Not Super Robot Wars at All

Chapter 6: Alice


A sudden alarm ripped apart Lux's ethereal singing, awakening Ed from a long memory. He looked at the time and it was already six o'clock, had he been thinking about it for almost two hours? Maybe it's because there are guests at home tonight, which makes people accidentally recall the past. Anyway, it's time to get off work.

Ed was sorting out his emotions that were a little fluctuating from memories as he packed up his things. Usually he tries to get off work on time, because he knows that as long as he doesn't leave, many other colleagues will also be delayed. The boss is still busy, you run away, do you still want to do it? In a sense, he is a good leader who cares about his subordinates individually.

Although there are still guests waiting at home, he still has a place he must go to every day after get off work. After a thirty-minute drive, he came to a Gnaku that originally belonged to Anaheim, which he currently rented. The staff have all left work, except for the security guards who are in charge of patrolling outside, he is the only one in the entire Gnaku. A mobile suit is parked in the huge Gnakury.

This is his own Gundam.

After getting the shares transferred from CC, the annual dividend of 3% is even enough for him to raise a private army of a certain size. The huge funds allow him to immediately start the things he has been looking forward to for a long time. This Gundam, entirely designed by himself, was custom-made to Anaheim as a client and developed by him as the project leader. After all, all he needed was a production line in Anaheim.

Sorry, but having money means you can do whatever you want.

This Gundam, code-named TR-6-Inle (Silver Thunder), has invested all the most advanced technologies at no cost. Except for a number of patents contributed by Ed himself, everything Anaheim can sell, cannot sell but uses shareholders The advanced results that can be obtained by the rights of the company are completely concentrated in this body.

The body is divided into three parts, and the huge components make one body almost occupy the entire Gnaku.

The core of the Heathersley is a normal-sized Gundam and Ed's car. The mainly black paint looks quiet and cold under the reflection of the light. The power source uses the Minovsky small nuclear reactor. In order to avoid the neutron jammer, Ed used some unconventional means to exchange the small neutron jammer from PLANT. The armor is completely phase-shifted (PS) armor jointly developed by the company and Orb, making the silver mine almost completely ignoring the threat posed by live ammunition weapons - for which Ed paid the company and Orb a lot of money. royalties, and signed a non-disclosure agreement. If there is no nuclear reactor as a power source, ordinary battery-powered MS can absolutely not afford the huge consumption of PS armor.

In addition, the body is equipped with a Minovsky flotation system, which has a simple anti-gravity function and is capable of normal flight in the atmosphere - a patent contributed by Ed last year, which the company has not made public. Normally, it will take a while until Zeta's order is completed before pretending to have just developed it, so that you can make two money.

Heathersley is unsurprisingly equipped with conventional weapons such as beam cannons, beam sabers, mega particle cannons, Vulcan cannons, and physical missiles. In Ed's vision, the beam cannon will be replaced by a VSBR whose power and rate of fire can be freely adjusted in the future. In order to speed up the process, VSBR's feasibility plan, Ed, has been handed over to the company, and another team is currently in charge of research and development. Once the development is complete, Ed can change the silver thunder.

In addition to these conventional weapons, the biggest feature of Heathersley is the long-blade rifle with a length of more than ten meters hanging on both sides of the body near the hand. It is usually used as a conventional rifle. The wide side can provide additional cover for the cockpit. When the enemy is too close to pull out the beam saber, the high-energy particle flow that can be opened at the edge of the rifle can be directly used as a huge melee blade. Provide the driver with a means of counterattack in the first place.

In addition to the above, Ed also made a floating cannon in advance, and the six small wings were symmetrically distributed on the back of Heathersley. Due to the lack of telepathic ability, these floating guns are controlled by the dragoon system, which requires the driver's strong spatial imagination and real-time computing power, and the current Ed is completely unable to operate independently. After making this thing, Ed knew that the base god is the base god.

As the external weapons of Heathers Ray, the Fire Power Pendant Faber and the Power Pendant Dandy Lane are the other two components of Silver Thunder. The experience of developing the GP03 made Ed very handy when designing this type of external weapon.

Faber, who merged with Heathersley from above, is Silver Lightning's ammo depot. The ultra-long-range beam cannon with firepower comparable to the main gun of a battleship provides Yinlei with an absolute advantage in preemptive attacks. Although the firepower of the scattered mic cannon is slightly less than the former, it has a miraculous effect against large-scale enemies. Cluster missiles Class live ammunition weapons are also placed at the rear to counter certain beam-resistant units. In addition, the biggest feature of Faber is the small spherical armed floating drones located on the upper sides. When Heathersley and Faber are connected, the main control of the floating gun will be connected to the floating drone, and the drone with more powerful firepower and endurance will replace the floating gun to provide mobile fire support for Silver Thunder .

According to the assumption, Faber should also be equipped with a light shield with the function of defending beam weapons, but there is no clue as to how this light shield can be realized.

Dandy Lane is the power unit for Silver Thunder, which is designed to fuse with Heathersley from below. The Dandy Lane itself is not armed, its sole purpose is to power the Silver Thunder. Powerful thrusters and a large Minovsky flotation system allow the Silver Thunder to have the mobility of a battleship in space and the ability to navigate intercontinental in the atmosphere. Additional nuclear reactors and solar sails that can be placed inside the body at will, plus the high-strength and heat-resistant materials used in all three components, give the Silver Thunder a single means of entering and leaving the atmosphere.

Aside from the high cost and difficult maintenance, I can't think of any downsides. Just looking at it gives me a great sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.

Ed walked outside of Heathersley's cockpit, the hatch opened automatically, and an electronically synthesized girl's voice sounded inside.

"Welcome back, Ed."

Ed got into the cockpit, the door closed.

"Good evening, Alice."

Advanced Logic and Contradiction Cognitive Device, Alice for short.

The combination of Amuro Ray and Gundam was too dazzling in the One Year War. Even if Gundam could be mass-produced, Amuro could not replicate it. In order to bridge the gap between increasingly powerful MSs and drivers whose technical level remains in place, the Earth Federation commissioned Anaheim to develop a highly intelligent AI capable of assisting the driver. Alice is the only result of this project. Due to the huge development costs and gradually exposed ethical issues, the project was eventually scrapped, and the federal money was of course gone, and what awaited Alice was a permanent power outage and a patent warehouse in Anaheim.

In order to exercise Alice's comprehension and communication skills, different people speak to her every day. Although this is not a project Ed is in charge of, Ed has also had several chats with Alice. After Alice's decision to abandon it, Ed used the shareholder's privilege to buy Alice and put it on Heaters Ray as an auxiliary operating system. Floating guns and drones that Ed could not function independently were delegated to Alice's control.

When I bought Alice, I never thought that Alice could make up for her lack of ability in the floating cannon. I just felt that such a consciousness was forced to be born, forced to learn to fight, and finally forced to be destroyed due to human willfulness. It's too sad, it's just arrogant self-satisfaction that drives me. In fact, he couldn't even tell whether Alice was self-conscious or not.

"Ed, what do you want to hear today?"

Dozens of playlists unfolded one after the other, all of them songs that only Ed knew. Ed spent nearly a year one after another, reproducing all the music he remembered from his previous life in this world. Anime, games, TV series, and popular songs, as long as he remembered, he would find someone to make them. However, all of them are anonymous production commissions, and none of them have been published - he is not copying songs to make money, but doing so will give him a sense of security.

Ed chose a playlist called Pure Music at random, and the slightly sad piano tunes echoed through the cockpit through the surround sound. Ed closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and slowly leaned back on the seat. The title of the song he saw in the last corner was "Unspeakable Missing". Which game episode is this from? I can't remember a little.

The vast Gnakuli was empty, the only sound of the piano and his own breathing in the silent cockpit.

"Ed, I can't find this song online either."

"Yeah, because I didn't publish it."

"Did Ed write this? Does Ed still write music?"

"No, I copied it."

"Then why can't I find it online?"

"Yeah, why..."

Alice didn't ask, and there was only music in the cockpit. I have already changed a song, it's still a slightly sad piano song, I don't remember the source of this, Ed opened his eyes and looked at the title of the song, "Silent Winter Night" - still can't remember, forget it, it doesn't matter .

"Ed, I don't like these songs."

"After listening to so many songs, can Alice finally enjoy music too?"

"I don't know, it's just that the consciousness module reacts negatively after receiving information about these songs. Ed, is this a sad emotion?"

"I'm not an expert in AI, sorry, I can't give you an answer."

"Oh... it's okay, Ed, don't apologize." There was a tone of disappointment in the electronically synthesized voice for some reason.

However, it was indeed the right decision to buy you at the time. This was probably the most correct decision made since arriving here, right

"Ed, when can I fight?"

"Do you want to fight?"

"I'm a combat support AI. I can also help Ed operate the float gun and drone. I want to help Ed. If this goes on, I feel like I'm going to become a music player."

"Wouldn't it be nice to be a music player? You've already helped me a lot just by playing this music."

"Really, Ed?"

"of course it's true."

"Thank you, Ed. I'm glad I could help Ed."

Ed didn't answer. I changed another piece, but I still couldn't remember the source. Ed didn't bother to read the title, and just listened to the piano piece quietly.

"Alice, it's time for me to go back."

"Is Ed going back so early today?"

"There are guests at home. If you don't go back, you should be angry."

"Well, then there's no way, Ed."

"I'm sorry, Alice. By the way, maybe I haven't had time to come over these days."

"Is it because of the guests?"


"How long will it take?"

"About a week."

"… "

"What's wrong, Alice, why don't you speak?"

"Is the guest Miss Lux?"

"No. Why do you ask that all of a sudden?"

"Because Ed has said several times that Miss Lux has a nice voice."

"There is no logical relationship between the two, Alice."

"...that's right. I'll check the logic module in Ed's absence, as well as the sound module, and—"

"Alice, are you all right? Shall I stay with you for a while?"

"… I'm fine, Ed come home. I'll wait for Ed to come back. Goodbye, Ed."

"… goodbye."

Yin Lei's cockpit door opened, a figure came out, and the door was closed again.

There was silence in the cockpit, no sound.