Not Super Robot Wars at All

Chapter 62: Miracles and magic are both


"I didn't expect that Lingos, whom everyone admires, would be so arrogant and shallow. I'm so disappointed." Cruze still did not lose his demeanor, but the eleven dragoons with high spirits had already been released to prepare to attack, " You, a talented person born above others, incite the envy and hatred of others, and they use the weapons you made to produce tragedy, and then the war will never end."

"Wait for my instructions, Alice-" Ed stopped the drone's charge, he decided to go all out to fight quickly, and before the Cruze blind BB dragoons were completely dispersed, Faber's wings Was decisively unfolded, "Fire!"

The inventory in the ammunition cabinet, the body's own diffuse beam cannon, and the firepower of the drone poured out at the same time, and the particle beam and cluster rockets covered the entire field of vision for a while, and the armed forces were fired together to achieve the terrifying effect of a one-person barrage.

"It is because human beings like you have been born in history, so human beings will eventually perish!" Cruzer forced the end of his speech reluctantly, and at the same time tried to control the will of the gods and the dragoons to avoid the full screen of ammunition. A large number of light-fire shots are not a big threat to the divine will of heavy equipment and shields. The main target is actually the dragoons. Under the full-screen indiscriminate attack, at least more than half of the dragoons have turned into cosmic dust.

"Is it your turn to worry about the demise of mankind?" Ed, who had finished driving up, started talking trash, and set up a long-blade rifle to fire additional shots at God's will. Alice controlled the drone to exchange her life for life. Dispatching the remaining dragoons, "Do you know what is on Jupiter? Do you know what ELS is? There are many things in the universe that want to destroy human beings. You should line up slowly!"

"You are wrong! Humanity must perish in his own hands!" Cruzer is also a master of trash talk. He automatically ignores the incomprehensible term of ELS, and God intends to hold a shield in the distance to avoid desperately trying. He didn't mean to come up hard at all, as long as he held back, he would win, "Self-destruction is the dream of mankind, the desire of mankind, the sin of mankind! I know all this, because I am the result!"

"What is the result of your defective product? The perfect adjuster made by Dr. Hiang is called the result!" Eddard avoided the sneak attack of the Dragoons on Heathersley with NT's intuition, and shot the last one, but The firepower of the drone can't penetrate the armor as thick as a turtle shell, and the high power mode of the long-blade rifle is powerful enough but the rate of fire is too slow. Now he has an absolute advantage, but there is no time to slowly waste it, Ed is a little anxious, "People are delicious and do whatever they want. It's not like you, the counterfeit and shoddy products that are about to expire, rely on drugs to survive every day."

"You actually know?" Cruzer finally couldn't hide his shock, and his actions were a little delayed. "You know all this, but you are so undisguised by your arrogance, a hopeless creature!"

"Don't make a fool of yourself, you actually don't know anything, you've been kept in the dark!" Ed took this opportunity to shorten the distance from God's will, and now it turns out that a shooting machine is actively approaching the fighting machine, the style of painting is too It's weird, "Do you know why El da Vlada is dissatisfied with his son? Why did Yulian Hiang break the capital chain? The fire in Vlada's old house was really the work of a mere boy? Adjustments with a small gap. Why does one technology produce defective products while the other is a perfect adjuster?"

"Why?" Cruze asked involuntarily, Shen Yi was deceived by Yin Lei and he forgot to dodge. Now, the long-bladed rifle with power directly connected to the nuclear furnace suddenly slashed against the divine will, and he instinctively used the sword and shield of his left arm to block.

"Because you get what you get for every penny! How much did it cost to clone you? How much did it cost to create the perfect adjuster? Think about it with your head—" The handover is like genuine and pirated copies, with all the effort involved. Not at the same level, Shenyi's left arm was cut off from the shoulder joint, "Can you become stronger without paying money?!"

"Lingus, you count me!" Cruzer sideways dodged the zero-range shelling of another long-blade rifle at the critical moment, while his right arm and the beam rifle vanished in the rubbing of the bullet. Shenyi kicked the silver thunder violently, and Cruze turned his head and ran with the reaction force.

"With an IQ like yours, basically say goodbye to the Gundam!" Ed adjusted the output of the long-blade rifle to the maximum, and fired a shot at the tortoise shell of God's Will, hitting the bullseye, and the God-will Gundam exploded violently. There was a scream of "ah" in the public frequency.

"Ed, the mirror change is over!" Alice's eager voice made him wake up quickly. God's intention had already flown a little far away in the explosion. The muzzle galloped away.

"Alice, listen to my arrangements later."

"Ed, it's too late!" Alice's voice sounded like she was about to cry, "Rush in now and you'll die!"

Now Genesis may have started to charge, and when he rushes into the interior along the channel, he will either fly halfway to become gamma ray dissociation, or he will barely rush in and have no time to set explosives and then come out.

Ed aimed at the muzzle of Genesis in the distance and continued to march. The gun bore was too long. This distance could only barely clear the innermost part. There was something similar to the core. I don't know if it was a gamma ray generator or a reactor. He directly tried to fire a cannon, but there was no response. Is it also covered in armor? Not enough power anyway.

"Ed!" Alice hissed.

"Follow my command and prepare to liberate Faber." His voice was extremely calm.

The high-explosives are stored in the inner wall of Dandy Lane, mainly considering the heavy armor of Dandy Lane and the high-strength I stand installed on the outside, and the complicated work of body separation can be completed in an instant by Alice.

Dandy Lane's propeller was driven to the maximum, and the silver thunder was in a straight line from the muzzle of Genesis, and the distance was getting closer and closer. At the end of the field of vision, it was finally clear that something suspected of a large gamma ray generator could be seen: "Now!"

At the same time that Alice released Dandy Lane's restraint, Ed pulled the body up and braked urgently. The huge inertial force brought by the emergency stop made it difficult for him to breathe. After the lower half of the components were separated from the silver mine, they continued to sprint towards the barrel at a high speed with the remaining thrust and inertia. Unfortunately, the angle was still a little off, and it started to decelerate after colliding with the inner wall of the barrel.

Ed took a deep breath and set up an ultra-long-range beam cannon aimed at Dandy Lane.

"It turned out to be like this." Alice's voice carried an indescribable emotion. "Looking at Ed, you are aiming at Dandy Lane with your own hands, my emotional module is a bit confusing."

"That's what you call a complicated mood, Alice, you've grown up." He watched Dandy Lane getting closer and closer to the innermost core, a distance that didn't require holding his breath to snipe, "I count to three and shoot, and then Let's run right away. One, two... three!"

As he pulled the trigger, the high-energy electron beam penetrated Dandy Lane and hit the outer wall of the core again, while a chain of local explosions caused by Dandy Lane's high-powered engine detonated the high-explosive charge placed on its inner wall, and then The explosive power of the high-explosive charge continued to spread outward until it destroyed the battered outer walls of the nearby core unit, causing the entire reactor to go out of control.

"Can anyone be contacted, Alice?" He drove Heathersley out fast before the Genesis exploded. "Anyone will do."

"No, the concentration of Minovsky particles nearby is too high." Alice's voice was worried, "Without Dandy Lane, our speed alone is not enough to escape the explosion range."

"It turns out that Heathersley is flying so slowly?" Ed complained as if he had discovered a new continent, as if this would make him less nervous, "I didn't see the promised top support from Jegan, but the last scene turned out to be It's too embarrassing for me to run away in a Gundam."

"Genesis is starting to disintegrate, Ed, prepare for the impact!" Alice's voice was extremely anxious, "The impact is expected to arrive within ten seconds!"

"What else can I do to improve the survival rate?" Ed said to himself, turning on the music player, "What BGM is playing in the last episode of Seed... Find The Way?"

"Five seconds, Ed!" Alice's voice was sobbing.

"The prelude hasn't started yet..." He found the song and pressed the play button, and set it to a single loop, "I don't know if this counts."

"Zero! Ed—" Alice's voice stopped abruptly.

"Sure enough, both miracles and magic..." Heathersley disappeared into the light and shadow.

A dazzling little point of light lit up in the direction of Genesis in the distance, and at this moment, everyone on the battlefield understood what was going on. The troops on both sides of the moon and ZAFT slowed down their movements almost at the same time. The ZAFT army began to retreat in an orderly manner under the command of the commander, and Jinkaram did not order to pursue.

"Success?" The re-attacked Asuka stopped attacking under the order of Jin Karam. He excitedly contacted his own ship, "Miss Lux, Mr. Adrian succeeded!"

"No, there must be something wrong." Lux felt her heart palpitate for no reason. "Call General Jinkaram and ask to search for Silver Thunder immediately!"

"The whole army marches in the direction of Genesis, with the search for silver mines as the priority." Jin Karam's voice sounded on the radio, "Little devil, go and pick up your doctor too, don't pick up anything useless."

"Ed..." Lux didn't have any intention of laughing with them, her heart was beating fast as if it was about to pop out of her chest, and her voice trembled as she said to herself, "You promised to go home together, don't lie to me. ."

ZAFT has completely withdrawn to another front, and the lunar force has not encountered a single MS along the way. In theory, Yin Lei should be on the way back, but they didn't encounter them along the way, and Asuka and Jin Karam also fell silent.

As the fleet got closer and closer to the location of Genesis, Lux's heart became more and more heavy, and it became more and more difficult to breathe. Luckily, her heart was the last straw for saving her life. Until everyone finally reached the wreckage of Genesis, nothing was found.

"I..." Kinkaram's voice was a little low, "I can't feel him. Maybe my sensing range is too small, maybe—"

"Enough, General." Flying Bird stopped him from continuing, "Be quiet for a while, I'll try harder."

Kim Karam wasn't angry or retorted.

"Liar, liar, Ed is a liar." The girl stared blankly at the dark and empty universe, tears streaming down her eyes completely uncontrollably, "What's the point of what you say, what about the NT radar, say Okay, how about going home together? Liar! Ed, you liar!"

The surrounding soldiers were silent, and only the sobbing of a girl remained in the silent bridge.

"Liar, actor, pretending to be more like me! You obviously believe in you, what's this!" Tick-tock tears stained the front, "How am I going to go home alone...!"

For a moment, something seemed to shatter in her mind. Ed had told her many times, and she instantly understood what it was.

"But what's the use of this kind of thing... I don't want this..."

The girl continued to bury her head and sob until her voice was a little hoarse, and the cry became weaker. Then at this moment, she seemed to hear a non-existent gentle singing from afar, followed by a familiar and warm feeling, the same as when she plunged into his chest for the first time.

She raised her head sharply: "… Ed?"

Author's message:

PS: The whole chapter of Faber and Dandy Lane was written backwards, brain pumping... Fixed