Not Super Robot Wars at All

Chapter 65: things made by people


CC woke up in bed as always, holding her familiar Harrow pillow and staring at the ceiling for a while. Less than a minute later, the bell of a nearby school rang on time.

"If I knew I wouldn't buy it next to this place, I couldn't sleep late." She sighed unhappily, let go of the pillow in her arms, and reluctantly lifted the quilt and got up from the bed, "This is the first time I have complained about this. Are you used to getting up at this point?"

She bought this house a long time ago. Although she really doesn't want to go back to the city, in fact, it may be necessary at any time. According to her original intention, she wanted to find a secluded place, but she didn't know when a middle school was built nearby, so the originally quiet location immediately turned into a noisy place. And now the third new Tokyo city is very strict on the purchase of houses by outsiders, and she has no chance to buy a new house.

After finishing her dressing, CC came to the closet, opened the door and looked at the clothes that were so full that it was almost impossible to fit, and began to think about what to wear today - this is one of the few pleasures in her boring life here. She didn't care about the price of the clothes. She always bought it when she saw it. It was Ed's money anyway.

It was said that Ed didn't even know how much money the family had. She said that she had transferred the shares to him. In fact, she had always been in charge of the money, and even Ed's payroll was in her hands. If it was really handed over to Ed, his obsessive hobbies like scientific research and building robots were all bottomless pits to attract money. She dared to guarantee that the money would be spent in minutes. In comparison, buying clothes or something was simply a hobby of the poor. .

"That's it, although it's worn." CC finally ended the hesitation, took one with regret, took off the pajamas and threw them aside, and put on the selected clothes. The room is full of fragrant smells, but unfortunately no one appreciates it, "I have no clothes to wear, so I have to buy new ones."

After changing clothes, CC came to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and took out breakfast. During breakfast, she usually checks emails and news. For example, today is the day that Mayo gives her her regular weekly report, and she will report in detail the latest developments of Ed and the woman. Although this little girl was tricked by her with the intention of kidnapping Asuka, but now she seems to be unexpectedly loyal to her, which makes her a little embarrassed. But that's all, the little girl is just a passer-by in her long life.

"'The relationship between the two is getting closer and closer, Mr. Ed continues to act stupid, and the woman is forcing him to express his position more and more tightly.' Although Ed is well understood, how did he find out so much information? CC frowned, puzzled. Although she possesses all kinds of unexpected skills, even she can't have such high-end skills. "Mayo has never been in love, so why is she able to do so?" Are you so sure about making a judgment?"

According to Maio's description during this period, after the woman entered the house, she didn't know what means to live in, and then began to pretend to be Mrs. Lingos outside while brushing on Ed's favor, trying to create an illusion for others. . The effect is very good so far, and everyone around Ed regards her as the mistress of the Lingus family. Mayu was very anxious about this, and desperately hoped that CC would go back quickly, but she was very calm.

I scoffed at these little tricks that Lux had done. Ed is a person who lives in his own little world. The opinions imposed on him by the people around him have little effect on him. The most important thing is his own will, so she never wastes time tossing about it. In her opinion, Lux didn't understand Ed's outlook on life and world at all, and it was useful to use his weakness in his character to press on for a short period of time, but with what she knew about Ed—

"Even if he is really forced to make an impulsive decision, he will show his sincerity at a critical moment." CC smiled contemptuously, "The direction is not right, and the harder you work, the farther you will be wrong."

After eating breakfast, CC went out as usual, and after a long journey, he came to wander around NERV. She comes and goes around every day for a long time, but it has never been fruitful.

In the early days, there were no defense measures at all here. She could go wherever she wanted, and she was free to come and go just like returning to her mother's house. After Lilith was discovered, Britannia and a group of people who did not know who could not sit back and watch Japan monopolize Lilith without knowing it, worked together to split Japan, and supported a puppet regime to start the construction of the third new Tokyo city. Later, after they built almost all the facilities they needed, the relocation of the capital, which was used as a guise, was cancelled. Although there are defensive measures during this period, she can still get in with a little effort.

Until Japan was officially occupied by Britannia, and it was completely under the protection of Britannia, security measures suddenly became extremely tight. Even with her familiarity with the terrain and her extraordinary skills, it took her so long to find no flaws. But she didn't want to give up no matter what, this was probably her biggest and last hope after living for so long.

The day passed quickly, and CC, who was as fruitless as usual, set out on his way home, while thinking about what to eat for the evening.

When she was passing by the No. 1 Middle School near her home, it was just after school time. Outside the school gate, she saw a girl with red hair yelling at another boy who was very weak, and the boy was submissive. look.

"Are you an idiot? If you are bullied by Suzuhara, then you resist. It's because you are like this that you are bullied all the time, do you know that?" The red-haired girl said loudly, "Ah~ Really, just look Come on!"

"Suzuhara-kun didn't bully me." The boy replied weakly, "It's just a different way of showing intimacy..."

"Are you an idiot?" The girl looked even more angry, "I said you—"

After that CC had gone far away, and didn't hear what they continued to say, and didn't care much. As long as she goes home at this point, there is a high probability of encountering these two people, and the mode of dialogue is similar. It's rare for a man to be weak like this. She noticed it curiously at first, but she got used to it after watching it more.

"Although Ed is also a little weak, it's fortunate that he is not weak like this." CC muttered to himself, not knowing what he thought, and suddenly smiled with a blushing face, "Sometimes it's quite strong?"

"This beautiful lady, where have we met?" The sudden voice behind her startled CC, she turned around and took a few steps back quickly,

"Who are you? I don't know you." CC looked at the man in front of him alertly, he looked only in his teens, he should be a man, but his temperament was feminine like a woman, with gray hair and red The pupils are very conspicuous. But most of all, the alarm bells were ringing in her mind, as instinctively frightened as she encountered something higher up the food chain.

"It's also possible that I made a mistake." The boy showed a slightly confused expression, and then smiled lightly, "I'm sorry, I should have made a mistake. I accidentally recognized you as one of my brothers and sisters. You should It's the 'betrayer', right?"

Then CC understood what the "person" in front of him was - an apostle. Although I don't know why he looks like a human, he is undoubtedly the real thing. Unlike her fakes who can't do anything but die, he can do everything, a real apostle. There was no mistake in her initial induction, and the other party was indeed a more advanced existence than her.

"From your point of view, I'm a betrayal, a fugitive, a failure, whatever you want to call it." She didn't know what the other party wanted to do, but no matter what, it was not something that a fake like her could control.

"It turns out that the so-called traitor is not even NewType. This is the first time I have seen it." The boy looked at her with intriguing eyes, and continued to chat with her enthusiastically, "come to such a place, Did you come to see your father too? I went down and looked, and I regret to tell you that Adam is not here."

"Do you have a way to go down?" CC looked at the creature in surprise, of course she knew Adam wasn't here, so she focused on another thing, "I didn't hear any alarms."

"Although it's not easy, it's just time. But there isn't even a NewType in it. Is this ignorance or arrogance? What do they think we are, giants a few hundred meters tall?" The young man smiled again "But Lilith is lonely, and no one talks to her. I chatted with her for a while and learned something interesting."

"What?" CC couldn't help swallowing.

"Dangerous foreign objects got in." The boy showed a dangerous expression for the first time. "Our fate, whether it's a trial, is only a matter between us. Even if only one of us can survive, it will be among us. On the one hand, there is no reason to let the alien species take advantage of it. No matter what happens in the end, the alien species must be wiped out before that. This is the responsibility of me and all my brothers and sisters, so I am about to embark on a long search. By the way, this beautiful lady, can you tell me why you are so nervous?"

"No, you will be wrong." CC tried her best to reply in her calmest voice. "Nothing to be nervous about, bye."

Making a calm expression was easier for her than eating and drinking, but at this moment it seemed extremely difficult. She could feel her heart beating faster, her blood pressure rising, her back getting cold, and she even broke out in a cold sweat. Ecstasy and fear collided in her heart, and she didn't even know she still had such intense emotions.

"But your appearance is like saying that you know where this alien species is." The young man narrowed his eyes and stared at her, "Then can you please tell me? Even a traitor should be on Li Lin's side, right? , Although I may not have a way to kill you, it is not that I have no means of obtaining information at all. Although I do not want to do so, but the stakes are very important and can only violate my principles. "

"I don't know what exotic species." CC still looked at him blankly, "I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about."

"Just in case I ask, is the alien species you know a NewType?" The teenager read the answer he wanted from CC's heart rate, the dangerous look disappeared from his face, and returned to a smile, "If If so, don't be nervous, Lilith specifically mentioned that this dangerous alien species is not NewType."

While heaving a sigh of relief, CC felt a surge of despair. Not NT? Why not NT? How can it not be NT? She took a deep breath and asked with last hope, "What else did she say?"

"I didn't say anything, and I didn't ask. Wouldn't it be better if I suggest you go to her in person? Or you can't find a way to go on?" The boy thought for a while, "If you don't dislike it, I can take you down, as a I misunderstood your compensation just now. By the way, I’m so rude, I keep forgetting to introduce myself, you can call me Zhu Xun.”

CC looked at the courteous young man in front of him and couldn't help but be in a trance, is this really an apostle? But this is not important now, she has not given up, she must ask herself before giving up. She nodded to the teenager in agreement.

"Then let's meet here at nine o'clock this morning next month. There is only one day of the month that is the right time to dive in." The boy, who should be called Nagisa Kaoru now, gave CC a warm smile, "You seem to particularly hope that someone A NewType is an alien species, am I right?"