Not Super Robot Wars at All

Chapter 87: people left behind


As the bell rang, today's Anaheim Elementary School also came to school. Minerva, who was carrying a schoolbag, chatted with her classmates indifferently, with a faint smile on her face. After arriving at the school gate, she said hello to everyone gracefully, and then got into a car and sat in the back seat. superior. Children will subconsciously imitate the people around them, and Minerva was like a mixture of trumpet Lux and CC when she was in school.

"Audrey." Uruki greeted her casually, "We have to go to Anaheim to pick up someone, and we have to take a long detour."

"Sister Lucette? Okay." Minerva took out her phone and looked at it as she spoke, "Uncle Hong, when will you have a baby?"

"Not yet." Pumu scratched his head embarrassedly and started the car, "Your sister Lucchet has been promoted again, and her salary is getting higher and higher than mine. I'm under a lot of pressure at home. She didn't even mention children, I'm ashamed to mention it."

"Then I told Sister Lux to ask her to give Uncle Hong a raise?" Minerva raised her head from her phone and looked at him with a serious look on her face.

"No, no, just talk casually, don't tell her, don't tell her." Pumu smiled happily, he really liked Minerva, "This social education is very important, I graduated from the military school, eat Those with low academic qualifications, Audrey, you must study hard."

Uruki was originally the bodyguard of Dr. Lingos's house. After the death of Dr. Lux, a widow with a daughter, Lux, decisively dismissed him in order to prevent the suspicion of Guatian Li. Uragi understands Lux's decision, and after marrying Lucette, she applies for another job, this time becoming Minerva's full-time driver.

"Well, my grades are very good. Last year's final exam was the first in the class." Minerva was flipping through her phone, and a bright smile suddenly burst into her face, "Uncle Ed will definitely praise me when he comes back. I want Uncle Ed to accompany me to play Lift High!"

Uruki fell silent. Among all the people, only Minerva still believed that the Doctor would come back, and no one had the heart to pierce her hope.

After a while, Uruki picked up Lucchet, who was off work, in Anaheim, and the three of them went to the Lingos family's mansion. Lux and CC moved shortly after the Doctor disappeared and bought a larger house. The house is in the best location in the capital. It is said that the full payment is made. Uruki and Lucchet have calculated it. The couple will be able to save enough money before they retire.

Uruki went to park alone, and Lucchet took Minerva into the house. As soon as Minerva changed into her slippers, she ran to Cagalli and hugged her, then put her small head on Cagalli's stomach. Cagalli nodded to Lucy, touched Minerva's little head, and showed a gentle smile.

"Audrey, etiquette." CC, who was sitting on the side, made a cold voice, "Is there anyone who hasn't said hello."

Minerva shrank her head, let go of Kagali in embarrassment, and greeted each of them honestly: "Sister CC, Sister Kagali, Brother Kira, Sister Mayu, Sister Stella, True Brother."

"Only Brother Hong is an uncle. No matter how many times I hear it, I feel very pitiful." Asuka joked, "It's obviously not too old, so I don't know how Audrey calculated it."

"Ed is also an uncle!" Minerva corrected him seriously, and everyone fell silent again. Minerva didn't care about the awkward atmosphere, and continued to hug Cagalli, "Sister Cagalli, how long will it take for them to come out?"

"It's only six months, it's still early." Cagalli didn't care that Minerva had to ask this question every time, it's normal for children, "Audrey will be her sister after they come out, you have to take care of them. Good to them."

"Yeah!" Minerva nodded vigorously, "I'll have a younger brother and a younger sister! Sister Cagalli, what are their names?"

"Uh, this." Cagalli looked blankly at the people around her, "Kira, what are their names?"

"I-I haven't thought about it yet." Kira immediately answered with omnipotence, "What do you think?"

"Well, this is it." Cagalli rubbed her chin and thought hard for a few seconds before giving up, "My name means light, your name means glow, I hope their names can also have such a meaning. That's fine. If you can't think of it, it's up to you to decide."

"Lights and glows?" Minerva said incredulously. "Isn't it like—"

"Audrey." CC's voice sounded again, Minerva didn't know what mistake she had made, she must have made a mistake anyway, she shrank her head reflexively.

"The question of the name is still very important." Kira suddenly sweated profusely, "Why don't we ask more knowledgeable people?"

"Just ask Uncle Ed when he comes back!" Minerva raised his hand excitedly, "Uncle Ed knows everything!"

Everyone didn't want to take this sentence, only Asuka summoned the courage and reluctantly responded: "...Okay."

"Sister CC." Mayu and CC whispered, "This child has not been with Mr. Ed for too long, why is he so deeply in love?"

Today, this small circle was originally gathering to celebrate Mayu's successful walk, but Mayu was not at all sad that she was not the center of the conversation. She was standing next to CC, and Asuka was holding her nervously, for fear that something might go wrong, Stella stared at Asuka with resentment.

"Either you don't remember it, you can't forget it if you remember it. This is the so-called NewType." CC gave a rare chuckle, "It's all like this."

Everyone thought that Minerva would soon forget Edd as the child just remembered, but everyone underestimated how deeply NewType remembered each other. For Minerva, not only did Ed not leave, but he seemed to be by her side all the time, and she could always bring him up in conversations as if nothing had happened. Both CC and Lux suffered from Minerva at first, but then they got used to it.

At almost seven o'clock, Lux finally returned in a professional attire. She greeted everyone one by one, touched Minerva's head intimately, and went straight back to her room to change her clothes. The women in black suits behind them put the purchased food on the table, and then exit respectfully. Just finished the emergency press conference today. There are so many guests at home that she has no time and energy to cook.

Mrs. Lingos is now the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Moon Government to the outside world, and the director of the Strategic Fudge Bureau, mainly responsible for flickering Moonlight Butterfly related issues. These black suits were directly transferred to her by Diana from the Guards, and they were regarded as Ed's legacy.

After a while, Lux, who had changed into her private clothes, came out of the room and greeted everyone to serve dinner.

"Congratulations Mayu, you are finally able to walk by yourself." Lux asked Mayu to sit at the top, and she, as the hostess, sat at the bottom, "Everyone is happy for you, but the happiest thing is probably the truth? He must be happier than you are."

"Brother is happy that he can finally get rid of his burden and accompany his girlfriend." Mayu played coquettishly, "I don't have to help my sister with muscle rehabilitation every day, and I don't have to wash my sister's feet, that's great. ah."

"I swear to God, there is absolutely no such thing!" Asuka looked very excited, "I will still be as good to Mayu in the future, no, better!"

"Really." Stella pouted and pulled at him, "Really, what about me?"

Lux and CC couldn't help laughing when they looked at the devastated Asuka, and they laughed a little lonely.

Minerva felt the emotions in the air for a moment, then took out her phone, opened a picture, and stuffed it into CC's hands in one go, then trotted all the way behind Cagalli and hugged her as if she was fleeing.

CC looked at Minerva's movements for a while, then looked down at the phone. Within two seconds, shock, ecstasy, fear, anger, relief appeared on her face one after another, and finally returned to dullness.

She put the phone in Lux's hand expressionlessly, her cold voice with a hint of choking: "Mrs. Lingos, don't divorce and keep it for the New Year?"

Lux took the phone and stared at the picture in disbelief. The eye circles became red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and her chest heaved violently. She raised her other hand to cover her mouth to prevent herself from making a humiliating noise, but tears still welled up in her eyes.

Everyone looked at CC and Lux in turn in amazement, and the atmosphere became eerily quiet.

"Audrey." CC patted Lux on the back, and looked at the source hiding behind Cagallie, "Who and when did this send it to you?"

"Uncle Xia, a month ago." Minerva replied in a low voice, but everyone could hear it clearly in the quiet environment. At this time, no one cared why the infamous Xia appeared, because her next sentence was Saying this, "Turn the page down, Uncle Char said Uncle Ed will be back soon."

There was a sudden clanging sound on the dining table, and Uraki and Asuka stood up excitedly at the same time and knocked over the tableware at hand. The two looked at each other, and both saw the expressions on their faces on the other's faces.

"Look at his movements, his expression." CC sneered in a hoarse voice, "If there are two, there will be three, and it will never change."

"Death is hard to change?" Lux took a deep breath, wiped her eyes with a tissue and immediately calmed down, "Nothing to worry about, I'm Mrs. Lingos."

CC raised his eyebrows and looked at her playfully without speaking.

Lux turned to the next page and read Char's message, and then exclaimed, "He's in the military fortress in the territorial waters of Miserki?!"

Everyone looked at her for unknown reasons. Lux shook her head and said worriedly: "Today's emergency press conference is for this. This week, Titans and Britannia will conduct joint military exercises in the Atlantic Ocean. Off the coast of Misirki. Colonel Sirocco and Charles the Great marched against the opposition of the entire Federal Parliament. The routine is the same as in Japan before, and everyone is speculating whether they are finally going to attack Misirki."

"So they also got the information, but they are actually robbing the doctor?" Pumu said excitedly, "Then we have to get the doctor back before them!"

Asuka nodded desperately.

"Not necessarily, just because Ed doesn't need such a big battle." Lux frowned and thought, "There should be other reasons. If Colonel Siroc is just venting his anger, why should Emperor Charles cooperate with him?"

"Ed offended Britannia for me. It's a bloody feud, don't you know?" The CC present didn't trust all of them, she said it more vaguely, "Or you can think about the reason slowly, Pumu, Asuka, to time to follow me."

"Your personality is as awkward as Eddie's." Lux sighed silently, "The Atlantic Ocean is so big, how can you find someone if I don't go there?"

"What about Lingos radar." CC snorted, "Roland's words, the situation has finally stabilized, and Diana won't let him take action. At most, give some people some convenience."

"So the combat power is not enough, right?" Cagalli said to the people around her, "Kira, you can go too, I really want Dr. Lingos to name the children."

Kira took Cagalli's hand and nodded to Lux and CC.

"That," Asuka couldn't help interrupting everyone, "Can you show the photo that Audrey said? I really want to see what Mr. Adrian looks like now."

"No, everyone can see him when he comes back." Lux put the phone back on the table and turned off the screen, "Ed is as usual, no, it should be very good, very good, extremely good, too good All right."

Minerva felt a chill on her body and hugged Cagalli tighter.

"I'm so sorry, Mayu." Lux smiled embarrassedly at Mayu, "Maybe it's going to change from a celebration to a battle meeting."

"It's okay, really!" Mayu waved his hand quickly, "I also really want Mr. Ed to come back."

"Then let's start." Lux cleared her throat, "This time it is an invasion of the territory of another country. It is difficult to count on the public support of His Royal Highness Roland. We are the only one in this infiltration operation. In the event of a conflict, we have to stagger the time from the military exercise and act in advance."

After the meeting, everyone left with different thoughts. Minerva trotted back to the room and closed the door with a guilty conscience. There were only two women left in the living room.

"I thought he was controlled by long hair?" CC lay lazily on the sofa, "When doing it, it's obvious... You should understand?"

"I thought so too, who knows." Lux responded in a low voice with a half-smile, "This body is so good, I envy it."

CC "tsk", but did not reply.

"At least people come back first, otherwise it's all empty joy." Lux shook her head, got up and walked to her room, "Everything will be discussed after you come back."

"So if you want to be happy, you have to go through countless hardships..." There was only one person left in the empty living room, CC closed his eyes and muttered to himself, "Lilith, my life has had enough downfalls, so far It's not too much to give me a big start, right?"

Meanwhile, the Gibraltar base.

"Colonel Sirocco." Shumu Suzaku gave a standard military salute, "Shumu Suzaku, the seventh knight of the Knights of the Round Table, reports to you that I and the third knight are in charge of this military exercise."

Sirocco nodded indistinctly to indicate that he heard it. He is already a person who can chat and laugh with Emperor Charles. Schneider, who was judging him in the past, now sees him and calls out to the colonel in a proper manner. The other party is a mere knight of the round table, still relying on a woman to take the top position, it is a courtesy to come to see him, he doesn't need to be concerned at all.

The continuous loss of the Unicorn and the original stone Xin'anzhou within a year made his head as big as a fight. This time, he was forced to escort the mourning banshee in person. He also knew the purpose of the military exercise. The main reason was that Britannia and one of his sponsors wanted to do something. He could just send out some people at will, and he didn't have to worry about it himself.

As for Lingos, who is said to be hiding on a small island, he will send someone to take a look at that time, and he won't be bothered if he can't find it. He knows how slippery NT is.

"Does Charles the Great have any words?" Sirocco asked casually without any sincerity.

"His Majesty the Emperor hopes that the military exercise can be advanced." Suzaku replied honestly, "The time announced to the public is to confuse Miserqi. He hopes to catch Miserqi by surprise."