Not Super Robot Wars at All

Chapter 55: Boil the frog in warm water


Today Lux was in a surprisingly good mood for some reason. She was humming softly while making dinner. Cagalli asked curiously what song she was humming and why she hadn't heard it before.

"I'm sorry I can't tell you." Lux glanced in the direction of the living room with a smile from the corner of her eyes, and put her index finger in front of her mouth in a hush motion, "This is a little secret between Ed and I."

"You guys are in such a good relationship." Cagalli looked envious. "Kira has refused to touch me recently. It's been like this since she escaped from the Turlington base. But I don't have a clue as to where it is. I did something wrong..."

Lux obviously saw Roland's announcement. She took advantage of Ed's return home today and took the initiative to invite Kira and Cagalli to the house for dinner. When Ed came home, he ran into Kira, who happened to be sent by Cagalli to buy something.

Her plan, Ed, also roughly understood, basically it was "Mrs. Diplomacy". Lux took the initiative to help herself at work, which made Ed actually quite moved. When she got home, she misunderstood and made him a little embarrassed. Her little thought was rather cute, so she didn't care.

Although Kira was the one who made the idea of the Aube government in exile, Kira revolved around Kagali wholeheartedly. Ed can understand this, and Lux naturally thinks more clearly. And the result of her battle was that it had only been less than a day since she had known each other, and she and Kagali had almost become best friends who could talk to each other, and even Kira was not wary of her.

If Ed is allowed to independently complete the task given by Roland, it would take until the Year of the Monkey to achieve this effect. He secretly sighed, it was really convenient to have Lux at home.

"You two, please be polite and try my craftsmanship?" Lux put her hands together and made a look of anticipation, "Ed keeps praising my craftsmanship, I'm always afraid that he is Aiwu and won't tell the truth."

"Lux, you are so good, you can do everything, no wonder Dr. Lingos likes you so much." Cagalli looked a little frustrated when looking at a table of cooking, "I can't do anything, I only hold back, no wonder..."

"Mr. Kira, it's not a gentleman's job to make a beloved girl sad." Lux looked at Kira with reproach, "You have to learn this from Ed, but he would never let me sad."

Then Kira started to comfort Cagalli in a panic, and the look of being at a loss did not make people think that this used to be a general.

After a meal, Lux was guiding the topic and controlling the atmosphere from beginning to end. Kira and Cagalli were completely led away, and the difference between the two sides was unreasonable. And Lux has always given Ed a special face. I have to say that this is very satisfying for people's vanity. Cagalli looked at him with eyes like "there is such a good man in the world", "Kira, hurry up and learn. people" kind of.

Ed also realized later that Lux had secretly changed his name to him. The reason why it took so long to find out was that she shouted so naturally and without any sense of disobedience. From what Ed knew about her, even after the two of Cagalli went back, the title would be wrong.

After dinner, Ed cleans the table consciously and skillfully. The tableware should be thrown in the dishwasher, and the dishes should be hand washed. Lux euphemistically said that my family Ed took the initiative to wash the dishes every day, and Cagalli was full of envy and hatred again. Afterwards, everyone sat together and started chatting, and Lux began to bring the topic to the serious point, intentionally or unintentionally.

"Sure enough, Kagali, you still want to recover the motherland, right? I also understand the feeling of being homeless. If I hadn't met Ed, I don't know what it would be like now." Lux made a sad expression, While quietly holding Ed's hand under the table and pinching it, "Ed, you have such a good relationship with Prince Roland, can you help her?"

"It is impossible to help the country in any way. Moon's policy has always been to not intervene in other countries' internal affairs." He understood that the girl was reminding him that it was time to play a black face, and he entered the role knowingly, "Don't talk about this, just take in The two of you are already under a lot of pressure, and the others you bring are at risk of repatriation. And I am in charge of science and technology. There are strict assessment standards for attracting scientific research talents. It is impossible to keep everyone. of."

"Dr. Lingos, our small group has left a lot of people, and the rest who follow us all the way to the moon are very important partners." Cagalli looked at him pitifully, "Doctor, you can't think of something. ?"

"Yeah Ed, all those who follow Kagali are loyal partners." Lux squeezed his hand under the table when she said the word "loyal", "Think back to when you took me in, Can you help her?"

This should be a reminder to him that these people are too loyal to be put together: "I can barely speak in Anaheim, I can try to put some people in different departments, but it is limited. I can't get involved, after all, I'm just in charge of doing things, and I don't have the capital to ask His Royal Highness Roland."

"Dr. Lingos." Kira finally spoke after listening for a long time, "If we are willing to take out Dawn, can the doctor think of a way? Some people are indeed not technical talents, but they really care about Cagalli. Very important."

It's what you've been waiting for! Zhengchou doesn't know how to speak, Brigadier General Yamato, you are too good! Ed was about to answer, but Lux quietly pinched him again, and gave him a vague look. Is this to keep him from taking an inch

"His Royal Highness accepted the political asylum of the two of you out of good intentions. It is not our original intention to ask for the most advanced MS, and it will also embarrass Your Highness." He thought about what Lux meant, it should be a long line fishing. Big fish, don't push too hard at first, "If possible, lend Dawn to Anaheim for research. I'll try to see if I can get some results. If it is successful, maybe I can ask His Royal Highness Roland for a place."

"Thank you so much!" Cagalli exclaimed first. "Thank you, Doctor! Thank you, Lux!"

"Then I'll trouble you, Doctor." Kira also lowered her head, "Please help Cagalli, thank you."

Seeing that the overall situation was settled, Lux shifted the topic to another place without revealing a trace, and the two of Cagalli put on smiles again. After a while, she pulled Cagalli into the room and said that some girl was whispering. Before entering the room, he gave Ed a look and gestured to Kira.

I always feel that I have changed my routine too, Ed thought helplessly, and Lux's eyes suggested that he could understand it all. "Using the insider you know to get Kira", this is what the girl should mean in the end.

"Doctor, the last time we escaped from Turlington, I wonder if you still remember the conversation on the boat." Kira spoke first before Eddard could organize the language, "It's about Dr. Hiang."

"Of course I remember." He was a little surprised that the other party took the initiative to mention this.

"Doctor, as a leader in the scientific world, it's only natural that you know these secrets." Kira suddenly bowed her head to him, "I must thank the Doctor for not telling this, otherwise Cagalli doesn't know what it will be like. I've been on the fence lately, for fear that one day I would wake up and see myself and Cagalli making headlines, so I deliberately distanced myself from her, just because she wouldn't be able to bear it if she knew the truth."

"I won't say it unless I have to, I don't have such a bad taste." Ed sighed, "You also have good intentions..."

"I hope you don't despise Kagali, Doctor, she doesn't know anything. In fact, I too—" Kira hesitated, "some things wouldn't have happened if they had been known in advance, but some If something happened by mistake, it must not be known."

So this pot is old Asgah? Hidden and tucked for so long, I just turned the Korean drama into a script.

"I saw this secret in a very secret place. It's impossible to go back there. Only I know it, and I didn't tell any outsiders." Of course Lux is not an outsider, and neither does Alice. "Then you Do you have any plans in the future? Staying on the moon or relying on your ability to forcibly restore Orb?"

"I know that I am not a material for hegemony, but a sharp sword." Kira smiled to himself, "What I want to do now, and what I can do, is to protect the most important person to me. Everything is for Cagalli. , that's all."

"I don't dare to say anything else, but if Cagalli stays here, the moon will ensure her safety within its ability." Ed didn't say too much, so as not to raise the flag again, "If she insists on going back There's nothing I can do, and of course the Moon Government won't stop her."

"That's enough." Kira stood up and bowed, "Cagalli and I will never forget the kindness of the doctor."

After a while, Lux estimated that Eddard was almost done, and came out with Cagalli. The two guests said their goodbyes as it was getting late, and firmly declined Ed's offer to drive them back. As the guests left, the slightly crowded room suddenly emptied. For the first time, Ed wondered if the house was too small and maybe it should be moved to a bigger house.

"Have you got everything you want this time?" Lux took the initiative to pick up the traces left by the guests and asked casually, "You have been jealous of Aub's MS for a long time, if I hadn't reminded you just now, you almost got carried away. "

"Indeed." Ed admitted honestly, "It's Cagalli, how did she get along with you so quickly? How did she do it?"

"Because she and I do share the same fate and pity for each other. Only when there is true emotion in acting can we move people." The girl sighed, "she kept saying that she envy me, but in fact, I should envy her."

Ed didn't know how to answer the call, so he started to help pack up.

"By the way, did you misunderstand when you came back?" Lux stopped what she was doing and looked at him jokingly, "Let me guess, when you came back, you happened to see Mr. Kira who was going out to buy something, and then I The lines you said made you misunderstood even more?"

He nodded awkwardly.

"Actually, I guessed it the moment I saw you standing in the living room in a daze. That sentence was deliberately said, just to see your reaction." The girl blinked her eyes playfully, "Jealous? Saying no, the response is quite honest.”

At this time, it is time to change the subject quickly. Ed remembered that there was an important thing he didn't say: "By the way, Lux, thank you for that night. It was the day when I came back from Prince Roland and the mood was not right. Although You may not understand, but you probably saved my life."

Hearing this, the somewhat lively girl just now suddenly became quiet, not physically, but a change in temperament. She walked slowly to Ed, her pale blue pupils looking directly into Ed's eyes.

"I just felt that you had a sense of danger that night, and suddenly became very ethereal, as if you were going to leave me. It's great to be able to help." The girl made a gentle voice, "Ed also saved I have one life, no, two lives, I don't know if this is even, but I can finally look at you as an equal."

"... So you're going to be so fixed by calling you?" The girl's eyes were calm and stressful, and he subconsciously changed the subject.

"Yeah, I didn't follow the written script so quickly." Lux showed a faint smile, "But the director saw me working so hard, and couldn't help adding more scenes to me. So Ed, please let me continue willfully. Call you that?"

"...Whatever you want." He couldn't help but stagger his eyes, cut off the eyes, and turned his face to the girl, "I was going to buy you a gift to express my gratitude, but I really don't know what to buy. You are here. I’ve been living for a while, and I haven’t bought anything except when I first came here, so what do you want now?”

"Let me think about it..." The voice sounded in my ear, and then something that seemed to make people think it was an illusion pecked on the face, "No more."