Not Super Robot Wars at All

Chapter 83: Righteous people


Villkiss galloped at full speed in the afterglow of the setting sun, Ed tried desperately to hug An Qi's waist, not daring to move, for fear that he would fall off Villkiss if he let go.

"It's not a small plane at all, it's a motorcycle!" He shouted in An Qi's ear, because the sound was attenuated very much in the strong wind, "I don't even mention the seat belt, it's still leaking, you Isn't it cold to wear so little?"

"You don't have to shout so loudly, I can hear you." An Qi slowed down Villkiss's speed a little, "Thank you for your concern, it's not cold."

"Who cares about you, it's me who's cold!" Ed was shivering in the cold wind, he couldn't help but hugged a little tighter. An Qi's driver's suit had an open belly, and he covered her with his arms. Warm belly, " eight pack abs?"

"If you say one more word, I'll throw you down!" An Qi twisted uncomfortably on the spot, "Don't move your hands, you can't go up or down!"

A decent gentleman like Dr. Lingos had no intention of taking advantage of him, but he subconsciously hugged him so tightly because this mode of transportation was too exciting. Alice didn't follow them, but lurked on the bottom of the sea near that deserted island—both Nanoworms and Gundams were waterproof and didn't affect automatic repair.

Although he trusts Friday, he doesn't trust Friday's IQ, and the situation on the island can't listen to her one-sided words, so Alice still can't be exposed without revealing it.

"That, Ed." An Qi said suddenly, her tone a little melancholy, "I just killed someone."

He immediately understood that this was the first time An Qi had taken someone's life. Although the first time he killed himself, he shot and killed a few in a row without feeling anything, but An Qi is a girl after all, so her mind will be more sensitive.

He thought for a while, and said in the mildest tone possible: "You were forced to kill a bad person in order to save a good person, and you were under my command from beginning to end, you were forced to act, and human life should be counted in on my head."

"But I did it myself." An Qi was still a little confused, "and what kind of person are you..."

"Of course it's people, not guns, who use guns to kill people," he replied as a matter of course. "What you were doing at the time was similar to what a gun would do. Don't think too much, you can't understand it with your IQ."

"You have a low IQ! My IQ is very high, even higher than my teammates!" An Qi froze a little and calmed down, "It's all your fault, I don't want to."

"Your teammate's IQ is lower than yours?" He pretended to say regretfully, "Then there is no way to open a harem on the island. It is against the law to be mentally retarded."

"You can't finish it!" An Qi immediately froze again, "And you accidentally said what you said in your heart! Sure enough, you have a bad mind and want to open the harem!"

He saw that An Qi was no longer struggling with the issue of murder. He hummed softly and didn't speak, just hugged silently. Angie seemed to have understood something, so she stopped and didn't speak. After a while, the two arrived at Arzenar, and Vilkiss slowly landed on the tarmac.

"Angie! Where did you go? You were almost considered a deserter, did you know that!" Before the cockpit was opened, a young girl's roar was heard outside, and then the cockpit opened, "Men, man? What, what's the situation?"

Ed let go of Angie and turned over from Villkiss, only to see a girl with two ponytails standing not far away, with a lot of people standing behind her, as if everyone was waiting for Angie to come back.

"You're very popular, so many people are waiting for you." He whispered to An Qi, walked over to the girl with two ponytails and saluted, "Hello, my name is Adrian Lingos, I'm outside Norma of the world. I accidentally fell on a nearby desert island and was picked up by An Qi after being discovered. I am sorry to cause you trouble."

"Hello, my name is Salia, I'm An Qi's squadron commander." The girl politely returned a salute, "Where is it, An Qi is causing trouble, please don't care."

"Hello Salia, I'm so lucky to have met such a polite and communicative girl when I was in trouble." Ed gave her a gentleman's smile. This is obviously a good boy, not the same as An Qi. , "Are you the person in charge? Then I'll explain to you what happened, An Qi may not be able to explain."

"I'm not the person in charge, you are too polite." Salia saluted again, "Here, Commander Jill and Inspector Emma are in charge, and I can introduce you to them."

While speaking, he keenly noticed that in the row behind, there was an older young woman dressed in a different dress than everyone else, showing a surprised expression, as if she knew him. What's even more interesting is that there is a girl in a maid costume in the crowd, most likely it is the peach fragrance in An Qi's mouth, but it turns out to be NewType in his consciousness, but the other party seems to be unaware.

An Qi glanced at Ed, who had already chatted with Salia, in dismay, and muttered there by himself: "Long hair, no Opie..."

"Angie, explain immediately what's going on." A character who looked like a strong woman came over, and Salia told Ed in a low voice that this was Commander Gil, "Norma from the outside world is to be handed over to Miser. Strange execution, what do you think of Arzenar?"

"Just like Taoxiang's time, I bought his right to live here." An Qi looked at the commander sternly, "How much?"

The commander reported the number, and An Qi thought about it and walked to Salia: "Lend me the money."

"Why?" Salia's quiet expression was suddenly shattered, and she was instantly excited, "That's almost all of my savings, so don't lend it to you!"

"Oh, that's it." An Qi shouted in an emotionless voice, "I'm a beautiful girl Paladin—"

"Wow! Wow!" Salia covered An Qi's mouth with her teeth and claws, "Borrow! Borrow! Borrow as much as you want!"

"Did you hear that, so that's it." An Qi looked at Ed with pride, "I bought your right to live in Arzenar, and you are now my private property."

At this time, a group of girls came under pressure again, probably because they heard that An Qi brought a man back, and they all came to watch the fun. He heard various ominous conversations coming from the crowd, such as: "Although he is not as handsome, but he is very delicious", "I don't dare to go with everyone alone", "Let me come first", etc. Wait, wait, I hear Ed's hair standing on end and cold sweat pouring out.

"... Hurry up and come out with a Gundam. Anything will do." He muttered to himself weakly with his hand on his forehead, "I always feel that I have traveled to another drama."

In fact, he was very willing to be brought to this place by An Qi, not for some girls all over the place, but to have the opportunity to inquire about information from the inside, not to mention that he would be able to advance and retreat freely in more than a month. The information given by An Qi almost shattered his worldview, which he could not accept anyway. What dragon, super power, it's too weird, he has the responsibility to ensure a safe world view for important people like CC, Lux, Minerva, this is something only he can do.

After a fuss, Ed got to know several main characters on the island, and everyone seemed to be quite accepting of "buying people". After that, he was assigned a fairly clean and tidy single room, similar to what An Qi described.

The Ombudsman chased away the noisy girls and took Ed to a conference room. She locked the door and stood opposite Ed, gave a military salute and then sat down: "Hello, Dr. Lingos, I belong to the Gibraltar base. , Lieutenant Emma Sheen of the Titans."

Ed opened his mouth, not knowing how to complain, this feeling of going back through immediately.

"Doctor, I know that you and Colonel Siroc had a holiday, but now it's an emergency, please listen to me first." Emma stopped him from asking questions and continued, "A year ago, I was accepted by Western Colonel Locke's order and two teammates carried out a secret mission to infiltrate Misirqi. After that, I was attacked by an unknown black Gundam type MS. Both teammates died in battle. Unfortunately, I was captured. The performance of the other's MS is very strong, and we met each other was destroyed."

"Gundam-type MS?" Ed thought of Villkiss, "I thought it was all PMs here."

"This is false information. Miserki can confirm that there is at least one black Gundam-type MS, and one red MS that is suspected to be able to transform." Emma continued, "I saw Mies after I was deprived of all means of communication. The supreme leader of Erqi is not the king, but a mysterious man named Embrio. After I gained his trust with Xu and Wei Snake, I was sent here to serve as an inspector."

"There's another character that I haven't heard of before, the mastermind behind the kingdom." Ed thought to himself, "According to the morality of the general plot, this is most likely the final boss of this show, and the important information should be written down quickly."

"In the past year, I have basically gained the trust of these girls here, but I have never found a way to leave." Emma looked at him nervously, "Doctor, I hope you temporarily put aside your prejudice against Titans, and I worked together to find a way to leave."

This reflects the greatest advantage of transmigrators. Ed knows that Emma is likely to be a "good person" and a partner who can cooperate. This can also be confirmed from An Qi's previous description of the inspector. If it wasn't Emma, but a character like Cardi Jenna, Ed could look dumbfounded and sneak away.

He pretended to struggle for a while before slowly opening his mouth: "I have no idea how to leave, but I agree to the proposal of temporary cooperation, the only condition is that I hope you will share information with me, especially tell me about Gundam and Gundam in detail. This Embrio situation."

Emma breathed a sigh of relief. What she was most afraid of was that the Doctor refused to cooperate because of Sirocco's relationship: "Of course, I am so lucky to meet someone of my own in such a strange place."

After a long chat with Emma, it was already time to go to bed. He didn't want to look for An Qi so late. Ed returned to the room assigned to him and lay on the bed thinking. Regarding the dragon and the superhuman named Mana, Emma's narrative is similar to that of An Qi, and it seems that she can only rely on her own eyes to believing.

Regarding Embrio, in addition to being disgusting in his words and deeds, he is also very particular about his living habits. According to Emma, he was extremely cautious and did not reveal any useful information. This is what Edd is most worried about. He must figure out the purpose and means of this boss in advance, in case it is another neurosis like Cruze who wants to destroy the world.

As for the two MSs in Emma's description, he had an unreliable guess for the red plane, but in any case, it was too unscientific to put in this unpredictable world view. He shook his head and felt that he must have guessed wrong. . And the black one was completely clueless, not like any Gundam he knew. He rummaged through his memories and gradually became sleepy, eventually falling asleep.

Under the moonlight, a figure suddenly appeared out of thin air in Ed's room. The man was wearing a sophisticated green suit and looked at Ed playfully.

"This is NewType, I finally got a chance to see it up close." He didn't know whether he was talking to himself or who he was talking to. "It's the same as you predicted, it's very interesting. It seems that my understanding is still a little off. Mana is a failure."

Ed turned over in his sleep, from lying on his side to lying on his back, revealing a sleepless face.

"The fate of being entangled in something called Gundam is very similar to you." The man walked to Ed's bed and unconsciously put his fingertips on Ed's cheek, "Even the eyebrows are like you, my' Old friend' ah, how can this not be missed."

Just as his fingertips were about to touch Ed, the man suddenly disappeared out of thin air, and Ed opened his eyes almost at the same time. He rolled over and sat up, looking around, only the moonlight spilled into the room through the window, and there was no trace of anyone there. He rushed out the door and looked left and right. There was no one in the hallway.

"Damn it." He sat back on the bed in a daze, "The NT radar can't be wrong, so... um, was almost attacked by a girl at night?"

Ed, who felt that he had come to the right conclusion, lay contentedly on the bed. It was only early in the morning, and he fell asleep quickly after being so sleepy.

The next morning, Ed was woken up by An Qi and brought to the cafeteria. The maid and sister followed An Qi respectfully. Looking at the dark and beautiful young girls in the cafeteria, all of them wearing revealing uniforms, Ed once again felt that he should have transmigrated into some kind of drama that is not suitable for children.

An Qi made two breakfasts and put one in front of him: "You are my private property now, they won't attack you, probably, and I won't let you starve to death."

"Thank you, I'm so sorry to eat yours and use yours." Ed looked left and right, "Are you sitting alone? Isn't this all about sitting with your teammates while eating and chatting?"

"Don't worry about it, I get along very well with them." An Qi sat across from him, "I have the fragrance of peach, so that's fine."

"I understand the interpersonal relationship between problem girls." Ed nodded thoughtfully, "Don't worry, I will help you solve this problem before I run away, so I will give you back my favor. Educating problem children I'm very good at it and have had very successful cases."

"I'm just looking for an excuse to talk to the girl. I've seen through your routine." An Qi snorted, "I won't save you if you kill yourself and get pushed to the ground."

After dinner, An Qi went to the routine training, and Ed, who had nothing to do, found Taoxiang. There was another important thing about her that needed to be verified - what is Mana, and why the girl was marked as NewType in her consciousness.

Although he was in front of the royal genuine white silk maid, he thought about his CC and Lux, and immediately put his mind right: "Hello, Miss Taoxiang."

"Hello, Mr. Ed, please call me Taoxiang." The maid bowed politely, "You are the only male friend of His Royal Highness Angelique, please don't dislike it and be good to His Highness. get along."

Although this maid girl is so cute, sensible and considerate of her master, he definitely has no messy thoughts: "Taoxiang, I want to ask you to do me a favor, it is an extremely important matter."

"What is it?" The maid folded her hands in front of her and tilted her head slightly, showing a puzzled look.

"I want you to accompany me to study the nature of Norma and Mana, which is related to the stability of the world and the future of mankind." He put on the most honest smile he could do, "I am a serious person, and I am a decent person. I promise that I will never do anything weird, I just hope you will cooperate with me to do a few experiments purely for scientific purposes."