all night at the door were gone. Graham also appeared before they had taken two steps, leading them towards the port, explaining the situation to him along the way.

At midnight yesterday, all the officers of the Titans faction evacuated, and they also took away their respective direct troops, leaving only an order for the remaining defenders to resist as much as possible, and now ZAFT is almost at the door. As for the public opinion impact of doing so, Ed believes that the upper echelons of the Federal Army have already thought of a very perfect explanation.

"If you are not your own, you are not a human being..." It really has the style of the Titans. "And all the students above the school level in this base are from the Titans faction, so you are now the highest rank?"

"That's right, so I now have the command of the wartime." Graham nodded, "The order I gave everyone was to retreat. This is my decision as the person in charge, even if it is pointed out by thousands of people. "

"Why didn't they take V2 away together?"

"Because I slept in it yesterday."

Soon after everyone came to the port, Ed saw Orb's ship also, it seems that Cagalli and the others were also sold. This is understandable, the disobedient slaves of the subjugated country die with you. The atmosphere in the port is very solemn, and everyone is worried about their own lives.

The combatants were all on the front lines to buy time, and the non-combatants got on board in an orderly manner under the command of the sergeants. Ed and Lux got on Orb's boat by chance.

As for Graham: "Dr. Adrian, it's finally time to fulfill my promise. Let me, Graham Aika, and your daughter guard her father side by side. This is a fateful battle!"

After Orb's ship was full, it began to leave the port, and Ed and Lux were both guarding the bridge. From a distance, you can see that ZAFT's MS is overwhelming like a locust. Soon after, the Turlington base, which was only an empty shell, was easily occupied, and some MS were separated out to pursue them.

Ed borrowed a telescope from left and right, and after a while, he finally found Graham. He is being besieged by multiple MSs, one of which is sharp and suspected of being ACE. Although V2 and Graham were fierce, they were finally lost under the siege of ACE and many people. After killing several enemies, they began to be shot. Then, under Ed's shocked gaze, the V2's cockpit popped out at high speed, and the V2 was blown up.

Fortunately, Graham's life was relatively hard. No one chased the cockpit to replenish the gun in the chaos. After a while, he was picked up by a friendly boat.

There were not many defenders left in Turlington, and the frontal battlefield was all supported by Graham and Kira. Now that Graham is lost, Kira is fighting and walking. The scene begins to tilt towards ZAFT rapidly, and the battle line is getting closer and closer to the fleet. A lady on the bridge began to cry in a low voice, and Cagalli stepped forward to comfort her, but how could she comfort others with her own desperate expression, the lady cried even more.

Lux quietly held Ed's hand, and the girl's palm sweated slightly. Although she doesn't say it, there is still fear, so it won't hurt to let her be willful for a while now, right

"Mr. Ed, if your backhand doesn't work, our promise can't be fulfilled." The girl's voice trembled, "At least now please let me—"

In an instant, a wild and ferocious torrent of particles roared and ripped apart the sky in front of everyone. Countless MS were invincible in the torrent and turned into powder. The explosions symbolizing death were heard one after another, and the voice of the girl was also heard. It ends abruptly here.

"How could it not work?" Ed smiled and looked at the belated one on the other side of the sky. "That's my half body."